The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1912, Image 8

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    Mrs W. S. Mela of Mystic, t. l.,
! gJowly recovering fmm a V9fJ
eerkwn attack of la grippe. She
fll confine to her bed all of Last
Conductor U. N. Hoakins, who
has been off (he prcst twp months
with (wo sprained ankles, left on
No. 42 Tuesday night for Lincoln
ad other eastern points. He will
be gone about two week.
Pasaenger Conductor Zollinger re
ported for work Tuesday, taking
Conductor C. D. Reed a car and
I ri
Dr. SleeUe, company phyaictan,
writes from Omaha that tho Pax tun
Hotel, where he to stopping, had a
0re early in the evening Monday.
The house was full of guests, all of
whom made a hasty exit. No seri
ous damage was done to the build
log or content.
' Mrs. Krtc Skalander, wife of Con
ductor Skalander of Dead wood, i
ttrUKing firlends and relatives in the
Mr. McLean, formerly a dispatch
er here but now of Salt Lake City,
arrived in Alliance Tuesday morn
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bently of
Deadwood are spending a few days
In AlMance this week.
Fireman Van Meter writes from
Qaleaburg that business is rushing
there. Clarence Hull ia the only
Alliance boy he has run across.
Clarence thinks railroading there is
a snap.
e e e
The Business Men's Club of Dead
Brood haw tihe matter up with the
(Burlington in regard to putting on a
combination bufret and observation
car on the high line.
Fireman Dick Dodd. who has been
soaking I lengthy visit with 'rela
tives in Kansas, returned to Alliance
Brakeman John Barker i-s planning
to take I thirty days' layoff, which
lie will spend with relatives in Ohio.
W. Heiscnbuttle, until recently a
C. B. & Q. freight conductor, Is
making arrangements to move to a
farm near Bridgeport.
m m m
J. L. Hiedernian, dispatcher in
the Burlington office at Deadwood,
Ban returned after a short vacation
and again taken' up Ills duties as
first trick dispatcher.
Mrs. Thomas Kahler. wife of
Brakeman Kahler, arrived in Alll
aace laat Saturday morning from
Lincoln. She was accompanied by
her two little children. Mrs. Kah
ler will visit in Alliance until after
97 day.
W. J. Tragasaer left Alliance on
the Denver train Saturday night. Mr.
Tragaeser will visit for a few days
la Denver (hen go on west for a
glght seeing trip along the Pacific
Mr. Burdock of Denver, a rep re
lative of the Santa Ke railroad.
came In on the Burlington and was
attending to company business tn
Deadwood last week
Bnglneer Blsbop is still on the re
lief and will not be able to report
far duty for some time.
Supt. Weldenhamer of Alliance in
car 84 was making an inspection trip
over the high lino the first of the
Letters r Ived from Mlaa Agnes
KowDand say that she is still in the
hospital. Doctors Allison and Single
hope to reach her trouble without
an operation. Mrs. Kitzpatrick is
making arrangements to go to Oma
ha the first of the week to be with
Miss Rowland.
Master Mechanic Raycroft Is mak
ing arrangements to go to Chicago,
February 16, on company business.
Fireman Newberg Is tfie proud
father of a ten pound boy, who ar
rived at his home via the Stork
route Sunday. Mother and child
are both doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rooter and
little daughter, who have been vis
iting in Colorado, returned to Alli
ance Saturday noon.
e e
Mis Maude ftplichl of I lie super
intendent's office came in on No. 43
Monday from Dunning, where she
had been making a short visit with
Mrs. Wright.
Dr. I Uracil man, company medical
examiner, went to Boulder, Colorado,
ftatirrday for a visit with an old col
lege chum. He returned Monday
Claude Macdonald is now nicely
settled in this new position as train
master's chief clerk. He has al
ready demonstrated the fact that he
can fill the posidon with credit to
hlmseJlf, and satisfaction to both the
company and the men. Mr. Hughes
of Oinalha takes the place of time
keeper for the train men and en
gine men, made vacant by the pro
motion of Macdonald.
Mrs. McConnell. of Simla. is
visiting at the home of W. J. Hill.
Mr Walker, who was operated on
a short time ago at the hospital, lias
made a very rapid recovnry, Which
reflects great credit on Doctors Sla
gle and llershman. who had charge
of the case. Mr. Walker was down
town Monday, and on No. 42 Monti. t
High! he left for the home of his
parents, in Kansas, near Summer
ville. Dr. Kun was a passenger on No.
41 Tuesday morning. He went to
JCdgemont on company business.
Otvll Bngineer Froyd went to
iCdgemont Monday morning on com
pany business.
IM vision Lineman ti. W. Patterson
wan a west bound passenger Mon
day . t
The Kensington of the ladles'
Auxiliary to the H. -f L K. were
entertained at the home of Mrs
Hockey last Thursday. A dainty
lunch was served and a very pleas
ant afternoon was spent.
E. R. Morrison, traveling engin
eer, left Monday morning for Chica
go on business for the company. He
will stop a few days in Lincoln on
hlB return, for a visit with his son,
Jesse MuffliKon. who Is a machinist.
P. K. Homlg, repair track foreman
and wife left for Chicago last Sat
unlay Mr. Homlg goes to attend a
meeting of the Advisory Board of
the Burlington Relief They will
A 12ixl6l m f )
i Oak Frame Kf.
JV Mirror for JLUU 1
visit Mrs. Romlg's parents, in Iong
Pine, Nobr., before returning to Al
liance. Mat MctJulre. brother :f Mrs. J.
Bi Knlest. arrived .Monday morning
from Msrshalltow n. Iowa, for a visit
with relatives and others. Mat has
just completed his trade as machin
ist at the Iowa Central shops, at
that place.
Charles Iven)orl, general griev
ance man for the B. of L. E. and
F., has gone to Chicago to look after
tilie Interest of the order.
T. H. FrunJte of Chicago was In
town this week taking measures for
new uniforms. He represents the
Singer Tailoring Company.
Charley Yockey went to Ft. Mor
gan Monday for a visit at the Fox
O. Hale of Bonner was shaking
hands with his old railroad friends,
Monday. Mr. Hale is making good
on the ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Berry of Reno
were Alliance visitors Monday.
Switchman Robert Drlscoll will
heave on No. 42 Saturday night for
Buffalo, New York. He will spend
thirty days there with relatives and
Brakeman Fred Vaughn will leave
on March 1st for a sight seeing trip
to the Pacific coast and will also
visit several Canadian cities. He
will be gone sixty days.
Advertisement of The Famous Cloth
ing House Handy fqr Desk
The Famous Clothing House of
Alliance is one of the most success -ful
as well as one of the most ex
tensive advertisers in western Ne
braska. The success of their ad
vertising is due not only to the fact
that they advertise extensively,
which, however, is a very essential
feature, but they advertise judi
clously. Their advertisements have
the merit of an attractive appear
ance, large enough to attract atten
tion, and containing inforiniUion thai
is always interesting to persons who
are in need of anything in their
line, and last, but not least by any
means, they back i.p their advertise
meats with the goods and jirices
"as advertised."
This week The Famous is m-tiing
out an advertisement that is unique
and also useful to the recipient. It
its a blotter, enameled on one side,
on which i printed in attractive
form an announcement regarding tin
last ten days of their great clear
ance sale.
The Herald is In receipt of a
copy of "Reliable Recipes," a
booklet published by the Calumet
Baaing Powder Co., and also a sam
ple can of their baking powder. We
do not claim to have expert know
ledge in regard to baking powder,
but judging their goods by the cihar
acter of their business transactions,
we would much prefer the Calumet
to some other well known brands
whose manufacturers never fail to
take advantage of every opportunity
possible to beat the printer who pub
lishes their advertisements. We are
pleased to run the advertisement of
the Calumet people because we be
lieve their goods are all right, and
they are square in their dealings
with the printer. We have dropped
some other baking powder advertise
ments for the reason thai we are
tired of being beaten out of our
pay, or a part of it.
Word comes from Mrs. Cecil
Keester. formerly Miss Iney. Beck,
that flhey are nicely located in their
new home. Con their arrival in
Spokane they were met by friends
of Mr. Keester and escorted to their
apartments in the ConsueJo. Later
a reception was niven in honor of
the newly wedded couple. After
toasts they were presented with a
hit ml pome silver toffee percolator,
with congratulations of the V. M. C.
A. Sterling silver spoons, cut glass
and eOQuets of tarnations were also
presented to them by the many
friends of Mr. Reenter who wel
comed ihcin to their new home.
Following is the program lor the
Woman's Club meeting Friday after
noun. February If;
lit :.-- Mr Hunter
Koll call Quotations from Kugene
Paper. Ktigeae Field Miss Copper
Vocal solo, "Music in Cod's Agra"
Miss Klda Bacon
Paper. Ernest Thompson Seton
Mrs. WiUuu
Still More Big Bargains
For Sat., 1 7th, and Mon., 1 9th
We will still continue to sell the following goods at Bargains
The New Chambray Gingham,
in all colors, at
A full line of the New Utopia
Dress Ginghams in all colors,
regular 2Xc val., for this sale
A full line of Colonial Twilled
Draperies in all colors, regular
2c value value this sale
")00 Bleached Ready made Sheets
80x90, right from the mill, reg
ular G.r)c value, for this sale
1 lot of Bleached Pillow Cases, 36x42,
1 lot of Bleached
Pillow Cases, 80x46
for this sale
I8c nd22c
One lot of Ladies' House Dresses, in all
sizes, for this sale at
lA off
50 Do.. Bleached Turkish Bath
Towels, a large 41x20, regular
30c value, for this sale
One lot of Ladies' Up-to-date Wool Dress
Skirts, all colors,
for this sale at
!3 off
One lot of Ladies' Up-to-date Wash
Dresses in all sizes, for this sale
J4 off
One lot of Misses' and Children's Wash
Dresses in all colors and sizes,
for this sale at
A full line of Ladies' Black
Voile Skirts, for this sale at..: 3 U" 1
One lot of Ladies' Wrappers,
the $1.00 and 11.35 kind,
for this sale at
The new High School Class Pin
Come on, girls
for this sale at
50 doz. Bleached Turkish Bath
Towels, a very large 45x22 size,
reg. value 40c, for this sale at...
Fat Exhibition of Girls' Basket)
Ball at High School Gym.
One of the fastest exhibitions of
girls' basket ball ever seen In the
.High school gymnasium was witnes
sed by a large crowd last Satnrday
evening; when the High school girle
defeated Sidney. This was the third
game for the Sidney irls as they
had already defeated Chappell and
Bcottabluff while it was the first
game for the local team Hile seas
on. While the Sidney girls put up
a nice game they were unable to
take the pace of Ife local aextet
and at all times the score stood de
cidedly in Alliance's favor. The lo
cal girls are to be equally commend
ed for their fast accurate passing
and their part in the excellent team
work which caused Sld-ney's defeat.
At guard Ruth Rice played her
usual strong game breaking up Sid
ney's team work and rarely giving
her forward a shot at the basket.
Izetta Renswohl as her right hand
pardner was in the game all the
time and covered herself with glory.
Although title was laetta's first
game he played like a veteran. At
center Delllght I'fford easily out
classed her opponent getting the
Vnock off at will. As second cen
teT May Grahaju had her eye on
the basket and succeeded in resis
tering several goal for Alliance.
.Mabel Worley and May Nation at
forward easily succeeded In getting
away from their guards for their
share of the goals. Score, Alliance
lt Sidney If. Line up, Alliance:
iRuth Rice (Capt), guard; laetta
ReiiswoWl. Kuard; DelliKht if ford,
t ut.i. Mity Graham, second center;
Mabel Worley, forward; May Nation,
Corward. Sidney: Krances Hart.
guard; Teres Mtu-field. guard;
Martin, center; Mabel Clausuian
i ('apt I. second cf titer; Jennie Arm
trtmK. forward; Llewlyn l.ipuhi,
Mrs. Hazel Hfck-Conner and little
son. Laurence, left Monday for
their home at Lexington. Nebraska,
sfier a raff pleasant three weeks'
visit in Alliance at the home of
Mrs Conner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J o. leak.
Sunshine Maitland
For Range and Furnace
All Kinds of FEED
Wholesale and Retail
Alva Great, Indiana's most fa
mous entertainer, at Opera House,
b n
Another shipment of our
Spring Coats and Suits
has arrived, also I big shipment of the
New Envelope Skirts
from New York, and Fancy Waists
These Suits and Coats are the identical garments
for which you pay later on $22.50 and $25.00.
Our Price
$15.00 and $18.50
Profits are ignored for the purpose of
bringing customers to our store
Harper's Toggery Store
Opposite Post Office