Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of reader. CASH RATES One cent per wo. d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir. answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er end the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDI3H Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT at 520 Iaramle Ave. Phone 748. 10-21065 DRESSMAKING AND LADIES' TAILORING First class work, prices reasonable, satisfaction guaranteed. Over Sny der's Confectionery, 210 Box Butte Ave. Phone 716. 7tf9!t! BURNS LOVATT. Rtpair and Oil Harness and Tanning Now is the time to repair and oil your harness. Don't wait til! spring when you and the harness man are busy, but DO IT NOW. Call and aee my samples of tan ning. Select a good hide and bring it to me '.nd I'll have it tanned in 30 days' ti ne. Highest price paid for hides. 7tfl018 GEO. A. llli.i.s Two room house for rent. Mrs. NelHe Moran, 201 Yellowstone Ave. Phone 565 Green. 5tf979 FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 603 Box Butte avenue. Phone 196. 3tf959 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE CLEANING WANTED -Inquire at Herald office. 10tf1)062 Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Money to loan on real estate. E. Reddish. F. 3tf 150 Old Time Songs, words and music complete. Will please both old and young. A neatly bound book for TEN CENTS IN SILVER. Chas. McDonald, Dept. 7, Concordia, Kansas. Now that spring is coming on ev ery lady should buy a corset that will hold its shape. Dressmakers recommend the Nu-Bone Corset, sold only at the New York Hat Shop. 8tfl023 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS E. I. Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 48tf779 Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to 12 o' clock noon, March 4, 1912, by the secretary of .'he board of education of the Alliance city schools, for the erection of a two-story with base ment addition to the Emerson school building, with heating ' and plumbing. Plans and specifications may be secured upon application to the secretary of the board, a depos it of twenty dollars ($20.00) being required for the safe return of the same. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. D. W. HUGHES, 9-4M052 Secretary. Four room, cement block house, In Belmont Addition to Alliance, for sale at a big bargain. Will take less than It cost to build if sold soon. In quire at Herald office. 4tf964 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN ft WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Distress Warrants will be served on ali unpaid personal taxes after February 20th, 1912. E. M. MARTIN, 8-3-1025 Co. Treas. Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. VIAVI The drugless home treat ment. Elena M. Nichols, 524 Chey enne Ave. Phone 651. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dresser, roll top desk, Kurtzman piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, 210 Box Butte Ave. B. H. PERRY 6tf984 Different sets of modern rooms for light housekeeping, close in. 'All rooms on first floor. Phone 529. 9-4-1053 M. BAYER. All kinds of dyeing, dry cleaning and pressing. MRS. W. H. ZEH RUNG. Phone 535. 9tfl048 Snow Drift Flour at the Fair Store, $1.50 per sack. Phone 589. Grand Public Sale Registered Hereford Cattle at Grand Island, Thursday, February 29, 1:00 o'clock P. M. 30 head grand young bulls. 30 head of splendid females. The richest breeding, the choic est Individuality, as proven by our uast show records. These are our top show cattle. All are young, fully guarauteed and tuberculosis tested Such bulls as Ch. Sensation, the treat young winners. Beau Mouscl and Beau Kinzer; such females as Nebraska Ch. winners. Vanity Fair Uie great Queenly Virtue, Marjorie and others -both bred and open. A life time opportunity. If interested write for catalog to MOl'SKL BROS-, Cambridge, Nebr. osiG G. CLEMENT. Ord, Nebr 10-1M067 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Persons wishing stenographic work done can secure the same promptly by calling at The Herald office Phone 340. 320 acres of land and improve ments to rent. Part in corn stalks and potato land. EVA WILSON, Al liance, Nebr. 10-M0G9 oooooooooooooooo O FAIRVIEW O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO T. J. Lawrence and wife were In town the past week, staying with airs. Lawrence's mother. Mrs. Bur row, who has been quite ill with pneumonia. Grandpa Lawrence has been sick the paet week but is improving at flhis writing. The W. C. T. fj, met with Mrs. F. H. Nason last Sunday. John Parker and wife and Ed Ben- jaman and wife visited at the home of D. R. Lawrence last Sunday. Rev. Washburn, assisted by Rev. Baker of Alliance, held communion service and quarterly meeting at this place last Thursday evening. The Box Butte Creek Telephone Co. held their annual meeting at Chas. Trenkle's, Monday. "" """"" iF. H. Nason and wife called on Grandpa Lawrence Monday. see Warm weather is coming and so are Che agents. One selling school supplies and another taking orders for groceries were in this part the last few days. Mrs. Otto Matz has been visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snoddy of Alliance, since last Sun day. Tom Beal of Alliance is out look Ing for potatoes in this part of the country today. Mrs. Hadley and son. Fred, made a business trip to Alliance Tuesday. The dance at Ed Curry's Friday night was well attended and an en joyable time reported. , e e e Grandma Treukle and family vis ited at the home of Win. Aspden. f-1 in day. The ladies' Aid will meet with Wm. Aspden, Friday, Feb. 16. it be ing (-hanged from Wednc.-day on ac- count of the social at Mr. Munger's. There will be church services Sun day evening. Feb. 18. at 7:30 p. m. Every one la invMed. HEMINGFORD Mrs. Wm. Curry went to Morrill Sunday, where she will stay a few days and take treatments of Dr. Andrews. Mrs. George Baker entertained the Ladles' Aid Society of the Method ist church on Wednesday afternoon. Light refreshments were served and all report an enjoyable time. Ray Whitaker was in from Canton Wednesday for supplies for the store, going out Thursday. Hallie Curry went out with him. Iee Roland and Frank Ewing made a business rtip to Alliance the first of the wek. We hear that they both rented farms near Alli ance, where they will move their families in a few days. Airs. W. A. Ward returned the first of the week from Chadron, where she has been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs Leora Rustin. A. M. Miller left for the east on 44 Thursday, where he will stay for some time. Alex Mulrhead came in on 43 Thursday from Alliance, where he spent a couple of days on business. B. E. Johnson spent a couple of days the first of the week at Berea looking after affairs on the ranch. Mrs. John Armstrong spent a few days the last of the week in Alli ance having some dental work done, returning Saturday. Mrs. Emma Elder was a passenger to Alliance on 44 Thursday. Tom Hopkins made a business trip to Alliance Thursday, returning on Friday. Miss Edith Broshar went out to Sioux county Saturday to spend Sun day with her sisters, Mrs. Arthur Has and one from ScoMsbluff. Mrs. John Hughes has been sick for the past few days with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stigele and family spent Sunday at the home of Ben lYice. Clara Nagelschneider spent Satur day and Sunday with home folks, re turning to her school Sunday after noon. Norbet Frohnapfel and wife spent Saturday and Sunday visiting his brother, Leo, and family. Mrs. B. V. Shepard left Sunday on 43 for Newcastle, Wyo., where she will visit with Mrs. Anderson for some time. Mrs. C. U. Canfleld was an Alli ance passenger on 44 Monday. Kern Canfleld went out to his homestead in Sioux county t he first of the week, after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Fred Me- lick. B. E. Johnson shipped two cars of hogs to South Omaha Monday, Wes ley Green going down with them. Harry Wildy left Monday with a car of horses for Illinois. He will stay and visit with his parents for some time. Mr. Kldwell is looking aifter the store while Harry is gone. Emery Abley went down to Alli ance Monday to have some dental work done, returning on 43 Tuesday. 0. J. Wiidy came in on 43 Mon day from California, where he has sn-m the past month. THE LITTLE THINGS reoelve the same care ful attention here as things of greater im portance, and the little things are doing their part in our business building. We call your attention to this little thing! -We are sending out nothing but cane sugar in filling our sugar orders. It costs us a little more, and we are selling it at the regular competitive beet sugar price, but cane sugar is better, and it is worth some thing to us to see that your expectation of better goods from here is fulfilled. And by the way, if you buy sugar by the sack, do it now. We had expected sugar to keep going down until it reached nearly last year's level, but are advised that it has now reached bottom for a time at least, and that it will now go up. In fact, it has ad vanced 20 points on the markets in the last three days. So long as our present supply lasts we will not advance one cent. We ad vise you to buy now. If you use Mince Meat, we have a snap for you in "Meadow Grove" brand at three packages for 25 cents. We have a block of 50 cases of good Iowa corn, to arrive about Saturday, to sell at ten cents per can, or, by the doz en cans, for $1.00. The price of fresh country eggs is only 25 cents now, and we are selling country butter for 25 and 30 cents. Our price of 65 cents per peck on Sunkist Naval Oranges is selling a lot of them. They are the best oranges to be had. Do not lose sight of the fact that we always have the best of fruit and produce. If it is to be had at all, it is to be found here. Fresh tomatoes, celery, lettuce, parsley, radishes, onions, everv day now. Parsnips, carrots, tur n;ps, cabbage and sweet potatoes are all in demand, and we have them all. In apples, our choice Jonathons at $2.00 per box are a bargain. Mallery's for Quality Foodstuff was well attended and every reports having a good time. one C. U. Canfleld was a pausenger to Alliance on 44 Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Curry was an incoming passenger on 43 Tuesday. see Little Lloyd Groinet has been on the sick list for the past week. George Shilte and bride came in Saturday from the east. Hurry Brown came in Sunday for a visit wiili his sister, Mrs. Ira Buahnell, and other relatives here. Nora and Hans Hansen came In from Morrill, where they have been for the past few days. D. W. Butler made a business! trip to Alliance the first of the week. Mrs. Fred Hucke was a passenger on 44 Monday, going down to Mor rill for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phillips went out to Sioux county Monday to get their household goods ready to move to Alliance, where they ex p t lo make their home. Mrs. Wadell went to Alliunce on .Monday, being called there by the illness of Miss Pearl, who has been quite sick for the past few days. Mrs. Charley Ixjtspeich was a passenger to Alliance Monday, re turning on 41 Tuesday. The Indies' Aid of the Congo church met with Mrs. Anna Pierce on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Ashfcrd came iii Tuesday from Texas, where he spent a coup le of week visiting his father The valentine social at the Meth odfou church Wednesday evening DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Hemingford, Nebr. oooooooooooooooo O RENO O oooooooooooooooo on la Mrs. Agnes Harris has been the sick list this week with grippe. Messrs. E. V. Doyle and E. 61y Suudayed with their home folks at Jess, Nebr. Gladys Hier returned to Alliance Sunday on 43. where she is attend ing school. W. G. Wilson and family spent Sunday at the home of G. F. Hook er. Jesse .',,on and wife spent Sat urday with U D. Blair and faimily. Mrs. 1. A. McPall is among those having the grippe this week. Mrs. O K. Hale of Alliance spent several days visiting Mrs. T. P. Berry last week. Chas. Castle was called to his home at Yorktowu. Iowa, Saturday, by a telegram announcing the seri ous illness of his mother Another message came after he left stating that she was dead. He has the sympathy of all here. see Miss Manchle Berry was a pas senger to Alliance Wednesday on 43, returning Thursday on 44. C. C. Wilson and wife and Mrs. Delia Dennis and son. Kirk, were visitors in Reno Wednesday. Mrs. Maud Rooker accompanied her sinter. Clara, to the Joy ranch. Monday. Mrs. Clara Joy Kipp of Kansas City, Mo., surprised her sister, Mrs. Maud Rooker, by coming in on 43 Monday to visit a few days. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Berry made a business trip to Alliance Monday. Lee and Lillian Blair, the twins, have been on the sick liet this week. Mrs. Elmer Sly and son. Virgil, spent Monday at the home of J. C. Berry. E. V. Doyle and E. R. Sly spent Sunday at home, returning to work on Uie church Monday. see Dr. M. C. Haworth and son. Rex, called on J. C. Berry the first of the week, on business. L. D. Blair Is on the sick list this week. W. G. Wilson bought fourteen head of colts of C. C. Wilson, e e Mabel l-oulse Wilson has been sick for several days with la grippe. Big preparations are being made for the basket dinner at the new church. Feb. 25. Come one and all. medicines. Mr. Elder purchased the 'wagon and supplies a short, time ago. Mrs. Charlie Hiser was confined to his bed for a day or two thU week with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hawkins spent afternoon with the Weirs last Monday. The meeting of : lie HomeMead lit erary society on last Saturday even Ing was interesting and instructive, with President Carey Johnson In the chair. The question for debate was, "Resolved, that It requires more fortitude to render a decision than to acquire wealth." the decis ion being given to the negative. At he next regular meeting on Satur day evening, Man h 24, the ques 'ion will be, "-Resolved, That the tow is cf more value tfian the horse." Your correspondent was in Mars land this wtek, and V'ate dinner" at the new Farmers' ' Co-Op. store, with the Indefatigable Ora Phillips as head watt' r, to nifnister to our appetite. Ora sayes they going u cut down the high prices of "groc eries and sich" in it: lit soon, and we're sure glad of U, for heaven knows the prices over there, and in lletniugford have been too high for the ordinary homesteader's pocket book for a long, long time, and ev erybody in these parts will watch with ken longing for Ora to "make good." M. SPACE. oooooooooooooooo O HOMESTEAD o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We were sorry a few days ago to hear that Mr. Wagoner, Sr., slipped on an icy place near his house and broke his ankle. Dr Whitaker. we understand, attended to the frac ture. With the genial Bill Elder, of Cur ly, ruuuing the Raleigh "dope wag on." this section of Sioux couuty need not want for stock and patent NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Parties holding chattel and real ee te mortgages that have been sat iefied should see that the release has been recorded that they may not be charged in their 1912 tax. M. 8 HARGRAVBS. -4t-1043 County Clerk. Sale o have maim I PRINTED atf II We are fixed for turaiiw fl out work of this kind E L. in double-quick time.