The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1912, Image 3

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    Ch B. & Q.
Time Table
Jan. 14,
Effective commencing
1912, Mountain Tlm.v
Arrive Ixsave
No. 42- Daily 12:13am 12:45am
No. 44 Daily 12:50pm 1:10pm
Arrive Leave
No. 41 Daily. Edg;eraont, Black
Hills, Billings, : :55am 4:19am
No. 43 -Daily, Edgemont, Bill
ings, 12:30pm 12:50pm
Arrive leave
No. 301 Dally, Bridgeport,
Denver, 12:40am
INo. 303-Daily, Bridgeport,
Denver; daily except
Sunday, (jiiernsey
From South
No. 302 Daily 3:20am
No. 304 Daily 11:30am
Mails close at the Alliance post
office as follows, Mountain time:
East Bound
12:20 p. m. for train No. 44.
11:00 p. m. for train No. 42.
West Bound
12:20 p. m. for train No. 43.
11:00 p. m. for train No. 41.
South Bound
12:20 p. m. for train No. 303.
11:00 p. m. for train No. 301.
On Sundays and holidays all night
mails close at 6:00 p. m. instead of
11:00 p. m. IRA E. TASH, P. M.
Dr. Boland, phone 65.
h Helps!
Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of
Sip, Ky.t writes: "I was
so sick for 3 or 4 years,
I had to hire my work
done, most of the time.
I had given up hope. When
I began to take Cardui, I
knew, right away, it was
helping me. Now, I am
better than ever before in
my life, and Cardui did it"
E 64
The Woman's Tonic
Cardui has helped thous
ands of weak, tired, worn
out women, back to health.
It has a gentle, tonic ac
tion on the womanly sys
tem. It goes to the cause
of the trouble. It helps, it
helps quickly, surely, safe
ly. It has helped others.
Why not you? It will.
Try it Get a bottle todayl
John Snoddy, Pres.,
P. S. Showers, V. Pres.
May Snoddy, Sec. & Treas.
Also Represent the
Nebraska State Building
and Loan Association
Bitter get some made at
FA Remember f
P That tvwy added eb 1
briber keip io k tU M
paper betUx for everybody J
Mrs. J. C. Hawkins nrd .Miss Shir
ley m. i. m in. in wore visiting Mrs. J. C
Wright on TiKwriay and rojmrt a
good time.
Misses Bth-1 Hagatnan and Mvrtlt
Cary railed on Mrs. S. W. Coker on
Mr. Magaman has boon quite un
fortnnaie, having lost five head of
steers from btMklOe;,
A dance was given at the home of
Mr. Coupon, Saturday night.
J. C. Hawkins and 1. S. MaUey
have returned home at last, after
serving nearly three weeks on the
Brand Jury.
We womler why Mr. Magnman was
In such a hurry to get to Alliance
Mr. Lee Marsh and Miss Joule
Donivan were married Saturday, Jan.
14, In Alliance. We wish them
many happy years of married lhfe.
W. S. Coker is busy hauling hay
to Alliance tihls fine weather.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawkins spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. I.
Gregg of Alliance, all taking in the
lbo Saturday nilit.
Little Stdln Clark Is bavin a
bad attack of croup at this writing.
We are wondering what young lady
Clell Underwood had out ridins Sun
day afternoon. Good for Clell.
Mr and .Mrs. J. C. Wright and
family, Mr. and Mrs. (!. (J. Clark
and family and Mis Nell Hrowji
took dinner with Mrs. J. C. Hawkins
W. S. Coker's team ran away,
breaking up bis rack.
The girls are wondering why Mike
Conway left Che dance so suddenly
Sa.tunlay night.
Mrs. J. C. Hawkins is having quUe
a time with la grippe this week.
The followtn Items are clipped
from the Canton correspondence In
the Curly SentJnel of February 8:
J. P. Barger, Proprietor of the Al
llance Nureery. Receives Machlnej
for Plowing Sixteen Inches Deep
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross of Sioux
county have been visiting at the
home of their daughter ami son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. A. I.oer, for the
past week.
Mrs. Carry Foer, who is at pres
ent visiting her sister. Mrs. Klla
llasliman, was a Sunday caller t
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ioer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kleharty made a
business trip to Alliance one day
last week, taking a load of corn in
with them.
Mr. and Mix. J. H. Skinner en
Joyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ross, Mr. Roes coining up Saturday
night and remaining over Sunday.
Archie Jonctt was up on business
for a day or so last week.
Thomas Howe went to Alliance
last Wednesday to receive medical
aid of Dr. Churchill for his sore
hand. He reports the hand some
Miss Klleti Ganoug returned to
her home near I'awlett, Saturday.
Mrs. Robbins and little son. Gall,
returned home from Crawford last
Wednesday, where they have beea
visiting with Mr. Robbing.
It is reported that they have the
chicken pox ut Kdwin Owen's.
Little Florence Jamison has bt'en
.spending the week with her friend,
Hael Karley.
Mrs. Jones was pleasantly sur
prised last Saiurday by her children
coming, with dinner prepared, in
honor of her sity-se-oud birthday.
Her absent children in the east bad
sent several presents, which (hey
presented to her. A very enjoyable
lime was had.
Morn, to Frank Johnson and wife,
a son.
Arthur Peterson and wife are rt
iting with Mrs. Peterson's parents.
Our young people are plauniug to
Hit end Mi.- box supper at Reno, on
next Wednesday nigbt.
Mrs. Fred Weasell and friend
.Miss Marie Meyer, visited In Alii
anee a few days Inst week.
Uon Zimmerman. I young man well
known in this community, is work
Ing for Joseph Sandford.
Marshall Sheldon and W. C. Phil
Up made a trip to Hcmlngford last
weeK. Hyron Fosket also drove
down Friday.
me Misses Mamie Whltaker and
Bdna Powell spent several davs
last week visiting with Mrs. Ida Mor
Roy Hindman and Westley 7Am
merman made a trip over to the ir
rigated district last week in search
of forage for their stock.
.uss Aimii KosetiDerger closed a
very auwessful five months' term of
school today, in district number 79,
Box Hutte.
After a month's vacation, school
was resumed in district number 52
(Hawthorne), last Monday. Miss
Faye Cross, the teacher, came over
from Mitchell last Sunday.
OrviB Brown left last week for
Dolores, Colorado, where he will be
joined by his mother. Herbert
Brown and wife live there, also.
where they have taken up a home-
si ; ad under the irrigation project,
Carliehl liall had the misfortune
to drop several lengths of pipe into
his well last week. John Ryan and
Walter Scot I were helping him, a.nd
they finally succeeded in pulling it
out, after several days' effort.
We understand Will Moravek hkis
been spending considerable time, es
pecially on Sundays, in the Roes
neighborhood. We have not been
informed whether there Is anything
serious in his behavior or not, and
await future developments.
Mrs. Broshar, Mrs. Arthur I la.-:;;
and Chas. Safford made a trin to
Scoittsbluff, Wednesday, where they
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Safford. They returned Friday alt
ernoon, accompanied by Mrs. Saf
lord, while Mrs. Broshar will con
tinue her visit for a few days.
Allen Wood has been having
itrouble with his well for several
days. He finally put on a sand
point and sunk the well about ten
feet deeper. He also purchased ,i
UnaM gasoline engine from C. If,
Moore and will try to attach It to
various machinery around the ran -h.
Samuel Wagner met with a very
painful accident last week, when the
horse upon which he was riding fell
with him, breaking his ankle. Mr.
Wagner is a very handy man In
ases of this kind and with the as
sistance of James Whltaker succeed
ed in setting the injured member.
Mrs. Jas. Martin, wife of Engin
eer Martin, went to Alliance Satur
day evening, being called there by
the sickness of a relative. Kdge-
mont Kxpress.
Miss Hazel McKelvey. who is in
structing a class in music at Mars
land, went on to Alliance and spent
several days on her last trip.
Suprt. H. H. Relmund has been un
able to attend to his school duties
the past week on account of a sev
ere attack of la grippe and indigestion.-Crawford
Tribune, Feb. .
Ml a Dessle Weir of Alliance Is
spending the week visiting with her
pareuts. c. Hallibaugh went
to Alliance on business Monday, re
turning Tuesday. Dayton Sul
lenburger returned home after a
few days' visit in Alliance.
Miss Belle Crane and mother made
a business trip to Alliance Thursday,
returning Friday. Harry
Crane made this office a pleasant
call Thursday. He left on 44 for
Alliance to buy an isolated tract of
land. Mnislsnd Tribune. Feb. .
It has been the conviction of
good many people who have observ
ed the progress of farming wltJiout
irrigation in western Nebraska that
to make a success of it or to nuUto
the greatest success of such farm
ing there should be some means of
breaking the ground to a considera
ble depth. Ordinarily, what Is term
ed "deep plowing" does not go in. ire
than six Inches, if that, below tie
surface of the unplowed ground
There has been a good deal of t.Uk
of plowing to a greater depth tiian
six inches, but we doubt If It is ever
done with an ordinary plow.
The Herald is delighted to inform
its readers that an experiment will
be made this year near Alliance
with a deep tilling machine, which
has Just been received by .1. P.
uarger, proprietor of the Alliance
Nursery. This machine coat Mr.
Bnrger about $160 delivered here.
It has two discs that do the plowing
or tiding. it is guaranteed in
hreak the ground to a depth of u;
inches. One disc follows the other,
but it is not termed a subsoiler for
Hie reason that il works in sued n
way as to mi the dirt that is turn
ed up instead of throwing the sub
soil on top of the surfaco dirt. This
process besides placing the Innd In
a romiition to absorb and relain the
rain thai falls upon it also aerates
the soil, that is. puts it in a position
to be exposed to the air. which is
very essential to maintain Ms fertil
ity without the use of artiti. ial fertilizers.
As soon as the frost goes out of
the ground Mr. Barger will begin
using his deep tilling machine. He
will commence on his nursery
ground. After that has been put In
shape for the season ho will use the
machine on ground Intended for oth
er crops.
We shall watch with great Inter
est the progress of this deep tilling
experiment, and wish to commend
Mr. Barger for his enterprise in un
dertaking it. The Herald will keep
its renders Dotted in regard to the
progress of this work.
.Mr. Sdmonson, who until a shot!
nine ago was a freight conductor
out of Alliance, was in town the first
of the week shaking hands with his
numerous friends. Mr. Simonson Is
now located at l.aural, Montana,
where he Is switohing tOT the N. P.
Joe l. Westov cr vvas over from
Alliance a few days the fore part of
(lie week on husi:: -s and visiting
his folks and friends. Rev.
(. t B. Jones, the grent evangelist,
is holding revival meetings this
week In the M. K. church. Mr. Jones
is an able minister and .the meet
ings are being well attended.
Hushvllle Standard. Feb. 9.
Uncle Jesse .1. Steele is one of
the veterans of the Civil war to
take The Herald and enjoy read inn
it. He is a republican In politics,
but like a large number of voters
who wish to be controlled by their
judgement rather than prejudice is
not party bound. He is from the
same part of Missouri that claims
Champ Clark and says If Clark Is
nominated be will vote for him.
Jacob Kaper. who lives fifteen
miles west of Hemiugford. came
down to Alliance last Friday on bus
iness, paying taxes and buying more
land. He has been a resident of
Box Butte county for twenty-six or
wenty -seven years, cemtng when
he Indians were here and lots of
than, Indians showed him the on
ner of his claim. He helped to
build the first Catholic church that
was erected in Box Butte count), a
lc structure thai was succeeded
last summer by a new frame build
ing. While In Alliance last week
Mr. Kaper called at The Herald of
fice and ordered his name put on
our subscription list.
I .ant Thursday. at Alliance, ac
cording to the ritual of the Luther
MEETING ' an ehurch, a ceremony wa perforin
ed that united the Uvea of two
On the 14th day of March, la worthy young people. Ml,f Marie
the precinct assessors of Box Hutte Meyer mid Mr Win. Fisher, of Wis
County. Nebraska, are requested toll"r- Nebraska. Miss Meyer lias
meet at the Court House to get their '"'en visiting for some time with
books and supplies, and for the.'rB- Fred Weasel, Mxiilo-ast ot Can
transaction of such business us may
properly come before the meeting.
10-4-1059 County Accessor.
Call and see that new
line of Swiss Embroideries
at Stuckey's.
Un. Mr. Fisher will return with
Ills bride to Inner, where he has
a fine farm The Sentinel extends
its heartiest congratulations to
these youug people in their new re
lation The boys of the neighbor
i hood gave them un old fashioned
jchivuri on lust Friday evening
! Curly Kentioel. Feb. 8.
Copyright 1009, by C. B. Zimmerman Co -Wo. (
OF course they didn't have
the opportunity to get
better things and so had to be satisfied.
They were happy and contented in a
way, too. But today you try to make
your home truly a home, and there is
no possible excuse for not doing so, when you have ac
cess to our stock of house furnishings. Whether you
want a few odd pieces or a complete outfit, you will
find what you want in our up-to-date stock. We. are
proud to show vou these pieces and you will be just as
proud to own them; and if our prices don't sell the
goods, we won't try to. In view of this fact, is it not poor
business for you to send away from home for goods, for which
you will have to wait weeks perhaps months and which you
will not see until paid for?
115-117 West 3rd St., Alliance, Nebr.
Paper Hanging
Phone 679
All Work Guaranteed
Vore's Bakery ? Cafe
The Citizen
Is directing
The Fastidious Stranger
To Our Bakery,
Telling him that he will rind
the "Beat of Everything"
in the Bakery Line here.
The Citizen Is Reliable
So Is the Information.
Fancy cakes should be ordered
a day ahead.
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr.
ttetceiHf tt Freak Wallace
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. He, phone 63
W -----"---