M ark Fresh beef, pork, mutton, poultry, fish, oysters Also, a Fine Line of Cured Meats t t W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT Mr. J. J. Vane, Press Supt. Telephone Orders Delivered Promptly PHONE 486 iiMiiiii mil in inn ii inn ii in i i mi is ii i in i ii in mm mi mm W. R. Drake, Prop. 521 Sweetwater Ave. The Car you ought have at the price you ought to pay - I T! Takes the lead in Simplicity of Construction Ease of Operation Satisfactory Service Durability and Economy New Zealand votl on the quoRtlnn of national prohibition on Doc. 11, and it h o result of the referendum vote was 56.!3 peivent of the total vote raat for prohibition, while only 60 percent la required to mnke it a law. Public sentiment In favor of a pro hibition law haa been Krowlng rap Idly, and It la confidentially believed that In 1914, when the next referen dutn on thlf question will be taken, It will pass. If Mils should be the outcome. It is said that the nearest aatoon to New Zealand will be 1200 miles away. The complete returns whow that 255,864 persons voted In favor of the measure, while 202,608 VOtad against it. ... Prof. II. Li Searaon, formerly of the Peru Normal school, but now of the Stiit i Agriculture College at Manhattan, Kansas, spoke before the recent meeting of the State Kducn tlonal Association of New Mexico at Santa Fe. In his lecture he declar ed that the prohiBltion law was the beat enforced law In. Kanaas. He further stated that It was far better enforced than the local option law In Nebraaka. At the close of the meeting the as sociation, in a strong resolution, de clared for state-wide prohibition for New Mexico. ... Evidence of prosperity In anti-sa- loon territory is plentiful. The lat est Is furnished by the Superintend ents and Foremen s Association of ttie Selby Shoe Company of Ports mouth. Ohio, In a resolution they have adopted explaining why they unanimously opposed the return of the saloons to their eounAy. Among the reasons given by them are the following: 1 The regularity of attendance of operators has been greatly Improved 2 More workmen are contented, principally because of the increas ed earning capacity which has re sulted from their improved physical condition, and also because auch workmen are better able to save money or expend It on things that give them a fair return for their money. 3 The unpleasant necessity of dis charging an employe for intoxica tion shows an astonishing decrease during the last three years, as compared to previous periods of the same length of time. 4 There has been a great improve ment morally in many of the operators. 5 There has been a change of atti tude of many of the operators from one of indifference and careless ness to that of Interest and a de sire to co-operate for the general go h! of all. 6 The changes noted above have im proved the discipline of the body ot employes, have made our relation with employes much more satis factory, and have tended to im prove the quility, as well as quan tity, of the work produced. ... The new governor of Mississippi. Hon. Earl Hrewer, who was elected Nov. 2, has stated with much empha sis that he has been all his life "and expects to die a red-hot uncompro mtsing prohibitionist, in favor cf stat utory prohibition, state wide prohi bition, and every species of state and national prohibition," and that if the W. C T. U. can make It any strong er than that, he is willing to sub scribe his name to it. "Repair men never build houses on money made out of Mitchell Cars." Repair Man. We have the agency for this popular machine; and also for the celebrated low-priced Brush Runabout, popularly known as " Everyman's Car" A. P. LEE, Mgr. THIS No. 411 S1.50 JUSTRITE C ORSET AT Harper's Ladies Toggery OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB len: 8VV4 sec. 28, twp. 27, range 61, $600 Lena Bauer to Charles Bauer: NE4 sec. 15, twp. 26, range 47, $2400 Village of Homingford to C. H. Con ner: block 4, lot 40, division C, la Hemingford Cemetery, $6.00 Lincoln Land Co. to Arab L. Hunger ford: one-half Interest in the NE K NE4 6, twp. 28, range 61. $4510 The Truax Land Co. to J. B. Hatch: NE4 sec. 10, twp. 26, range 60, $1012 Calvin J. Wlldy to Charles A. Row land and Norbert Frohnapfel: lot 10, block 11, Hemingford, $200 Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Laramie Aue. Phone ayj BURTON & WESTOVBR Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bldf . JPhooej8o. ALLIANCE. NEB, WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNIY AT ItW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AM.IAM'M, NBBi F. M. BROOME LAJH ATTOHNEV IonnexperlenesasHereiYer U.H. LandOBst Is guarantee for prompt and efficient m tries. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil court since 1MB aa4 Kev later U. 8. Land Office from 1909 to lift Information by mall a specialty. owes in land office buii.diko ALLIANCE - NEBRASKA. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Probate of Will In the County Court of Hox Butte County, Nebraaka. The State of Nebraska, to the heir, and next of kin to William Lee McNamara and to any other Inter ested In anid matter: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, that an instrument purporting to be the Lant Will and Testament of William Lee McNamara, deceased, Is on file in ald Court, and also a pe tition praying for the Probate of said instrument, and for the ap pointment of Elizabeth McNamara at Executrix, that on the 12th day of February, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. M., said petition and the proof of the execution of said instrument will be heard, and that if you do not Mien appear and contest, said Court may probate and record the same, and grant mini in list ration of the estate to Elizabeth McNamara. This notice nhall be published for three weeks successively in the Al liance Herald prior to said Btarlttg. Witness my hand and official seal his 23rd day of January, 1912, L. A. BARRY, (SEAL) Coun'y Jadf. REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abstracter. Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska Albert C. Bracken to George E. Da vis: lot 3, block 8, Wyoming Addi tion to Alliance, $2800 Lillian M. Finney to Maverick Ixan & Trust Co.: S NW'i sec. 19. twp. 27, range 51, $1.00 United States to Lillian J. Vance: EV4 SWV4 sec. 19, NVfe NVi sec 30, twp. 25, range 48. John F. Balllew to Hobert Kittel tnann: NW'Vi Bet'- 2 NE,4 sec. 3. twp. 27, range 47, $1.00 Anna Balllew to Robert Klttelmann S' sete. 2. NE4 sec. 3, twp. :'7. range 47, $1.00 Relnnold Klttelmann to Robert Kit telmann: NW'Vi sec. 2. K 1 , sec 3, twp. 27, range 47, $1.00 Edith A. Hill to C. S. Uenison: lot 2, block 29, Alliance. $1.00 L. M. Kerr to Mary Patsche: SVi sec. 26, SE,4 sec. 27, twp. 27 range 47, $8000 Mary Patactie to O. P. Wyland: NW4 sec. 18. twp. J5, range 47, $2400 Mary E. Morris to B. J. Sheldon: lots 1, 2, 3. 4. SMs NEV4. 84 NW 4 see. 3, twp. 28. range 51, $0000 William E Conrad to Jamos P. Mul OBII mi'l'EKNOLL lies I'lione :m 1 J. PKTRBSBR Res. Phone 4t Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 QEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SCKOXOR Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND St'RQEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours 11-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7 80-B p, m. Office Phone 6a Res. Phone, 8 H. A. COPSEY Physlotan and Surgeon office Phone 360 Rss. Phons 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from offllce. Offices: Alliance National BMW Building over the Post Office. H. H. BELLWOOD, M. D. CHAS. E. SLAG L If, M. D. Offico Over Holsten'a Drug Store Phone 87 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embabner DAY PHONE 207 NIGHT PHONE l8 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA liotopplis THE KINO THAT PLEASES YOU Better get some made at Alliance ArtStudio THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office Phone 4S Res. Phone 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, All 1 VM I . M lllAK t Parties eqt of town should write, as 1 ats out nuM-ii f tin in.,.'. 1 'hitrsvt wil, not ex- i-eeU ;.. mul MMllsM l"T . Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEVIKGFORO, HEBR. Si'hL 1 W. i lEti! Diseases of Women and Children ami Geoito Urinary Organs All calls answered promptly rjjy or 31-. SCOTT AUCTIONEER Graduate Missouri Auction School Dates may be left at Herald of fice, Alliance, or write me at LAKESIDE, NEBRASKA 0000000000000000 O RALPH BLUE, VIOLINIST o O MRS. BLUE., PIANIST o o Music furnished for all occasions o O PHONE 21 ON 11 O o Alliance, Nebraska 0 0000000000000000 Turn Over a New Leaf By subacriblnrf for THIS PAPER M s HARRY P. COIIRSEY Live Stock ami Geueral Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. 13 K. D. K. TYLER DENTIST, OPERA HOU8E BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraaka c. a. sinnoNS' Tonsorial Parlors for a CLEAN SHAVE, STYLISH HAIR CUT, SHAMPOO, ELECTRIC MAS SAGE, OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE LINE OP BARBER'S WORK. 121 ; Box Butte Ave.