The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 08, 1912, Image 2

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"kman Guilty of Perjury Infia
nced to m Confession by
Picture Thaatr
A good deal of criticism has been
indulged m some place against mov
ing picture shows. While some pic
ture shows, especially In the larger
cities, deserve Revere criticism, and
even to be closed, an wa the cave
in some places, ttiere f a much dlf
ference in the character of different
moving picture allows hk there la In
other shows. A peculiar caee has
come to light at Cedar Rapid. Iowa
through the medium of Hie moving
picture theatre, allowing a remarka
ble cae of unjust Impiiaonment.
I'rcs dispatches of last Friday give
tlie particulars of the caw in which
the film dhown u ide sufficient Im
pression upon the mind of John i
Qates, - Rock talon d brakemnn, to
cause him to make an affidavit In
widen he confesses to the crime of
perjury. The affidavit alao practical
ly clears Charles Jack, nn employe in
a local hardware store, of a charge
for which he aerred twenty-one
months in the penitentiary t Fort
Madison and six months in the Tama
county Jail at Toledo.
Jack and (tap' both formerly lived
at Traer, la., Where flatea was cm
ployed as baggageman In August,
1908, he and Jack had some trouble
over a woman wlio had been Jack's
sweetheart for aome time, and dur
ing the altercation Jack flourished a
revolver. Gates had a wnrrairt Is
sued for his arrest on a charge of
malicious threats tx extort nione .
Gates claiming that Jack had met
him on a dark street , pointed a re
volver at his head and ordered him
to give htm I0 and a ticket Id the
end of the Rock Island railroad.
Jack was arrested, Indiated by the
Krand Jury, and after being in jail
six months the case came up for
trial. Gates testified that Jack had
attempted ! hold him up. and as the
prisoner could not prove otherwise,
although he strongly protested his
Innocence, he was found guilty and
sentenced to two cars at Fort Mad
ison. His term expired last October
and he Immediately went to Cedar
Rapids and secure I eiepltij ment.
A few days ago Gates, who It BO
married, visited a moving picture
show, where one of the films de
picted a story of false imprisonment
and of prison life. The picture af
fected him greatly, and that day he
went to Jack and offered to make nn
affidavit to the effect that his testi
mony at the trial was untrue.' The
affidavit was made before a local
notary and vindicates Jack of every
charge except that of flourishing a
Phenomena." Which he delivered at
that place:
"Sunday night the revival meetings
which have been In progress at the
Methodist church for the past two
weeks, with Kvangellat Dr. J. I B.
!ii. - at the head, closed with one
of the moat masterful discourses on
"Childhood" that Harrison haw ever
heard. When It comes to the child
question Or Jonea is In his element
"Sunday morning, with the assist
ance of Dr. Jones, the pastor bap
Uaed and received into church fel
lowship thirty-one as a partial re
sult of the meetings. Hut this Is
only one part of the good the meet
ings did, for who that heard Dr.
Jones has not been led to desire
better things in the religious life?
His sermons have the inspiration for
heller tilings in them.
"In .7. L, H. Jones, the evangelist,
gave his noted lecture, 'Psychic
Phenomena.' in the Odd Fellows'
hall Tuesday night. He had his sub
ject well 1n hand and brought out
some things that have been myster
ious to the superstitious. He ex
plained dreams, ghosts and telepathy,
atao hypnotism.
"The lecture was interspersed
with humor, Which added to the in
terest. A large audience attended,
and all were well pleased with 1t.
"The doctor left for his home at
Hemlngford Wednesday evening."
Assistant Deputy Head Consul O. C,
Moore will hold a meeting at Angora,
Saturday evening, February 1", to
organize n lodge of the Modern
Woodmen of America. There is
prospect of a good membership from
the utart as quite n number will no
doubl want to get in as charter mem
There will be a Valentine social at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Munger. nine miles northeast of Al
liance, next Wednesday evening, for
the benefit of the Falrview M. K.
church. A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to everybody to attend.
Great Event at Phelan Opera House)
Next Wednesday Night,
February 14
The annual ball of the Itrotherhond
of Locomotive Firemen and Engin
eers, Lodge No. 118, will be held in
the llhetan opera house next Wed
nesday night, February 14. This will
probably be the biggest ball of the
season, us the B. of L. F. and B.
has a large number of members 1n
this place, and the members have a
large number of friends who will also
wish to attend.
Tickets which were printed some
time ago and of which mention was
made in The Herald may now be
secured of the lodge members. These
tickets are printed In three colors
and will make a neat souvenir of
the occasion. While each ticket auys
"admit one". It means two, that is,
one gentleman and one lndy.
Majority of Ksirtsas City Newspaper
Readers Prefer Colonel
Out of &.133 votes cast up to Jan
28 , i the Kansas City Star's poll of
the middle west, on the question of
oresideiitial preference. Col. Roose
velt received 5,047. Practically all of
these votes came from Missouri and
Speaker Champ Clark led all ot
the other candidates with a total of
834 votes. W. J. Bryan followed
next with vote of 78, and R. fef.
I Folleae fourth, with 724. Pre
dent Talk was fifth in the list with
a vote of 655.
The vole of the other candidates
follows: Wilson, 378; Folk. 341; Har
mon. ; Cummins. 32; Underwood.
; Hearst, 5; Foss, 2; scattering.
Close of Revival Meetings and Pop
ular Lecture on Psychic
The Harrison Sun of last Friday
publishes the follow Wig in regard to
the revival meetlugs recently held
in that town by Rev lh .11. B
Jones and hta lecture ou "Psychic
Mrs. Robert Blcknell has been hav
ing a siege of la grippe
The address of T. K. Evans Is now
Aldine, Nebraska, Instead of Alliance.
F. M. Broome was a south bound
passenger Tuesday with Scott sbluff
his destination.
Kugene Burton made a trip to An
gora last Thursday on legal business,
returning the next day.
C. A. Newberry left Sunday noon
for a business trip east, which will
Include Chicago and Pittsburg. He
will be gone about three weeks.
L. H. Highland of the Alliance
(Jrocery Co. was In Denver Monday
and Tuesday on business connected
wiili the Alliance Fruit Company.
Miss Pups Hrooine, who has been
in California the paut three months
with her sister, Mrs. Joe Mifke,
came home on No. 42 Saturday morn
The Herald Is pleased to acknowl
edge very pleasant calls from a num
ber of the stockmen who attended
the horse sale at Alliance last Saturday.
F. L Sharp of Moffltt, Garden
county, attended the sale of stal
lions and mares at Spry's barn in
Alliance last Saturday, and purchased
one of the stallions.
Miss Mabel Joy and her sister,
Miss Myrtle, two talented young
musicians who have been in Alli
ance this winter, left for the home
t i heir parents, near Guernesy, on
K. Reeves returned Monday from
a week's visit with his son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. J.
Fogle. south of Reno. Mrs. Fogle
has been bedfast with inflammatory
rheumatism but is improving.
Mrs. Grebe entertained a number
of her lady friends Monday evening
There were thr e tables for "500"
Mrs. Mitchell won first prize. Mrs
Wilson the consolation. A delicious
three-course lunch was served.
The many friends here of Mrs,
Ruth liager Burke of White Fish,
Montana, will be interested to learn
of the birth of a baby girl, Jan. 23.
Both mother and child are getting
along fine Grandpa and Grandma
liager are feeling very proud of
their first granddaughter.
Pete Watson came oei last Fri
day to attend the horse sale, and
. .. .. 1 - .n( II I , ...
friend, of w hich he has a large uum
ber In this city, who are more than
pleased to give him the glad hand.
Pete Informs The Herald that his
stock is doing well, notwithstanding
the hard winter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oehrt of
Caldwell, Nebraska, visit ed this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. W.
Ray. Mrs. Oehrt is a niece of Mr
Ray. Prom here they wnt to Ra
venna for a visit with Mr. Oehrt 's
K. W. Ray and J. M. Htmes went
to He-irlingford yesterday to install a
hot ater heating plant in Ketth L.
Pierce's fine new residence, men
tion of which was recently made In
The Herald.
The Herald regrets to see Mr.
and Mrs. K. T. Enyenrt leave AI1i
ance, but will keep them posted on
affairs in this ctty and county at
their new home In Marslnnd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Denton moved
the first of the week into the rooms
over their store room at 313 Box
Butte, avenue. Mr. Denton expects
his stock of goods to arrive from
New York soon, when he will open
his store for business.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Redinbaugh of
Ohadron came over to Alliance Tues
day jhnd will probably mnke their
home In this city. Mr. Redinbaugh
Is traveling representative of the
M. Rumley Company, the traction
engine people, his territory being
western Nebrnska and the Black
Hills. He will make his headquar
ters in Alliance. The Herald is
pleased to welcome him and , Mrs.
Redinbaugh as residents Of this city.
K H. Emerson of Crawford Is in
Alliance this week. He is a photo
grapher and lias patented an inven
tion which, it is claimed, will do a
way with skylights In photograph
galleries. He Is thinking of putting
In a demonstration plant at this
A report received from the BoyttM
Business College of Omaha gives the.
pleasing Information that Norman
MvCorkle. who Is taking a business
course there, Is doing satisfactory
work in all departments. Norman
already had a good Insight into busi
ness before taking up the business
college course, and without doubt he
will complete the same with credit to
himself and the school.
In the. last issue of The Herald in
the railroad notes the .name "Desom
ber" was misspelled. Mrs. W. R.
Desomber will leave for Edgemont
the latter part of this week to Join
her husband. Engineer Desomber.
They will make their home in that
As so many of the former resi
dents of Alliance, and friends of the
present populace who live at a dis
tance, are receiving The Herald, it
would be quite appropriate and we
would appreciate the favor if our
friends will send us items of news
concerning themselves, either by
phone, nv.-il, OT a personal call.
Come, don't be bashful.
Rev. IV J, Ciaik of Andrews. Ne
braska, ; r ached at the M. B. church
last Sun l.ty morning an able and ac-
ceptab' . ermon. He was formerly
district superintendent but found It
necessary a few years ago to retire
from the active work of the ministry
owing to 111 health. He has many
friends at this place who were
pleased to meet him again and learn
that his health has improved.
Miss Mary O'Keefe left Sunday
for Mission, Texas, where she goes
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
O'Keefe. She expects to be gone a
month, and we daresay will have a
fine time because of the pleasure of
a visit with her brother and sister-in-law
and the change to a southern
climate at this time of year. The
Herald will keep her posted on Alll
ance news during her absence.
J. C. McCorkle has taken the con
tract for carrying the mall from Al
liance to Marple. a distance of
twenty five and a half miles, making
a total of fifty -one miles for the trip.
which is made twite u week, on
Wednesday. Link L wry made the
Tirst delivery with a Ford automobile
last Saturday, which, considering the
condition of the weather and the
roads, was one of the worst days of
the winter. We are informed that
Link was so hot because he had to
make the trip under such unfavora
ble circumstances that he soon for
got that the thermometer was reg
istering below zero. However, he
made the trip all right. The new
mode of running a star mall route is
such an Improvement over the old
that there can be no question about
it being continued. It is a great sav
ing on horse flesh and of the driver s
time and patience.
a a etM
General Manuel Monllla assumed
the presidency of Honduras.
Chinese rebels are pushing the fight
ing In various parts of the country.
Charles G iff on! Dyer, the painter.
formerly of Chicago, died In Munich.
Fire grandchildren of Charles Dick
ens In Ixindon are facing abject poverty
The deficit of the federal treasury
for the current fiscal year has risen to
Four Chicago men are said to face
Indictments for McNamara Jury brib
ing in Ios Angeles.
The pension appropriation bill, car
rying nbout $152.0(10,000, passed the
house by a vote of 246 to 33.
Salvator and Pasquale Morello.
young Italian frlut vendors were
murdered' In their home In Chicago.
Thirteen people were killed nnd
thirty-four were Injured during the
OKlahoma hunting season Just ended.
Chairman Henry of the house rules
committee announced he was deter
mined to have a money trust lnvesti
gat ion.
James F. Griffin, member of the hos
pital corps of the Twelfth cavalry,
died at Fort Meade from drinking
wood alcohol.
Mrs. Anna W. von Hohoff has been
made examining Inspector of the in
spection bureau of the finance depart
ment of New York.
The Judiciary committee rejected
the provision of the house bill requir
ing the president to make public In
dorsements for judgeships.
The Kansas labor commissioner has
ordered the city of Topeka to pay the
current rate of wages to the men to
whom It sivos work for charity.
Mrs Alice Helene Mann, known on
the -mgt as Marguerlta Sylva, applied
to the circuit court in Chicago for a
livorce from William David Mann.
Great Britain and Russia will short
ly advance to Persia another $2,000,
000 in order to relieve the immediate
necessities of the Persian government.
Miss Minnie Burrows and Mrs.
Nancy Dean were killed on the farm
of Mrs. ). H. Burrows near Kewanee.
III., when a private lighting plant ex
ploded. Resolutions Indorsing Governor
Thomas R. Marshall of Indiana for
the Democratic nomination for presi
dent Were adopted bjr the Indiana
Democratic Editorial association.
Governor Dlx lias denied the appll-
caticn lor clemency made hv Foulke
E. Brandt, former valet of Mortimer
L. Schlff of New York, who is serving
a thirty-year sentence at Clinton pris
on for Iniiglary.
Grand Jury investigation began into
the mysterious death of E. G. Throck
morton, who was to have been chief
witness in the trial of John B. Snead,
accused of the death of Captain A. G.
Boyce at Fort Worth.
Prices of oil have been going up
teadlly since the dissolution of the
oil trust by the decree of the supreme
court nnd a representative of the
Standard Oil company said that they
probably would go higher.
A stipulation was filed in court to
dismiss the ."0,00o slander action
started bl Judge Franz C. Eschweller
against Mayoi Kmtl Soidei of Milwau
i.e Setdel denies that the 'statements
attributed to bint were correct.
Bj . of Mare Island navy yard
and K y West, Fin., Admiral Thomas,
rcrumnnder m chief of the Pacific
flea i, row at Honolulu, was in commu
nication v.-'.th Washington, the entire
i t. .mo heMig coven d by wireless
Itnmedlctely alter announcement on
the Bonr tt thfi New Orleans Cotton
exchange that Charles D. Finley, mem
ber oi the cotton brokerage firm of
rinley & Simpson, had committed sul
fide, news of the failure of the firm
.was given out.
Federal Judge Adams authorized the
three receivers of the Wabash Rail
road company to issue certificates
which will enable the receivers to bor
row $10,000,000. The money will be
expended for improvements and equip
ment of the road.
Reporting that their demands were
so far apart that there was no chance
jf agreeing at this time, the Joint con
ference of bituminous coal miners and
operators, called to negotiate a wage
t ale to go into effect April 1, ad
journed at Indianapolis.
. The nrst hfgvjr guns of the Repub
Mean pit convention campaign will be
flred m the night of Feb. 12, Lincoln's
birthday President Taft will speak
In Hl Yt.rk. Attorney General Wlcl;
eisham in Milwaukee ami Secretary
MacVeigh In Landing, Mich.
Mrs. Elizabeth Crandall was liter
ally roasted to death, Mrs. Samantha
Abby w..s fatally burned and Homer
HlUiker was seriously Injured try in;
to rescue the women after u gas ex
plosion at Hilliker's home in North
Girard. Pa The house was blown to
Special agents of the department ot
Jubtice are Inveetlgnting the fire
which d' i-troyed the open board oi
tiade building at Chit apt), l ee. 19.
It is -lid aluabl records which
vould nnt thrown light on the Mr
Nmiuin bomb cases were destroyed in
the fire.
Papers w're filed in the New York
ettprev! court hi the suit for an abso
lute divorte which Charles p. Mac
I'onul't. the wealthy Chicago packer
sud meinhei of the firm of Armour ft
L'o., is bringing against his wife, Mrs.
Aunt Kit". .ids Mat Donald Mrs. Mac
jvn ili has started a counter suit
(gainst her husband-
OSCAR BRAriAN, Proprietor
High-class entertainment at popular prices. Moving
pictures and vaudeville
114 In Setts AvsiMM
One half sleek ntth ot Isrliaftos Station
Braman Rooming House
Crystal Theatre Building
The Younkin building has been thoroughly reno
vated from cellar to garret. We furnish our patrons
with clean and comfortable rooms at a moderate price.
When stopping in Alliance over night, give us a trial.
a A" i r t n i i sf r-
.rOi' mm Btk. M Ai nraan Mil nan.
has the new patented copper-pipe
heating system in full size of egg
chamber and extends to all four
ig corners; no cold corners or hot
centers, a rapid circulation of
W. warm water that distributes the
-jg heat evenly over all the eggs.
See them at
It has been some time islnce I asked you to eend me the names and
addresses of your Eastern friends that I might send them literature de
scribing the chances to get cheap farm lands in your locality that will
tsoon very materially increase in value.
All reports now indicate that the mountains are full of snow Insur
ing plenty of water for the irrigated land.-, and the great level plains
that are known as Mondell lands are also well covered with snow, insur
ing a good condition of the ground In the early spring, and it would
seem that (tihls year will be an opportune time to attract new settlers to
your locality.
It wiill only cost you a few moments thought and a postage stamp
to send me the names and addresses of a dozen or more of your Eastern
friends, and it may be worth many times that to you to have more
D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent
1004 Parnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Q. H. Wood
N. S. Cook
Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorating
Carriage Work a Specialty
AH work guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
PHONES 434 and 679
(Satctssar to Fraak NaHact)
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583