gtn? I t T t I T I I I 1 I M4fc 1$) T rili i JATYVIDarl 1 i "ft . ' "1 rives all the news f Box Butte County tnd City of Alliance ma;; -.() VOLUME XIX The Alliance Herald 1 ' iV ' . m( ; - v" 1 . i ) ... L1 nAHhHiJII ffl i " - ij- . .. i.. . r- -ttt frrit?'-p ii I f lurr nnu miTTP rnnuTu urhn I rv i . Tiuinpnni r r m i & t-v n nun Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. T, A I AN r . HI X HI IK N Y. NKHKANKA! I Ks IV kH A Y X. M ' mmm w a w ai sm w w w a v ai i a? a a a w g - a a aasrah '' w a s sr Buy Bank Drafts at The First National The cheapest and most convenient method of sending money by mail. It costs you less than express or postal money orders. jM Try it and be convinced. A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST Office in Alliance National Bank Blk t Over Postomce. Thone 391. MARSLAND CO-OPERATIVE CO. Stock Company Incorporated Capital of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars with LOCAL PARAGRAPHS 3 Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWriAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 32 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S JAMES H. KENNEDY Dentist New ffiee First National Bank Builng PHONE 23 People of this city and county have known for some days that Ora E. Phillips, ex-county superintendent, had secured the organization of a tock company at Maryland, but in formation in regard to it seems to have been pretty badly mixed. The .Marsland Co-operative Company Iras been Incorporated with a capital of $25,000 for the purpose of engaging in general mercantile business. The officers of the company are: Burt J'imnan, president; C. E. Mathews, vice president; Ora B. Phillips, secretary-treasurer and general man ager. The Board of Directors con sists of the three officers named, and H. G. Kurman and A. S. Kn KfT Knyearf of this city will be connected with the business of the Marsland Co-operative Company. He and Mrs. Enyeart will move to that town this week. Luke Phillips will attend to the business of the Phil lips Land Company at Alliance. The business of the Alliance Tailoring Company will be continued at the same location where Mr. Enyeart has had charge of it, 403 Box Butte avenue. POTATOES WANTED I want to buy one thousand bushels potatoes. Pay cash. 80c per bushel Mrs. M. L, Phares Bpent last Sun nay with her niece, Mrs. L J. Man ger, of Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Coral came In from their ranch near Broadwat er, Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Btddle, of Spade, vis ited with her sister, Mi-s. A. A. Ralls, last week. .Messrs Ztekert of Bingham, Wheeler of Spade and Cromroy of Ellsworth were in the city on land office business this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harris' little son, Clifford, who has been danger ously ill with acute bronchitis, is much improved at this writing. Glen J. Miller and wife of North (Platte will terminate a three weeks' Visit with the parents of the latter, iMr. and Mrs. Thomas Katen, to morrow. A twelve pound baby girl arrived art the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Young on February 1. Mother and child are do4ng nicely. Mr. Young is Janitor at Central school. Mrs. T. M. Burrow has been ill at her home with pneumonia for some time and 1 reported quMe low to- ttay. We hope to be able to report an Improvement in her condition in our next Issue. The skill of Stanley Naylor, thai siign artist, is adding elegance to the front door and windows of the Geo. A. Mollring dry woods store, already noted for its beauty. We wish to call the attention of our readers this week to the adver tisement of the Co-Operative store. Thy carry a flnt line of grocorhs, and are making some attractive prices.' ' , ; NUMBER HOLY ROSARY CHURCH New Patter and His Assistant Carry Forward UftcGreat Work Laid Down by he L mara Late Father McNa ALL DEPARTMENTS PROSPERING BASKET SOCIABLE The choir of the Episcopal church will give a basket sociable at the opera house on February Idtti. There will be a short program be fore the selling of the boxes. Pro gramme begins at & p. m. WYOMING PARTIES WED Ungle Young People Married Residence of Alliance Friends at TOM STALOS PHONE 21 113 Box Butte Ave. The horns of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Atheson. 713 l4tramle avenue, was the scene of a pretty wadding on Wednesday evening, February 7, at s(x o'clock, at which Rer A. L. God frey, pastor of the Cnlted Presby terian ohureh, officiated. The con tracting parties were Mr. Bernard I... Rider and Miss Margaret M. Mor ris, both of Lingle. Wyoming. The bride is a very attractive young la dy, well educated aetaVac com phased, a u ssful Wyoming teacher. Khe attended Junior normal at 'Alliance last year and formed a goodly mini Lber of acquaintances and friend hiiM. The groom ha extensive .nd and cattle interests twenty Notice is hereby given that the an 4,K ..., i,gle near Ft. Ir an,...- He Is . well and Box Butte County Fair Association Annual Meeting of Stockholders ual meeting of the Wfcxkbolders of the Box Butte County Fair Associa tion will be held in the City Hall al Alliance, Nebr., on Saturday, Febru ary 10, ttlt, at 2:00 p. m. The stockholders will elj a boa id dy rectors for the ensuing year, ami transact such other' business as may e required. GEO. I) HARMS';, President favorably known in eastern Wyoming and will make u worthy husband for his es timable bride. From Alliance the newly married (TOuple returned to l.ingle today The Misses Missouri Alonier an 1 Mary Wilson, two of AUtance's teachers, entertained friends at the RV. B. Spencer home last Friday ev ening. Refreshments were served and a ojlly good time is reported. One of Kilpatrlok Bros.' men was badly hurt in a runaway last even ing as he was leaving town for the ranch. He was badly bruised and will probably be confined to his room for a week or so before being ible to return home. The Dtagnlfl4Sit organization of the Catholic ehurch Ik shown by re cent events in Alliance, some of which have been very sad but have not stopped toe progress of the church In Its various departments of Christian endeavor. It Is unlvesjhal ly conceded that to the late Psiber "McNamara Is due the credit for Hav ing built up Holy Rosary church to its present position of pros 140, and also St. Agnes Academy and St. Joseph Hospital . But when worn and broken in healtih by his too ar duous labors he sucoujmbed to the cruel hand of death there were oth ers who could be put into the place thus mad vacant and cam forward successfully the work which he had so nobly begun. Rev. FaaJjer Donnelly, who so ab ly assisted Father McNsjpira, was following his death made, p.-tstor of the church. An, assistant being nec essary, Father Timothx, Maloney, who was ordained in Ireland for the Omaha diocese, was appointed to .the position, January 28 being his first Sunday in Alliance. He came here from South Omaha, where he served for a while as Assistant pas ,lH l.tor of St. Peter's church. U will be a pleasure to the many friends of Holy Rosary church, St. Agnes Academy and SL Jodeph Hos pital to know that the work is now moving forward nicely. The recent hard thnes affected the school some what, as It did nearly every school In the land, but prospects for its future are very bright. As those ho have read this paper during the ua'sl few years are ' aware, this school is splendidly equipped as an educational institution. The work ;f the present school year Is going on nicely and we have no doubt the attendance the coming year will be larger than ever before. St. Joseph Hospital is doing ex cellent work and, although the de mands sometimes tax Us present ca pacity, It Is probable that an addi tion to the present building will be erected within the next few years and Its capacity increased as de mands upon it continue to increase. le Bee Hive Store ) SAYS EVERY SATURDAY we will have a sale of some special article which we will sell at a ridiculously low price in order to induce you to come to our store and see our low prices. That Is all we ash. Special for Next Saturday FEBRUARY 10 A 5-QUART ENAMELED STEW PAN FOR w 16' f Bveretit Bldred made a trip to O- maha and from there went into Iowa to purchase a car load of imported bulls, which were shipped to Alli ance. A stallion was included In the shipment. 8. Avery of Orlan do, Mr. Eldred's father-in-law, cam to town this week to reee4ve the stock. The Alliance Grocery Company has learned by experience that it pays to .-ail public attention to their business through the mean of printer's ink. Mr. 13. H. Highland, the manager, orders an Interesting ad in this issue of The Herald. We are requested to advise our readers who may be interested in the B. of L. F. & K. annua! ball to he given at the Phelan opera houst next Wednesday evening to not put- chase an unnumbered ticket and to purchase only of those authorized to sell the same. One or more of thcs iball tickets came up missiiiK before Jjeing numbered and will not he a' - . eii.-d at the ball if presented Frank Bmpky, a traveling sale man who i well known In Alliance, Mas taken sick while in this : y n uout a month ago. He was stopping at tlie Burlington Hotel and aM ak en fit m there to St. Joseph's hos They will make their home on? Mr Rider's ranch until spring when'they may remove to otisimm. 1 ne pi,H, ttllele n,. ,t uiHined until con 1 J I era Id believes not II .Mr. anu my. l ,.,, h ., . lliK IRA E 1ASH. secretary j ni(JtM. dwrve , ()llxratulai ions and 1 H, MaiUlnsl,. He wa8 , best wbibes and we are more hsnae aKan Wednesday Mis niauy Snow Drift Flour at the pieced to extend the sme m 1 friends will be pleased to learn that INJURED BY RUNAWAY Marvin Hunsaker of Lakeside Sus tains Setious injury Tuesday On Tuesday of this week Marvin Hunsaker of Lakeside, who Is well known in Alliance and hus many friends among our readers, met with an accident that resulted in a broken shoulder. He was driving out from Lakeside to s ranch with a cattle Inspector when, from some cause, the particulars of which we have failed to learn, the teum b cams unmanageable and ran away throwing both men out with the re sub of an injury to Hunsaker as a bove stated. He was taken to bis horns at Lakeside and Dr. Hand of Alliance called to attend to his Injuries. At last report he was getttog aloug as well as could be expected LINCOLN LEGION DAY Appropriate Observance of Anni veraary of Lincoln's Birthday by Alliance Methodist Episcopal Sun day School PROGRAM ON TEMPERANCE - , . . I Preparations are beun made to, appropriate observance of Lincoln TEL. 214- Ajfiybody, O! Anybody That is going to build Is the one that we want to see Get acquainted. Get our prices You will find that we are rieht Our one great effort , to please. sSs A 'TT-ial ffliiS . Foster Lumber Co. I ' h-ri A. L. CONKLIN, Mgr O 31' JJA8 .JAUHHA ; ' t la inovJ j rf isdsN ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Valentines THE KIND YOU WANT FINEST IN THE CITY At BRENNAN'S THE CORNER DRUG STORE I and crime; and believing K is oiir duly to dleourn; that which pro duces more evil than uood, we there- j fore pledge ourselves to from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage." Sunday .school will convene m In THE EAGLE RESTAURANT "J ' m Geo. B. Younkin has gone into the abstain 1 ,',urn' business anain o'clock as usual but will short of the usual time fifteen mip- week he bought out rtie rsstausant and lunch counter which HoASell ilros. hav been running recently. tht ny Jim's I'lace." ho .HI mnim cuuiuiuiiiy Known as 'Mill Mr and Mi- f 1 . : . i r J , .i ... a ill ,.. n,... i-d narSe a wK Ko.-to- , . . ... . 1 . . . . , . . . w . 1. 11... . 1 . n ..... 1.. iuv tSe .""" """ " ey nv r r. i,fioiis steady increase in trade Ta.-y in ok rain. cuiiBin. .in, . - . .. . Miuolu lyal Legion sOng. mi., being lelldeied by the choir and la next Sunday by the luembeiw pf the M K rtunday school. The alt stlaeiue depariuienl of the Anti-Sa uleiubeis of the Sunday school. I'er loon League, known as the Uncolu ums who wish to hear this program Fair Store, $1.50 sack. Phone 589. per a long and happy married rife theirs. be Beech-Nut brand Pork and Beans, IO-15-25c. At Bicknell Grocery Co. LENTEN TEA The Junior timid of St Mathew s church will give a tea, Tuesday, K.-b 13, at the residence of Mrs W -f?i j A. Miller, tea ('heyenne Ave., from All kinds of dyeing, dry cleaning ' i to p. m This Is the first of a and pressing. MUS. W. H. ZKII , series of teas to be served during RUNG. I'hone Si HtflOtX I lewt. Kerybody is invited. he has entirely illness. recovered from liis Miss Virginia Watson, the accom plished teacher of the Kllswoith school, visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mm. R. T. Watson, last Saturday and Sunday Her tveekly visits to tills c'.ty are prin cipally for the purpose of pursuing her musical studies. Legion, recommends the observance of Lincoln Hay" sith appropriate temperance program. This depart ment of the Ami-Saloon League "f work Is doing iiuhIi good through lie power of moral persuasion Those who enroll as members oi the Lincoln Legion sign the follow ting pledge, which was written, sign ed and advocated b Abraham Lin poll " Whereat, the use of intoxi cating liquors as a beverage is pro Out-live of pauperism, degradation Ul who will not attend the' Suuds.v school are requested to notice par tii uiarly that the program w ill be Sin fifteen minutes earlier than the . . ,.HUul.inif uml be UMl.HI llllie 1... IM.'l' - ..... , , I iMiiereni seis or inoUern rttoms prompi in .v.-,. ".for lihl honsekw....!. clfMu.i- 'All wi- v-n huow n m uiis pan or ..'Ne braska as su-esful restaurant peo ple, and as their many friends and ic.uaiiitan es Team that they are in 'bis Hue or business again. Ifcelr trade w ill continue to increase. They have renamed rh place It k. qow The Kagh- KeMaurant." rooms on first floor I'huue tnm M. BAKll tutvrrupt ill the rendition 01 uie pro gram. Other clmrciiea of the city had x pted to unserve uw. o. - Ureh Blat k Walnut n.nnei- in. i their urograms rrcsn DICK WainUlS, failed U) arrive in time to maKe t he , 5C per DOlind. Bjckllell nee ssary preparation. Grocery Co.