CUT DOWN IN YOUTH Promising Young Man Succumbs to "II Destroyer after Opera tion at Hospital OLIVER MORTON BROWN GONE Other Morion Hrown, son of Mr. Hd Mrs I II Brown Qf .loss, Slier Id an county, w-ms brought to Alliance on Monday of tgsl work to ! treat od for appendicitis. He ' ak 0 St, Joseph hospital Tuesday rooming where an operation van performed thai day. The case was on, unusually aerlous one from the be gmnlng. but he rallied from the op eration and for awhile there was good prospect for his recovery. On Thuraday mini I here was a turn for the worse and It was seen that his end was near. His sister, Mlae Am Brown, who was with him t the hos pital, telephoned to her father in Sheridan county and telegraphed to jther relatives. The father arrived on 41 Friday morning, having secur d permlseBon by telephone o have It stopped at Lakeside for his ac 'commodatJon, but his arrival was a lKtle too late to see his son altve. He passed away at about the time (he train bearing his father arrived in Alliance. The deceased was born November 19, 1888, in Smith county, Kansas, died January 26, 1912, at the age of 23 yrs. 2 mos. and 7 days. He wae promising young man and was much loved by those who knew him best. His parents resided in Alli ance for awhile and altho he was not here much on account of being engaged in ranch work they have many friends tin this city as well a in Sheridan county, who mourn the untimely end of the bright young man and deeply 'sympathise with the afflicted relatives. Morton wae not a member of the church, but he had been brought up under Christian teaching, and before death came to relieve him of his suf fering he realized that his time was short on earth, and assured his 'sis ter who was with hliu that he was prepared to go. Besides the parents, the Immedi ate relatives are three sisters and two brothers. Two sisters. Amy and Mary, reside with their parents In Sheridan county. A married sis ter, Mrs. Klla H. Tookln. resides at Chariton, Iowa, and a brother, F. I' Brown, near Reno, Nebraska; an other brother, V. T. Brown, at Cromwell, Iowa. Thev were all present at the funeral, as wore also John Tookln and Mrs. W. T. Hrown, brother-in-law and sister-in-law of the deceased. The funeral was held In the M. E. church of Alliance, at 2: Ml, Saturday Afternoon, conducted by request by John W. Thomas, editor of the AMI snce Herald, assisted by the pastor of the church, Kev. O. S. Haker. In terment was in Greenwood comet cry. We fain vould offer words of con olstion to the bereaved parents brothers and slaters, but words can scarcely comfort heart that are torn by such affliction It Is a source of great consolation to them that they sorrow not as those that have no hop of a happy reunion in the great hereafter. Their loved one has gone to the happy shore of which he delighted to stag: "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand And cast a wishful eye To Caanan's fair and happy land Where my possessions lie." tiry M given the. following sketch of his litis and partjoivlnrs concerning his lllmvs and death IrVtfll H. Rend died. at his home on MOM street in ibis ljlae. Thursday morning. Jan. HI, 1012, Aged about 57 yeHrs. 6 months. He had been HI for i bOVl ten weeks, having sustain ed an attack of apoplexy on Nov. It, Mr. Kcod war born In Columbus, and B nt his early life there. A bOOl thirty years ago he went to Ne braska, where he remained for about ten years. Returning, he carried on the business of farming In Columbus until about nine years ago, when he removed to thin village Since mak ing his home here, he had done a greai deal of carpenter work, and was considered a good mechanic. Deceased was twice married. Hit first wife wae Mrs. Frankle .faoulth of Columbus, who died about eleven years ago. About two yeare later he married Mrs. Mary Reed, of Columbus, who survives him. He also leaves a stepdaughter, Mlsfl Claire Reed, a daughter, Mrs. Floyd Sholes of Columbus, and three eons, l.ouls, Alcott and Francis. A brother, Hon. A. S. Reed, reald at Phoenix, Ariz., and a sister, Mrs. L. W. Bcwtnan, lives at Alliance, Nebr. Mr. Reed was all that Is Implied by the term "good citizen." Honest and industrious, he was also Intelli gent, well read and accurate. When a young man he taught several terms of school In his native town, and is remembered by his pupils as an ex cellen teacher. He was a good hus band and a Und father, and his flam ily will have the sincere sympathy of H'o community. He was a mem ber of Proebus Ixdge, A. F. A. M , and of Tlenderah Chapter, O. K S. of thin village, and also a mem ber of Khrenbrelsteln Lodge of Odd Fellows. Funeral services will be held at 2:30, Sunday afternoon, at St. Andrew'.-- church, and will be conduct ed by the rector. Rev. W. B. Tan ner. The committal service will be conducted by the Maoonic fratemMy. CARD OF THANKS To our neighbors, the people of Alliance and all who by their nsstsi- snce in the time of our great be ronvement showed their heart felt sympathy we wish to express our thankfulness and appreciation Your kindness will ever be remembered with the prayer that when afflictions cross the. pathway of your life you may have that consolation that only the Heavenly Father can impart. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hrown and children. IRVING S REED Farmer Box Butte County Citizen Passed away Last Thursday at New Bsrlin, N. Y. WESTERN NEBRASKA PIONEER The early settlers of this part of Nebusku will be sorry tu learn of the death of lrvng S. Reed, which occurred in the village of New Ber lin. New York, latu Thursday worn lag He, in company with lit broth or, A 8. Reed, and sinter, Mis Mary K. Heed, now Mrs. I,. W, How Man, entered ltwinetead claims esf Of wl.ere Aliases) sow ataoda, al mougn (here itu towu tier at that time, w 1886. Is 1892 he left Xkv county, return lag ,ts his native DEATH OF LITTLE GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson sold their place near Bingham about the first of December and with their fain Hy removed 1o Missouri. lis Thurs day his father, William Anderson, received a telegram stating that their (laughter Grade had died sud denly. William Anderson and son Claude and his wife left on 44 tlie day the telegram was received for W'atervllle, Kansas, where the funer a! was to be held. IN BRITISH COLUMBIA AN ELABORATE WEDDING Superintendent Edward E. Young of Alliance and Dr. Alice Day of Dallas, Wedded fn Denver WILL RESIDE IN THI8 CITY The Nets' Berlin Gazette of JaOu j Word received from Herbert Par- dey, who is traveling salesman in British Columbia for the Swift -Can adian Company, brings the informa Hon that he likes thtnt country fine and Is very much pleased with his present position. The coldest weath er there never gets more than ten degrees below zero, which Is some thing of an Improvement on ' places farther south. He has head quarters a Kamloops, B. C. GROUNDHOG SOCIAL A goundhog social will be held at the First Presbyterian church to morrow night for members of the church and congregation and their friends. The novelty of the enter tainment will not be confined entire ly to the name. F. H. Pardey will be master of ceremonies. The pro gram for the evening will include short addresses and a report of the trustees on the condition of the church for the past year. As the time at year is at hand when a large amount of painting, pa per hanging, calclmlnlng, etc., will soon be In demand, I. B. t'ook, who Is a first-class workman in that line, orders un advertisement in The Her aid to let the people know that he is In business and will give their or ders prompt and careful attention. J. N. Bates of Pleasanton, Iowa, brother-in-law of J. W. Bicknell, has been visiting in this city since last week This is his second visit to this part of the West since lie cross d this country fifty years ago a barefoot bov. Mr Kstes will re- main in Alliance u foe days longer, and from here proceed to Montana. F. B. Reddish leaves next Sunday for Lincoln, where lie will Join other parties on a trip south. He will vis it Houston and Victoria. Texas, aixl from there go to Mexico On his re turn he will take in New Orleans HO will probably b Joined to Texas by K. T. Kibble, who 1 now looking after business interests In that statr SOS H II Tragesy, a brakeaiau whs has beeu Is the euipjoy of the Burlington for tlie past two years with heati JBUten i Alliance, has, resigned d ill oos lev for the Pari fie - - - - I coast. Probably the wedding of no other persons would call forth more or heartier congratulat lone from Alli ance people than that of Bdward B. Young, general superintendent of the C. B. & Q. west of the Missou ri, and Dr. Alice Day, a leading phy sician of Dallas, Texas, which happy event occurred In Denver on Mon day of this week. It is super fluous for us to say that we ex tend congratulations and beet wishes. Wverybody in this city is doing that. The following account of the wed ding 1s taken from the Denver Re publican of Tuesday morning: Culminating a two years' courtship at long range, the marriage of Dr. Alice Day, a leading physician of Dallas, Texas, to Edward E. Young, general superintendent of the Bur ttngton linen west of the Missouri, with headquarters at Alliance, Ne braska, was performed last night, and the couple will start on a 10,000 mile honeymoon today. The wedding took place at 1905 Ogden treet, the home of Peter Jennings, a life-long friend of both bride and groom. The Rev. Charles B. Wilcox of the Trinity Methodist 'Episcopal church offldated. Dr. Mary E. Sates, the well known wo man physician of this city, gave the bride away, and J. M. Bordy of the Central Savings bank acted ae best man. Dr. Day is the daughter of an O hlo banker and was graduated from the Woman '8 Medical College In Chi cago. She has practiced medicine in Dallas for the last nine years, and Is one of the leading woman practi tioners of the country. Edward Young lias been with the Burlington system for two years, and has en tire control of the lines In the west, which division embraces more track age than any other. The couple met in Ikmver two years ago, at the home of a mutual (friend. Dr. Day was summering in Denver, and Young was here inspect Ing the road. The two were seen much together. Then there was correspondence between them, and last summer Dr. Day again found it convenient to spend considerable time here. The engagement was announced vex-ently and caused considerable sur prise In railroad circles here and in medical circles in Dallas. The bride and groom will leave to day in Young's private car for San Antonio, Texas. They will continue to New Orleans and will be present at the Mardi Gras, and will go from there to Mobile and Birmingham. Then after a tour of the Florida coast, including Palm Beach, they will go to Cuba and the Isle of Pines. They will return to Alliance, where they will make their home, via Chi cago. Elaborate decorations were, ar ranged for the wedding at the Jen nings home, roses and lilies forming the flower scheme. The bride wore a real lace dross, draped with em broidered chiffon, and magnificent diamond earrings, the groom s pres ent, sparkled In her oars. Those present included Mrs. E. D. Cargell, Mrs. G. D. Buchanan, Mrs. . A. I.uddltt. Dr. Guthrie, Dr. Hoff man. Miss M. Shelly, Mrs. Susan Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Dr. Mary Elisabeth. Dr. Elizabeth. J. M. Bordy. Mrs. F. A. Buell, Miss A. U Myrick, Mrs. Slngletory. Mrs. Rob erta Balfour, Dr. Marquette, Dr. El sie Held. If BM Nora Jtnningx and Miss Nellie Jennings. The Home of Quality Groceries INGERSOL LARK Highly Respected Morrill County Young Couple Wed in Alliance. s s 4 In tlie parlor of the Burlington Ho tel at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon occurred the wedding of two highly respected young people of Morrill county. Mr. Otto A. Ingersoll of t'le man. and Miss Mildred Clark, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George (Mark of l.ynn. Mr. Cecil L. l iter was lie- man and Miss Bess K. Brown 'bridesmaid, Rev. J. B. Brown, pas tor of the First Presbyterian church performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ingersoll Mill make their home with the groom s mother vi i McNult, on the ranch near man. The bride and groom are both highly respected young peopl and in uniting their life destiny they have done preeminently the proper thing and taken the step that should com mand the congratulations of ail. The HfraJA's wishes attend then as Uev Uuu. h Out on the vayag or married into. . wASJ ' I sB Come, give us a trial! You then will declare Our Groceries the choicest. Our prices, fair. Host obliging: you will find us. Anxious to please. Ever striving our best Your wants to appease. Try these they'll Please HUNTS SUPERIOR QUALITY CANNED GOODS Y. F. Peaches, 3 lb. can . . 25c L. C. Peaches, 3 lb. can . . 30c Apricots, 3 lb. can .... 25c Green Gage Plums, 3 lb. can . 25c Egg Plums, 3 lb. can . . . 25c Del Monte Spinach, 3 lb. can LaZarre Beets, 3 lb. can . . Hustler Pumpkin, 3 lb. can Libby's Kraut, 3 lb. can . . Polk's Best Hominy, 3 lb. can 18c 18c 10c 10c 10c THE CO-OPERATIVE STORE Phone 80 Miss Tennie Rockey and her sis ter are In Ravenna this week, visit ing with Mrs. Roekey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hagaman. Engineer Bishop went to Chicago the first of the week, lie went for medical examination, and if neces sary will enter a hospital. Conductor U. N. Hosklns, who will be on the relief several weeks longer on account of his sprained ankles, Is planning to make a short visit to Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. V. S. Metz writes from Mys tic, 8. I)., that they got through the recent cold spell O. K. Mr. Met, has escaped the rheumatism so far and l feeling fine. Brakeinan Mackey, who is on the extra board on account of slack bus iness, has gone to Chadron to spend the time he Is off, with home folks. J. I,. Beden-man, trk-k dispatcher at Deadwood, was in Alliance this week visiting a sick friend. Machinist Carroll, who has been In Alliance the past two years, has re signed, lie went from here to (Jrand Island, where he may decide to locate. The little daughter of Agent fiteveuson ot Nahant was quite se verely burned last week while play ing, near a lamp, which she upset. Belief Ageut Harcleroad, who hap pens to be out of work, is spending the werk in Alliance. Charles Mat-key of Alliance is re lieving Dispatcher Bederman In the Deadwood office during the latter s absence. Fireman and Mrs. Kuhnke return ed to their ranch sear Hecla, Sunday noes. Auditor O'Ham-Of Alljan.ce was at tending to company business on the high line this week. Engineer John Young of the high line was In Alliance last Friday. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. T. J. Raycroft entertained a few friends at Five Hundred. A particularly pleas an,t time Is reported. Engineer Wade of Ravenna was attending the Masonic reunion in Deadwood last week. J. E. Walker, formerly clerk In the superintendent's office at Dead- wood and now private secretary to Gen. Supt. Young of Alliance, was In Deadwood lust week on company business. The Infant child of Fireman Oris- i wold, which was dangerously sick the first of the week. Is slowly lm ! provimg. Mrs. Piercy of Julesburg, III., Is i visiting at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Newberg, wife of Engineer Newberg. . On Tuesday noon Miss Agnes Row land left for Omaha, where she will enter a hospital for an operation, tihe was accompanied by Dr. Single. Mrs. Dan Fitzpatrlck and her broth er, T. F. Kowlaud. Mrs. M. E. Johnson ha bossj en joying a visit from her sister, M w O'Brien of Blunt, 8. D. Mrs. O' lirlen .nt to Grand Island. sBOfO her parents reside. Mrs. Desauiuber has Messfl ar rangements to move to Edxemont a bout Feb. 17th Engineer Desautu Iter is on the switch engine in the Hklgeuiost yards. Three of the Alliance divlsivs prakemen. Frank Jehaso. C A. PhillrsauBi and I;. W, McCarty, vers aent te Ualesburg iw help out during a coal rush ther Tke left Alliance on No. 42 Sunday morning. It is with regret that we report tie resignation of Brakeman W. J. Tragasser, which took effect. Jan. 'ti Mr. Tragasser is a capable, reliable young man and one of the best brakemen on this division. He had been here two and one-half years, and in less than another year would have been wearing a conductor's badge. Mr. Tragasser has secured a fine position in San Francisco and will leave for that city in a few days. He Ib now making a short visit at the Putnam ranch near Bon tier. Mrs. Mathews of Marsland has been in Alliance 'he past ten days, visiting friends. While here she was the guest of honor at a number of parties given by her acquaintanc es, who are always glad to welcome her. a Conductor Tom Griffeth is taking a thirty days' lay-off, which he will spend with his parents In Iowa. Con ductor Heisenbuttle has Grlffeth's car and crew. Inspection engine Iff, with Supt. 'Weidenhamer and Train Master D. J. Nelson, went west Monday morn ing. Conductor John l.eidtka went to Billings on Monday. Me und his brother are looking after some Irri gated land near Huntley. Mrs. Don Wagner gave a very pleasant party at her home las' Wednesday evening. Sixteen ladles ! played Five Hundred. A dainty four ! course luncheon was served. Mrs. I Wagner is a charming hostess and ' will be greatly missed by her many j Alliance friends. , Mo e Missouri scrghuni on hand at Kogere' grocery. Phone ."4 , BtflOSI VIAVI- The drugless home treat ment. Elena M. Nichols, iii Chey enne Ave. Phone 651. Mrs. Ed. Peterson, formerly ot Al 1 jlance but for the psuf year s reel ! deu ft Winona, Minn., stopped over between trains one day last wwek. and v aa entertained at the home of I H .... I , t-i 1. 1 u . - ' l J . V. . nr,. -M5 rf ! -son wmu enrviiie- to .Deadwood, s. D., ts jeiai Mr. Petersen, Where they wtll mi theii fin rue sr