Gives all the news of Box Butte County and Citv of Alliance VOLUME XIX The Alliance Herald ; ' . ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY -i IUI2 Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. NUMBER 8 BANK DRAFTS ISSUED BY Xlxe First ZETsttlor.,! ZOatnik: OQ8T LE88 Than United States POSTAL MONEY ORDERS, as you will notice by the following schedule : iHk Drifts lurnt by Fir it Nititnil lk Eiafttt M. 0. B. S. fggt M. I. wWOIWITl" OeaT POST OQT Not over- $ 500 5 Cents 5 Cents 5 Cents 10 00 10 " 8 " 8 " 20 00 10 " 10 M 10 30 00 10 " 12 " 12 " 40 00 10 " 15 " 15 " 50 00 10 " 18 " 18 " 60 00 10 " 20 " 20 M 75 00 10 " 25 " 25 " 100 00 10 " 30 " 30 M LOCAL PARAGRAPHS A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391. X'V'l I 1 "t' 1 1 1 t"l I1' 1' ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATS BROKEN BOW Reserve Play Lakeside Friday Eve Of this Week at Alliance H. S. Gymnasium. BURLINGTON BUSINESS Annual Report for Nebraska of the, C. B. 4 Q. R.R. Makes Good Showing for 1911. Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED AT SIDNEY SATURDAY NIGHT DR. L. W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA q0g Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S JAMES H. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Siding PHONC 2.1 POTATOES WANTED The Alliance high school basket ball team scored their fourth con secutive victory when they defeated Broken Bow Friday night. Alfho the Broken Bow boys were much larger they were not able to stand tile pace of the local team. The game was onesided thruout. Score 40 to 12. Those responsible for the Bow's defeat are. Nolan (rapt.), Schafer, Keegan, Graham, Spaclut, Darnell and On Saturday night the Alliance team will meet Sidney on her own rioor. This will be the third game in t lie series for western Nebraska championship. Alliance has won all games thus far and a victory Satur day night will undoubtedly mean the return of the pennant to Alliance. Sidney Is working hard however, and we will have to play for every thing we get. About 40 rooters ex pect to accompany the team to Sid ney. Join the loyal ones and help the boys win. On Friday night of this week the high school reserves will meet, the team Horn Iake&ide. T!w Lakeside iteam is made up of ex-college men and they will put up a good game. The high (school second team is fast after giving the first team a hard rub. A good game is assured. Game called at 8:00. ALLIANCE TAKES FRONT RANK The annual report of the C. B. A Q. railroad for 1911, which has bten recently filed for Nebraska, maken a good showing altho business was somewhat lighter at many points than It was the preceding year. Four leading cities show a gain in total business in 1911 over that of 1910, as follows: Omaha, South Oma ha, Lincoln and Scottsbluff. While Alliance shows a decrease in busi ness, k remains near tlte head of the list in the volume of business transacted, standing third in the a mount of money received for tick ets, only two cities in the state be ing ahead of it, Omaha and Lincoln. In total business. Including pafwen and freight traffic, it stands fifth in the list,' Omaha, South Omaha, Un oln and Grand Island being ahead of it, altho Grand Island leads Alli ance by only a small amount. I want to buy one thousand j g gutyg COUItty bushels potatoes. Pay cash. 80c per bushel TOM STALOS PHONE 210 113 Box Butte Ave. Public Sale of Stallions and Mares We will sell on Saturday, Febru ary .'5rd. 1912, at Spry's barn, in Al liance, Nebraska, eight head of high grade Percheron and Shire stallions. They are an extra boned lot of horses. Ages from two to seven years. All range broke and all broke to harness. Thirty head of heavy boned mares Included in this sale. R. M. HAMPTON, Owner. SIMON SI'RY, KIHSAR W. WILSON. Managers. II. P. COURJMOY, FIJI VKL WRIGHT, Auctioneers. 7.IH05--' . . - . . Fair Association Annual Meeting of Stockholders Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Box Butte County Fair Associa tion will be held in the City Hall at Alliance. Nbr., on Saturday, Febru ary 10, 1912, at 2:00 p. m. The stockholders will elect a board or di rectors for the ensuing year, and transact such other business as may he required. GEO. D. DARLING, President IRA E. TASH, Secretary. BAZAAR AND CHICKEN PIE TRAINED BEAR DRAWS CROWD Louis Luffs trained bear drew big crowds at the Crystal the first three nights of this week. In the first per formance the cheering of t lie crowd attracted his attention and wsnsed him to stop and gaze at the people a 'while, to gratify his curiosity, but after that he went through with his stunts without any serious break, much to the delight of the people who saw him. This bear is only a bout eight months old, and with the talent he now displays will no doubt make an exceptionally fine show an imal with a little more training. ATTRACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT The Crystal theatre has provided ah especially attractive entertain ment for the last three nights of this week. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. Chas. Keuhle and Harry J. Freeman present les Frlminis, an entertainment that delights the crowds which it Invariably -draws. See hand bills for further Inforiua i ion Mrs. A. K. Morris has been quite ill for the past few days Miss Anna King of Angora Is shop ping Vn Alliance this week. Mrs. A. 8. Enyeart of Hemlngford is TlsUIng at the Tash home. Ira Phillips crt Sioux county Is transacting business in Alliance. Grandma Sweeney is reported as much better the last few days. Miss Edna Duncan has been hav ing la grippe the past week. More Missouri sorghum on hand at Rogers' grocery. Phone 54. 8Cf t 027 J. F. McFarland, a real estate deal er of Rushvllle, la In town on busi ness this week. ' A. A. Coulson of Bingham came up to Alliance on business Monday, re turning on 44 Tuesday. Mrs. Sewell, of Danberry, Nebr., mother of Mrs. W. R. Pate, Is visit ing at the Pate home. Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Murphy of lake side came in on 43 Wednesday and are stopping at the Alliance Hotel. J. R. Barb has charge of the Resi dent Meat Market in the absence of Mr. Drake, who is now In Colorado Virginia Morrison, the little daugli ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Morrison, who has been quite 111, is much bet ter. t lautle iester 01 Alliance was lu town for several days, trying to buy a carload of horse. Bayard Trans cript. see I Mrs. Bowles, proprietor of the New York Hat Shop, ha been quite I ill the past few days, but Is at pu s nt improving. V. II. Miller, traveling .salesman for the Heinz Pickling Co., i spend ing a few days with his family, who n'sido in Alliance. The many friends of V. II. Zeh run will be glad Lo know that he Is Lagain able to look after the Inter ests or his bus'ne: A D Rodgers left Tuesday for Brld-i port and other towns along the Guernsey line on business for the Al liance Fruit Company. James Johnson, who was badly hurt about a week ago by a horse falling and severely crushing his foot, is getting along nicely. Miss Delia Aylward, who has beeu a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, is much improved, and expects to leave for the East In the near future. Geo. A. Mollting made a business :rip to Denver the first of the week, hut cut his visit to the city short on account of press of business at home. Anybody, O! Anybody That is going to build Is the one that we want to see Get acquainted. Get our prices You will find that we are ritrht Our one great .effort to please. S. A. Foster Lumber Co. A. L. CONKLIN, Mgr. Xs -EE O ZE2 G50 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Valentines THE KIND YOU WANT FINEST IN THE CITY At BRENNAN'S THE CORNER DRUG STORE PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid of the First Pres byterian church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Kaycroft. next Wednesday afttrnoon, at 2:30. FOR ALL KINDS OF Painting Paper Hanging Calclmlnlng Phone 679 All Work Guaranteed 1 February 20, the Date; Phelan Op era House, the Place NOTICE M. E. LADIES' AID The Indies' Aid Society of the M K. church will be enteiiained at the home or Mrs. J. O. Deck, next Wed nesday afternoon, at 2::i0. All mem The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. an, frk,nuH are 0rlilly Unit K ( -bun h will give a chicken pie supper and bazaar, February 20, In ! , the I'helan opera house. The bast- j l)cn.t fa , -JH. Mutlalm! Krlmini aar will be held during the day, and ,hw crystal Theatre this supper will be served, commencing sht. , yarned Telepathic Pbe at :M A large quantity of deli- : noilletlon ttDd tJ you anything clous candies and many useful artl- you W4in, to know Xhl. ady am m cie win ue onerea tor suie. .1 nlsnly MMOmmeil4l(Hd Mnd specialty will be made of aprons, ; liti,nr Which are being made in every con- i celvable style for the accommodation 1 r, I -1 1 klf ) 111 r .siiuum snernoou ivuui ui 111a Is enter Hon. J W The Keyal H lab Is inters anuouuee a itefcuar. HteeOnc of the Hrothfi 1-puhli. dare And card party te U .of 1CKomoJje Flrjne aad'ci Appleaatr rcturaed on to Alliance, where be has been for the past week 1 111. lag legal busine1 He' Lad Intended U be but test oi 1 xx om ooj 1 nrejnea " n . I rt at 4 heir nun. KridH even la a, 1 - ntWB will be tela tfry Sun-1 Kebruai v tU All are rwdtall I tBr He affernowa at 2: 44, in t he "M. M i tvttel. rOM-Ml iTE. u" lk ;lfl A. fcaHl, ll Wejrt ,:r atriat, j . , U)t .lay ia that city.- Mae""" COMMITTE. J Dr. !, aoa U ' Mire. J. F. Ringler was calling on friends between trains Tuesday. Mr. King ler was a resident of Alliance some years ago. but now lives in Linioln. see Word comes from Mrs. F. J. II. old that 'they are nicely located at the Milwaukee Hotel, Hot Springs. Ark., und are enjoying the keMl of health. The Ladies' Guild of the Kpisco pal church met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Armour Wednesday afternoon. A large crowd were pleasantly en Jertained. E. '1' Kibble left Saturday or last week, going by way or York, Nbr.. to lh. muii. Texad, on a business trip in the Interest of the Kibble Heal Kwtad t'o. Miss Frances l.ockwuod ltft Wed nesday night tor York, Nebr., where she will give 41 rending at social nffair to b given by one or her college friend. Tr.e Chs-LlaJer theatre cuiupu. that played at the Fbelaa opera t.ou.- all Iu.m week bad a good pat ronage being jilt ptaoOlar with Al liance -theatre goers. tee ,. F4. N. Yug Met d4tb a painful cldent last Thursday morning In his turning Sunday, he will hit the road cow bum, by which he received a with sample cases Monday. Mr. broken rib. The injury was pnlnful Showers' new employment will make but he Is getting along all right. no difference with the running or the j Model Candy Kitchen, or which he is Phillip llarry left for Omaha last proprietor, as Mrs. Showers will have Thursday, to be gone a week or two. ' c l srge In hi absence. ... J. J. Keenen. proprietor or the , c Berry of A1Uan-e. Ihe genial Farmers' Store, having decided to nlanagfr of ,he Cooperative store, retire from business, is offering his u ln Kdgemont this week looking goods at greatly reduced prices, as afl,. i.uhLneHK ,,ters at this end at will be seen by his advertisement in tno Wig lfrljaaltml Knterprise. Jan. this issue of The Herald. ,, Dr. ('has. K. Slagle lefi on 4:: j Kennedy wa In Alliance a Tuesday, going tast ror a few w ,wo tne fore prI o the weeks' clinical study In surgery and WJ,. He came down to iviwult a sptxlal medic ine, as mentioned in plv :;,n in regard to his lame larit week's Herald. Mis address lor allk!e He lias Hiitrii iently recover a while will be I'uxton Hotel. OKMJM 0u to resume his duties as station agent at Hemingronl, but still finds We are pleased to add to our rine u n,.t.K4Hry to navigate on crutctus. Hat ot country correspondents 011 , . . from Mount I'leasant, odu-jwis. known as the Carpenter neighbor1 Mr tt,ul Nlrs " H Wn'r X' hood. Tbe first Installment of the abou' Vi- ing to limM. I nil to make their future hone. Mr. Wagner has been with the liiirllQgtou rhe past two yeai-s but expects to quit railroading and try farming. The Herald with many Alliance rrieodi regret to lose these estimable people, and wish them succeHH in their new home. Mount Pleasant news appears In this Issue of The II era Id. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Joy and sou came over rrom their Sheridan .own iv ranch last Saturday to uitend Hi. runtral of Morton Hrowu, but owing to a pum-ture In tbefr automobile tire, they were delayed and did not arrive in time for the runera). Forest Allen met wiih a painrul ac- cident Sunday afternoon, at bis home W. H. Showern has accepted a near Lakeside. While riding borse position as traveling salesman ror fcack. he horse slipped on the ic -. Lbe Kiting Candy Company or Grand falling and severely oruabing the (aland. Hla territory will be w e.Meio lert root and ankle. Mr. Allen was Nebraska Wyoming and tb Black fcrougat. to' Alltancw Suaoay evening Hill djstri ia .South Itokoi. He tor niedi.-al trea'tmeat. Vila frlaa'ds goea ia Unand Island today to vow are calling a kiln at thfc plei arraagetoieaU for hi wark. Ka repealling hUer.