The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 25, 1912, Image 8

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Business Concerns and Politician
Who Work Country Publish
ers for Free Adver
Sup: K. K. Youna.
r No. :.6 MmkIhv.
wont went
Mr. Anhhrook of Mitchell had bus
g(w In town Tunsday.
Mr. Mulloy wa m UmtM&mi bind
nee hi town Tuesday.
Bniner (.corno Hicks of Raven
an iw hi Alliance Monday.
Lynn Reed war In from th' ran h
Tuesday, visit In with home folks.
Dr. Kunr., company physician, went
to Ravenna Monday to be gone sev
eral daye.
Mr. and Mts. loe Kmmton are
ttow nicely located In the Will Diet
leln property.
Mrs. Cha. Myers left for Uncoln
ad McCook Monday. She wdU be
(fan i! ten day.
On account of alack buainesa Con
ductor Iord and crew were pulled
off on the hlxh line.
Mrs. Chas. Mathews of Marsland
is vtaKina; her friend, Mns. Dick
Waters, for a few days.
Mrs. IT. N Howkins left Wednes
day night for a short vial wi'th rel
ative In Grand island
Miss Margaret Hawklna, who was
operated on a the hospital Tuesday,
is getting along splndidly.
Mi and Mrs. Todd Berry from
near lakeside wore trading In Alii
ance Hhe first of the week.
Mns. W. A. Miller entertained the
O. 1. A. Ladies Thursday afternoon
A dainty lunch was served.
Passenger Drake-man lender is
pending a week In Denver. BMks
man Tom lliid has I bunder's ran.
hrakemaii (S lad sou Is on the relief
end will be for some time. He has
very sore bolj on his arm.
Mrs. L. A. Huschky of Crawford
spent Sunday In Alliance with her
later, Miws Agues Rowland.
Electrician Crowley of (liilfsburi,
111., placed a new electric clock on
Attic depot at Mystic this week.
Mrs. Wanner, wife of Chief Clerk
Wagner, entertain ml a number of
lady friends Wednesday evening.
Fireman Uuhnke wen to Heda
Tut .-day. He wiH return Thurslay
evening, accompanied by his wife.
IXNtdliiK Inspector Hoag wan a west
bound passenger Monday, on his
way to Sheridan on company busl
nees. i
The infant child of Hrakeman Tom
Richards hn been very sick the
poet week. She Is now slowly re
covering. Mrs. Newberg, wife of Fireman
Kesberg, has been enjoying a six
greeks' visit from a sister from Jules
burp. 111.
Passenger Kngineer H. Rennau
la st his home ery sU k with a cold
Me was unable to take his run out
Mrs. Desombt'ts went to Kdgeiiioni
Jdmul.t to look lor I house Kiigin
eer POQOQJbf H is now on an Mat
nont helper.
Brakeimati I. S. Ward lias resign
d from the st i ice He will spend
the coming year on liis ran -h in
South Dakota
Conductor J. N. Andrews has been
off several days in account f svk
ess. Conductor c I. Reed lias
Andrew' run.
A. K. Kroyd, who has been In Lin
coin on company business, came in
on No. tl Monday morning. Mr.
iFroyd Is a Hvll engineer.
Machinist M. J. Kenney, who haa
in Kndlng the past month with
relatives and friends in Baltimore,
Mil , returned to Alliance Monday.
Mrs. Josephine Thorp, well known
here as an intimate friend of Miss
Keane and the Kridlebaughs, died
suddenly in California, hist Saturday.
Fireman Urlswold and family are
now settle' tn Alliance. They have
been in KoeinoiK the paet year,
Jklr. Griewold being on one of the
Miss Delia Allywurd is rapidly re
covering from an operation which
was performed at. the hospital last
Saturday. Dr. Slagle was assisted
by Dr. Hershman.
.lohn Adams and wife arrived in
Alliance Thursdsy noon. They stop
ped off until No. 42 at the Davie
home They are on their way to
Lincoln on business.
It is reported that Mrs. Charles
Hancock, who is now living in Dead
iwood, will return to Alliance. Mrs
Hancock's health has not been good
since moving to the Hills.
Conductor Fred Campbell of the
iwes end local who has been off sev
eral days reMrted for work Wednes
day morning. He has been having
a severe esse of la grippe.
Knglneer Kmerson wan transferred
4o Alliance from Sterling. He took
Fred nOUMr'fl plaoe as traveling en
gineer on the east end. BngfeMer
llonser is now on No. 4r,-'j west.
On account of slack business Note
3 unci 4 cm the Rapid City, Black
Hills K- Western were taken off this
week. Knglneer Torn Morris will
go to his Iioiim in Alliance
Miss Ihnna Wagner Is making
two weeks visit with an uncle at
W achoe, Montana, a ItMle mining
town BOJlf Rod Lodge. Miss Donna
iwas accompanied by her grandmoth
er, Mrs. Re lie Ay era.
Miss Pearl llillix of the superin
tendent's office went to Pacific
Junction last Thursday night. She
01 eompanled lur sister, Miss Kha
to Omaha Sunday, where she will
enter a hospital for an operation.
Fireman Harry Thurman, who has
been at the home of his parents, at
) onto, north of Broken Bow, came
up for an over Sunday v'.slt with
friends. Mr. Thurman Is feeling
very much better and expects to re
port for work about February 1st.
The funeral train, consisting of an
engine, baggage car, and chair car,
which bore the remains of Father
McNamara to Crawford last Friday,
was handled by K. C. men. R. J.
Jturke was the conductor, J. W.
Burke the braketnan and R. J. Defet
llen the engineer.
Conductor Rad Randall met with a
very fortunate accident while com
ing In he. ween Rutland and Belmont.
Tuesday. In going over his train he
dropped a large pocket book con
taining one hundred dollars In lulls.
One of tlM Crews on the helper en
gines found the money and returned
it to Mr Randall.
No local newspaper editor has any
right to complain of the treatment
received from his home town, when
compared with the Impositions that
many out of-rtown concerns try to
put upon inn;. There are a whole
lot of concerns m this free country
of ours who want advertising but are
unwilling to pay for It, whose chief
business seems to be to beat the
publishers of local newspapers. They
certainly succeed to a great extent
or else they could not afford to
spend, lies time and expense it
takes hi trying to work their grafts.
We have before us a specimen, one
of many we might mention. The
publisher of a piece of sheet music
sends the edlotr a copy, worth per
haps ten cents if it Is worth any
thing, and requests him in return
to publish a two dolllnr advertise
ment free of charge. There may h
some local newspnper publtahens who
are easy enough to do it, but please
to excuse us.
Another kind of free advertising
thai Is now being worked over time
Is that of securing notices for can
didates for office, particularly for
state offloes. Every Tom, Dick and
Harry who wants a nomination is
now sending out long slips to local
newspaper editors giving a strong
endorsement from Hon. Mr. So-and-So.
and requesting that it be pub
lished as a matter of news -but
that Isn't the kind of news the read
ers of The Herald are hankering af
ter. Such notices will be inserted
in our advertising columns, if de
sired at so much per, but when It
comes to giving free advertising to
every candidate for office who has
the gall to ask for it, that is anoth
er proposition.
By the above we do not moan that
when we make such mention free of
charge, as we haw been doing, it
is because we are interested and be
lieve the readers of The Herald will
lx and not because somebody who
wants office requests free aclvorti-ing.
Mr. gnd Mrs. C. F. Gruanig of Mul
len Elaborately Entertained
by Their Alliance
The Alliance friends of Hanker
and Mrs. C. F. Oruenig of Mullen,
who had the privilege of enjoying
their hospitality at a hou.- party ov
er New Year's dsy, were given an
opportunity to rec iprocate last Satur
day and Sunday, and were not slow
to take advantage of the c ision.
Mr. and Mrs. Graentg came to Alli
ance last Saturday to meet Bishop
Beecher and hear the able discours
es which he delivered while here.
being guests at the home of .Mr. and
Um, William Mitchell.
At 6:30 Saturday evening an ele
gant eight course dinner was served
in the dining room of Mr. and Mrs.
William Mitchell's beautiful home in
honor of Mr. and Mrs Uruenig and
Bishop Beecher, other guests present
toehig Rev. and Mrs. Geo. G. Ware
and Mr. and Mns. Harry Gantz.
From the Mitchell residence the
dinner party repaired to the home of
Mayor and Mrs. F. W. Harris to at
tend the reception to Bishop Beech
er, mention of which is made else
where in this issue of The Herald.
letter in the evening Dr. Hersh
man, Dr. Kumz and Mr. Harry Gantz
(were hosts at a luncheon given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Broome, who cordially assisted in re
ceiving and entertaining the guests.
There were sixteen persons present.
Miss Minelle Highland and Miss
Doiothy Hoag were hostesses at a
six o'clock dinner given Sunday ev
ening at the residence of Mr. and
.Mrs. L. H. Highland. This was also
a very pleasant occasion for the fol
lowing named persons who, in addi
tion to the hostesses, were present :
Mr. and Mrs. Gruenig, Mr. and Mrs.
L. 11. Highland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Gantz, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broome,
Mrs. K. J. Wilson, Dr. Hershman
and Dr. Kunz.
6 S5S1
Nohe's Bakery Cafe
Ours We Would
Have You Be
That's why our ads
So frequently you see,
The Goods We Bake
We Bake for You,
And take the greatest care
That in Quality and Cleanliness
They Shall 13e Ho.yond Com pa n
Insurance in force
more than $55,000,000
Unique Entertainment Provided for
First Three Evenings of
Next Week
Manager llranian of the Crystal
theatre has completed arrangements
to put Louis Luffs trained bear on
exhib'ticn at the Crystal Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of
next week. This will be a great at
traction and no doubt will draw big
crowds. You are Invited to come anc
see the bear shoulder a gun, climb
a ladder ami perform various other
stunts, including the picking out of
the An CrijCa S flag from a hunch of
flags of other n as Ions.
Miss Inez Beck, the efficient
clerk in the money order department
at the post office, made a trip to
Brush Monday, returning the next
day. She went to meet her siete',
Mrs Arthur Conner, of Lexington,
and her lit'le son Mrs Conners
will stay at the Beck home until af
ter the n.airiage of Mies Inez Beck
The U. S. civil set vice commission
announces an examination on Febru
ary 20, lilt, for Immigrant Inspector
(male). The places where this ex
amination will be held in Nebraska
are Alliance, Beatrice, Hokdrege,
Lincoln, Norfolk and Omaha. When
announcement of this examination
was first made. Alliance was not in
cluded in the list of places, but the
matter wai taken up with fhe de
partment by the local civil service
board and the Importance of having
this place designated was so dearly
.ihown that It was added to the 11st.
I't i sons desiring further information
in regard to this examination should
apply at t'ae Alliance post oftice.
i no time for many years past, if
eser, has the trend of subscriptions
toward The Herald been better than
recently. Not only are we receiving
many new subscriptions unsolicited,
but quite u number of persons who
were formerly subs t hers but whose
names w.-re dropped from the list
have subserilxd for the paper a-gain.
W. K Swanscn, agent at Undue
port, has just retuitaed iron: a vac a
.Hon spent with relatives and friends
Id Biushni ll. Ill
Conductor and Min Arthur Picket
jUf now comfortably settled in a
mod. i u tlve room cottage in Sun
orison's AdcXtlca.
Mrs. .1 Kridelbau:h entertained
the Old Id Wed:ieviclay afternoon. An
unusually profitable and pleasant at-
ieruoon was spent.
Night yurd master W. 11 Baker,
Who has been having a short .,
Hon in Denver, returned to bis dut
Jo Saturday sight.
Mat hiliift and Mrs George Davis
have bought (he home of A. C.
Bracken on Toluca awuue. and will
move there in the near future. The
price paid was IJ.Suci The lot is an
east front, centrally located, on To
luca avenue- The house is a new
ix room bungalow, strictly inocl.'ru
throngOOUi except heat. Mr and
MtO Davis are to b" fongratulau-.i
on acquiring such a handsome pint
Of proiei-: for their home.
The U Simmons store will be mov
ed next IffiOda) into the Adlcr build
ing. 110 Box Butte avenue, the
--am. baling titled up in good
shape for the new occupants.
Dr. Bolaud, phone C5
Mis. John Kleeman returned yes
terday from Broadwater, where she
went a mouth ago for a visit with
Mr. and Mrn. Carl Wagner and oth
er friends She is making her 'home!
in this city now. .stopping at iresent i
at the home of Mr and Mi- Uuis
Huc' hsc nstein.
The Kdgemont. Enterprise of last
Friday says that Mrs. Doran, propri
etor of the laundry at that place, has
made arrangements with the Alli
ance Steam Laundry to take care of
all washing and ironing which she
an not do.
Postal Life Building
35 St. Mtw York
The Postal Life Insurance Company
pays you the Commissions that
other Companies pay their agents.
ACLQf f the first year's premium is the average Com
WW mission-Dividend guaranteed to each POSTAL
policyholder on entrance into the Company. Other com
panies would pay this sum to an agent as his commis
sion. That's for the firtt year: in subsequent years
POSTAL policyholders also receive the Renewal Com
viissiona other companies pay their agents, namely,
7V4 . Policyholders likewise receive an Office
Expense Saving of 2, making up the
Stroaf Pottal Pointi
Tirrt Old live Itgnl
rrtrrve imiinidre nol
frattrnfti or MiMiirnt
Swund- Standard pel
fU vrvrtt now murr
than 110.000.000
Third- Standard pol
Oy p r a v I t n n . ftp
pmv. i by llf State insur
ance Depaitmeut.
I. j'th Nigh nedtcal
standard in the ae lection
of ritka
Fifiii standard ratrt
uul redut ed be rommitaton
dividend, gunrvntted in
thr p ,il icy . aa Hated
Dividend of
in the Policy
And the POSTAL pays th" " - rl contingent dividendt
besides ranging up to 20 o: the Annual premium.
Such is the POSTAL way: it is open to you. Call
at the Company's offices or write now and find out the
exact sum it will pay you at your age the first year
and every other.
Tht Only Non-agmcu Company IM dswrtcef
35 Nastau St., New York
T r.r; ;r.-rtf5wE5
Pottal Life Insurance Company:
Please mail insurance particulars for my age.
flfl exact date of birth It ...
Occupation .
Xame .........
Address ......
No agent will be sent to visit you; the Postal
ffj i.u l employs no agents.
The Home
Quality Groceries
give us a
then will
Our Groceries the choicest,
Our prices, fair.
Host obliging you will find us,
Anxious to please,
Ever striving our best
Your wants to appease.
Try these they'll Please
Thsj WoMOaVo Club will meet with
Mr. K. w. Leater, next Friday u
; p m. All meinbru are ur;ed to
attend, as then- will be tin- rosrulur
annuul elertlon of offic-ors.
i CP '
Oranges- Sunkist -65
cents per peck. Mallery's.
Y. F. Peaches, 3 lb. can . . 25c
L. C. Peaches, 3 lb. can . . 30c
Apricots, 3 lb. can .... 25c
Green Gage Plums, 3 lb. can . 25c
Egg Plums, 3 lb. can . . . 25c
DelMonte Spinach, 3 lb. can
LaZarre Beets, 3 lb. can . .
Hustler Pumpkin, 3 lb. can
Libby's Kraut, 3 lb. can . .
Polk's Best Hominy, 3 lb. can
Phone 80