The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 25, 1912, Image 4

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Published every Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
JOHN W. THOMA8, Editor and Mgr.
ffintered at the postoffice at Alii
UM, Nebraska, for transmission
through the malls as second-class
Subscription. $1 50 per year
lu ad-
The circulation of this newspaper
it guaranteed to be the largest In
western Nebraska. Advertising rates
will be furnished on application
Sample copies free for the asking.
1912 JANUARY 1912
f"B 1M 1 T jW I TJ F I 8 1
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21 22224 26Z 7
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Postmatater Tash has receive d from
Congressman Kinkald a request for
i m i rning the need of a feder
al building at Alliance, the In form a
Hon to be used in pushing t ho bill
for an appropriation of $135,000.
D. E. Melklejohn of Lico, Garden
county, a brother of former Lieuten
tant Governor Geo. I). Melklejohn
u.ih In Alliance on business la&t Sat
urday. Mr. Melklejohn Is connected
with the lco Mercantile Co. and
report tihat while financial condl
Cams are good in his neighborhood
tuislness l a little quiet since the
first of r.he year, Uie sanr? as else
Semi Annual Oris of Justice and
Equity Ground Out by Mill
over Which Judge
Weetover Presides
Good Work of Teachers and Stud
ents Showe Up Well for
First Half of School
An exchange asks, "If the post
wasters' and poet oflfe influence Is
M bad upon politics qj it H some
times claimed to be, how will It be
when the telegraphs witli the mil
lions of operators are added to th?
department?" It has always been
the cry of those who opposed gov
ernment ownership of public facill
t4es that the Increase In the number
of government employes would be
politically detrimental 4o he coun
try This would be true under the
spoils system of appointing govern
ment employes for .political purposes
atid as reward for partisan service,
but not necessarily it rue under the
righit kind of eytem Place tele
graph operators, as well as other
government employed, in the classi
fied service, and most of the evils
of corrupt political ma chines will be
OMM "I n a tluie a gentleman
whose pert sayings have since made
hlni famous remarked, "The mills of
i lie gods grind slow but they grind
exceeding small." It is pretty inuc'i
Hie same way with some other mils,
sometimes Including the mills oi Jus
tlce. The work of Hie present term
of district court for Hox Hirtte coun
ty was about cleaned up yeiterciay
except such business as may be
brought before It by the grand Jury
which Is still In session. Whether
the grinding was slow or not, It has
been thorough. A good many cases
disposed of are of little or no Inter
est except to the parties directly
concerned, but ihore are some of
general Interest.
A case (that Is of great Interest to
a larger numoer or persons uian
any other is the one entitled Anna
Fredericks vs. City of Alliance, et
al.. In which an Injunction was asked
against further use of the septic
tank southetujt of the city, into
which the eewer system empties,
and require the removal of the same
to a point farther away. The citi
zens of Alliance almost without ex
ception, we think, will he pleased to
learn that the injunction was grant
ed and an order for the removal of
the septic tank made, work to begin
on same within twenty days.
This term of district court seemed
to be pretty niuah of a divorce mill,
there being thirteen cases on the
docket. The case of Mary Dunn vs.
John F. Dunn was dismissed at
plara"ff's cost. Joseph Bark'hurst
vs. Evelina Barkhurst was dismissed
at plaintiff's cont. the defendant be
in' allowed $100 for attorneys' fees.
Charlotte Pearl Blerman vs. Henry
W. Itlermnn, dismissed at plaintiff's
cost. Win. Wllkle vs. Teckea Wilke
remains on docket. Nellie Wicks vs.
Arthur Wicks, divorce granted. Eliz
abeth W. Herbert vs. Paul P. Her
bert remains on docket. Hattie M.
Owen vs. Orvllle Owen, divorce
granted. Lena Hornburg vs. August
iHornburg, divorce granted and plaln
itlffs former name, Lena Bauer, re
stored. John l.uiton vs. Annie l.of
'ton remains on docket. Clarhida A.
Lltoach vs. George Roach, divorce
'igranted amd custody of two minor
(children given to the plaintiff. Delia
Grace Kennedy vs. Thomas H. Ken
nedy, dtvoree granted. Ollie Wul
bridge vs. Fred Walbrldge remains
on docket. Mary E. Ueid vs. George
lA Reld, divorce granted and custody
of minor daughters given to plain
(Continued next Week)
The semester examinations were
giv.-n last week. Students who hnv
not been tardy during the semester,
who have not been absent to exceed
fi' days, who have taken all pre
vious examinations, and whose aver
age Hi W9 ixr cent or net tor, are
excused from taking the semester ex-
tminatlons. The, following students
were excused:
Third Grade: John Shrelner.
Fourth Grade: Clara Brown, Ken
nel h Nelson, John Dona van. Lav-erne
Butler, Klla Prelss, Howard Iiots-
piech, Klsle Adams, Gordon Curtis,
Ev Simpson, Jolin Fennlng, George
Vandervoort, Katie Shrrlner, Made
line Zedlker, Tom Miller.
Fifth Grade: Alta Dye, Grace
Spacht, Chloe Richards. Walter Wil
liams, BeBsie Younkln, Glen Miller,
Laura Weaver. Helen Deltlien,
Grace Coleman.
Slxfih Grade: Dorothy Stafford, Na
omi Slaughter, Grace Zehrung, Katie
Keiser, Wllnia Mote, Katie Graham,
Joe Blgnell, John Bauer, Clay Cun
ningham, Harlie Hale, Nell Phillips.
Esther Nation, Rose Raby, Dora
White, Walter Anderson, Hessle
Campbell, Ralph Joder. Robert Ralls,
Noel Young.
Seventh Grade: Alice Allen, Lydia
Hunzicker, .leanette Haney, Dorothy
Bicknell, Tressrte Vandervoort, Elean
or Harris, Grace Plercy, Mary Ryan.
Minnie Ryan, Mable Grassman, Ed
ith Vandervoort, Ethyl Brown, Otto
Snyder, Edgar Safford, Nina V haley.
Anson Thomas.
Eighth Grade: Hannah Coutnnt,
Helen Hewett, Carl Powell, Rebecca
Edwards, Clarence Boon, Nellie
Cook, Alice Graham, Marian Grebe,
Janet Grassman, Olive Hetrick, 111
tnetta Hawkins, Marian Mote, Flor
ence Ralls, Florence VYhaley, Mild
red Zurn. Edna Bowman. Alice Bau-
Occident Flour Costs More--Worth It
Occident Flour is only one of the T0P-N0TCHERS
in the things you eat that we are selling. Our
Morning Glory Flour is
braska Flour.
as good as the best Ne
When you get a sack
this guarantee: That ii
one or two or three bakings, or after
you may have your money back.
of flour here you have
you do not like it after
it's gone ,
And that isn't all
erything we sell. We
we s end out .
the same applies on e v -moneyback
every article
u. P.
Making a Big Hit at the Phelan Op
era House this Week
10:00 a. m. Sabbath School.
11:00 a. m. Preaching Service.
6:30 p. m. Y. P. C. U.
7:30 p. m. Preaching Service.
Test for next Sunday morning,
"Lead Us not into Temptation but
Deliver us from Evil."
A. L. GODFREY, Pastor.
Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays
of each month at 11:00 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each
month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School
every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior
Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil
iary. Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every
Sunday afternoon.
GEO. G. WARE, Missionary.
In the High School, students who GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH
have not been tardy during the se-
ines-ter, who have not been absent to ! Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave.
Edward Kcaiiii", pi -sidei,' Of the
Colorado slate lend hoard. s--ajs thai
if that state will mine its own coal,
instead of leading its mines to
Rockefeller and other hig interests
for rova'.ty of da ItM per ton.
that they can pay coal t.) the con
sumer two-thirds the present
pi Ices and pay all tu. o the state
out of the profit's. W Ii the initi
ative and referendum i Colorado,
the question of till can be
put up u ;li' people, the only ob
taelc that the big interests could
put in the way would probably be
Mil as the courts might Interpose.
Mr. Keating ays further that there
I- coi'l under Colorado to
Supply the whole co.intry for two
hundred fWR,
A '.'hictigo woman bwseuiiht a fire
man to save her "darling baby" and
after it had bee a saved i; WM dts--overed
to be a won hle -s. ugly pug
dog. The digist that sensible
ple have toward such in unwomanly
woman has ben take i udvau.. i
by at-UJ .r;.ag U U ;ike an urgament
of this ini.Jet. u,.ui. ! W.:.. j suf
frage bu! t.i reflection upen all
womankind is IH'tHod tot and is
urossly unfair whethtr one beli nes
in w man's suffinge or not. An ex
change calls at.' 'iiti- ti to the fact
Khat it would be jut as mm ii . an
argument ;.gaia-.t permittirs men .j
ote to poll, out a man who ntM he
could IHlt Hfl-. ll H, S.. ,1 Ins clldll
ren to s hod, ghing M a: ex-us.-that
h ' KM M M? I ' MMMn
haviot; mx ci -s . i
F( r several days The Herald has
tean trying to secure particulars of
the wedding of our young friend,
Wayne Wilton, and have su ceede;!
Jut't as we are about to go to pfttM
with this issue. The happy event
K; k place at the home of the bride's
parents, .Mr. and Mis. C. F. Wi ': .-,
at Hel idere, Nebr . .Iaiiu;:r.v !. 1913,
Rev S. II. Hamuli, brother-in-law of
the bride, performing the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson came to Alli
ance on Saturday fallowing the wed
ding and are making their home on
th" A. R Wilson & Sen place west
of tewn. The Herald extends con-
grattttetUroa and all best wishes, and
an especial welcome en belialf of the
people of this ctty and county to the
ride who had :u.: been In this par:
of Nebraska previous to the wedding
exceed 5 days, and who have taken
nil previous examinations, are ex
cused from examination in those sub
jects in which an average of HO per
rent or better Is obtained. On an
average 60 pupils wrote examinations
each session. The High school en
rollment for December was 135.
This means that about 56 per cent of
the lligili school student- were ex
cused from examination. The fol
lowing High school students were
ex used from all semester examina
tions: Grace Johnston, Avis Joler,
Jlatiic Renswold, May Nation, Eun
ice Eldred, Stella Hughe, l.ura
Hawkins, Nell Keeler, Charles llan
ii ; i ii . Dinald (irahani, Nell TMh, Al
ta Young, Evalyn McMmney. Mabel
Worley, Paul Thomas, Mabel Moah
er. Madge Graham, Maybelle IMlktof-
ton Ruth Rice, Ha .el Mennet.t, Eu
nice Caliime. Madge Phillips, Milton
Km(Ui ' "Ma Henswold, Donald Me
Allistfr. Dorol.:. Smith, Charley
Services every Sunday morning, at
Sunday School every Sunday morn
ing at 9:30.
Everybody Is cordially Invited.
Parochial German-English Lutheran
school every day except Saturday an
Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. BL
523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359.
Beginning Monday night, this pop
ular company has been greeted by
full houses of enthusiastic admirers.
As evidence of the popularity of the
company Mdl night since Monday
receipts have increased over each
preceding n.ght from $15 to $20, a
thing hen'ofcre unheard of in the
history of repertorie shows in Alli
ance and the reason for it is that
each performance is Just a little bet
ter th: i the last. Mr. Chnse has
brough. with him this time the beM
balanced company and the best play
ers he has ever before assembled In
a show company. There hi not an
Inferior playtir In he bunch. Clint
and Bessie Robbins, always popular
favorites with Alliance audiences,
are t Itheir best this week with i
line of high-girade spee':iltie3 all new
to Alliance. Specialties by other
members ot the company are fine
and they are new. The plays are
all new and not an old one has been
produced. Fur the small price of
admission, 15, 25 and 35 cents, the
shows produced by this company
should be een by every lover of
'refined entertainment in Alliance and
those not yet having attended will do 1
well to not pass up the opportunity
or the remainder of the week, in
cluding the Saturday afternoon mntl-i
The atork made a morning visit to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Kauffman, Tuesday, leaving a bun
dle of masculine humanity to Tvarm
the heairt.8 of Its happy parents and
brighten the home In the coming
days and years. The Herald offers
siucereat congratulations.
'r the OOtnlng for only $1.75.
TllOUMndi of our suliscrilx-rs whose
subscriptions run over the first of
January into the early weeks of the
n v y,-ar have written us to ask if we
will not accept subscriptions at the
old rate of J1.75 for a little while
beyond the time announced for the
advance i:i prLv to 'rJ.OO.
Esteemed Box Bjtte
Lady Passes Away
10 a. BL, Sunday School.
11 a. in., PttblSO Worship.
.M p. m . Chris' ian Endeavor.
7:30 p. m.. Public Worship.
Mid-week Service, Thursdaj
p. in.
At the morniug service the Sun
day School -superintendent, Mr. A. F.
Bundy, will give an addrerw on Sun
day School work. He will be as
sisted In the service by Mr. D. W.
Ai the evening service the Elders
of the church will be in charsc, and
will conduct the srevice.
Yiv. Montgomery will conduct the
C E. service.
All are invited. Strangers wel
II I ! 1 1 i i i I . r , . i i i . - t 11 u fn
' ' ll ll'illil' 1 ( Ii .1 11 IV I V
place his name on our subscription l A W
lisi again, after it lias been off fori f LrflSF VlliclllCc
a while. i , , .
In fairness to these old friends and to
new Subscribers who were unable to
remit !efore the close of 1911 we have
cxteiiiled the time for taking sub
scriptions at SI. 75 to
March 30
The new- rnte of $2.00 will be put into
enVct promptly on April 1. No sub
scription at ;1.75 will be accepted
after that date. Sulis-T-ilie now
to-day so as not to lose any of the
good tbiagS in the Volume for 191J.
144 Barksley Stmt, Button. Mali.
New Subscriptions Received at this Office.
Oranges Suilkist 65 ' Subscriptions received at the of-
CentS per peck. Hallery's. flM of The Alliance Herald.
J. B. Denton informs The Herald
that he will put a stock of new goods
into his building at 313 Hox Butte
avenue, which is beine: vacated od:iy
by the R. Simnic.ns millinery store.
It will be several weeks before his
stock arrives Meanwhile further an
nouncement will be made through
The Herald.
Duy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. tf
The Co-Opei;Mlve store Is Invoic
ing this week, preparatory to the an
nual meeiins of stock hc.'dcr which
will be held ?oon.
Latft Sun da Miss Inez Heck went
to Sidney to BM t her sisti . Haz d,
Mrs Arthur D. Connor of Lexington,
who, with the little boy, liurence.
came to Alliance for a visit of sev
ri.l weiks, aud new t'i home of
Mr. and Mi. J. Q. Bek is n. ii
Klad by t heir presence.
Will.!, i Morrow, of H -ottsb' if.
stoppe l o. r in Mlimce a vitlle Sat
urday on h' rt;ci:i from Lin olu
Mr. Mcrr w is a of ;he
progresie kind. He favored The
Herald vith a p easant call while in
Mil- cit.
B. V. Iteevts is ba:k far a
ih looking aftt r his ran h
t ,v
The Ladits A l Society , c; th--Firel
Prehyttri church will be ea
tertained tiext v dnseclav alteruoon
hy Mrs ii .1 il usst-MU
:o : k; his frlc acS will b - pleas.-d .
burn that Mrs. Reeves is Improving
t nu setting elcuii very ni- ely - Lin
; lit raid. Jj'ii. H.
vve can an. u ioii to tUe t .innne in
i.v pa-t o.iKe tnrectory .Man .r
all of the s called "noon trains
Ik A IK A A -
ios. 4.i, 44, anu ,;Uo. clones now at
1 he chaiuie in the time of
( losing mail for 44 will be quite a
ronvt uience tc; business men The
time of victim; uuiil frr all night
ttaifts reiuuins the same before.
Mrs. Christina Pahlow, wife of
Fred I'ahlow, well known in Hox
Butte county, w:is born in Germany,
and died at her late home, six miles
northeast of Alliance. January HI,
1911. ened Bi years, ! months, 10
.lav.-;. She had b en In poor health
for a Ions while preceding her
death. Last year slie was taken to
i In Omaha fcr an opera
tion, si'u-e which she never fully re
covered her heal h.
The funerul was conducted from
the residence, at eleven o'clock to
day by Rev. Titus Lang, pi 'cr of
the Allian-e German Evangelical
Lath run church, lntrnuat beiig !u
'.he Grecnwicd cemetery.
She leaves a hi iband, Ciree sons
ind one daughter who mourn for her,
but not wlth.'U I is of a happy re
union in the great hereafter. To
:hc afflic ted rela; ve The HmU
wi.hts to extend word of s.vmpa-Uiy.
Morning service, 11 a. m. Topic,
"The Sabbath or Bible School." Sun
ilay -;hool, 10 a. St. B. Y. P. U- at
:30 p. in. Everybody welcome.
.ubje trr next Sunday evening,
'Our Father s Business."
G'JO. A. WITTE, Pastor.
Phelan Opera House-Wednesday, January 31
"The Traveling Salesman"
The HU'h schoul debate lo de ,,1"
Who shall repreien- Alliance in the
district coitest will b? held i-i the
H'gh school auditorium iiii: evenlBf.
Mr I K TMk Mil pretde. Fill a
in:: are' the deba'er-: Afiir.u.i:ive
Alta Ycuug. D.-o"iy Smith, Jay, Fred S.v.-ncy, Richard
Y'jung. Negative Ray pfttov. Eth
el Graham, Charleitic M illrinK. Mich
ael Nolan, Merrltt Chaffee.
If you like The Herid subscribe.
Olin S. Baker, Pastor
lo A. If.. Sunday School. Graded
Bible Classes.
11 A MM Public Worship.
6:0 P. M.. Young People's Ep
worth League Meeting.
T:o0 P. M.. PublU- Worship.
Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clo-k,
prayer meeting.
All the services of thlr church ure
fc: the public. Strangers and ftfj
who come will find a cordial wel
Sabbat li school at the residence- of
I r :. G. M. Hums every Saturelay af
'e i iu e n at o'cloe k
Toii of next le?cn. "Signs of
Okrld'e Coming."
Meetiuss in Marks' hall, northeast
comer Laramie avenue and Third
street Sunday school at 10: M a m
Preac hing at 7:30 p. m. All are welcome-
"tH WWaa AWitikWwkWj
Alices, 5Cc, 75c arid. $LCO