t M AT I W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT OUR NATION'S SCHOOL OF VICE i Tie Very M i ! i mm1 him Fresh beef, pork, mutton, poultry, fish, oysters Also, a Fine Line of Cured Meats Telephone Orders Delivered Promptly PHONE 486 I RESIDENT IT W. R. Drake, Prop. 5 W I t Excerpts from Adrl-eaa of Well Known Labor Loader. De livered in Marion, Ohio John F. Cunnrcn 521 Sweetwater Ave. The Car you ought have at the price you ought to pay Takes the lead in Simplicity of Construction A. Case of Operation Satisfactory Service Durability and Economy "Repair men never build houses on money made out of Mitchell Cars." Repair Man. We have the agency for this popular machine; and also for the celebrated low-priced Brush Runabout, popularly known as "Everyman's Car" A. P. LIE, Mgr. Tin- saloon l a school wheroln hushnncls nnd fathers learn to ho at ease MbOUt ill Had and ill-fed WiVM and children, and to fllii away MUSS airy notions called hmicttt pride and laudahle ambition, for the grutlfica tlon of tlieir palates, and "fwlliiR good" all over. It Ih a school where in sons learn to deanlwe the quiet, pure joys of home, to become vile la word. In act., In aspiration, and to fetter itheinselve body and poul wit'.i the drink demon's chains. It la a school wherein daughters learn the ahortewt way to break their parents' hearts, to Ithlnk a blush a weakness, to prize drink more than decency. The saloon to the frletid of the drunkard, the gambler, the proatl tute, the blasphemer, the profaner of the Sabbath, the corrupt politician, the ballot-box stuffer, the "repeat er", the law breaker of every name. The saloon 1, In a word, the friend of all t halt is evil, of naught that Is good. It defiles all that It touches. It. makes the good bad, and the bad worse Like a vulture. It thrive on carrion; cholera-like, Lt feeda and fattens on physical and moral dirt. disease and degradation, lt breaks hearts wrecks liomee, lnfecta aocl ety. bet rays the (State, and la the foremost agent against Church and God. Out by many by-ways go the grad- uites of the saloon. In the gutters they wallow; in low 'dens and broth els they lead living deaths; In gloomy prison oella they pine; in mad men's cages they rage; on grim ecaf fold's they pay the price of blood; enly God omnipotence can snatch them from the one ending of the road they have taken. The American saloon is no re specter of nationalities, and as the people of each nationality and their descendants become Americanized they will find the American saloon their worst enemy, if they prove friends of it We see in our land that as the saloon flourishes drunkeness in creases. As drunkenness Increases, so do licentiousness and poverty, till we mlsht say in the words of the poet, slightly changed: "111 fares 'he land, to hastening ills a prey Where taloons accumulate and men decay." U there such a thing as a model saloon? Yea.rs ago, near where I live In Chicngo. there was a man who took c omiuisston upon the poor wcrkingmen he saw going into a loons, leaving their money and go ing home drunk to their families. He decided to start a model saloon, h'j that the poor workingmen could net their drink and go home sober to their families. He had property and money to spare, and he started his model saloon. He would not sell li quor to any man who ever got drunk, would allow no minors in his saloon, and would allow no cursing or ob scene language In his place. He would sell only two drinks to any onJ he closed the saloon at ten o'clock at night and did not open it at all on Sunday. He kept a model saloon, but he lost money until he was forced to give It up. Some time ago the papers gave an ac count of a man starting a model sa loon in Detroit. He was going to el evate the whole saloon business of thfl United States, but three months later there was an Item In the pa pers telling how the sheriff had tak en possession of the model saloon, the model salcon ketper having be come bankrupt It is a peculiar characteristic of the saloon that thote who patronize it prefer the fre-and-casy saloon, and the man who tries to conduct a respectable place is driven out or business by the man who has no scruple about the business. There are few Inde pendent saloon-keepers today, as sa loons are more and more becoming monopolized by the trusts, and the agent who brings to the trust the greatest profits, no matter how ob tatotd Is the kind of a man they illlt We hear the liquor element crying out, "We want our personal liber ty." For what does the liquor traf fic want personal liberty? It kills XO.OOu people in our country every year; that means 6.t00,000 people in a man's lifetime of seventy years; and it wants personal liberty to con jtinue the slaughter The liquor trut flc produces 76 per cent of our crim inals, 80 per cent of our pauperism, and 50 per cent of our insauity; und It wants personal liberty to c in mo to do ao. It tnkns $1 .2(n,imiii, 3 f the people's money every yea". I :kI It wants personal liberty to k i on taking It. Personal liberty should end where It becomes a menm to the community; and the liquor traf fic long ami became a inennc- to the coinmui- v and It should have no further ersontil liberty to i! 'stroy the people. I believe that (od guides the minds a:id hearts of the American people and brings them safely lirough every rials. I be lieve that the Idea of this great moral revolution now spreading over the land was Instilled Into the minds and hearts of the people by Almighty Hod, that our nation might not be destroyed by the liquor traffic The liquor truffle is changing this "land f the free and home of the brave i ii i The land of the spree and home of the knave" believe that if this nation lives the saloon must die. We are not called upon today to shoulder a gun and go forth to war to suffer the terrible privations of a soldier's life; to. perhaps, bleed or die that our country may be vic torious. All that we are called upon to do Is to go to the polls and cast u il . AJ a ballot tnat win save our aaucm. Every man who loves his country should oast the vote that will crush the saloon, the worst enemy of A- rmerica. Where does the saloon win? Go to the part of the city where Christ ianity la weak, morality low and where there are poor specimens of manhood and womanhood, and there we find the saloon winning, and the more degraded the people, the great er the majority the isaloon rolls up. Go where Christianity is strong, where morality prevails, where there is manhood and womanhood, and there we find the saloon going down in defeat. It is a grand tribute to a people when they vote out sa loons,' and the greater the majority against saloons the greater the tri bute fco the people. To license the liquor traffic means to surrender to an evil. No-llcense means war against an evil. Good and brave men will not surrender to an evil. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Laramie Aue. Phone 230 BURTON & WESTOVBR Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bldg. Phone 'So. ALLIANCE, NEB, WILLIAM MITCHELL, TTOSNIY AT Law. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, V 1 .1 -I A IN !R. NEB, FTiyiriiRooiy LAND ATTORNEY Long - perlencea Receiver U.B. l,andOBS la a guar ante for prompt and efficient sernee Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCE WILCOX L a w yer an d Land Attorney Practitioner in civil court alnce IM aaA Register U. S. Land Office from 1008 to 109 Information by mail a specialty. nrwiom in t and omca auiLDiNO ALLIANCE NEBRASKA. OBir: UQPPIBMOIali Ks I'hone JO V J. PETE BURR Res. Phone 0) A certain newspaper not a thous and miles from Seottsbluff advertis es a horse wMih "three white hind feet." There Is no telling what that Union Pacific railroad won't be responsible for. Seottsbluff Herald, Jan. 12. Are You Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 OEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SlBQROff Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PUY'SICIAN AND Sl'RQEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours 11-12 a.m. 8-4 p.m. T.J0-9 p, m. Office Phone 62 Res. Pbone, l H. A. COPSEY (Musician and Suraeon Office Phone SAO Res. Phone 342 Culls answered promptly day and nlcht (TOSS offllce. Offices : Alliance National Baa Building over the Post Office. H. H. BELLWOOD, M. D. CH AS. E. SLAGLE, M. D, Office Over Holsten "s Drug Store Phone 87 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer Alive? We are looking for a live firm or individual to give them the exclusive sale of Richmond Suction Cleaners Electric and Hand Power Manufactured by The McCrum-Howell Co. the largest air-cleaning machinery manufactur ers in the world. $15.00 to $75.00 You can sell same on our easy payment plan and we will carry the accounts. We will teach you how. We give all our repre sentatives a free course of Richmond Salesman ship. Our special represent ative will show you how and help you make sales. Get out of the rut. Write today and give tull particulars to Chae. E. Eckel, Gea'l Mgr. Richmond Sales Co. Rush and Michigan Streets CHICAGO 1AY PHONE 207 NIGHT PHONE l8 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director end Embelmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office Phone Jtjfl Res. Phone 31s J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIAM K. N I.IIK ASK A Piirtd -i nut of to 11 -liiinli) write as t ass Ltratmechof tbetttni chaw wlli nol el- cefit and pi iim 1 uuj Dr. Oliver McEuen ; Physician and Surgeon MEHINGFORD, NtBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and Children and Genilo Urinary Organs All calls isswartf prnmitly day or ligtt HARRY P. C0URSEY Live Stock and General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. DR. 13. I-:. TYLER DENT18T, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE It? Alliance. Nebraska c. a. sinnoNS Tonsorial Parlors for a CLEAN SHAVE. STYLISH HAIR CUT, SHAMPOO, ELECTRIC MAS SAGE, OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE LINE OF BARBER'S WORK- 121 S Box Butte Ave.