Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ada" are clasaified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per wo.-d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATE9 One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 Z-JJT Two room house for rent. Mrs. NelHe Moran, 201 Yellowstone Ave. Phone 666 Green. 6tf79 FOR RENT. One furnished room, light and heat. 604 Box Butte ave. Phone 90. 2tf949 FOR RENT Well lighted office room. First National Bank. FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 503 Box Butte avenue. Phone 196. 3ff959 NINE ROOM HOUSE for rent or sale. Mrs. S. J. Holdridge. Phone 876. 3tf955 MISCELLANEOUS 8EWING WANTED All kinds of sewing done satisfac torily and prices reasonable. Phone 836. MIRS. W. H. ZEHRUNG. fif973 Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf E. L Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 4?tf779 Phone No. 6 for coal and wood. VAUGHAN & SON. 43tf702 Four room, cement block house, in Belmont Addition to Alliance, for sale at a big bargain. Will take less than it cost to build if sold soon. In quire at Herald office. 4tf964 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 6 cents per bunch. DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE On account of the "Auto" I will sell my driving horse, "Royal". A bargain to anyone wanting a safe, trusty hone, You all know him. See him at Spry's barn. l-tf-936 H. H. BKLLWOOD. FLOUR! FLOUR! Another car of Diamond and Pearl flour, meal, graham, buckwheat and breakfast food at the Fanners' store. Special prices to ranchmen and all, in five hundred pound lots. J. J. KEEN EN. Phone !7. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing All kinds of dyeing, dry cleaning and pressing. Dress trimmings col ored to match goods. Plumes clean ed, colored and curled. Curtains colored and pressed. Gloves, hosiery ttnd evening dresses in dainty col ors a specialty. MRS W H. ZKH RUNG. Phone 535. 62tf95 STORE ROOM WANTED sin. -ill store room or cottage down town with window for t'isplay of goods nd one or two living rooms adjacent. Phone 4lfi. KtfttfM LOST. Cold wat.h fob. Kinder please leave at Moisten s drug store. Reward. 6tf!7 KKY FOUND Tied with red white and blue ribbon tiMWt call at Herald office, li !t9S-2 FOR RKNT l-'ivc room OOttaWtj Bnquirc of Mm. C. D. Mali. 104 Sweetwater Ave. ttf993 FOR SALE -S. C. Huff Orpington Cockerels, bred from i rize winners, of good weight and color, $1.50 each. Phone 2 on 21. Mrs. J. A. Keegan 6-l-995 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dresser, roll top desk, Kurt man piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, 210 Box Butte Ave. B. H. KERRY. 6tf9S4 FOR SALE. Kinkaid, 640 acres, 1 50 tillable. 30 to 50 tons hay. fine neighborhood, county seat one hour's drive. Price way down. Inquire at Watson & Watson's. 6tf988 Trees That Will Grow Nursery Stock Adapted to North western Nebraska from Re liable Nurseryman Dr Boland. phone 65. Hair combiug made into beautiful switches, $l.5u. Mail orders prompt ly filled. NKW YORK HAT SHOP ITftfU Milk Cows at Auction I will sell at public auction at the C heckeivd Front in Alliance, on Saturday. .Ian. 20, Hit, 12 head of milk cows, extra good, and one ex tra good Shorthorn bull. Sale to collilUeiH at I : ."( p. m Terms: Cash or i months' time on bankable nt)pt r oruwing 10 per cent. H. P COl'KSKY Am Ut.necr It M HAMPTON. Clerk., PATRONIZE HOME NURSERY Now is a good time to order nurs ery stock for spring planting. By ordering early you get your stock early. Trees planted early become better established, more certain to live and fetand drought better. 1 am preparing to graft a good many thousand trees this winter and expect to push the nursery business a far as I chink will be practical, and I would like to get a reasonable share of the trade. Will have some catalogs ready soon to send out free ito persons desiring to purchase trees. I can furnish thrifty elm trees 4 to 5 feet a)t $10.00 per 100, 3 to 4 eet at $7.00. Box elder, 2 to 3 feet, $6.00. Russian olive, 2 to 3 feet, $7.00. Order now and pay when you receive the trees. I will set out a good many trees this spring by dynamiting tne holes before setting, and will be prepared to set trees in that way for any one that wants tne work dene. ALLIANCE NURSERIES. J. P. Barger, Prop. DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR Each of the six counties compris ing the Sixteenth Judicial district of Nebraska, of which Hon. V. 11. West over Is judge, will have two regular terms of district court in 1912, com mer.cing on the following dates: Cherry. Feb. N, Sept. !. Sheridan. Mar. IS, Sept. 30. Box Butte, April I, Oct. 7. Brown, April 15, Oct. 21. Sioux. April 29, Nov. 11. Dawes, May 13, Dec. 2. oooooooooooooooo o RALPH BLUE, VIOLINIST o o MRS. BLUE, PIANIST o o Music furnished for all occasions o o PHONE 21 ON 11 o o Alliance, Nebraska q oooooooooooooooo JYour Printing If it is worth doing at all, it's worth do ing well. First class work at all times is our motto. Let us figure with you on your next job. HEMINGFORD Hans Hansen was an Incoming p tssonger on 43 Thursday from Al ltan e. Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Evans came up on 43 Wednesday to attend the Odd Kellows' banquet, returning on 42 (lie same evening. Missis Marie nd Norn Hansen came m on 43 Saturday freni Mor rill, where they spent a few days the last of the week. Joe Wanek was an incoming pas senger on 43 from Alliance, where he spent a few days on business. Mrs Ftred Huckc left Saturday on 44 for Morrill, where she will spend a few days. Mrs. Patrick Kinsley left on 43 Sunday for Moorecroft, Wyoming, where she will visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Rosa Shillings, and fami ly. Miss Mabel Strong visited over Sunday at the home of Mrs. B. U. Shepard. Wm. Roland wa an Alliance pas senger on 44 Sunday, going down to attend court this week. Sam Pitman and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James I loll in rake. Ora Phillips spent a few days the first of the week visiting with home folks and looking after business af fairs in Hemlngford. Messrs. Carroll, Rlckell, Spencer, Price and Uhrlg were among those who went to Alliance Monday. No. 44, the eastbound local, has changed time again, going now at 12.12, which does not give those go ing to Alliance any time between trains. Sherman Wright and B. V. Shep ard were Alliance passengers be tween trains Monday. Oner Scribner spent a few days the last of the week visiting with his parent at Hay Springs, returning on Monday. Mrs. John Gasseline has been on ithc sick list for the past week. Jerry Butler and wife have moved Into rooms over Frank Caha's store. Miss Emma Hollinrake left Monday on 43 for Chadron, where she is at tending school, after spending the holidays with her parents. Mrs. Clyde Wheland accompanied her as far as Crawford, returning on 44 Tuesday. Hugh Beal from Alliance has been in town for the past few days load ing potatoes. B. E. Johnson shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Wednesday. m m Among those from Hemingford who attended the funeral of Father Me Namnra at Alliance were C. A. Bur lew and wife, and Jack Kennedy and wife. Claude Campbell has been on the sick list for the past few days. Mr. Peblcs of Alliance was in Hemingford Tuesday, installing the new switchboard for the Hemingford Telephone Company. Those having cattle on the range without feed lost no time In getting them where tfoey could get rough ness or hay. Leone Noble has been suffering with quinsy for the past week. Win Welland and little son slop peii Saturday eenlng out of the stoim at Pete Watsons. Coupon Brand Breakfast Bacon, 25c a pound. Alliance Grocery Co. oooooooooooooooo o RENO o oooooooooooooooo Mrs Elmer McPall was the guert of her sinter, Mrs Melvln Hale, at Alliance a couple of days last week. Mrs Cecil ('. Wilson was railed to Red Oak, Iowa, on account of the se.-lous illness of her brother-in-law. Ed. IXmnls, who has contracted blood poison. C E. Mi-Fall has been the guest of his son, Elmer, a few days. E. V. Doyle spent Sunday with home folks at Jess, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Berry return ed Thursday from Anselmo, Nebr.. where they have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Moult on. P. H. Saylor of Hewett, Nebr., was in town Saturday on business. .Miss Christine Jensen began school hi the Jesse district Monday, after a vacation of three weeks. C. P. Wakeman lias been spend ing a few days with C. C. WUeon on his ranch. Mr. Elmer Sly is assisting In the Reno store this week. Harry Strow has been on the Blck list this week. Mrs. II. M. Wilson and Miss Sula returned Monday from Hot Springs. Mrs Wilson ha been there for treatment for nervous trouble. Engineer Allen and wife came down from Alliance Monday and E. A. McPall drove them to their ranch twenty miles south. G. F. I took or is doing some paint ing on the "ohurch" this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson and daughter Dorotha left on 43 Tuesday for Alliance, where thew will visit Mr. Wilson's parents a few days. Lee Taylor, who has been very sick with phneumonia the past two weeks Is now out of danger and do ing nicely. Mrs. Dora Gills' babe is very low at this writing with typhoid pneu monia. .Miss Mae Mapps is spending a Jew days at Che home of D. L. Stur geons south of town. Chas. Castle i leader for C. E. Sunday night, Jan. 21st. Fresh Ranch Eggs, 35c a Alliance Grocery Co. dozen. oooooooooooooooo o ' SPOTTED TAIL o oooooooooooooooo We hope the editor will be more lenient with the correspondent than the weather has been. Mrs. J. T. Watson has been on the sick list for the past two weeks. a Mrs. Clyde Johnscn ha been sick with the grippe for the last two Wo:-ks. Airs. Alice Popp stopped over Right at the Wutson home Sunday on bar way to the ranch. She has been stoppiug in Mitchell for some time The leap year ball in Mitchell on Saturday evening was well attended. From the number present, certainly Hi young ladies exhibited nerve. iVie Watson left Monday morniiiK for DtlTW U attend the stockmen's eonenticn and to visit relatiw s Stuart Schomp is taking care of Peie Watson's stock during his ab sence. It has been a very hard winter on cattle in this locality, but most of Hum have withstood the storms first rate Few have reported losses DOUBLE SPACE YOUR WRITING Persons writing for publication In The Herald, using a typewriter, are requested to double snace. Those writing with nen or will mAmamm it oh crown their writing, but leave room to make any corrections or additions that may be desired In the copy. SOME ARTISTIC SIGNS Stanley P. Naylor, the sign writ er, has been doing some artistic work in the city the last few days. Gold filled signs now adorn the win dows of the Alllajice National Bank and The Herald office, and Air. Nay lor is working on a sign for the First National Bank. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Malls close at the Alliance post office as follows. Mountain time: East Bound 11:20 a.m. for train No. 44. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 42. West Bound 12:30 p.m. for train No. 43. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 41. South Bound 12:30 p.m. for train No. 303. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidaya all night mails close at 6:00 p.m. Instead of 11:00 p.m. IRA E. TASK. P. M. Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. "j 1"--- H' ' '1XZ OaatftVkl 1 C I Zlmmftmn Co No M THE OLD CABINET! MAKER SAYS: That it is no wonder elastic cotton felt has taken the place of all other forms of filling for mattresses and this Is the concensus of opinion of all those who have spent a night on one of our elastic felt mat tresses. They are more reasonably priced than you imagine and if you sleep on one for a single night, you will not be without it for twice the price we ask. When you consider how much of the time you sleep and how much sleep means to you, you will readily agree that our invi tation to inspect these mattresses is well worth your consideration. GEO. D. DARLING 115-117 West 3rd St., Alliance, Nebr. ?E REPUTATION! In case of serious Illness, you wouldn't call In any old doc tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of. The Doctor with a Reputation, the doctor that hais ahowu his worth by years of good honest service. Then why buy any old rarge, when you can get The Oreat Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by years of constant, honewt and economical ervic The Majestic is made right OK NON-BREAXAULK MALI, 10 ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All parte of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic ally airtight -no cold enter range or hot air Mcapes, thus bak ing. perfect with about half the fuel used in a ran- that l. bolt ed and piutted together with .stove putty. The All-Copper Movable Reset vo'.r on the Vije.-tlc is ab solutely the only reservoir woilhy of the name 11 heats 15 Rat ions of water wtiile breakfast is cooking, ami whi .1 water boils it can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever. Call at our store and let its show you why tlr .Majestie Is absolutely the bet-t range on the market. Your neighbor has one- a?k her. All styU ad size. I I 1 I. L. ACHESON 4 PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Our Bread Rises Even more regularly than dOdi the Sun. Sometime "Old Sol" fails to put in an apjearanoc, But We Rise to the Occasion Daily Except Sunday. You Can Depend On Us for The Staff of Life, Fresh. Light and Wholesome-, Nohe's Bakery JP Cafe Sixteen ounce size Evaporated Milk, $1 20 a dozen. Alliance Groc ery Co. (4 M The Bee Hive Store is now located on the corner of Box Butte Ave. and Fourth St. Opposite the Alliance Grocery. i Come in and see us. Phone 214 g i