Gives all the news of Box Butte County and City of Alliance The Alliance Herald Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1912 NUMBER 6 $ YOUR FAMILY ft and its needs probably occupy three-fourths of your waking thoughts. If you are a wise man, you are planning for their future necessities. You are saving part of your income, of course. Are you investing your surplus wisely ? Security is the first consideration. You can rind no safer investment than certificates of de posit in our bank, which pay 4 per annum. Let us help you to protect your home. The First National PEACEFUL ENDING OF ACTIVE LIFE Rev. Father McNamara Passes Away at Noon on Tuesday, January 16, 1912 A. J. KENNEDY, DENTIST : 'office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. Phone 391. CHASE-LISTER COMPANY One Gala Week Beginning January 22 at the Phelan Opera House. Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residerfce IB ALLIANCE, NEBRA8KA The announcement of the return of this t : i i i-i t :iiil nonulnr comnauv f ....-!"M-!-"M"T--"M"f5-f -i"! ' 1o Alliance will he received with ;t ' feeling of genuine pleasure by the play going people of this city, and stir rounding country. (Mint and Bessie Rohblns are with the company and I at is well known there is not a team in the west that can put on as many and entertaining specialties I as they in addition to their excel j lent dramatic Qualities. The company carries this season some high-grade players and all of the plays to be pro duced will be new. The opening bill will be "The Man of her Choice." a sensational drama (dealing with the white slave traffic It is a pure dramatic story abundant in comedy and play calculated lo M tertain all classes of people and produces a lesson and moral not t be forgot '.tn. Each succeeding nigh win be piodueeoa piny equalh entcrti.ining and for Saturday after noon matinee bill will be produce "The Little Princes," a play admit ably suited for children and ladies. For this week, the management o the (isinpany has consented to play at the reduced prices of :5 stents for reserved seats, 25 cents for gallery and 15 cent for children. The spe laities alone are worth more than the prices chaiged aid peonle want ing to see plays and specialties ot the high character produced by the Chase Lister Co. will do well to at tend each night next week. cggiO) Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S JAMES H. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Building PHONE 2.1 BURIAL AT WISNER. NEBRASKA Shortly after noon on Tuesdny of this week surprise, mingled with sor row, was caused by the announce ment that Kev. Father W, L. Mc- flflav Pfr HHaYaYaYaYaYaYaYafc. .Vf REV. W. L. McNAMARA Nainara had passed away. It was known that he bad been in poor health, owing perhaps to his arduous labors, but it was not generally known that he was in a critical con dition. Although he seemed to think for some days before his demise that hts life's work was ended, it was thought that with rest he would recuperate, but those who 60 thought were doomed to disappointment. Father McNamara was born at Yellow Head, a small village in Kan kakee county, Illinois. December 2x, 1868. Whe.ii a small boy. with his parents, he came to Nebraska, lo cating hi Cuming county. Here he grew i manhood, receiving the ed ucation afforded by the local Reboots and an academy. It tvan while work ing as a farmer boy that he decided 6 enter the priesthood. Going to Qulncy, III., he studied at the Fran cisian college and In I8H6, at Cat clnnati, () , wan ordained Returning to Nebraska he went to Omaha, .where he became assistant to Father Walsh of St. Peter's Catholic church Subsequently there arose a necessity for a priest to take charge of the ,woik at Chadron. Scarcely having attained his majority, the young man went out on his first charge. His sm cess was assured from the first and in a short time he lecanie one of the mom itopular clergymen In the northern part of Nebraska, making w.i i in friende anion; all classes and with the people of the different churches. jfter remaining at Chadron for five years, Father .McNamara was called back to Omaha and placed in charge of the orphanage at Re neon. When lie took over this Institution it was loaded down with a debt of $ Father McNamara went to iwork and in less than two years he ml the Institution free from debt. Having established a reputation as a money raiser, as well aa a church organizer, Father McNamara was :illed to Alliance, where tin' Bead of jusl such tntiii was felt. It was in lOOt! that he came to Al liance. At thai time the Holy Ros tU'v church of which he became the priest was not strong, nor was It In ijie best of condition financially To place it upon its feet and build it up into one of the strongest religious institutions in the utate was the aim of Father McNamara, lie went to work and succeeded, but his long and etrcnuous work perhaps cost him txis life, for it few days ago. when attacked by pneumonia, Ills weaken ed condition was such that he was unable to Mnbt Hie disease. Since coming to Alliance Father !.amara was instrumental in se curing the establishment of St. Ag nes Academy here and securing the erection of the splendid building oc cupied by the school which has been in successful operation for the past few years. It was through his ef forts also that St. Joseph hospital was established and thoroughly e- iulpped. Our readers know of the magnificent church building that was erected last year through his efforts S. A. Foster Lumber Co. A. L. CONKUN, Mgr. Lumber and all kinds of Building Material Get our prices before buying anything in our line o isr ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA S 5 O LOUP CITY FLOUR Best Grade White Satin, and all kinds of American and Greek grocer ies. Imported Oriental products. A peclalty of ollveoll. Olives, figs and all kinds of American and Greek candy. Men's clothing hats, gloves, pants and shoes. Come in. A special price for ev erything. TOM STALOS PHONE 210 We deliver any place in the city. Idaho Jonathan Apples, $2 00 a box. Alliance Grocery Co. NOTICE Regular meetings of the Brother hood of locomotive Firemen aud Enginemen will be held every Sun day afternoon at 2:45. in the M. B A. hall, lit West :lrd street. COMMITTEE TEACHERS' EXAMINATION STATE ASSESSORS' MEETING As will be seen by the minutes of the county commissioners' proceed Ingf, in this Issue of The Herald, the board made arrangements for Box Butte county to be represented at the state meeting of assessors at Lincoln this week. Accordingly J. M. Wanek, chairman of the county board. and ex-County Treasurer Fred Mollring left for Lincoln last Monday night. The Herald is pleas ed that Box Butte county Is repre sented by these two gentlemen, not only because we believe t.hem to be Veil qualified to do so, but also be cause we understand that they are In hearty atrcord with what this pa per has been advocating in regard to an equitable assessment of unim proved real estate. We are tired of seeing a premium placed ou leaving land and city lots unimprov ed, and we are glad that others are Interested in the same, matter. COE8 ON HUNTING TRIP The next regular teachers" exam ination for Box Butte county will be held in Alliance, Friday and Satin day, Jan. If and 20. ttll DKI.l.A M HEED. County Superintendent. Did the hair you are wearing grow on the head of a sickly "Chink"? Real American hair, grown in Box Butte county, made Into switches at the New York Hat Shop HtfTOl liarvey Myers leaves next week on a hunting and trapping expedition on tli- Dismal, south of Thedford. ex pecting to be gone several weeks. If lie has his usual success he will hag lot of gain'. DENVER STOCK SHOW We hope those of our readers who may have the opportunity of at tending the National Western Stock Show being held In Denver this week are doing so. This is a more 'turn usual sight and worth solug to see NEW CRISP HONORABLE Honest Merchandise AT HONORABLE, HONEST PRICES 5(H Fleeced Underwear at 5(H and Is now the home of Holy Ronry church, of which he was pastor. After the death of Father McNa mara the Knights of Columbus kept body guard tit the church where the remains rested until taken to the train today, keeping constant vigil day and night. At Holy Rosary church at ten o'clock today ReqPjMII high maws was sung by Father Mc Naniarn. cousin of the deceased, as sisted by Fathers Donnely and iBurne. Sermon of eulogy was de li ered after niusw by Father Burns, who ably outlined the priesthood life of ihe departed and the magnificent work whic h he accomplished. There were beautiful floral offer ings from the K. of C. D. of I., Elks, of whom tie-ceased was chaplain, and Mr. and Mrs. .lack Riorden. As a 41111 rk of the high esteem in which tlx- deceased was held by the bus iness men of Alliance, the stores. hanks and other places ol Inisine were closed from eleven till twelve today while the procession, consist ing of students of St. Agnes Acad emy, members of K. of C, D. of I. .Elks, and citizens, and nearly a mile in length, wended its way to the depot where a special train wa in waiting, on account of the lateness of the regular train, to carry the renin Iub to Crawford, accompanied by the father and other relatives and escort of pull bearers, K. of C. mem bers and others. The mother of the deceased wti unable to go on account of ill health. The pall bear ers were C. A. Newberry, W. J. Hamilton, Harry Reardan and Dan Jynch. At Crawford the funeral cor tege changed from the Burlington to the Northwestern, to complete the trip to Winner, Nebraska, where Ihe funeral will be held tomorrow. The relatives present from a dis tance were Joseph McNamara and family of Billings. Mont., brother of the deceased; Daniel McNamara, brother. Wlsner; Rev. John McNa mara, cousin, Bloomflcld. Nebr. ; William Murphy, cousin, Wisner; James McNamara, uncle, Wls,,ier. Rev. Father Burns of Sidney, and MMkJf friends of the deceased from J lemingforil and Other near-by places were present. FIREMEN'S CONVENTION Thirtieth Annual Convention of the Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Asaociation at Kear ney This Week SPECIAL CAR FROM ALLIANCE Today closes the :iftth n.ituial con vention of the N. 8. V. F. A. at Kearnoy. We have no report yet from the i onventlon but know from the preparations that were made that It has been a great event. The intense cold of the past few weeks let up In Its severity Just In time to fri.'e the convention a spell of plea.s- ant weather. There was no danger ibut what Kearney would add luster t.o her reputation for hospitality. We eharl not be surprised to learn that the attendance wan as large or larg er than any preceding Nebraska HNite tVonvention of the Volunteer Firemen. Northwest Nebraska was well rep resented. A special car waa charter ed from Alliance, leaving here en 42 Monday night and carrying the .following named firemen: Scottebluff F. Alexander, Oeo. Ilalinert, Geo. Elquest, t). W. Rhoods. J. R. Basklns, A. 8. Rodgers, Frank S ofleld. Hushville A. L. Barnum. Mitchell -J. F. Enlow, II Kdwards. Chadron -C. N. Olllon. Crawtford C. R. Beckwlth, N. K Uingford, Geo. Tobln. Alliance W. 8. Ridgell. Al Rens wold. T. H. Beeson. C w. Spacht. W. R. Hall, Geo. Hills. Fresh Ranch Eggs. 35c a dozen. Alliance Grocery Co. TEACHER RECEIVES SAO NEWS Mis Lena Riddell, one of the Al liance city teachers, received word this morning that her sister, the wife of Br. Emerson, had died at her home in Scottsbloff Mists Rid del' left for that place on the next train after receiving the sad new. During her ubseji.-e Miss Iz i Wor le lak-s her place a reach, r at tie- Central school. "Modern Clothes for Men" WILL COME TO BOX BUTTE I. W, I'eterson or Red Granite, Wit-., last week terminated a five weeks' visit at the home of his son inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mis Marlus I .arson, twenty tulles north west of Alliance, and let t for home Saturday night. He was go well pleased with this count r that he de cided to sell his Wisconsin place and move to Box Butte county. The II. t ald will be pleaded to welcome him as a resident of this county when he returns here, and mean while will ke.p him potted on news of this purl of the wect, as he subscribed before leaving the city last Saturday. K. T. ATTEND CHURCH luist Sunday evening Bunuh Coin- m.iudery No. -, Knights Templars, ! attended service at the M. E. church In uniform. Owing to sic kness quite 'u number of the un it hers could not attend, but the rollowlng were pres ent. Henry Reuuau. E. C ; Monte S. Hargrave. C. Q.J Thos. James, G.; Sir Knkahts. W. R. Bate, I. E. Tah, T H. Barnes. W. O. Barnes. F. K Holsten. F. M. Knight. F W. Irish. 1. it. Meaner, K. c. MojCypjar, Hugh ileal, W. II . Swan, J Kowan DEMISE OF MRS. DILLINQ Released from Pain by Death after Protracted Illness Rev. O. 8. Baker was called to conduct the funeral of Mr. Henry A. Billing, northeast of Alliance, In Sin rldlan county, Monday. The deceased was a na:ie of Ger many, and m in her Btith year at ,-e time of her death. She was iii;hly re.-pe.itd and loved by her acquaintances, ail an earm.t Chris tian, being a life long member of the Lutheran church. In which faith he died. To the bereaved husband, sons and Other friends The Herald offers sin cere sympathy. SCOTTSBLUFF VS. ALLIANCE The bask I bill game at the High school gym tomorrow (Friday! even ing promises to be one of the best of the season. The Alliance boys lirie already h. nick a pennant win ning gait and Scottsbluff has a team this year that is said to be it. The s rap promises to be worth seeing. Came called at s::iu. VACATION IN ALLIANCE Virgil Smith has been spending a vacation Alliance since the firat of the month, but leaves Saturday 4i U. lit to return to Ames, Iowa, where he ! taking a course at the Iowa Su;le Agricultural College, which he enjoys very much. While here he assisted taking Inventory at the Dar ling furniture store. Pit ram A nation, advance repre sentative for the Chase-Lister Co.. is In the city all of this week and will remain until the company ar rives Monday. ' He certainly knows how to let the people know that ibey know w hen a good com puny knows how to produce plays such as the people want.