The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 11, 1912, Image 8

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Agent MicJiat ls of I'luniR Imc I n
njovlim n abort vnoaMon.
Conductor Coat of Head wood i
pending f''w diiyn In Mot Springs
The inatprinl 1 now on hnnd t
reinodH tln 1lsn:itlt r ;it I4ii
Fireman Hums of the tun In Jlne lint
been s-nt to storting. He. will !
gone nltntit thirty dn.
Alt train servioe In the Ulark llllln
has been delay eo the iwut week on
account of heavy mow.
The MIhuos BriMQfl of Kmliford
pent the holidays at the homo m
Section Foreanan Mud of Myatlr
The niorhvni.MH In the Allium,
bops are now working edgltf hours
per day and five dayx In the week.
Special Agent Hoag went woat on
delayed No. 4.'l Tuesday. Mir. Hoag's
work keep him on the road most
of the t i n i
Brake-man Thompson, who tins
been vlalting relatives in Lincoln
Since January 1st, is ex petted home
before pay day.
Mrs. K. HoiiKer, daughter and son
came home Tuesday from Deadwood,
where they had been for the IiihI
week visiting friends.
Mr. Clark of McCook baa been In
Alliance the paat ten days rlftthlR
relatives. Mr. Clark Is a brother of
Mm. W. M. Weidenhamer.
Agent and Mrs. Krldlebaugh en
tertained Supt. and Mrs. Welden
hRiner and Mr and Mrs. Tulley ;it
a d'nner party, the flrnt of the week.
Conductor ("umnilnns lias been
tatloned at Ardmore to unload wat
r cars and have them ready for
the train to tie o as aoon aa Ujey
arrive. Hy having a man there to
handle theae cars it saves each
train about two hours' switching.
Simla Clans stopped at (he home
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tony Nelson and
left n ti pound xlrl. Mr. Nelson Is
wire chief for the HurllngtMi at
J)eadu(MKl. S. I.
MessciiKor Stromborn has btMH ax
signed to the Kdgenumt -Dead wood
run, relieving Messenger Howell,
who will take charge of the company
wagon In I (end wood.
.Urent llollenbeck and wife have
returned from a vacation spent with
relatives in Ohio and report a very
pleaaant time. Mr. Hollenbeck is
stationed on the high line.
Fireman (3riswold, who has hoon
livinn In lodgement, la moving liick
to Alliance On account of slack
business he has been humped off
of his high line paaaenKer run
Fireman Trenkle, who has been In
Crawford since Christmas, Is again
to Alliance. He to now confined to
bis room with a severe cold that
may develop Into pneumonia.
Conductor Hoakfns, who had both
fect crippled in Kdgemont on Novem
ber 29th, 1b still laying off. He will
nol he able to work before February
1st. Tom (Jriffeth now has his car
and crew.
The bridge gang in charge of
Hrldge Foreman Ian Hurch has
hi en at Mystic the past two months
repalrhiR bridges No. 7L' and 75.
Tin if have completed their work and
moved to HIM City.
Mr. Delahoyd, formerly cashier of
the BwMuglUB at Hot Springs, baa
been made agent Hi Hill City, re
lieving Agent lavinguton, who has
ncieptcMl employment wltB the Iiii.t
national Harvester Company.
Over fifty cars of steel are in
sight to be distributed along the
Hue of the llurlington in the vicin
ty of Uroken How. About forty
three miles of new rails will be put
down, the present seventy-five pound
steel being replaced by chat weigh
ing ninety pounds. Broken How now
being a division point for local
freights has caused mucb activity In
the yards. Among other things there
wll! be four thousand feet of new
aiding and nnotlier turntable. It
has also been stated that a new sta
Iton is to be built some time tail
year. Omaha World-Herald
Conductors Randall and (rriffeili
Biada a couple of trips out of Kdge
mont on the high line. The heavy
aBOl and cold went her had blocked
the lines In the Black Hills. .Con
ductor Cramer was another main II tie
DOfidUCtOr who made a trip through
the Hills.
Tom Morris, formerly of Milan'
but now engineer fcr the Hapid Cii.v.
Black Hills and Western, spent the
last week with friends and relatives
here. Tom is a son of Wm. Morris
and at the time he was promoted he
was the youngest In years of any
man ever promoted on t-liis division
Machinist George Magill has filed
on a Klnkaid homestead near An
gora. Mr. Maglll's family will move
to the ranch but he will hold his
petition in the shops Hecause of
Mr Maglll's aervicea In the Spanlsii
American war, he will be required
to live on his claim only fourteen
months before he can prove up.
Brakeman Judson was taken to
the BOBpHal Saturday, where he un
derwent a alight operation. Dr.
Slagle and Ur. Hershman had charge
of the case He is now improving
' rapidly nnd will be out in a few
1 data,
The agent of the Burlington at
I Mystic celebrated New Year's Day
'by giving his office a thorough
1 scrubbing. This is probably the on
ly station on the high line that re
ceived such a treatment. Custer
Brak 'tnan Short, who came here
;:!ioiit two months ago from Chadron,
has raaigOad. Mr. Short will go to
Hebron, where he has secured em
ployment. Mrs. Short and the
children went to Hebron before
Christ tuns.
Fresh Ranch Eggs, 35c a dozen.
Alliance Grocery Co.
Dr. Boland, phone 65.
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. tf
The Home of
Quality Groceries
The Proof of
is in
The Eating Thereof
Prove the Quality of Our Groceries
by Actual Test
And Come to Know that They're the Best
Try these and they'll Please
Rob Roy Steel Cut Coffee.
per lb. 40c
riexo Coffee, per lb. . . 35c
Post Boy Coffee, per lb. . 30c
Old Friend Coffee, per lb. . 30c
Dried Apples, per lb.
Dried Peaches, per lb.
Dried Apricots, per lb.
Dried Prunes, per lb.
Dried Pears, per lb.
Phone 80
ioth annual CLEARANCE SALE
for heavy fleece
Underwear for Men
65c kind
Hen's High Cut Shoes
$4 values
All of our $1 .25
Wool Underwear
for Men
$1.25 heavy-lined
Sale Price
The Bieeest Event of the
Clothing Unmercifully Slashed
Hundreds of $15 Suits, all new winter goods, slashed to
Hart Schaffner & Marx fine $30 Suits and Overcoats go at
Hart Schaffner & Marx Elegant $25 Suits and Overcoats go at
40 fine $20 Suits, Hart Schaffner & Marx make
25 Reduction on all Wool and Worsted Trousers 25 off
lA off on any Boy's Suit or Overcoat in the store 4 off
This is a bona fide Clearance Sale of the finest goods made in America. Not the kind that clothing scavengers sell.
The Famous Qg Price Clothing House, Alliance, Neb.
Boys' Fleece
Boys' 50 and
65c Mittens,
Sale Price,
1 lot of Men's
75c Dress
Shirts, go at
All of our
Men's 75c
Caps, go at
for Men
75c Mittens
Hanhattan, Star and
Wilson Shirts,
former prices, $2 and
$2.50, sale price,
All of our
75c and $1
Fine Neckwear,
All of our
Novelty and Stiff Hats
$5 and $4 values
Sale Price,
Discount on
all Hen's and Boys'
high Cut Shoes