HRISTMAS Greetings and our thanks to our large number of customers whose liberal patronage will have made this our banner year for business. Our high-class goods, prompt and courteous service are at your command at all times. A careful study of the high-class goods mentioned below with a few prices will tell you why you should be one of our patrons. LIBBY'S EVAPORATED MILK Two for 25c size, $1.20 per doz. LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS 1.00 Per doz. LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS l.OO per doz. BROOMS 35, 45, 55, and 65 cents each PURE SORGHUM Made in Nebraska, Jefferson Brand 80? Per Gal., 6 Gal. for $4.50 PURE GROUND SPICES In 4 oz. Sifter Top Packages, Victor Brand, 10? Pkg. When true value for your money! is desired order CHASE & SANBORN TEAS AND COFFEE VICTOR FLOUR GAIETY BRAND FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Your Christmas Dinner Can be toned up with IMPORTED FIGS AND DATES MALAGA GRAPES PECANS ENGLISH WALNUTS ALMONDS or an assortment of SHELLED NUTS Mr. Husband: DON'T YOU KNOW THAT THE MISSUS WOULD BE DEE-LIGHTED WITH AN IMPORTED HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARY BIRD FOR XMAS, OR A NICE PIECE OF CUT, GLA8S. THE LITTLE FOLKS WOULD ENJOY A GLOBE OF GOLD FISH MORE THAN THEY WOULD A BUSHEL OF CANDY. LOOSE WILES CRACKER8 In 2 aize boxes, at 7'2$ pound Star or Coupon Brand BREAKFA8T BACON t 25(? pound Ovorland Brand BREAKFAST BACON at 20? pound PURE LARD Government Inspected 13? a pound DR. PRICE'8 VANILLA EXTRACT Pint Bottle $1.75 Half Plnta 90? DR. PRICE'S LEMON EXTRACT Pint Bottle $1.25 Half Pints 65? Our Christmas Trees are now here, also Evergreen Wreathing. Have your tree picked out and set aside for you. Everything in Fresh Fruit and Vegetables that the market will supply will be on hand for the 23d and 25th. Phone 56 Alliance Grocery Company ALLIANCE WOMAN'S CLUB Commendable Work Done in the In terest of a Worthy Cause RED CROSS SEAL CAMPAIGN If any of our reader have sup posed that the Woman's Club Nl organized and is being maintained merely for the entertainment of its members, as is the case with some clubs, especially in larger cities, such readers have had a mi. taken idea which W6 wish to dispel We speak more particularly In regard to the Alliance Woman's Club, but what is true of this club is probably also true to a greater or less extent of other woman's clubs. Besides being in last week's big issue of Th the means of imparting to its mem bers a greater degree of social cul ture and affording excellent edu a tional advantages, the Alliance Wo man's Club is one of the most active organizations in the city along benev olent ami charitable lines. Our readers all know something of the effort that is being made in Al liance to sell the Red Croaa Christ ma.s Seals and the object for which they are being sold, namely, to as sist in stamping cut tlx plague, tuberculosis, but we have been dilatory in members of the Alliance Club tlie mead of credit ami prais. deserved for their pan in this great work Many others have be-n interested in the good cause but It remained for the Woman's Club to take the initiative In this city At the beginning of this year's Ked Cross Seal campaign they ordered fifty dollars' worth of stamps, with the determination to sell that ma n or more if prs.ible. We are happy to say that their enterprise has made it necessary to send in a rush order for more. In selling stamps they are permitted to retain tifty per cent of the proceeds tor tin use of the club work if they choose to do so, the other fifty pet cent going to the K.d Cross Society to assist in the work of stamping out tuberc ulosis. Instead, however, of using this for some purpose in which only the mem bers would be interested, they de cided to use it for t-Uc public good. A public drinking fountain is some tltlng that every city ought to have but with which few cities are sup plied. The Woman's Club decided to MM their share of the proceeds of the lied Cross stamp sales this year to erect a public drinking fountain in Alliance. Should the amount be insuffic ient to defray the expense of erecting such fountain as they wish, they will use the amount so MCUre4 as the nucleus of a fund for that purKse. We regret very much that we were not informed in regard to this in time to have published ii Her ald. We are confident, had suffi cient publicity been given to this fact earlier, that the amount raised before Christmas for the fountain would have been ample to cover the cuitire expense of the same, beside raising an equal amount for the worthy cause for which the Ked Cross Seals were originated. Much as we are interested in the efforts that are being made to stamp out tuberc ulosis, we feel like using more great white of the t tamps be aus,- of the ussist- we confess ! ance it win give trie woman s c iui giving the' in their worthy efforts in erecting a Woman's drinking ."Uittain in Alliance In addition to having the U d t msh stamps on sale at different phut, in the city, several ladies, in appropriate lied Cross costumes, have been selling the stamps in the store and on the si reels, realizing twenty three dollars from the sale of th same on Monday alon :-. Follow iiig are the names of ladies who hav bi en engaged in this work: Mir lteuUdi Smith. Miss Alma Weid eiihainer, Miss Hazel Carney of Sen oca, who is visiting her sister. Mrs Kin er liellrulei , and Mrs Finer De it. uler. We consider this an opportune ilnu to give our readers what we have wlcihed for some time to pub Itsh. and tliat is the names of the oftieers and members of the Alliance Woman's Club. Officers, 1911-12 President, Mrs. Lutie Warrick. First Vice President, Mrs. Anna Kuoeiidall Second Vice President, Mrs. 5er trade Pate. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Zel la Johnson. Program Committee Literary .Mrs (iertrude Pate, Mm Anna Kuhendall. Mrs. Mildred Ma Cej Mrs Allie Highland, Mm. Helen Kowan. Household Kc-oucmiics Mrs. Minnie Spencer, Mrs. Delia Mallery, Mrs Clara Albro. Mrs. Mary Rirney. Mrs Minnie Hampton. Music- Mrs. Pert ha Pennett, Mrs. Helene Ponath, Mrs. Abigail Parsons Entertainment Committees Number One Mrs. Minnie Speii cer, Mrs. Bertha I Jen net t, Mrs. Le ota Mollring. Mrs Nellie Hunter. Mrs Myrtle Single. Mrs. Clara Albro, Mr Ida Johnson, Mrs. Kmma Nor ton, Mrs. Mildred Macey, Mrs Helen Pom an. Number Two .Mrs. Lizzie Lester, Miv. Minnie Hamilton. Mrs. Prances I'a'dey. Mrs. Lutie Warrick, Airs Kdua Kllis, Mrs. Delia Mallery, Mrs Anna Kuhendall. Mrs (iertrude Pale. Mrs. Anna Ketiner, Mrs Pearl Lttnn Number Three -Mrs. Hannah Wik ei, Mrs. Florence Knight, M:s. Belle Panley. Mm. Allie Highland, Mies Stele Frazier, Mrs Zella Johnson. Mrs. Helene Ponath. Mrs. Abigail Parsons. Miss Orris Coppernoll, Mrs Margaret Hamilton. Membership Mrs. Clara Albro Mrs. Port ha Hen net t Mrs. Mary Pirney Mrs. W. K. Conrad ' Miss Orris Coppernoll Mrs Edna Kills Miss Susie Frazier Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Mrs. Minnie Hampton Mrs. Allie Highland Mrs Nellie Hunter Mrs kbj Johnson Mrs. Zella Johnson Mrs. Anna Ketuier Mrs. M re. Mrs Mrs Mrs. Mrs .Mrs. Mrs Mrs Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Florence Knight . Mrs. Lizzie Lester Mr. Pearl Lunn Mrs. Mildred Macey Mrs. Delia Mallery Mrs. IcoUi Mollring Mrs. Kmma Norton Mrs. Gertrude Pate Mrs. Frances Pardey Pelle Pardey Helene Ponath Abigail Parsons Helen Kowan .Mrs. Anna Kuhendall Mrs. Myrtle Bteeta Minnie- Spencer Little Warrick Mrs. Nellie Wiison Mrs Hannah Wiker Honorary Roll Mrs. Sadie Aspenwall Mrs. Nellie Hellwood Mrs Kate Ituec hsenatein Minnie Dewey Ida Holliday Cora leiwis Mrs. Mamie Mathews Mrs. SJoe Mewhirter Sarah Keed Mabel Shawer Pelle Spat. Pert ha St eons Marie Walgavtood Mrs. Lizzie YVmug Mrs. May Griggs Mrs. May Hayes Mrs. Hilda Nicholson Mrs. Nell Peed Mns. Pelle Thomas F. J. Was, tiie gonial and uccotu inoclatiug assistant cashier of the I First National Hank, left cm 44 Tues- day for Omaha, intending to spend I the holidays in that city and at the I Iwnie of his parents, l)r and Mrs L. Was, at Punaina, N;-br. Mr. Was: formerly wa manager of the Trail- I sit department of the I'nited States, National Hank of Omaha, resigning ! that position to come to Alliance He i hus many friend in the Nebraska metropolis ;,s well as in his home town, Panama, and although he ex pects lo be gone until after New Year's day. he will find the time nuue too long for the visits which he wishes to make. r A A K A A A A - i Christmas Greeting We wish to extend tin; season's greeting to thf npnnlfa f if Allionr -n-wl itimnifu .,11 l " F v " .iiiiiii' II II . I I It'll. till1 1 ,UI ill" tention to our fine line of floods suitable for holiday presents, including: China Cut Glass Cutlery Silverware Chafing Dishes flj and many other articles to be found In a first-class hardware store 1 I. L. ACHESON ( PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK f, W W W W y v w, - 1$J$& Boards r"3-4 a descriptions ijr or any art: a JC 3 X house or barn- Dierks Luber & Coal Co. Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr.