The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 21, 1911, Image 3

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    His Christmas
By Anna & Richardson
THE Ft or fairly radiated the
Christmas spirit. Crimson bells
mMmg from every chandelier.
Ropw of evergreen draped all
the shelving. The counters were
strewn with Christmas cords, booklets
and favors.
The mnn who bad droped tn to buy
trad points for bla pocket pencil re
xualncd to pore over a stack of gift
books bonnd In rnro leather. Then he
benrd the voice. After that only his
gaze was on the book. Ills interest
was concentrated on the possessor of
the voice.
"But you raid such things were In
irreat demand around the holidays, and
I hare taken infinite pain-, with these.
Please, please tel' me what is wrong
with them."
There waa a note of tragedy in the
rich contralto tonus v, lilli. together
with a beseeching glnmc from won
derful violet eyes, put to rout the
rules and regulations of the astute
buyer of Christmas novelties. His
was a smart shop, and he had never
vouchsafed explanation to struggling
young artists whose work he declined
to Mil on copunisslon, but now he
picked up the little packets of plate
and score cards, gny witb holly. Santa
Clans heads, etc.
"Let me explain." he snld "These
re not novelties. They are the same
style of curds used in the past twenty
years, with the name decorations. Wo
men who tun afford to pay the prices
demanded for hand (Minted novelties
vaut something new. Sec this polu
sett in blossom not painted on a card,
but cut In the shape of the blossom
Itself ami this funny, bulg ng stock
lug, overflowing with faces of pretty
girls, for a bachelor They are cntehy.
the sort of things my customers want.
Your work is neat, but MM novel."
"Thank you." the girl said bravely
"1 understand now. ami it Is too late
lor me to try my baud at uoveltles
JSut perhaps yon will keep my cards,
and I well, your uoveltles might not
go around, and then pet h. , I some kite
customer might buy mine after all."
"Certainly. 1 will be glad to keep
them In reserve. Your nam and ad
dressoh. yes. 1 remember - Miss Syl
via Leigh, the Grunt attidtoB. 1 will
do my best for you."
Nevtrtheless as the girl
Geo. W. Duncan
& Son
It is impossible to enum
erate in a newspaper advertisement
the goods we carry in stock; but if
it's anything sold in an up-to-date
grocery, we have it
The best recommendation
we can give our goods and
prices is what our large
number of satisfied cus
tomers say about the same
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, Satisfactory Service
We have a specially fine line of Fancy Groceries,
Confectionery, and Nuts for the Holiday Trade,
besides our usual large stock of Fresh Staple Goods
Good country butter and fresh
eggs wanted. We pay every
cent the market will stand
If you have not yet com
menced trading with us,
we extend to you a cordial
invitation to give us a trial
119 West Third Street
First Grocery West of Post Office
Phone 32
m n mm i m
. any, h mm u .11
. zJ
r"" "SBSSSBBasBi ISBBBBSBSBSi mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm
bows of satlif ribbon, a bowl tilled
with scarlet oolDSettia blooms, nnd on
one table an orderly stack of parcels
evidently scut by express, mail and
messenger to the popular but elusive
bachelor, for elusive he was dubbed
by matchmaking mot Iters.
"A young lady to see you. sir," re
marked his mun impassively.
James Macy took the card.
"Miss Sylvia I.eigh," ran Its legend.
She came to him, looking taller than
the day In the shop, for her head via
belli high.
"You will pardon my coming here
on Christ QMS eve and unrlnipcroned.
1 could not leave town without seeing
you." The vlnlet eyes had turned al
Mat black: the coutralto voice was a
bit too even In its tones.
"I am honored." replied James Macy
gravely, and he offered her a chair,
whieli she declined with a wave of
her gloved hnnd.
"It was hard enough to know that
the man who taught my foolish l':'"
pat .tings did It through a sense of
pitv, but to learn that he was also "
slipped 1 mm) w)0 vr recked my mother's life-
through the door he opened a deep that that was too much. I have
drawer under the counter and dropped J romp to return your money nnd ask
no enrus out 01 signt. it wouki never , ,,..,,,. r ,..,rrt- r nm tone
"nut she had you. I had nothing,
nothing hut money and the memory of
one happy summer of her life. I never
expected to know w hat peace and hap
pine meant again until that day in
the Store, when your eyes, your voice
1 thougiit it was tlie other Sylvia, my
Sylvia, eoa e to life. And 1 bOQXtlt those
curds because you painted than,
"And now you come to me In anger
and take from me my one Chris! mas
do to display those old fashloued bits
of pasteboard among the uove!ties
which HOtMMled to liis fashionable
trade. And then very suddenly the
mail who bad I 'ecu engrossed in leuth
er Itouud gift boohs stepped up to the
"One minute, please. 1 should like
to take a look at those cards you just
bought from the youug lady ."
The astonished manager of de store
glaucod from the well groomed man
with bue brown eyes u..d irou gray
bair to the more expensive uovelttea
tb the showcase
not already destroyed them."
"My dear girl." expostulated the
man. who had turned strangely white.
"i'iease do not Interrupt me. ' eon
tinned the girl passionately. "My
mother's blot her perh;: ps you remem
ber him Henry Johnson. 1 here He
went to the shop and found out where
my cards had gone and - Oh. it Is
such a miserable little farce to you. a
successful man! I thougiit I could be
an artist. They told me so at home
Against uncle's wishes 1 came here to
make my little light and failed. When
Til ones von lust u... f, I 3 MR"I those things I thought ier-
youug lady." repeated the customer se- ! tano-tatt " me to
reuelv home, sifted the story to the bottom
"Certainly." resided the mauagei ln", 1 Roins hmno '
asUly. and he spread forth the de 1 wiln ,,lm ""lubt."
apised bits of pasteboard The work "M1s 1 W!1nf tn :1 f',v"r
was duintv. hut nttei-lr imn u,... of you This Is Christmas eve. ami I
"Just what my sister would like
conservative sort of woman my sister
Is don't go in for newfangled Ideas.
I'll take thosethree doxen. Not
enough' Do you suppose the girl
could do two dozen more by the dav
before Christmas? If she can, seud
'ui to me. James Macy. ut Marquette
I'll lake these with me."
And .tiuiost before be could realise
what had happened the manager was
aiiually gaping, open mouihed. after
this ecreotrtc customer whose sister
was to give a dinner party of sixty
covers on Christmas day and intrusted
the laiying of such Imitortaut articles
i. -:.iei favors to au obviously in
esterienced bachelor brother
Christina eve was frosty aud starlit
dailies M;e- coming home from bis
ufn e smiled somewhat grimly at the
i i v pre;nrst i n made.
Rmlly gltd evergreens there were in
gieai vr n.s with massive
nui a lonely, desolate man. If ever
the Christinas message of s'aee and
gned will means anything It Is tonight,
and I want your good will. Those
little Christinas cards you painted are
the tnly touch of real Christmas that
has gome into my life and I want to going boma "
happiness the work of your bands
Sylvia. Sylvia, haveu t I paid my debt
of repentance'.' Cin you uot extend
fprglTfiiaea Christmas forglveue bt
your mat MoT's name':"
Sylvia turned tow.ird the door.
"1 must go now. We are Icaviug on
t lie P o'clock nam l uole la waiting
for me dowustuirs in a cab. W are
I. .cop them and tell you win I want
to keep them. Will you be seated?
"You say i w reeded your mat bar
life Well. then, know that hers was
not loag. My season of regret and
pi iiliem e has lasted longer than you
have lived I loved your mother, but
I !:d not ntldfTStpad her I went out
Into the wor'd to make a fortune, not
for myself, but for her. nnd I thought
that the fortune must come firt and
lore's dream afterward With women
It l different The dr-am must come
Irsl -the form iip Is a secondary con-
Iteration Vour mother tQmd bless
bar mmaaryi thought 1 bad (ongattan
'list I dl.l not care -and so she
: 1 out of my life and into your
Home!" The uiau echoed the word
mecha nit ally, dully.
The girl hesitated. I batl held out tier
"Ves. back to dear old Hestonville.
H hy dant you come tooV Why don t
you run out t;morrow for dinner":"
Sylvia, child, do you men it It? Do
you understand that if 1 come It will
In- to ee you 7"
Hruvety I be violet eyes were raised
to meet the searching look In the
bro'vu ones.
"Is It Mmea and god will for me.
-Ves nnd merry Christmas If you
come tomorrow."
The true shoppers that exclusive
portion of the community to whom
it is our desire to cater are respect
fully requested to call and inspect
and price our full and complete line
of useful Xmas Gifts. They are
arriving and being placed on display.
You and your friends are welcome
M The Store of Quality "