ffsmfam rubtlRhod avery Thnradny by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated Entered at the po8i)fflce nt Alli ance, Nebraska, for tr.innmii.Rlon throuRti the malls a twond -clans matter. Subscription. 11.50 per year In ad ranee. The circulation of this newspaper Is guaranteed to be the largest in western Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. Sample copies free for the asking. SPECIAL HOLIDAY ADVERTISEMENTS Alliance Merchants Advertise Splen didly Their Magnificent Stock of Holiday Goods EXPECTS BIG TRADE TIH RSDAY. 1)K"KMHKH 14, l!MI "A. Maverick" In the "Stray Ob servations'" department of The Ne braska State Capital gives vent to the following peaalmlsMc Wall: Crops poor, money tight, wages low, work scarce, weather cold, times hard everybody poor, and butter forty cent a pound. I'aas the gravy, please." The writer of that sen tence ought to come a little farther west and get a good squsre meal to cure him of the blues. Hastings, Nebraska, is all torn up over a proposition to employ a spec ial Instructor on sex hygiene, aonie of the school patronH beMis Intensely In favor of the proposlth.:i and nome bitterly opposed to It . A Rev. Mr. .lamieson has been del '". erlng lec ture on the subject in t!i V. M. C. A. building of that city and lias made n proposition to the tscliool hoard to deliver lectures before th student of the public schools. Whether It would be beat to accept a course of iheae lecture for the schools, we are of the opinion that good will re sult from the discussion of the prop osltioc'by calling attention to a sub ject that is almost universally too much neglected by parents and teachers. Many Herald readers will remem ber the address on Interstate Com merce delivered in Allium t July (i. the unkjue and simple remedy by 1911, by Hon. Willis E. Reed. ; 04 him suggested to OorrtcJt the de fect of the present .law rotating to Interstate commerce. This addresa has met with general approval and Is inot highly spoken of outside of this state as well as within. Mr. Reed who Is a candidal i for the flgtaocrnttc nomination for the United States senate before the primaries to be held April I, 1912, Is one of th" strongest constitutional lawyers In Nebraska, and in the event of being elected to represent this state in tho upper house of congress be will make his presence ntr.l influence felt In some matters that have here tofore been too much ne;U': t d pur The Thomas County Herald, pub lished at Thodford, Nebraska, gives the following wholesome advic to the boys of the and hills region. Tbe me advice Is applicable to oth er boys, with perhaps som? modifica tion according to localities, as to the useful articles to be found in their pockets: "The young men whos? pockets are filled with cigarette w rappers, mustache combs, finger nai planners, miniature cuiiii ; irons looking glasses, etc., and have their mothers press their punts yvery dv are not tbe ones wlio will make promising husbands. The pockrts of those who are helping o make the country bloom and causing two blade o! grass to grow where was but one will be found filled with barbed wire atapus, and different size of nails aod screws. They are the boy you had better look after." A GOOD KANSAS LAW Few states have been a subject of more condemnation and criticism In the matter of their laws than Kati aas. Ihit that state has one law parsed two years ago, tint receives almost universal onnier.Uthm. I has been dubbed the "Blue Sky' law. It requires that anv com.na.nv desiring to oficr Its slock fir sale in Kansas shall first assure a ;,ermlt from the state hanilng department to Bell Its security. In order to se cure that permit It Is necessary of course to satisfy the state banking department that the concern Is reli able, and the board requires a shew lnt- of good faith and that the secur ity offerad at reasonable amount of value behind them It Is claiine I that this law U saving gullible Kan saiiS 15,000.000 to $6,000,000 a year This law is giving great satlsfa. tkn in Kansas and a h ghiy uieiidel in many of tbe older s It is probable (hat similar laws will soon be passed in many other states The wonder is that they have not berii passed long ago. Nebraska is soiely in need of such a law to pro Its citizens who have little UHuey to Invest from beiu flsacsj by representatives at enterprises too numerous to meutiou, but including many laud, townsUe and mining Cl.epj B, originating outside tbe sta'c. Readers of The Herald who are within reach of Alliance owe It to themselves to read the advertise ments of our merchants in this sp ial holiday number before doing their holiday shopping Not only Is it to their own Interests to read these ad vertisements carefully but it Will be a mnrk of friendship for the paper. Hnd is but simple Justice to those who are expending their money m letting the public know Hbca.it their special preparation's for their holiday trade and soliciting the same in this way. There probably has never been a time when the merchants of this c'ty were better prepared to meet the demands of customers at this season than they nre this year. On their behalf The Herald extends a most cordial invitation to farmers and ranchmen in the surrounding country and to the people of our ii ighboring towns who mny not be able to find Just what they want at home to visit this c'ty during the holiday shopping season, which opens in full blast with thla Issue of The Herald. Briefly we wish to call attention to their special advertisements. Kv- ery one of them deserves an extend ed notice, but of necessity we must mnke the mention of each of thorn here short. First In size among the advertise ments in this issue Is that of F. K Holsten, who occupies the entire last page of the cover with hi holi day announcement While this Is a beautiful ad, a call at his magnifi cent store will convince any of our readers that it does not begin to do his stock of goods justice. Mr. Hol sten's store has gained a reputation reaching far beyond the limits of this city and those who have traded witli him before will find his stock equal to or sup ri r to anything he has ever carried bpfore, while new customers will ho surprised Ht the magnificence of this establishment and delighted witli the assortment and quality of goods carried in stock Geo. EL Darling takes a half-piu't o call attention to his establishment. which is the largest furniture store in this part of the country. Since moving Into his present quarters his store compares favorably with the best furniture stores to bp found in cities many times the size of Alliance The Railroad Men's Co-Operative Store is the full corporate name of the grocery establishment managed by the genial Jack llerry, who organ- iv. 'I and incorporated the company last spring. They begun business on a rather snjall seale and not a very large trade for the first few weeks. but business came their way rapidly and the growth of the same has been what is termed In the adver tisement, simply "phenomenal". Always interesting are the adver tisements of the first National Hank and their special ad in this issue Is no exception. We need not tell yew to see It, you have already seen it before commencing to read this at tide. A unique advertisement is tha. o. the Alliance Grocery Company. I.. H. Highland, manager, is a man who knows the grocery business from A to Z. He also knows how to please customers aud build up a permanent trade, which he has su"ceeded ad mirably In doing hike other sue cessful business men he know the value of printer's ink, properly used. K. C. MeCluer does not advertise as extensively as some merchants, but when he does you may know there Is something doing He car ries a stock of strictly first class goods and unyone may well be proud of anything purchased in his star? as a present. A peep Into the interior of a splen didly stocked furniture and china store is what you see when you look at Miller Bros.' ad, but you see only a small part of the goxls they carry. A call ut their store is necessary be fore you appreciate the many things they have to offer at business quit ting prices. The announcement made in th: advertisement of Harper's l-adies' Ready-to W ear Toggery store, op posue me post QOlOt, will be of special Interest to The HnaUr, many lady readers and should also interest some of the men who may wish to bu a first class garment for the wife or daughter. One of the staudty advertisers of Alliance Is The Famous Clothing Store. R is also a stand by est a I. lishiueut for buyers of all kinds of men s and boys' wearing apparel. They have a host of customer mho know that thev cau depend upon what Is advertised by The Famous, aud these customers will rcud this Advertisement with interest. The Herald invites t,e attention of oth r llo this ad and Invites a careful sual of the same. F W. Irish & Co. carry a fine line of strictly up to date nu n's clothing and furnishings. Including a fine stock of shoes. What yen buy at this store you can depend upon as being the correct thing in style and quality Some mighty nice Christ mas presents for men can be founel here, to which nttrnHon is called in their advertisement. You will have to wait till next week for the balance of this article.. We are forced to leave out a whole lot that we want to say this week about the Nebraska Land and Auto, Co., Newberry's Hardware Co., I. L. Acheaon, Norton, Mrs. Rose, Thifcie. Schaefr Electrical Co., and others. DISTRICT S. S. ASSOCIATION On Tuesday evening u union meeting in the interest of Sunday schools was he-lei in tlie First Pres byterian church. An address was given by Miss Margaret Ellen Brown of Lincoln, superintendent of the el ementary division in the state asso ciation. She Is an especially Inter esting speaker and bo thoroughly conversant with her subject that her address greatly increased the inter est in Sunday School work in this city, particularly in the work of the graded lessons. Before the meeting closed -a District Sunday School As sociation to be composed of the Sunday Schools of Alliance was or ganized by the election of the fol lowing officers: Rev. J. B. Brown, president; Mrs. S. K. Warrick, sec-ritary-treasurer; Mrs. W. H. Zeh rung, superintendent Fdementnry De partment. These officers constitute the executive committee and will choose the other officers of the as ociation. IRRIGATION BY PUMP SYSTEM Plants to Be Installed Custer County Near Broken Bow Irrigation by centrifugal pump and gasoline power will be tried on sev eral larrcs in t uster countv near Broken Bow. From the Custer Coun ty Chtff we liarn that a Broken Bow pump arid well i.i i has become in terested n the preposition and has made arrangement for a demonstra tion to which farmers in that part of the state are being invited. It is confidently claimed that this sys tem can be made tt success. On the low lands where water can be reached at from ten to fifty f?at an m i inline, ii piant can De put in at a cost that would not be much greater iiian iue larmcr would expend ror a gcocl automobile. Already two or three parties near Broken Bow have i inc luded to put down wells for this purpose. The amount of water furnished Is regulated by the size of Me tube sunk and the power is then Installed accorillngly. In districts where from 20 to 80 acres are irri gated in this way the cost Is said to be about the same as it would be un der a ditch, and is far more satis factory. If such a system can be made a suceess in Custer county, why not in Box Butte and other northwest ern Nebraska upland counties? If It can be successfully operated at an expense i i greater than what is claimed fe r It, would he more profitable in this county than 150 to 200 miles MM of here. jej.(KX) DO 1.000 00 I H IK. RKftMt'l Of TIIK eoSWI le.N OK The First National Bank chai.tkk No. 4S2. e Ain:eiiee in tlx- sum i.f Ni-hncAii, at UIV rivw Ul lillllic. Uec. ,,. tl III Soi Hcrs: IjOlllls Mllll .1 ., !,, , Overdrafts, secured mid iiiiMjcurt'Ci l,T3sJB u. .-. hi- 111 wciire' circillnlliin t'. 8. Honeli te secure f. H. Deposit). II. ii.k i, hoWE. furniture mid M - t en i - Due from nations I bun If. mot reserve auenui !..; e . Due from Mate umi Private Hank's aim Hanker-,. TfOSl I'ooipiinica, ..'i.i Savlnir-s Hank UJS$M Due f re tin approved reserve sgente l.'-s li: e." Check anil mlu-r cli Items J.OMc; Kxehaasea fur e 'u-artng Hoime Mj $! Notes of ntlier natluiinl buuka .75 M KntcUunul imper I'urreuey, nickels umi cents i m I.AWFI I. M"MV ItSSKHVK. IN Hank via: Specie ftKiSI an uwaal ijHMjerweatea. : SljM ;in Kedempt kua fund with V, S. treasurer u percent nf circulHtioii) las M SlVi7.4t M f .'iU.iim.i mi .l,tle UO ULanai Total i t vim i i n t l upiiHt stit.'k paid tu Surplus futiel I'nillvlded pinllts lessev ihiim itinl tuxes Milel Hlhinul USika null's outst.iiielinic . lu Ui other Nut I ilmiks. o.i'.' I I Hue to St.. I. ami Pit Manks mid Minikrrs 1 ;t, . .-. ' Dlvldeuei-. Ciitiii e .UMimi InellvUiuitl deposits sun- Jejert lei check .-;.' ill Iteiuioul certlBfuies of ile- lKslt I mi: M TiuHe cert inciit4-sofdMUo.it l-' t, JI? us I nlteel Suites dtttilia i ,.i. ... ;.,i' Teetul XHe'.tK; it k'TtTE III.' VIUUAMki . I'.. iinl.V i'f Mi-.v Untie. I I, M k, VVairlck l aslilemf tbvahuv iniineel Imnk no solemnly kwear U ul ti e uliore slalereieul Is ti lie to lln besl etf Inv kimu tedgu and U'llef. S. a. vuuie k. iMta n.-r i nHUM i Attest: Cues. K. r'osn. i A. S. i.i i ' Director. It. M D amiton. . tsuliscrllM d iiuet SMetril tu Iteft rv iud this it lu ul Dee'.. . isr.w i r' K IDunisU Noeurv I'eilillc. My e umtuisalua expires Jul '.'I. IS'l.v AN INVITATION TO LADIES WHO SHOP The true shoppers that exclusive portion of the community to whom it is our desire to cater are respect fully requested to call and inspect and price our full and complete line of useful Xmas Gifcs. They are arriving and being placed on display. You and your friends are welcome Respectfully, GEO. A. MOLLRING A GOLD MINE Discovered in the City of Alliance IT WAS DISCOVERED AT THE Bicknell Grocery Co.'s Cash Store By the Farmers, Ranchmen and General Public, when they discovered they could save from 5 to 10 per cent on groceries and yet get the best goods on the market. To them it was just like digging $5.00 gold nuggets out of the soil of Box Butte county, and they are still digging into our full stock of the freshest, the purest and the best the market can supply. Our odd cent counter is a new feature in the grocery store and is a snap for all. Try it and save your pennies and see how soon you have saved a dollar. Our Gold Coin Flour is the best we guarantee of any flour, and at the right price. Try one sack and you will use no other. We will have everything for Holidays candies, nuts, fruits, vegetables, Xmas trees and everything handled by grocery stores. We want your business, and if prices and quality will get it we will have it, for we have the goods and the prices. That means money to you. Look over our Odd Cent Counter arid be convinced. k Don't wait, but do it today. Don't wait till tomorrow, for what you want may be gone. There are snaps for all. We believe the best advertiser we have is a satisfied customer, and we make a special effort to please all. We pay the top price for all produce, at all times. After failing elsewhere. 'fry tbe Woe ij Km Corner west of post office Rhone INo. 19 Co.