The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 14, 1911, Image 2

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    Brakeman cf the east
ond local was off one trip the 'trst
of the week
Ray Meeker. former brakeniaii.
ns seen by one of the boys' Craw
ford. Meeker was !oiinl for Califor
nia, after o year on the C. ft N. W.
R. R.
Mrs. Smith and little Ron arrival
Saturday morning from Pennsylvan
ia. Mr. Smith la a fireman here
They will go to houaekee-ptng as soon
a they can find suitable rooms.
U. N. lioskins. who has been laid
up for some time, the result of an
accident at Bdgeinont, left Tuesday
noon for Ixmg Pine, Nebr., where he
wHl upend Christmas with home
folks. Mra. Hoaklns accompanied
hiin to liOitK Pine, but will return to
Alliance Saturday noon.
Owing to slack IMW&MM the train
men's board haa been cut. There
Are now only eleven pol crews.
Machinist Jesse Morrison, now
working In the roundhouse, ha been
off for some line with an Injured
hand. He reported for work Tues
day. Because of being off .less will
not come home for Christmas. Mias
Arleno Morrison, who haa been vIbH
ing In Lincoln, returned to Alliance
Monday morning.
Mrs. Heardon, Mrs. IMerce and
Mias Lura Morrison wenl to Ravenna
Saturday to attend Uio Heck funeral.
They returned Monday morning on
No. 41.
The following officers were el.Htd
for 1H12 by the B. of It T. a' their
annual election: picsi' , It K Mr
Mali; vice pre dent, r'nunk Aye ru;
secretary, A. J. Ward) financier.
Monte Margraves: chairman ol" iMftl
; ievance Committee, J. M. l.idtUa
Mrs. W. S. Metis and Master Sid
ney Mwtz of Mystic, S. U., BUM in
on No. 42 Monday night. Mrs. Met!
will take charge of the Newberry
block dining the absence of Mrs.
J. T. Hughes, at one time brake
man of the 0. M. ft (J, writes to
his friends from San Kranelsco. Mr.
Hughe has quit rail road 1 1 g and Is
working for the Pacific Insuranc"
Fireman Morn left on Monday ev
ening for Hastings, where he will
spend Christmas with his parents.
Fireman A. J. Uuhtike returned
Sunday morning from a visit to his
ranch near Mullen.
Flreiuan S. I). Morlay has resigned
and gone to Denver.
Already people are making plans
for entertaining friends during Holi
days or of going elsewhere to visit.
The Herald will appreciate the In
formation if Its readers will notify us
of visit received from friends or
which they Intend to make during
the coming holiday season.
In the copy furnished The Herald
last week for the Woodmen's notice
the date of the special meeting wa
given as December l!, but It should
have been Wednesday, December 20.
Members of the M. W. A. will please
take notice.
Western Nebraska Pioneers Go to
the South Land
Mr. and Mrs. I,. Snow and family
of .Marslaind, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. V. I.. Mann, son -in law and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Snow,
started last week for (lenlry. Arkan
sas, wdth the Intention of making
their home nt that place They atop
ped off for a short visit in Alliance
Mr. Snow favored The Hernld with
a very pleasant call last Saturday to
notify us to change his address for
the paper, and gave ys mBM Inf-irm-atlon
about bis plans and rets; mi.; for
going south. He has resided nt
Maryland for the last twenty-two
years, but, having made three trips
to Arkansas and being - -- l with
the cllmarte of that state, he pur
chased a fifty five acre Improved
fruit farm He wan nm h pi aseil
with the prosiHt't of residing In u
southern fruit state, the most re
gretable part of leaving here being
the parting with his three daughters.
Mrs. Pool and Mrs. Gregg of Mars
land and Mrs. Thomas Spencer of
this city.
The Herald regrets to lose these
people from western Nebraska but
we are glad that they have such
good prospects of a pleasant home
In another state, and trust that their
expectations will he fully realized
Mrs. J. T Hiker has engnged the
I'lielan Opera House for a Grand
Christmas Ball, Monday night, Dec.
25. Full orchestra. 1-tt-tll
The Woman's Club will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. V. W.
Norton on Friday afternoon. The
following program will be rendered:
Roil Call, Christmas Quotations.
Iteading. Mis- Xeidcrtm er.
Table Talks. The Santa (Mans
Review of December Magazines.
Vocal Duet, Misses Barnard and
N rud.
This being the last meeting of the
year and an especially good pro
gram, all members should be pres-
( at.
Rev. O. W. Wltte preached inter
esting sermons at the Baptist church
last Sunday morning and evening.
Arrangement have been made for
him to supply the pulpit of that
church every Sunday until a per
manont pastor lias been secured. Mr.
Witte returned the first of the week
to Scott, bluff, where he had been a
short time to complete arrangements
to make his home in Alliance Me
expects his wife from liberty. Mo.,
soon and tliey will make their home
In Alliance. The Herald is pleased
to "eleoine them to our city
Mrs. C. B. Francis of Strasburger.
Sheridan county, came to Alliance
via Iake8lde to take osteopathic
treatment and to do some shopping
Immense Bargains in
Furniture, China, Cut Glass, Rugs,
Stoves, Toys, Dolls, Books
and Silverware
f il Mi Hk'' f&. -tj ill H
The Best of all Presents
Everybody familiar with pianos knows the Steinway is the
Best Piano in the World
I have the exclusive agency in Alliance for the Steinway. Also, for
the Emerson, one of the very best makes, and other good instru
ments at moderate prices. Every piano handled by me is sold
under a twenty-five year guarantee
The Columbia Graphophone makes a nice present.
I have the agency at Alliance