LOCALSandPEUSONALS A ZJQ Mis Blanche Macriotinlri mnl n trtp to Onuihn l.-tst wwV, remaining OTer Sunday Q. N North. travellm; Hlt!iiian tor the Victor tnlklnfc tun nine, wan la town Monday. R K. Oilman, who Iwih been trend ing tin- lHHt six weeks in Wisconnin, If oxpeoto! home net week. Ml mips loroth.v Hoan nnd Wunehc Macdoniild returned Monday night ftrom their over-Sundny visit In Oma Mr. and Mm. Klmer MeKnll, of Reno, were two of the Sheridnn tmt.v people to viait Alliance dur ing the la week. Attorney Kugene Hurton went to Hemlngford last Saturday and from there out to Sam Oraham'R ranch to spend a few days rusticating. H. 0. OUntnnann and J. J. Orabow Of Douglas county were in Alliance the first of the week looking for a business location. Mr. OilHamann, who ta Mr. Orabow 'a father-in-law, Is a big dealer In HolaU In cattle and Mr. Orabow la in the mercantile bus iness at Chalco. They both seem to be quite favorably Impressed with Alliance and it is probable one of them will decide to go Into business here. I. U. Hager received word the first of the week from Denver that his automatic regulator had been tried oa a White Steamer automobile and that It worked perfectly. He la now getting ready to try the regulator on a crude oil locomotive There Is prospect that the South ia Pacific and the C. R. i. ft P. will adopt this regulator for use on their systems where crude oil is burn l Supt. W. R. Tate i the Mlianct city school was called to Lincoln last week to atteml a meeting of the BXScutive committee of the State Teachers' Assoc latlon He Un Alli ance Friday noon and arrived on his return Sunday noon. The meeting of the executive committee was held Saturday. The Industrial Society of the Hap tlst church held an all day session yesterday at the home of Mrs. Po.v ell, north of town. An enjoyable meeting Is reported and a good deal of work was accomplished. An error In the name of Thou. ay of Iowa City, in a personal local in The Herald occurred in the Ihsuc of November .10. The item read "Shay." Mr. Fay is a brother of John Fay of this city, with whom he visited recently. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Ralfhs are leaving today for Happy, Tex., where they will reside on n farm. They have many friends in Alliance who regret to see them leave but who will hope that the place to which they are going will be as pleasant as its name would seem to Indicate. Mr. Ralfhs has been in the employ of the C. 11. & Q. at Alliance for some time past, working in the tWket of flee. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Knight re turned Saturday night from Custer, 8. D., where they went recently with the hopes of Improving their healih and also to see their son, who has been ill for some time. They bad expected to remain there quite a while but found that the altitude was too great for them and consequently returned home sooner than they ex pected. The Herald Is pleased to note tluit they left their son sonic what improved in health. Jack Berry of the Co-Operative store was In Kdgemont a couple of days this week. He is well satisfied with the volume of business being done here and is going to materially Increase his stock. ,: Engineer Kdwnrds is now runi-.ing one of the freight engines h. 'tween Alli.'nce and Edj?cmont on account of his turn on the Deadwood line being pulled off. Engineer Martin of the Ster ling Division has it. -en transferrt d to ih. Alliance Division and is now running switch engine In the yards here. - Edgcmont Express. W. D. Mclntyre, until recently of lit niingford, now receives his capy of The Herald at Albany, Nebr., and considerable importance to this city ' Quite a number of persons are em ployed at fair wages, th? laundry work of the city Is kept at home, be sides some work being done for neighboring towns. Your Christmas gifts will not bo j quite complete unless you i use at least a few Cross stamps to I A. M. Thompson's address Is chang ed from lletningford to Whlttler, Cal. Mr and Mrs Ceng' D Workman are the happy parents of a bouncing baby boy. bom to them Tuesday morning of this week. After going to Colorado on a pleas ure trip a few weeks ago. I. L. Oeorge, one of The Herald's many j help along In th.- good came of Bnenoan county readers, wrnes us j ninmpniK iui 1 11 mcai nine puiu a very interesting letter descriptive j of Colorado scenes. We would be pleased to give our renders the ben efit of the letter If space and time permitted. CROOK -SHAFFER J. Stanley Crook, of Alliance, Ne braska, and Kate Heatrlca Shaffer, of Atchison, Kansas, were married by l.luMtUe ci tite Peace Oberfeldef, at Mr. and Mrs. Homgardner termln- m Tnur8Uiy Rftorn,K.ni ated their visit with relatives and friends at Alliance last Friday and left on 44 that clay for Their home i CHAMBER LAIN--WILLIAMS at Illoomlngton, Illinois. Their last j Allen Chamberlain, of North Platte November 30th. Sidney Telegraph previous visit here was two years ago. and they expressed t heimvdvcs as surprised and pleased with the im provements that had been made in Alliance during that Mm e Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ray returned to Alliance Tuesday, having been In re for a few days on account of the serious illness of Mr. Ray's sis ter, Mrs. L. A. Fossey. in the ear ly days when Ellis was a young man District Superintendent of the North Platte district or the M. E. church, am! Miss Catherine Williams, of Scottsbluff, were married Thursday evening, November 30, at the Meth od hit parsonage, by Rev. E. J, Hayes. They left the same evening for their home in North Platte. Sidney Telegraph. SHOE TORE E. P. Reed & Co 's Fine Footwear for Women Suede, Vetooze, Gun Metal, Patents Complete fall stock on the shelves and the only up-to-date stock in the city. M. W. A. ELECTS OFFICERS he lived at Caldwell, his father he At their regular meeting on Dec ing postmaster there. He is now In ' fi. the M. W. A. Dox Rutte Camp No. the plumbing business in Alliance. - elected the following officers for Morrill Mail, Dec. 8. L. C. Mason came down rrom All i at.ee three weeks ago and since then has been busily engnged in building an addition to and plastering the house on the ranch rive miles north of town. He expects to remain here during the winter and assist those who desire his services In the ma sonry line llyannls Tribune, Dec. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Odell ar rived last Friday night from Sheri dan to accept positions at the Majes tic theatre. They have had Beveral years' experience in the show work and their assistance at the Majestic will add very much to the practical features of that popular place of en tertainni; nt . We are pleased to ndd to The Herald subscription list this week the name of Oeo. G. Smith, 830 Cheyenne Ave., 'he effi?ient manag er or the Alliance Si cam I anndry. Since taking charge of the laundry a few weeks ai;o Mr. Smith has been conducting the business In a way highly satisfactory to proprietor Mid patrons. The Alliance Steam lnin the ensuing year: Venerable Consul, O. E. Davis; Worthy Adviser, O, B. MoOtll; Clerk, F. W. Irish; Hanker. O. C. Moore; Escort, T. F. Ruckle. OF M. ELECTS OFFICERS Point of Rocks Unite No. !: In ternational Association of Machin ists elected the following ofricers for the ensuing year, at their regular meeting December 11: president, Q. Jl McOill: vice president, Wm. Sul livan; rec. Bee.. Ous WendlelxK-; rin. . sec., T. O. Waddell: trens., ('has. Grassman; conductor, Ed. Ka ftan; sentinel, John Schirk. DEATH OF AGED MINISTER The death or Rev. Bagel Hunt on November 27, at his ranch in Cherry county cast it chvid of sadness over the ministry nnd members of the M. E. church of northwestern Nebraska, owing to his large acnnini ance in tills country and the esteem in which he was held. The following front the Merriman Maverick gives the particulars of his death and in formation regarding his life work: "This whole community was shoek- drj is an industrial institution of ed yesterday, by the report that Rev. Hael Hunt had died very suddenly ol heart fat hue at his ranch home, about three miles east or Ell. He as in Merrlniitn Sunday and held services, leaving for home the next morning, and while here he com plained or not. reeling well. Howev er yesterday mt.rning he did the us- I uai chores around the place and a i bout eleven o'c lock stated that he j believed he would lay dow n a w hile, j and at the same time started for j hi room, but fell before he reached the bed and was dead. The dec cas ed was born in Ittl, and had passed his sixtieth birthday. He has been a minister cr the Methodist Episcopal church lor the past thirty-rive years, preaching the gospel in the Band hills or Cherry county for over 21 years nnd receiving all the knocks of the early settler. His whole heart was in his life's work and his soul was in the hands cf th? Ixrd. Be sides be'ng a kind and loving but- t band and rather, he was always rfiadf With a kind word and helping iK'.nd ror his fellow b;dngs. He leaves a wif: and ten c hildren, four I ttoj and tlx girls, as well as the 'whole ccnnuinity to mourn Their lc . The funeral will be conducted Lfraoa the M. E. dhjureh, of which he was pastor, tomorrow afternoon, un der the guidance or the I. O. O. F. 'and M. W. A. orders, and the burial will take place in the Merriman cemetery." BOXING CONTEST M. W. Himsaker or Lakeside was in Allianc e Monday having bills print ed and distributed, announcing a boxing contest in the M. W. A. hall of that town. Friday night, Decem ber 22. Ten rounds for a five hun dred dollar purse between W. M. 1 1 unites and Jack Writ sman. Six rounds preliminaries will be by C. L. Hancock and Josh Pryor, and Tom my Hughes and Fred Smith. Ad mission one dollar. RETURNS FROM TEXAS .Mrs. Phillip Nohe, Sr., arrived yesterday morning on her return rrom her southern trip. She got back a few days earlier than she ex pected, having intended to stop a few days in Kansas City to visit friends, but changed her plans and came on home without stopping as long as she had planned. She was much pleased with some parts of Texas but some parts of that state fall rar short of her ideas or a de ti'rable country. Or.e of the things that surprised her was the cold wave that struck that part of the south while sh a;c there, freezing water pipei and causinu a go d deal of dis comfort and inconvenience. Although having had a pleasant trip. .Mrs. No he is glad to get back to Alliance. Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf MILLET HAY. let hay for sale. 52-3-878. 1 have bound mil Phone 110 on 14. L. R. HOTBLUB. HOLIDAY THh Famous points with pride to a (urge and magnthcent display rI tine merchan dise for Men and Hoys suitable for holiday K',ts- For the next io days you will reap the benefit 6f some special reductions. We will gladly show the goods, they arn worth seeing! IN making your purchases for Men and Hoys don't overlook the fact that Alliance's Largest Clothing House offers the largest and greatest variety of useful Presents for Men and Hovs. New up-to-the-minute merchandise with our FAMOUS MODERATE PRICES. A WONDERFUL OVERCOAT AND SUIT BARGAIN SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR MEN FINE NECKWEAR SILK LINED GLOVES FUR LINSO GLOVES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SLIPPERS HANDKERCHIEF. SOX AND TIE SETS SUSPENDERS LEAJHCR COOOS SUIT CASES AND GRIPS SEE THOSE BOYS' SHOES $1.35 A FINE LINE OF MENS' TIES BOYS' KINCKERBOCKER SUITS $198 MEN'S HIQ(H CUT TAN SHOES MEN'S LEATHER LINED MITTS SEE OUR SUIT CASES $1.35 to $15.00 OOUGLAS NEW STYLE SHOES All Leather, $3.54) If you were really sure that for $11.95 you would get a guaranteed Suit, worth $18.00 measured by any good tailor's standard, wouldn't you consider it a great buy? $11.95 Of course; you would -and it's exactly that kind of an Opportunirv we offer you in presenting, without question, this biggest and best SUIT VALUE at Don't forget that these suits are made by one of the best manufacturers, and lhat it is the big manufacturer not the custom tailor - who dictates Tien S Myles. He caters to thousands while the latter comes in contact with only dozens. He has the highest priced designers and workmen. Therefore Style represents what is Popular and the manufacturer produces that and Dominates the situation. Therefore About Style You get embodied in these Suits Low Price, Style, Quality of Goods all for $1 1.95 We have 50 fine Hart Schaffner & M.irx Suits and 3; make that sold for $25.00 all season which we Overcoats of the same put on sale now at $20 I )on 't o er look this 25 tt ; Discount Any HOY'S OVERCOAT in the store. size from 3 years to 12 1 4 off The Famous One-Price Clothing House ALLIANCE'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN FINE SUITS STYLISH OVERCOATS UMBRELLAS GOLD AND SILVER HANDLES SMOKING JACKETS BATH ROBES HOLEPROOF HOSIERY SILK HOSIERY SILK 8HIRTS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS FINE HATS AND CAPS MUFFLERS FUR OVERCOATS BOYS' WAISTS LINEN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS tot SILK LISLE SOX HOLEPROOF SOX ALL COLORS 6 PAIRS 1.50 BEAUTIFUL LINE 75 CENT NECKWEAR AT 50? FANCY VESTS at ft PRICE BOYS' SWEATER COATS 39? cs