t Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald Gives all the news of Box Butte County and City of Alliance VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911 NUMBER 1 Christmas Greetings THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA ' Deposits over a half million dollars We thank each of customers for their loyalty and friendship To those who are not yet our customers, we extend a hearty invitation to drop in and see us We are conducting a safe and conservative hank and we will care for your husiness in a thoroughly husiness- like manner RED CR088 CHRISTMAS SEALS 5 I 5 s For sale at HERALD OFFICE STUCKEY COMPANY'S PUBLIC LIBRARY HORACE BOG U E STORE And anywhere else that the posters appear in windows. A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST (Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phoue 391. Z Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENN AN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED BULPI1T 1 ln U. P. CHURCH S.t i( es next Sunday: Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Preaching at lt:00 A. M. Young People's ser vices 6:30 at evening. Preaching at 7:30. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, preaching both morning and evening by Rev. Geo. P. Witte of Scott sbl u ff. N'ebr. Sunday School at 10 a. ni. B. Y. P. P. at G:.iO p- ni. Everybody Invited EPISCOPAL CHURCH BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS We have a gorgeous display of Christ mas and New Year post cards, dainty booklets and calendars. You may not want to send a present to everyone, but you can at least, send one of these beaut iful booklets, post cards, or cal endars to your friends and let them know you are thinking of them. SURPRISE THEIR MANY FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Copeland Keep Their Frlentoa Guessing for a Couple of Months Ono of the most popular young (Ml in the city of Alliance is Bates F. Copeland, proprietor of Copeland' barber shop, 221 Box Butte Ave., and by the same token one of the most popular young ladies is his wife, who was formerly Miss Verna B. Brown. saleslady at Thiele's Drug Store For a long time past it has bem sup posed by their friends that they would eventually "tie up" and it lias been rumored for quite a while thai the wedding had taken place, but Bates strenuously denied that any matrimonial knot had been tied for him. However, The Herald had it straight that he was a married man and asked him frankly for the par titulars of the wedding. The happy event took place October 4, at Georgetown, Colorado. Miss Brown had been visiting in Colorado, and Mates made a trip to that state os tensibly on a duck hunt and thus they succeeded in their plan of keep ing their wedding a secret from their friends until such a time as they those to let it be known. They will l in housekeeping at 405 Toluca a" ntie, where they will be art home to their friends after January I. The Herald extends heartiest con gratulations and all good wishes vc can think of for a long and happy life. M. W. A. SPECIAL NOTICE The public is invited to attend the lecture) illustrated with stereopt ic an viewB of the beaut Iful Wood Sani- torium. Friday evening, DooMBbtr 2t, in the Phelan opera house There will be a class adoption after the public meet ing. K. L HARTMAN, Dlst. Dopuly A. L. RPTLKHC.E. DR. L. W. BO WHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone. Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA cW) Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S JAMES H. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Building PHONE JJ LOUP CITY FLOUR I Best Grade White Satin, and all kinds of American and Greek grocer ies. Imported Oriental products. A specialty of oliveoil. Olives, figs ' and all kinds of American and Greek ! andy. Men s clothing hats, gloves, pant and shoes. Come in. A special price for ev erything. TOM STALOS PHONE 210 We deliver any place in the city. J Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays ot each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Pirst Sunday in each month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. ORO. G. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Drake Building, 319 Sweetwater Ave. Services every Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody is cordially invited. Parochial German-English Lutheran school every day except Saturday and Sunday, from ! a. m. to 4 p. m. TITl'S LANG, Pastor. 523 Cheyenne Ave., phone .'!5!. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a. m., Sunday School. 1 1 a. m., Public Worship. 6:45 p. in.. Christian Endeavor. 7: !o p. in . Public Worship. Mid-week Service, Thursday, 7:30 p in. J B. BROWN, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10 A. M., Sunday Scnool. Graded Bible (Masses. 11 A. M., Public Worship 6:30 P. M, Young People's Ep worth f 4sgUli .Meeting. 7:::o P. M , Public S orship. Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clock, prayer meeting. All the services of this church are for the public. St rangers and all who come will find a cordial wel come. A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast corner I .a ramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10: 30 a. ni. Preaching at 7.:'.0 p. in. All are wel come. ' PREE TRIAL OPPEK The BET 8Y" Vacuum Cleaner placed in your home on PUEE Trial. Phone 139 HM4I GEO. D OAK LI NO, Agent Or Boland, phoue 65. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Popular Hardware Store Extends Greetings of the Season 1. L. Acheeon, the hardware man, extends Christmas greetings to the people of Alliance and vicinity and calls attention to the nice line of goods Which he has suitable lor Christmas presents, including the fol lowing: China, Cut (Jlaas, Cutlery. Silverware, etc. The "BETSY" Vacuum and Cleaner should be home in Alliance and vicinity. 89S-BMU GEO. O. DARLING. Agent. Sweep ci in every Hair combings made into beautiful sss itches, $1.50. Mail orders prompt ly filled. NEW YORK HAT SHOP. sTciU Dr. Boland, phone 65. Xmas Grocery Notice As prices are advancing fast on Flour we aavise you to buy your win ter supply at once. We carry the very best Flour to be used. Peerless, per 48 lb. sack, $1.60 Puritan, per 48 lb. sack, $1.60 Tip Top, per 48 lb. sack, $1.50 Delight, per 48 lb. sack. $1.30 Apples, fancy, in box, $2.25 and $2.75. Apples, fancy Gano, per bu., $1.50 Sorghum, pure, from Missouri, per g"on, 80cts Honey, pure, strained, per 1 2 gal lon jar, $1.00 Buckwheat Flour, per lb., 5cts. Sweet Potatoes, per lb., 6cts. Cranberries, per lb., 15cts. We have all kinds of fresh vege tables. We have everything for your table. Prices are right. A. D. RO DOERS. Cleaning (lime by Magic. The "BETSY" Vacuum Cleaner. Sold on easy pawnenis. $$-$ GEO D DARLING, Agent. THIS MEANS YOU We are printing a number of ex tra copies of Mils issue of The Her ald. If you receive one of them, and are not already a subscriber, we want you to take it as an invitation to subscribe at once. We intend to make The Herald worth more than the subscription price the coming year and we Wnl : name on our Kubscription book before the first of January. 1 1 i . a -. nra. waisoii iroin near iiinghnni who wart operated on nt St Joseph s hospital a few days ago for append I i tls Is getting along fine and will fa to her homo In a few days. She Is very thankful to those concerned In bringing about her good health ftf&Ja, Mrs. Waltet Basset t from Whit man was brought to 8t. Joseph's hos pital this woek where she underwent on operation for appendicitis. Her friends will be glad to so her make a rapid recovery and regain her health which hns not been the best for the past year. Mrs. Alton II. Bobbins writes us from Hewitt, the recently establish ed post office in the north pail of Garden county, requesting us to place her name on The Herald subscription list, which we are pleased to do. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy made an over Sunday visit In Omaha, go ing last Prlday and returning on 41 yesterday morning. They went on to Hemtngford on 43. We are pleas ed to note that Jack has sufficient ly recovered from his recent severe accident to get a twin! pretty well on crutches and will soon be able to re sume his position as station agent at ! leiniHgforcl. Candy beads for Cli l ist mas decor ating at the Model Candy Kitchen. ELECTRICAL NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS Something New in the Way Christmas Presents, but No thing Better of The Schafer Electrical Company have an elegant stock of new elee trical goods that will make Christ mas presents that can not be ex celled, Before purchasing presents for your fritmds who use electricity be sure to call at the Schafer Elec trical Store, 315 Box Butte Ave. NEW PIANOS $124 SETS PRICE RECORD Cash Sale of Omaha Concern Ex cites Entire Piano Trade. A strictly cash piano sale was something unheard of until advertis ed over the west generally by THE BENNETT CO., of Omaha. Nebrns ka, a concern that has become a vir tual thorn in the side of the ordln ary "fancy price" piano establish ment. THE BENNETT CO.. as previously advertised In thene columns, ban un dertaken to turn Into cash 1,000 pi anos, thus relieving many prominent manufacturers ol an unparalleled ov erstock of Instruments, U. is no sec ret among piano people that the re cent financial flurry, the prevalently of automobiles, and the ; increased popularity of player pianos, has can ed an accumulation of thousands of new pianos that musi immediately be turned into cash, no matter how small the amount. Knowing the pulse of the piano trade exactly, Mr. W. M. Robinson. I manager of the piano department of THE BENNETT CO.. Omaha. Nebr., set out to make some phenomenal "buys," and has succeeded so well that BENNETTS are able to offer a i magnificent, full sized, absolute!) ne upright piano at $124 cash j Mt Robinson has come to be known as America's shrewdest piano buyer, but. in spite of his large j deals he always insists upon a square deal for everybody concerned If readers of this paper will but address a request to the piano de partment ot THE BENNETT CO., 16 and Harney streets. Omaha. Nebr, they will receive by return mail an immense circular showing hundreds of pi,.nos underprised for cash: new ones low as $124; used one low us let, THOSE FLORIDA LANDS Last week Tlie Herald printed an article taken from the Omaha Bee in which W was claimed that northern purtles, including some- Omaha men, had been "stung" on a Plorlda land proposition. K. P. Shields, who was over all that part of Plorida last March and who thoroughly under stands the proposition under which land and town lots are being sold, informs us that tin- writer of the ar ticle which appeared in hte Bee made some statements that does that place a great Injustice. Mr. Shields invested $240.00 in twenty acres of LECTURE COURSE NUMBER Splendid Entertainment Provided by Baptist Church Lecture Course The Skovgaard Concert Company will appear at the Phelan Opear House. Thursday evening, December -'si. with the following program H i thoven -Kreutzer Sonata Presto Andnnte con Varlazonl Plnale Miss Alice McClung and Skovgaard) Mendelssohn Concerto Allegro Molto Appasalonata Andante Allegro Molto Vivace Skovgaard Bizet- -Aria from Carmen Miss May Warner Liszt Me pi 1 1 io Valsc Miss Alice McClung CorelH La Pol la Boecherhil Men net Oossoe Gavotte Ole Bull Pant asie de Bravoure Skovgaard Ronald- Sunbeams MaoDowell l.c.ne Ago Bailey Life's Merry Morn Miss May Warner Sarasate Adios Montanas Mia Vleuxte.mps La Chasse Paganini 24th Caprice Wienlawskt- Souvenir de Mosooq Skovgaard B. W. Ray made a trip to Lakeside- Tuesday, on plumbing business, returning Wednesday. K. D. Henry has recently complet ed a neat fUe-room bungalow on West Third street. Mr. Henry has rented it and the family now occu pies it. Keith Pierce from Hemlngford in In the chy today. Mrs. L. E. FosRey, sister of E. W. Ray o fthis city, who resides at Morrill, has been seriously ill for some time past, having been poison ed from, cocaine. Mr. Ray reports her as being considerably Improved now. Mr. and Mrs. Possey with their family expect to move to Alli ance In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Nlcolal, who have been visiting In Kanras City the past ten days, returned home yeste "day. E. W. Ray will make a business trip to Hemlngford tomorrow, tit Mrs. S. J. Holdridgu will have her restdence on Box Butte avenue, which was recently burned out by lire, repaired and ready for rental land and a town lot and considers it , again soon. W. A. Coleman will do a good investment. The town lot, he 'the carpenter wrok and Ellis Kay thinks, being worth that much. He furnished us with a copy of the Pt. Uiudcrdale Herald which gives a the plumbing. Mrs. Holdrldge was allowed $1800 to cover damaegs. fine descriptive write up of that plac The Skovgaard Convert Company, and country and from which we would like to give our readers some quota under the auspices of the Alliance Lecture Course, will appear lit the tlctiH If time and pla e permitted j Phelan Opera House Thursday even this week. ing, December 21st. SCHAFER CLEANING COMPANY u,v r Bttrefch (alll, , j from Crawford last Saturday-on bus If it's a coat or dress you w.mt iluls Hlld ,,,,, over Hunday In urmm, -c sat, ,,,,, t iiy From hPrt. ne w fur an alterations to tie mac garments, sec us. Very beiM work in cleaniug and Zurctj .,. pressing ladU' and g. ntlemen's ! garments. Gcods called for and delivered. IMIONE SCH APEK CLEANING CO., 316 Box Butte Av to OU ; I , u wltc.rt i-iiair uf I home of his dft'J?ht:r. Mrs E. H. LADIES, WE ARE GOING TO PAY Skovgaard has had the good for tune to play twl-e before the late) King Christian of Denmark, at an other time before the late King Os car of Sweden, and again la-fore Ha koti. the present king of Norway. Hear him at the Phelan Opera House on Thursday evening. December 21, Ralph Beat came in on 41 from Au- . una yesterday morning going on to YOU EOR READ s"',lslllllff "n business yesterday af ternoon. ING THIS XMAS "AD" E jery woman who reads this ad. and cuth it out and brings it to our store can nave 10 per cent discount i on every c ash urchase amounting to $1.00 or more. If you make a $5.00 urchase you SAVE 50t If you make a $15.00 purchase you SAVE $1.50 Stuckey's Moving Pictures at Darling's Store EVERYBODY COME TO OUR STORE TODAY,, TONIGHT, TOMORROW OR THE NEXT DAY: WE ARE PUTTING I ON A MOVING PICTURE IDEA, AND WE WANT YOU TO GET THE i GOOD OF IT. SEVENTY FIVE PICTURES THAT FORMERLY SOLD AT FROM 75 CENTS TO $2.50 ARE ON SALE AT SOC EACH WE CAN ADD NO MORE FUR THER THAN TO SAY THAT NO GOODS UNDER THIS SALE WILL BE EXCHANGED.