Nebraska Land& Auto C J. C. McCorkle, Mgr. GARAGE IN McCORKLE BLOCK Link Lowry, Supt. of Garage We handle the JfOft cars and will sell you one for list price. Will store and keep; furnish jras and lubricating oil; $15.00 per month; you run as much as you desire. Storage for cars, $5.00 per month. We sell all best brands of oil from 25 to 50 lower than other places. gfOft) cars are the most popular car on the market and every piece in them is guaranteed by the company during the life of the car. See us before buying. Only garage in western Nebraska open day and night . m a Genuine Round Oak Stoves are recognized by m everyone to be tjhe W best. They are air tight, strong, durable " and neat in appear ance. Price, $18 p- Newberry's Hardware Co. Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber 6 Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. John Snoddy, Pres., P. S. Showers, V. Pres. May Snoddy, Sec. and Treas. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency Mr Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association JOHN GARRETT SvcctsMr tt Fnik Rillact Transfer Line Household crnnfU ( moved promptly V and transfer work Office t Rodgere' Grocery, Phone 1. Re, phone 583 ,11 1WHE3 V" SUGGESTIIE QUESTIONS On Hie unlay School LeMn by Rev. lr. LWttCOtt for the In terna tonal 1'ivss Kihle Question Club. (Cupvifni l:0 i.s krr. t. 5 l .m. DD) Dec 3 1111, (PMwMeM, leVtM iv l.'.v. I. S Lintrott. II.U.) Nihemlnh Rebuilds the Wall of Jp rusalcm. Neh. Iv. Golden Text Waicti ye. stand fat In the faith, .pilt you like men. be ftrotig, i Cor. xvl. 13. (1.) Verse I What progress had teen made up to this time In rebuild ing the Willi of Jerusalem, and how had the worl: been done? (2.) What right had Sanballat to object to building the wall, and why did he do It? CD What did they expect to accom plish by mocking at, and Jeering the Jews? .) Can you give any inslance where ni x king and ridicule have Rt. pped a good work, or ruinmt a good life? ".) Verses 2-3 What is It in nu an nature which makes Individuals lenloa of. Individuals, towns of towns, and t ouniries of countries? (6.) When a mt:i Is down, do the human Influences around him teud to keep him down, or help him up? Why.' (7.) Which iL'ets the more hurt trott Bcornlng, the nCOTDer or the scorned, and why': ri.J What influences did the ridi cule of Sanballat, and Tohiah. have on the work upon the wall? O.J If one is true to God eloos the devil mostly hurt or help him. In his life and otk? (10.) V or sea 4-6 Id any experienco that will give us the opportunity to pray, and to test 0661 pow-r to be regretted? (11.) Should the prayer of Nehe miah that God would not forgive them, but that they might suffer lor their sins, be imitated by us' Give rout reasons. (12.) VersOl T S What reasons are there to believe that those who are Jealous ol the prosperity of others, will not step short ot actual violence to accomplish their evil desires, if they cun do &o with safety to themselves tU.) Verse 9 What are two effect ual things we may always do, when we are surrounded by enemies? (14.) I? prayer without watting, or watching without prayer, of any avail, if we have the Opportunity (o do both? (IS.) Verses 10-12 Which, a.- a rule does us the more injury the opposition of enemic". or the pessimistic dis couragement of friends? (16.) Verses 13-U What effect did the threat of his enemies, and the wail of his own countrymen, have upon Xehemlah? (17.) How often 13 a determined man with God on his side liable to be defeated In things he undertakes? (18.) Verse 15 What factor it courage alone, in winning life's battles? (This is one of the questions that may be answered in writing by members of the club.) (19.) Verses 16 23 In how many senses is a Christian tinder obligation to tight and to build all the time? (20.) Why may we rely on God fighting our battles for us, If we fight and work with IJim? LeMOfl for Sunday, Dec. 10th. 19 11 Nehemiah and His Enemies. Net. vi LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Incorporation of THE ELLSWORTH SUPPLY COMPANY. COMPOUND CALLOUSES Tells Splendid Cure for Them inH All Faa Trnuhl. A compound callous is the secondary stage when it grows inward and press es on the nerves, causing intense pain. Callouses never cure themselves but always get worse, sometimes Irritating the whole nervous system. The follow ing is a moBt effective and speedy cure "DJssolve two tSblespoOBfoll of Calocide in a basin of hot water. Soak the feet In this for full fifteen minutes, gently massaging the sore parts. (Less time will not give the desired results.) The sore ness will disappear imme diately and the callous can be easily peeled off. Repeat thiB for several nights. A little olive oil rubbed Into skin is very beneficial." This Caloride is a very remarkable preparation for all foot ailments Bunions, corns and ingrowing nails get Instant relief and are soon cured. Bad smelling and sore feet need but a few treatments. Calocide ig no longer con fined to doctors' use. Any druggist ha? it In stork or will quickly get It from his holesale house. A twenty-five cei. 1 ackage is usually enough to put the worst feet in fine condition. It will prove a blessing to persons who have been vainly trying Ineffectual tablets and foot powders. C. A. SIMHONS' Tonsorial Parlors for a CLEAN SHAVE, STYLISH HAIR CUT, 8HAMPOO, ELECTRIC MAS 1st. The name ot the corporation shall bo THE ELLSWORTH SUPPLY COMPANY. 2nd. Its principal plaeo of busi ness shall be Ellsworth, Sheridan County, Nebraska. 3rd. The general nature of the business to be trnns.teteel shall con sist of the buying and selling of dry goods, groceries, hardware, lumber, agricultural implements and machin ery and all other articles and class es of merchandise usually found In a general country store, to purchase and hold the nee-essary real estate for the transaction of such business and to buy real estate, live stock and other property and to contract for the erection of houses, business buildings and other improvements on real estate and to conduct a live stock and general brokerage and commission business. 4th. The capital stock of the cor poration shall be of the par value of $30,000.00, divided into shares of $100.00 each, of which at least $10, 000.00 shall be paid In, In money or property, before the date of the commencement of business. 5th. The corporation shall begin business on the 1st day of Novem ber, 1911, and shnll continue for a period of twenty years unless sooner dissolved by a majority of three fifths of the stock. frth. The highest amount of In debtedness for which the corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7th. The affairs of the corpora tion shall be managed by a board of directors consisting of three persons who shall be stock holders in the corporation and who shall serve for a term of one year niter the annual meeting of the stock-holders or un til their successors in office are e lected. (Signed) INEZ K. RICHARDS. WILL Q. COMSTOCK ROX8INA COMSTOCK. 40-4-1:7 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Incorporation of RICH ARDS AND COM STOCK. 1st. The name of the corporation shall be RICHARDS AND COM STOCK. 2nd. Its principal place of busi ness shall be Ellsworth, Sheridan County, Nebraska. 3rd. The general nature of the business to be transacted shall be the buying and selling of cattle, horses, sheep and other live-stock, real estate, stocks, bonds, mortgages and merchandise, and to transact a general ranch business in all Its branches. 4th- The amount of capital stock shall be $200,000.00, divided into shares of $100.00 each, all of which shall be paid In In money or proper ty at the time of the commencement of business. 5th. The corporation shall com mence business on the 25th day of October, 1911, and shall continue for a period of twenty years unless sooner dissolved by a majority of three-fifths of the stock. 6th. The highest amount of in debtedness for which the corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7th. The affairs of the corpora lion shall be managed by a board of directors, consisting of three per sons, who shall be stockholders in the corporation and who shall serve for a term of one year after the an soos, who shall be stock-holders in until their successors in office are elected. (Signed) INEZ E. RICHARDS. WILL G. COMSTOCK. CHAS. C. JAMESON. 49-4-136. SHERIFF'S SALE and TIIIRTKKN II t'NDKKD 1 VEN f Y EIGHT and f6 loo Dollars, and costs and accruing costs. I have caused the following described land to be appraised, to-wlt: The Lot Kiuht im nieck One (l) Town of Alliance. In Hox Unite county. Ne braska. Ami will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, on the 11th day of December, A. D. Ilil, In front of the west front door of the Court House In Alliance, In said county, at the hour of 10 o' clock A. M., of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated Nov. 8, 1911. 0, M. COX. 48-5-135 Sheriff of said county. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Malls close at the Alliance post office us follows, Mountain time: East Bound 11:20 a.m. for train No. 44. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 42. West Bound 12:30 p.m. for train No. 43. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 41. South Bound for train No, 303. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays all night mnlls close at 6:00 p.m. instead of 11:00 p.m. IRA E. TASH. P. M. GIVES AID TO STRIKERS 12:30 p m. 1 1 M p.m. Sometimes liver, kidneys and bow els seem to go on a strike and re fuse to work right. Then you need those pleasant little strike-breakers Dr. King's New Life Pills to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent health soon follows. Try them. 25c at F. J. Brennau's. Photographs for Xmas are an inexpensive pres ent. Hetter yet some made at the Alliance Art Studio FOR ESTIMATES ON CEMENT WALKS CURBS CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS HOLLOW BLOCKS AND ORNAMENTAL WORK OF ALL KINKS ski: J. J. VANCE Alliance, Nebr. iss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Iaramie Ane. Phone 230 BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATF0RNEYS Office First National bank Bldg. Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB, WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNIY AT Law, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NIC 13, LAND ATTOKNEt LonRexperlenraanllecetTer U.8. LandOflse ! guarantee for prompt and efficient ssrvfoe. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA BRUCwlTcT L awyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In cWll courts since 1893 and KoKlster 1'. 8. Lund Office from 1903 to INT In formation by mall a specialty. orrtcs in LANDorrica buildino ALLIANCE - NLHNASKA. In Front of the Checkered Front Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting, ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. SAGE, OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE LINE OF BARBER'S WORK. Box Butte Ave. By virtue of an order of sale dl rected to me from the clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, on a decree rendered in said Court 6n the 21st day of Decem ber. A. D., 1910, In favor of P. M. Kiu.'. in, Plaintiff, ami The Alliance Building A Loan Association, Defend ant and Cross Petitioner, against Everett H. Miller, Almeda Daffron Miller, hia wife, and W. W. Norton, as Defendants, for the sum of ONE HUNDRED KKiHTY TWO and 40100 Dollars, decreed a second lien in fa vor of said K. M. Knight, and THIR TEEN HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT and H5100 Dollars, decreet! a first lien in favor of the cross petitioner The Alliance BoBsUBf Ac ioau Asso ciation, and coats taxed at $21.10 and accruing costs, and directing that the premises therein described, to wlt: iMt Eight (0J Block One (I) Ton of Alliance, in Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, be appraised, advertis ed uud sold as upon execution, to satisfy said sums of ONE Hl'NlUtKD EIGHTY TWO and 4o ItiO Dollars We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any wav in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. JLim ILv- SCOTT AUCTIONEER Graduate Missouri Auction School Dates may be left at Herald of flee, Alliance, or write me at LAKESIDE, NEBRASKA OKIE COITKKNOLL F. .!. PETERSEN tecs, i-none sw Hes. Phone 41 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 OEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SIHQBON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PIIYSICIAN AND SI'HQEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moors) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours 11-18 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7:10-8 p, m. Officel Phone 62 Res. Phone. 8j H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360 Kes. Phono 342 Calls answered i.romotlv da and nlht from offtlcf. ifnVrs AmMii'-e National Bsak MnlldlnK over the Pout Office. H. H. BELLWOOD, M. D. CHAS. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Office Over Holsfen's Drug Store Phone 87 FRANCES DANOS RED CROSS NURSE Reference Given Telephone 766 West 2nd street ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA T, J. THRLLKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer DAY PHONIC 207 eUOH 1 PHOIMI l! ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA THf GADS3Y STORE Funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office Phone 4 , Res. Tlioue 310 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALL! AM R, RCBiiASSA Parties ont of tows sboaU 'rite, n 1 ate out no eh of tlte; iltu. Charge will notes osed ii.w und etpetHM pit day. , Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician end Surgeon MeniNGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women sad Children and Genito Urinary Organs All calls inswirtf irtintly say ar aifM HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock ami teal Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. 131. 1. K. TYLER DENTIST, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraska e) In answering Herald want atfe please mention that you saw it In this paper. Lt ITS IS) RINT TOOl 8AJUL BILLS