State Historical Society 1 Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald Gives all the news of Box Butte County and City of Alliance VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBASKA I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1911 NUMBER 51 Christmas Shoppers Need -Money Keep a Bank Account with the First National Bank Then when you need money, you will have it. Bring us your business. After you have once started, you won't want to quit us. y-y 5 I 5 cjfc ' 5 7 rirji LOCALSandPERSONALS rz3rr-7 sag a The Best Advice On Lumber Costs The Least Money and when we say to prospect ive homebuilders that "now's; the time to build" we are offer ing you really sound advice. No matter what you have hoard about cheaper lumber, take it from us that you're on the safe side if you build right now. We haven't been in the lumber business for these many years for nothing we know a tiling or two and we're willing to admit you do too, but in the face of all this talk nowadays about timber cer vatiwi we believe you'll agree that lumber has a fixed value aad that by delaying the build ig of your new home yon will gain nothing bt -Inconvenience. We believe we can convince you the above is good advice let's talk it over. Forest Lumber Co. A. P. LEE, Mgr. EnjoyYourEvenings AT Ttt Alliance Roller Rink SKATE TO THE MUSIC OF OUR GRAND MILITARY BAND ORGAN GOOD MUSIC (HEALTHFUL EXERCISE good ORoen C. E . HISLOP. .MGR. HI"H"H"I'1'1 I"H"I"H l"l 1 I 'M M A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST losses tit Alliance National Bank BXk 7 Over rostomce. 'Phone 39 1. ,.. , ,i,.i,,i,.MI"M"M"H'4"l Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Oentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWIAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 BULMT PRCS IJO 1 l&fe " BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school and Young People's meeting at the usual time. Every body come. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. First Sunday in each month at 10:30 a. ra. Sunday school every Sunday at 11:30 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meet every Tueedny at 7:30 p. in. Junior Auxll iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon.. GEO. G. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Drake Building, 319 Sweetwater Ave. Services evwy Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody is cordially Invited. Parochlsi '.German-English Lutheran school evry day except Saturday and Sunday, finm 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. TITUS LANG, Faator. 523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a. in , Sunday School. 11 a. m., Public Worship. 6:45 p. m., Christian Kndeavor. 7:30 p. m . Public Worship. Mid-week Service. Thursday, 7:3 p. m. J. B. BROWN, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Okvin S. Baker, Pastor 10 A. M.. Sunday Scuool. Graded Bible CUuttses. 11 A. W., Public Worship. 6:30 P. Mm Young People's Kp worth IjOjtRtie Meeting. 7:30 P. If., Public Worship. Wedniday evening. 7:30 o'clock, prayer met-ting. All the services of this church are for the publkv Strangers and all who come will find a cordial welcome. A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings Ui Marks' hall, northeast corner laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday Bchool at 10:30 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. All are wel come. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S JAMKS H. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Building PfO.Vg 2.9 To Box Butte county teachers: Before you buy your Xmas candies and nuts get the Co-operative prices. They will save you money. Pr BolitiKl. phone 65 The missionary society of the Bap tist church will meet at the home of Mrs. O. J. Rosseau on Friday after noon. For sale: Household furniture, in cluding stoves, rugs, kitchen utenslla, etc. very reasonable if taken at once. 507 Sweetwater. Phone .716. 51-2-868 A miscellaneous shower was given for Mies Snodgrass at the home of Mrs. W. E. Spencer Tuesday even ing. Refreshments were served and a most enjoyable time was had. J. W. Mappe of Ant loch made his weekly drive to Alliance with cream for the Alliance Creamery last Sat urday and favored The Herald with a call, setting himself ahead on sub scription. Miss Florence Logan of Denver, a very taieoteo musician, who nas been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Black on Sweetwater Avenue for the paat two months, left for her home Sunday noon. Mrs. Frank Dunning came last Fri day from Hysham, Montana, to visit h " parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc Corkle, and friends in the city until after the holidays. Mr. Dunning will come at Christmas time. E. Reeves caJne home Tuesday from a wuek's visit, with his son, B V. Reeves, at not Springs. This was lids firm visit to that part of the west and he found the trip to Wind Cave and the Soldier' Home full of Interest. D. M. and W. N. Matthews and Robert Wilkinson drove oveT to Alii ance from their places In Sheridan County near Jess, last Friday morn ing, returning In the afternoon, mak ing the tnip of 70 miles in one day. Mrs. I, at, Tash will entertain the Woman's Club Friday afternoon. Members will respond to roll call with quotations from Helen Hunt Jackson. Subject of table talk will be, ''Cause of double standard of morals." An interesting sesion is anticipated. Fa-ed W. Johanseu, editor of the Hay Springs Bnterprise, is another western Nebraska newspaper man who ran for county office this yeai and got left. He was candidate for rlrrk of the district court of Sheri dan county and was defeated by tin lady who was candid. Ue for re-elec Uon. The ladies of the Episcopal (MM wish to express through The Herald their approbation of the patronage given by the public to the baxaar held in the Phelan opera house, af ternoon and evening, November 22. Hequest to make this mention was received last press day just a Utile too late for publication. a- Miss Delia Heed and Mrs. 1. !,. v Ik-sod were the recipients of a tinwly Thanksgiving Hay present the first of the week, sent to them from Wesmer, Idaho, by Miss Reed's fail, er, sra Reed, the present consist inn oT a &ox of Rhode Island Red chick ens. James B. Curry, the Canton black smith. Frank McCart and Roy Hlnd uian were west side visitors at the county seat the latter part of last week. They came over Friday and returned Itouie Sunday tiiorniug. Mr Hindmaa proved up on his claim last Friday, th other two gentlemen he ing his witnesses. Mr. MMl Mrs. U F Knight left Friihiy evening but she was well re delved by the ladies of Alliance on Saturday, whom she wishes to thank for their patronage. She expects to be hero in the spring, at which time she will be pleased to meet again those who favored her wlUi a call last Saturday, as well as many oth ers. Mrs. Dtck W. Kenner visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beaumont, of Hemineford. A social dance at .he residence of str. and Mrs. Fred W. Kauffold one nilit the latter part of last week is reported to have been an enjoyable stffaiv. - E. A. Hall and Robert Graham find it necessary to put in more or less of their time at the big Bonner rjnch, recently purchased of R. M. Hampton. Mr. Hall has been looking after tsVliX Interests there several 4ays during the paBt week. Thos. Shay, brother of John Shay and brother-in-law of John Hill of this . it y. returns to Ills home m l w City, Iowa, tomorrow, after an cvttmded visit with relatives in Alli ance. Mr. Shay is a prominent stocitman and grain buyer in his home town. He expressed himself as being favorably impressed with Alliance and surrounding country and thinks the diiy will come when the of Box llutte county land will be greatly 'iihan (ftL ! i ;tl Brothers have moved into their lew office at 123 Box Butte av enue, having completed the improve taewtfl wlitctf have been under way for some time past. They are now better situated to handle their pro duce and fruit business than ever be fore. They have a convenient loca tion for their warehouse and with their office in the same building will be able to handle their large busi ness more conveniently. J. -A. Keegan received a Shorthorn bull calf Friday that is probably the best that ever came into this section of the country 11 . Line from a breeding firm Map Kansas City and the sire took s . I premuim at the Royal Stock Show held there tbis year. Mr. Keejian began in the cat tie business in a small way here four years ago by pur hasing all of A. S. Reed's heifer calves, twenty-three head, ami a selected sire from tie same breeding firm that the above mentioned calf came from, and now has a fine herd. Misfortunes multiply for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Countryman and family Tusoday evening they received a tel egram Informing them that their son, OMver, had been taken from Whit ney, Nebraska, where .he had been working, to Hot Springs, S. 1).. for a surgical operation. Mrs. Countryman left on 41 yesterady morning for that place. The message did not state the ailment, but Mrs Countryman ex pected to have the boy brought to Alliance if the operation had not bees performed by the time she reached Hot Springs. i THANKSGIVING DAY NOTES Mrs. B t McClure will entertain the Wosaan's Guild this afternoon at her residence at 806 Cheyenne ave nue. At 4 o'clock this afternoon there W be Thanksgiving services at the Episcopal church All are cordially invited to attend. I'nion Thanksgiving Day service .He heilli- held lhl la F,,,l,v morning for Custer. 8. l. I rnited P. e.hy.erlan church, the ser- """"s " ""uu"' uo1 ln Koing i"" mon being delivered by Rev iau iwnttii woro mat tneir sou who jj reside ttiere was ill and James Brown, of the First Presbyterian wished ,-hureh them t i come and they also thought j that a few weeks sp.nt near the i The members of the A M E pine forests might be beneficial to ,n h have been making K,va. pre Knight. pa rat ion for their concert to be glvtn at the Murk Hall this evening They Mrs U I) lusko. whose adertis would be glad to have a large at ing append in the last issue of the tendance of ftt people as well a Herald. ;ts somewhat delayed in : those of their own race The pro reaching Alliance so that she did gram will no doubt be entertaining not have her millinery goods on dis land well worth the price of admis play at the Hurlingion Hotel until sion Wm. R. Harper Talks Every lady should take advantage of this offer Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 29th lasting two weeks will give an extra Lady's Skirt with every Lady's Suit Your choice of serges, Pan ama and novelties, the suits include my entjp stock. Ladies' Toggery Store Opposite Post Office WM. R. HARPER BEE HIVE STORE going out of business Now isyour chance for REAL BARGAINS. Must vacate building Jauuary I. Mucilage. 4c Ink 4.C Pencils 4c each Crepe Paper, per roll, 5c EverytingGoes BEE HIVE STORE Smart Overcoats and Suits for Men and Young Men-For Careful Dressers $9.89 This is surely going to be a rousing big sale; so come here early if you want to participate in one of the best offerings of the winter season. There is a great va riety of patterns and new weaves to pick from. We can fit every man and young man in these over coats and suits : v. CIO T HI I $9.89 We continue the sale of the surplus stock of Trousers for Men. Trousers worth 2.50 to $9 will go at $1.65 $2.89 $3.79 $6.00 W. W. NORTON