The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 23, 1911, Image 6

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Mr. and Mrs Charle WMItaey re
turned ttte firm of the Tiwk from
their vM In low and other Mt
rrn point-, where thay hate been
for the part month or two.
A. M. Miller waa an Alliance Mb
itor Thursday nd Friday, look Inn af
ter btMlneMi affairs.
Mr. Brnest Kinsley returned to
her home at Ravenna the fin of
the week, her brother, Hrown Church,
Coins down with her for a few days
Theodore Johnson returned the
first of the week from Oregon,
where he visited all of the Box
Butte county settlers whom he knew
there. He reports everyone well
&tified with the country and all
re getting; along nicely. Mr. John
eon brought his mother back with
him to spend the winter here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wtltaey are
the proud parents of a ten pound
haby hoy, which arrived at their
home on Friday, November 17th.
Francis A 1 worth came in Wednes
day from Wyoming for a visit with
his coubins, the Kuliu boys.
Alias Mollle Hughes was an Alli
ance passenger on 44 Saturday, go
ing down to visit her sister, Mrs.
Lee Moore, for a few days.
Henry Winton was an Alliance vis
itor Sal unlay
Ira Phillips was in from Sioux
county Saturday, bringing in a load
jjfl grain and doing some trading in
Misses Delia Brown and Esther
Oelger visited in Alliance Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Belle Brown.
Miss Amelia Hucke left on 44 Sun
day for an extended visit at her old
home in Iowa.
Fred Melick came in on 43 Sunday
from Denver and other western
points, where he has been the past
week on business.
B. U Shopard and wife spent Sun
day at the home of H. O. Strong.
Norbev Prhnapfel came in on 43
Sunday t'rom Alliance. He will re
main until he gets his family moved
on to the farm Mr. I'lanansky will
move Into the huse which Mr. Kroh
napfel vacates.
McClusky Brothers have K. L
Pierce's nev house pretty well along.
which wjien done vlll make a great
which wthen done will make graeat
Improvement in the looks of the
west part of town. We understand
that more nev houses will be built
in the near future.
Wm. Thompson met with quite a
painful accident while unloading po
tatoes in the tellar one day last
week. While backntg a wagon load
ed wjth potatoes into the cellar, !he
wheel struck a post, causing the
tongue to strike Mr. Thompson In
the side, Injuring his side and back
antic severely.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Moravek died Saturday. The
funeral was held from the home
Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.
B. A. Clark was a business visitor
at Broken Bow a few IfcM the last
Of tin week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whelan visit
ed Sunday with .Mr. Wheian's par
en's In the country.
B. K Johnson had a couple of land
buyers from the eastern part of the
State out near Ber Monday, looking
St some land.
Misses Alice PoUaeai and Kllon
Itpbson came in from the river Moit
day, going down to Alliance to visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank I'otinesll
and see ths he iaby.
Ed. Wildy left .on 44 Monday for
Denver and other western points on
G. H. Claytou visited over Sunday
in HemniKforil at the homes of
Charley Wistsey and Win Corey, go
ing out to his home in Sioux county
C. J. Wildy, Orvill Kidwell. Anton
Unrig and Phillip Bfeneal, Br . Ml
on 44 Monday for Omaha. wher
they go on business. Messrs. I'hrig
and Michael expect to visit at dif
ferent places in Iowa before return
ing home
The Whiitaker boys were in from
Canton Monday, bringing in pot.i
toes and taking out supplies for the
store, Tuesday.
Rev Charles llurleigh and wife
moved their household goxls to
Crawford the last of the week, where
they expc i to make their home fox
(he present, he having
Toilet Specials
We are offering better goods at lower prices to
the public at this sale than ever before. It will pay you to investigate.
25c Peroxide Cold Cream 10c
:cSome More New Prices
Lilac Talcum Powder IOC
1 lb. Violet Talcum 19c Positively nothing held in reserve. A cut price on
every article in the store. We wish to especially
call your attdetion to the extremely low prices in
our Coat and Suit and Shoe Departments. All our
Mill End Bargains
These are Things You Need
Ginghams 6c and 9c yd.
1 8c Nainsook at 13C yd-
20c Galatia 15c yd
j8c Sash Curtain Goods at 12c yd.
64 in. Bleached Table Damask
exceptional value at 59c yd.
Check and Floral Colored Damask
assorted patterns at 50c yd.
36 in. Curtain Draperies at 15C yd.
Outing Flannel at 7C
Bleached Shaker Flannel at -8c
30c German Ticking at 17C yd.
You Will Find
cut prices in our DRKSS GOODS,
silks, trimmings. lacks, km
broiderif:s, braids, draper-
Come in and see them.
Fall and Winter garments, including our Wooltex
Suits and Coats, are reduced 20 to 50 per cent
Stylish line of Ladies' Tailored Garments at greatly
reduced prices. Now is the time to buy, prices are right
$18.75 Brown, with fine white stripe, nifty, up-to-the-mark suit, $S.OO
$20.00 Beautifully tailored Blue Serge suit, well made, at $10.00
$21.00 Black, faultlessly made, up-to-date suit, at $10. OO
$25.00 High waiated, latest model, Blue Serge suit, at $17.50
$25.00 Wooltex rough Black and Blue blended, novelty cloth Suit,
at $19.90
$25.00 Gray Serge Seasonable Suit, Newest Styles, at $15.00
$22.50 Suit, Blue with coarse Black Diagonal, at $16.00
$35.00 Beautiful Navy Blue Storm Serge, latest style and fabric,
buttons on lappels, trimmed very neatly in Black
velvet, at $27.00
One lot of Ladies' Coats, ass'ted styles and patterns, very good
value, at $5.00
One lot of Ladies' Coats, -ss'ted styles and patterns, better grade,
at $7.00
Another lot, exceptional values, at $9.50
$21.00 Black Kersy. Fur collar, Plush lined, at $12.50
$16 50 Brown Gray all wool, novelty cloth, long broad rolls, at $13.45
$16.50 Black Kersy, close fitting, in sizes up to 45. Special, at
$30.00 Black, form fitting, full lined coats, at $15.00
$12.75 Tan Reversible cloth, stylish coat, at $9.90
$16.50 Ladies' nifty, rough Serge, well made coat, at $5.00
$11.00 Novelty cloth, Brown, with large velvet collar. A well fit
ting, up-to-date garment, on sale at $9.90
Children's Bearskin Coats, at $1.98
$75.00 Russian pony coats, beautiful markings, at $65. OO
Ladies' Mannish shirts in French flannels, assorted solid colors
and stripes. Special, at $1.19 and $1.79
We carry a complete assortment of sizes up to 45 in Ladies' Coatsft Suits
Any Woman's Hat
in our stock we are offering on sale at
Va to V3 off
regular prices. We especially want you
to see this department. Our hats are
snappy and up-to-date, made of the finest
of material and workmanship, and we
are offering them at very low prices.
Black Taffeta Silk Petticoats
in all sizes at
$i.ooand 1.25 Petticoats
at ,
60 inch iKimonas
' " each
$1.00to 3.15
Best values in Ladies' velvet, cravenette,
gun metal, lace and button, patent
leather, vici kid, suede and dull kid.
The appearance of a woman depends
largely on her shoes. They add or de
tractabout 50 to or from your appear
ance, notice and see.
Children's Shoes, 45c to $2.10
Boys' Special at 90c to $1.15
Our Basement will open
with a continuous round of
See our front window for display of Thanksgiving
Fancy China and Linen Sa"ion
Railroad fare refunded to out-of-town
customers for a radius of 100
miles with every purchase of $25.00
or more.
Canton Wednesday to make
brother am extended visit.
Luke I'hillpls was an Alliance pas
senger Tuesday, going down on 44.
The l.adiw' Aid Society of the
Methodist church met with Mrs.
Charley Huss on Vednesda last
Miss Delia Heed hits been visiting
the schools in this part of the coun
try or the past few days.
The ladles of the Methodtdt church
will serve Thanksgiving dinner in
the basement of the church Thanks
giving day.
Win. Welch returned from his
honeymoon trip Tuesday. There was
a grand celebration in the evening.
Warren IMckman haB retimed
from Canadian ioints.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurt on have returned
to ltlngham from the east, where
they have been visiting relatives.
Grandmother Kent fro lias been ill
for two weeks past, and is no better
it litis writing
Pearl and Lulu Poison spent Sum
day at the Skipper home.
Geo. Howell sold his home tp la
dy Abbot of Hyannis.
Rev. K reamer went through the
duties of the Congregational church
Sunday, as 4:1 happened to b on
Kills Kincaid spent Sunda m Hnig
Hufus Steen and Ira Hart
Sunday at Hingham.
There was a Irieudly gathering ;U
the home of J H. Wllley on Sun-
da last tilling those present MY
IfksjkM t iara and Anita Hecker. Mar
guerete and Agne Welch and Helia
purchased 1 Mi e kner
the Uuetn City garage at that pla
Hi son in law, Hay Woods, will hac
charge of the garage.
Bd Wildy is having a new barn
riveted on his property in town, tluy
Hprowles doing the carpenter work
A I'M"'" ! of L. E. Hood came tu
from Illinois Tuesday, going out to
Geo Hreckner, while playing foot
ball, turned his knee, this being the
second time or late and is causing
him considerable pain.
Miss t'laru Hecker, who has been
tislttug ith her sister. Anna, north
of Bingham, a ill return to her home
Monday, north of Hyannis.
Apples! Cooking apples,
eating apples, winter ap
ples. Call and see our
apples and get our prices.
Henry nopkins, liv Box
Butte avenue. First block
north of depot, on east
side ot street.
ii - 11
There will be preaching t the
Katrview church at 7:30 o'clock Sun
day evening, November 26, py the
pastor. A ci.rdlal invitation is ex
it ended to all weo can come to attend
this servke.
Mrs. W. D. Insko will have on display
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 24-5
All the latest styles; colors and
prices to suit for ladies
and misses
Full Line
Hair Goods
Switches, Braids,
Puffs, etc.
Why go to Florida for fresh
fruit and vegetables. The Co
operative has them fresh every
wid the hair you are wearing grow
on the head of a sickly "Chink"?
Real American hair, grown in Box
hutte county, made into switches at
the New York Hat Shop.
Try a gallon of pure sorghum
Rodgent'. 4'JtfXli
Human hair bought and sold, New
York Hat Shop. 4tf791
Farmers, take your but
ter and eggs to the Fair
Store and get the highest
market price.