baifNiai NebraskaLand&AutoCo I. C. McCotklt. Mp. 6ARAGE IN McCORKLE BLOCK Link Lowry, Supt of Garage Vre handle the fOl'b cars and will sell you one for list price. Will store and keep; furnish git and lubricating' oil; $15.00 per month; you run as much as you desire. Storage for cars. $5.00 per month. We sell all best brands of oil from 25 to 50 lower than other places. fOtb cars are the most popular car on the market and every piece in them is guaranteed by the company during the life of the car. See us before buying. Only garage in western Nebraska open day and night m mmmm m m-m muz uviiuiiiv im, i Round Oak Stoves are recognized by L everyone to be the W best. They are air tight, strong, durable W and neat in appear- i ance. Price, $18 I "p. E Newberry's Hardware Co. Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber & Coal Go. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. November Special Rates INTER TOU1UST TICKETS at low rates, to Florida. Texas. Gulf and Soul horn Resorts and Cuba. To ninny destinations tickets are good via diverse routes through Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago. HOMKSKKKKRS' EXCURSION TICKETS to the Northwest, Big Horn Basin. Yellowstone Valley, Southwest and South, on the first and third Tuesdays. U4j YEAK TOURIST TICKETS to California and Pacific Coast destina tions, that include Southern routes; always one way via Denver, Scen ic Colorado, Salt Lake City. THROUGH RAILROAD AND SLEEPING CAR TICKETS to all California debt inations, via many combinations of going and returning routes, including Denver, Scenic Colorado, 8alt Lake. Consult your nearest ticket agent, telling him about the winter jour ney you have in mind, let him secure through berths and make the journey Interesting and comfortable. SUGGES.iVE QUESTIONS On the Sunda MmmM l.eon by Rev. Dr. LinvoM for the In ternational Pre Rible Question Club. (Copy iif hi 11 by ! T S LmacMt PDI NOTICE Or HEARING OP THE PROBATE OF A WILL J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Uiim JOHN GARRETT .Succtsjir to Frank Wallace Transfer Line Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Household joods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Res. phone 583 Nov. '9th, 1911. (Copyright. IVta h Kiv I.S I. union. I l.) Eitra's loin ney to Jerusalem. Earn vtll:l ."..:; Golden Text The hand of our God is upon all tin tn foi good that seek him K.ia fill 22 Vm m s I ."20--Who, and what, was Ezra? (2.) If several generations of the same family MIIMti In the samo business I'totcsHiotis. Is the lasl (feneration more expeit at their call In than the first? (S.) N liui S the ptOlftl work of the Levitee? (4.) How tnucV does any orapuiV ration depend for Its succeaa, uioa men of rare aMlity at lis head? (5.) What .tes should thu present day chuii h ttkf), to supply the great lark of ministers? (i. Verses 1149 WlMM was Ihla company of devou; men at this time? (7.) Having tlit fit men for the work, what the next necessity as suggested by this story? (8.) What insults invariably follow' when a company of Christ lens spend several day- touether In fastlr; and prayer? I v. What better guarantee fe it safe jout ney have we. li it Is pieced- id wiili 1; out prayer? IIP.) What had Ezra told the king which afterward made him ashamed 10 .i-k lor a company nl soldiers on their journey? (11.) Vorae 2.1 How did Ezra know that God bad r.eard their prayer for a safe journey? (12.) How may we Know when God hears anil :in.swers our prayers? (IS.) Verses 24-30 How do you Justify the vast e.vpi nditure of raonev for carrying o'. church and missionary work ? (14 ) Why ought money for church and missionary work to be en careful ly accounted for as money in a bank? 115.) Why is It the duty of every person to feel as much obligation to give his pioper share for carrying on God's cause, as to f-'cil and clothe him self iikI thOM deprndt nt upon him? (16.) Verse 3'-32 Two good mer start on a journey and are attacked by robbers, one being killed and the other escaping without injury; which of these men did God love more, and why? (This is one of the question that may be answered in writing by members of the club) (17.) What rules would you say God adopts Ir delivering, or not deliv ering, us from our enemies? (18.) How far was it from Babylon to Jerusalem, and how long Jid it take them to make the Journey? (It.) Verses 33-36 There are a great many more Individual churches than there are individual banks; but what is the proportion of defaulting church treasurers, compared with de faulting bank prebidents or cashiers' (20.) Which gets Uw greater hap piness, the one who honestly dis charges a financial trust, or the one who having kept a lot of the money, Is yet not found out? Leaeotl for Sunday, Nov. 20th. 1911. Vehemtsh'a Prayer. Nehemiah 1. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mails close at the Alliance post office as follows. Mountain time: East Bound for train No. 44. for train No. 42. West Bound for train No. 43. 11:00 p.m. for trnlu No. 41. South Bound 12:30 p.m. for train No. 303. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays all night mails close at 6:00 p.m. Instead of 11:00 pm. IRA E. TASH. P. If, Slati i.r Nebraska ) ) SR. Hox Butte Countv i TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OK JOHN BKUTLKR, l !'( 'KASKi Whereas, Margaret lleutler, of said county, has filed In my office an In strument purporting to ho the last will Mid testHiivent of John lleutler, late Of said county. doOMaSOtl, and said MargHrel lleutler has filed her petition herein praying to lnic the mum admitted to probste, ami tor the Issuing of letters testamentary, which will relates to both real and personal estate I lune therefore appointed Satur day. the Nth day of November, ISM1, at ! o'clock In the forenoon, at the oOtMttjr court room In said coun ty, as the time MM) place for hearing Raid Will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear ami contest the allowing of the name It Is further ordered that said pe Uttonsr give notice to all persons In terested in snld estate of the pend ency of this petition, and the time and place sot for the hearing of the aiune, by caualni oopy of this order to hi- published In the Alliance Her aid, a newspaper printed and pub lisluil in said county, for three suc cessive weeks previous to the day set for the hearing. In witness whereof I liavo hereun to sot my hand and official seal this L'ljs' day of Ootober, Itll. L A I1KKUV. '.'oiinty JttdfO. (Seal! 47-3M34 SHERIFF'S SALE MANY Are Anxiously Awaiting Their Return Associated Doctors Specialists WILL BE IN ALLIANCE AT DRAKE HOTEL WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 lramie Aue. Phone 230 ONE DAY ONLY BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office Hint National Bank Bid. JHmnejSo. ALLIA WEJSEB WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATToaNlY AT LW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Alliance Defend- against Deffros Norton, 11:20 a.m. 11:00 p.m. 12:110 p.m. 'OLD PAPERS' Old papers at The Herald office In bunches or one dozen, ;;t 5 cents per bunch. COMPOUND CALLOUSES Telia Splendid Cure for Them J and All Foot Troublaa. A compound callous Is the secondary atage w hen it grows inward and preaa es on the tverves, causing Intense pain. Callouses never cure themselves but always get worse, sometimes irritating the whole nervous system. The follow ing Is a most effective and speedy cure "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of Caloclde in a basin of hot water. Soak the feet in this for full fifteen minutes, gently massaging the sore parts Less time will not give the desired results. I The sore ness will disappear lmme diaieiy and the callous can be easily peeled off Repeat this for several nights A little olive oil rubbed Into akin is very beneficial." This Caloclde is a very remarkable Preparation for all foot ailments Bunions, corns and ingrowing nails get Instant relief and are soon cured. Bad smelling and sore feet need but a few treatments Caloclde Is no longer con fined to doctors' use. Any druggist has it in stock or will quickly get it from his wholesale house A twenty -five cent package is usually enough to put the worst feet in fine condition It will prove a blessing to persons who have been vainly trying Ineffectual tablets and foot powders By virtue of an order of sale ili reel imI tO me from the clerk of the D tSt tiot Court or Box Butte county, Nebraska, on a decree rendered In Matd Court on the 21st day (if Decern her. A D . 1910, in lawir of K. M. Kniniit. Plaintiff, and The Hillliling K Loan Association ant and froa Petitioner, Everett II Miller. Almeda Miller, his wire, and W V ns Defendants, tor the sum at ONI HUNDRED DIOHTY TWO and 40100 Dollars, decreed a second lien In fa vor ii sai.l r, M Knight, and THIR TKKN HUNDRED TWENTY KK1HT and H.1 100 Dollars, decreed a lirst lien in favor oT Lhfl cross petitioner The Alliance lluilding & Ixan Asso ciation, and costii taxed at $21.10 and accruing costs, and directing that the premises therein described, to wlt: UM Kight (S) Block One (I) Town or Alliance, In Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, be appraised, advertis ed and sold as upon execution, to satlsry said sums or ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO and 40100 Dollars and THIRTEEN HUNDRED TWEN TY EICHT and 95100 Dollars, and costs and accruing comb, I have caused the following described land lo be appraised, to-wit : The Lot Eiglit (S) Block One ili Town of Allison e, in lto. Butte county, Ne braska. And will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, ou the 11th day of December, A. D. 1911, In front or, the west front door of the Court House In Alliance, in said county, at the hour or 10 o'-l Clock A. If., of said day, when ami where duo attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated Nov. 8, It'll. C. M. COX, M4lti Sherlfr or said county. GIVES AID TO STRIKERS Sometimes liver, kidneys and bow els seem to go ou a strike and re fuse to work right. Then you need those pleasant little strike-breakers Dr. King's New Life Iills- to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent health soon follows. Try them. 25c at K. J. Brennan's. A claasifled advertiaement, carry ing a message of any importance, wll amost alwaya bring the answer. In Front of the Checkered Front Stable rou can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. These aft the doctors you no doubt hac read about. While you may not know them personally, you may know them by reputation or through some of your neighbors they have t rented. The remarkable success of these talented physicians in the treatment of chronic diseases has aroused much enthusiasm In the Northwest. This is said to be, and no doubt Is true, one of the most able specialists organization of Its kind In this sec tion or the country, and must be a successful one from the many good results they tire getting The Associated Doctors, liscensed by the slate of Nebraska, for the treat on I of deformities and nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on tkon consultation, examination and advice free. It is specially requested that mar ried Initios come with their husbands and minors with their pnrente. The name. ASSOCIATED DOC TORS, is what It implies, a union of specialists, twelve In number, that have gotten together for the treat ment of chronic and nervous diseas es. Not to be understood that they treat all diseases that the human body Is heir to. They mean to be very CSrefU In select iug and taking coses, as they want good results, which means good returns in the way of their patients recommending thott to other. They estimate that over eighty per cent of the patients now coming to them come from recommendations of those they have treated. THEY DO NOT treat any acute diseases whatever, their time and at tention being devoted to such dis eases as follows: Disease: or the stomach intestines, liver. Mood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen. Kidneys or bladder, rheuma tism, sciatica, diabetes, b si wet ting, leg ulcers, weak lungs, and those af flicted with longstanding, deep seat ed, chronic diseas s that have baf ried the skill of the family physicians should not fail to call. According to their system, no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors or goiter, roe? wore among the first in America to earn tko name of "Bloodless Surgeons", by doing away with knife, with blood ami with all pain in the succes troatment of these dangerous disc. en. BBLOW ARK THE NAMES ot a rew or the many patients who have many good things to say for the Associated Doctors. Orace Munk, Dell Rapids. S. D., catarrh and deafness. Mrs. O. G. Anderson, .Mlna, 8. D., n rvous and kidney trouble. Mrs. John 11 Kieser, Yunkton. 8. D., nearly dead with heart and kid ney trouble producing dropsy, was given only a week to live in. short time under their treatment was do ing some of her housework. John Goi luch. Ager. S. D , old sore on Up. Bert Clark. Selby. 8 D.. so pleased with Associated Doctors treatment, brought his fattier in for treatment. Mrs Prank Gray, Hazelton, N. D., catarrh or stomach, general debility. Anton Ds Young, Aahton. S. Dak , rheumatism, writes he is doing fine Mrs. Sherman Vann, Huron, 8. D , feels that she has struck the right Doctors this time. Mrs J. L Hall. Hot Springs. 8. D . writes she is doing nicely under treat nient. Mrs Hen McHrlde, Wagner. S D , catarrh of stomach. Many others that space will not permit. 3L. SCOTT AUCTIONEER H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, 4JLLIANOE, IV ICO. F. M. BROOmBT I.ANIl ATTOKNF.V !mKPXMT!riioH Ui-ci'i ve, t:.H. I.und OSes Is guarantee for promiit und pttlclent wrvlo Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRl cmTcOT L awyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since igt and Krjdstcr I '. S. I.und OtScC from IP03 to tttf I n formation by mall a apM-lalty. orrtcr in i.ANiiorrica miii.niso AI.I.IANCK NEBRASKA. dlllK miM'KKNoLL Ki I'lionc M K.J. PKTERSBN Ites. Phone U Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and g, Kutner Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND S V H O K O N Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SI'HQKON (Huccnssor to Dr. J. K. Moor) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office boura 11-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7:10-9 p, nt. Officel Phone 6a Res. Phone, 8 j H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 3AO Nee. Phone iu Calls answered promptly day and night froaa oflllce. Office: Alliance National Hank Handing over the Poet Office. rTTlrirBELIJV CHAS. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Office Over Holsten's Drug Store Phone 87 FRANCES DANOS RED CROSS NURSE Reference Given Telephone 766 West 2nd street ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker nd Embalmer PAY PHONE 207 Ml. II I I MONK 8 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA We answer all Calls promptly Graduate Miaouri Auction School STtfcSL1? K'a1 loserveou 10 "y WV DOtSt Ml be left at Herald of m which a tit i requirrd H, , v L'-c. Alliance, or write me .it . P. COURShY. Prop. PHOKBU4 LAKESIDE, NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE I Director and Embalmer flNERU SUPPLIES Office Phone 4iyS Re. Phone 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, aVLUAVCB, M lilt ItkA I'urtti s out of town slioulil write. h 1 am out riini ti of the tine, diarcc wIL not e cwril j.U unit MpeaaM per Uay . Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEHIHGFORD, SEBR. SPECIALTIES: Dieaes of Women asi Children and Genito Urinary Organ All calls aitwtrti promptly day at HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock aud Geoeral Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. DK. I . I .. TYLER DENTIST, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraaka want In answering please mention this paper. Herald that you saw It In RINT tooh SALE BILLS