L W. R. HARPER'S Ladies' Ready to-Wear Toggery is now open and ready for business at 108 West Third Street The past two days have been excep tionally busy ones at our store as the values we are offering in high-grade apparel are nothing short of phe nomenal. At the same time I again wish to emphasize the fact that al though I advertise bargains my reg ular stock of high-grade garments is being kept up. My Coats, Suits and Waists are stylish creations for the most fashionable. But these Bargains Deserve Attention from Every Woman oooooooooooooooo o BELMONT ITEMS o oooooooooooooooo Nice Mora, tNtbcr Hftalti after the TO LAST TILL NOVEMBER 20 Everything will be sold as advertised On one table we will ul art- 100 pieOM of Un derwear to select from 35c ( )n another. 50 pair Men's Shoes, some worth at $1.50 50 pr. Men's Work Shoes, worth $3 at $2, $2.40 at 1.40 100 pr. Dress Shoes, worth $3.50 to 15, will be sold from $2. SO to 3. SO Children's and Hoys' Shoes, 7Sc to 2.2S Boys' Sweater Coats, S9C. A ood line of Sweaters at nearly cost 3 doz. Work Pants, worth $2.50, $l.SO 4 doz. Corduroy and Whipcord Pants, worth $3 and 3.50 everywhere, $2.25 and 2.50 Overalls, 65c to 95c 20 doz. Dress Shirts at actual cost Choice out of 10 doz. Work Shirts, 45c 50 Suits and Overcoats for Boys expected in. New and up-to-date. Will be sold at nearly cost 200 yds of Flannel, worth 24c, will be sold at 9C Good heavy Duck Coats, $2.00 and up Caps worth 60c, 35C; 75c, 65C; $1.75 $155 s FLOUR AND GROCERIES at SAVING PRICES Bring this ad and be convinced that what we say is true THE FARHERS' STORE Ferd Wendt took liis two little Kirls to Crawford to visit their aunt. Mrs. HrlMon, for a while. Clarence lHenry is now working for Jan. 1'helpR He thinks dairying ! all rlRht for winter The 8praj?ue young people wc r in llelmont Sunday lost. Mike Linden is hark to work a galn. lie reports a nice time on his trip to the coast. He is just the boy to make a nice trip of it, John Dlehl shipped a car of pot .1 toew to Missouri last week. He says he will show those Mlssourians whal ood potatoes are. Ferd Wendt pot a car of coal lust week but did not get to unload much of it himself, as there was a firing of teams at the car all the time until it was gone. He did not have nearly enough to go around. The Belmont people intended to organize a literary society last Sat urday night but It was so cold and stormy that no one got out. The Misses Cecil Hack ami Kva Kllsworth visited a friend einht miles out. last Saturday and were caught lit the beginning of I lie storm on their way home hut f,rot beak all right. It. II. Miller. .Ir.. and wife were in tfwn last Saturday, 1). T. Porter and I.. A Hac k have both been on the sick list the past week. We are glad to Bee that both are getting around again. W. .1. DeWitt wa on our streets Monday. 000000000000000 q O MUDDLES FLAT q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mr. and Mrs. Ultlar, Oaines Chap man and Mr Dtinlap took dinner at the Dean home Monday. Mr. Severaon departed for Iowa Thursday to visit a sister. Geo. Kepner was In Alliance Fri day making final proof on his Kin kald BOX SOCIAL AT FAIRVIEW There will be a box social at Fair view church Wednesday evening, November 2!), proceeds to apply on the pastor's salary. There will be a program consisting of speaking and music, after which the boxes will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. Kverybody Is invited to attend. PREACHING AT FAIRVIEW There will be preaching at the Kaii-view church at 7:30 o'clock Sun day evening, November 26, by the pwtOr. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all who can come to attend this, service. HEMINGFORD 119 Box Butte Ave. J. J. KEEMN, Prop. Phone 697 A Bell Telephone Lightens Labor It is a tfood plan to take the Bell Telephone into your OOnfldence and make it an Active ally in your work A ooneervatlve ate of long distance telephone mi vice i s not expensive. It will pay l)iK returns on tin' Investment. Tin- business man who has learned the telephone's usefulness a ootnpMshee much DSOre than his com petitor who has not. Use of the Hell Telephone fives an expansive range to personal communication, because each telephone is the center of a nation wide system of the most efficient telephone transmission In the world. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. T. 11. RIBBON, Local Manager Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere Kvery one is rejoicing because the blizzard has none Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nerud were Sun day visitors at A. Ixire's. Mr. and Mrw. l.ore went to Wind Spring yesterday. .Miss Annebelle I. ere is on the sick list Geo. Denton attended ( Wilcox's ale near Alliance. Tuesday. Hendrickaon Bros, were at Roy Denton's, looking after cattle Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Duerr visited with Geo. Denton Sunday last. Arthur lre and Hoy Denton made a business trip to Minatare Tuesday. Wm. Dunlap and children stayed one night at Mrs. Oeo. Denton's. Mrs. lAire visited with Mrs. Joe Nerud one day last week. Those attending the dinner and party at Wind Spring at the home of A. Ross were Mr. and Mrs A. l.ore. Miss ten ha Huston. Hrint l.ane. I'ansy rollick. Hoy Denton. Arthur Hubble and Kd. Sweezy have gone into the well business, taking a job near Minatare A. Conn in having a well dug by Weir Bros A. Hoss is quite sick at this writ ing. Mr. Coursey's mules ran away wUh him Friday morning. No damage was done oooooooooooooooo o MALINOA SQUIBS o oooooooooooooooo The last Sunday school rally for the year for this district as held at the Deiiker school house Sunday, the :t h fsch Hitiar, Mr. Dean's cattleman, has departed. l.yle, Helen and Howard Lore from near Alliance xisited tlieir sister, Mrs (ieo Denton, Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Cal Ik-rr matte a bus Iness trip to Alliance Friday. Clark Olds and Orn Fosket Were Alliance visitors Wednesday, going down by auto. Mrs. Kmil Hockey and sister, Miss Dice, received word Wednesday that their father was seriously ill. They left on tt the same day for Davagi ac, Michigan. Word came later in the evening that Mr. Dice died at 1:25 In the afternoon. Mrs. H. I'. Shepard and niece, Miss SOUS, were Alliance visitors be tween trains Wednesday. Dennis Pergin, who was injured in a runaway last week, was taken to the hospital at Alliance last Wednes day for UtedtCS treatment. ' Mr. iond Mrs. K. L. Pierce returned home Wednesday, after a several weeks' trip through California and M exico. Melvin Scott left Tuesday for his home at Clayville, Penn., after spend ing the pwA two years in Hemlng ford, where he made many friends, who will miss him greatly. Mrs. Karnest Kinsley came in on 43 Wednesday for a visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. 11. Garvey, and other relatives. Mrs. Waddell and daughter. Pearl, were paswengers to Alliance on 44. Dr. McEuen went to Alliance Thursday, where he assisted Dr. Single with the operation on Miss Pearl Waddell, for appendicitis, at the St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. BUS Mickey ami son, ('lark. from Sioux county, (ante in Thursday bringing in a load of potatoes and taking out a load of supplies for the ranch. D. W. Hutler and his brother-in-law were passengers to Crawford on 415 Wednesday, returning on 44 the next day. .Mrs. Clyde Watson of Chadron is iMilng it the home of her grandpar ent, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wards. B. B. Johnson returned Thursday from the sand hills where he spent a few days the first of the week looking after business affairs. Mrs. ( J Wildy entertained the Uulies of tlte Methodist church, at her home on Wednesday, the ladies from the country being entertained all day, while the town ladies just in the afternoon There was a large crowd present and ail report a fine time We understand that Norbert Froh napfel has sold his livery barn to Joe Plananasky, who will take pos session the frist of December, and that Mr Krohnapfel will move with his family to Alliance, where they a ill make their home. The Methodist Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Hlaixhe Orotn"t Wednes day afternoon. The ladies of the Congo church will give a bazar and dinner at the opera house Saturday. Nov. 25. also, an entertainment in the evening While Mr and Mrs Joe Marrion were returning home from lOSS n Tuesday one of the straps on the ueckyoke broke, letting the tongue of the buggy down, which frightened the horses so that they ran away, throwing Mr. and Mrs Mnrrlon out and fracturing a rib of Mrs. Marrion and otherwise hrubring her. Mr. Marrion escaped with a few bruises Dr. McKuen was called and set the fracture of Mrs. MarrWm, who Is re Itorted as getting along ns well as can be expected. Mrs. C. U. Canfield, who has been sick for some time, 1b still confined 'o the house, although some better. George Wiksey of Crawford has been looking after business matters In and around Memingford. We un derstand Mr. WHt.se y will move back to Memingford In the near future and will live on the farm where Mr Hell now lives. Mrs. John Wildy and little son, who have been visiting her daughter at Brush, Colo., came in Tuesday for a couple of days' visit with C. J. Wildy. She left for her home at New Athens, 111., on 44 Friday. Mrs. Dan born came in on 44 Friday from Chadron, where she has been spending a few days with her hus band, who is working at that place. Owing to the cold, damp weather, there was not a very large crowd at the sale of Mrs. Ilatrlck Kinsley on Thursday, but we hear that every thing sold well, the horses bringing ji good price. Mrs. Kinsley expects to move to town soon. Mrs. Parcel and son, who have been visiting her niece, Mrs. George Walker, and family, left the last of the week for their home in Missouri Glen Walker accompanied thorn and will stay with his grandmother, go ing to school there. Ira Scribner came in on 44 Friday from Hay Springs, where he has been spending the past week with home folks. Dr. Single came up Friday to see Mrs. 11. B, Anderson, who has not been feiding so well for the past few days. She is suffering quite badly with rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hucke drove to Alliance Friday and were caught bn the storm, Mrs. Hucke coming in on the train Saturday and Mr. Hucke driving home Sunday. Rev. Cox made his usual trip to Reno Saturday, where he preached Sunday forenoon. Mrs. Lida Tracy came in from Denver on 411 Saturday to visit her father, Adam Hucke. Pete Swan sou returned home Sat urday, after a three weeks' visit with relatives at Holdrege, Ixxmls and other points. Luke Phillips came up from Alli ance Saturday, where he has been for the past few days looking after business affairs, while Ora has been in Iowa and Illinois on business. Bud Thompson came in on 43 Sun day from the east where he has been looking after business affairs for the past four or five weeks. Word was received here Saturday from Alliance of the arrival of a ba by girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potmesll, Friday, Nov. 10. Potmesil Brothers shipped three car loads of cattle to South Omahu Monday evening. C. C. Shepard was down from the ridge Monday, taking his daughter. Zola, home with him. She has been spending the past three months at the home of her uncle, Barney Shop ard. Mr. and Mrs. II. I' Shepard were over night visitors in Alliance Mon day. (tuning up on the morning height Tuesday. B. K. Johnson shipped severul cars of cattle and hogs to South O- maliu Monday Omar Scribner went down with them. Owing to the storm Saturday night the home talent play, "The Iron Hand,'' did not liae a very large at tendance, the country people being unable to get in. The play was re ported as being tiie best that has been given here for soni? time. On account of the (old weather po- tato hauling was delayed a few das. but was MSSJSS4 again Monday Ira Scribner was an Alliance pas seiiger on 44 Monday Mrs. funis left Tuesday on 44 for an extended visit in Iowa, Illi nois and Ohio She expects to be gone until spring. Mr.- James liollinrake was an Al llance passenger on 44 Tuesday, go ing down for the dedication services of the new Catholk- church on Wed nesday. Henry Shlmek was an Alliance passenger TuesdHy, going down on business. Ill Fred MeHck left Tuesday night for Denver on business. oooooooooooooooo o JESS ITEMS o oooooooooooooooo The weather is fine after the cold wave of Friday night and Saturday. Wm. Wilkinson and daughter re turned from Beatrice to their home, five miles west of Jess. Wilher Wilkenson of Auburn, Ne braska, is visiting his brother, Bob Wilkonson, two miles southeast of Jess. Lee Helling and family spent Sun day with his brother, Fred Helling, six miles north of Reno. A petition is being circulated for the purpose of establishing a new mail route from Reno via W. N. Wilkinson's to Jess, and bock by tlte Doyle valley. It would do the farm ers in this locality much good. 1 There is talk of putting in a store at Kamono. A. M. Wilson made a shipment of cattle to Omaha last Monday. Iee Helling and Fred Helling just received their patents for their homesteads some more Kinkaiders made happy. $100 Reward, $100. Thp reader of this paprr wfll be 1 -oil to hvirn that ''til U at leant one tire ruled dlw;iw th.it seJBDCt has been able to cure In ull Its st:ix aid iti.it n Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur In tin only inmIMo cure now known to the medical fnifernlti, . Catarrh hrlnK a constitutional disease, requires :i constitu tional trrntmptit. HBO1! Catarrh cure la luken in t BTIH MJT. actum direetly upon the IiIimkI mid rruTium MlfBCBf of (he system, thereby dfBtfoylftg tfw foundation of the dNeasr. and clvlnif lh'' pattfllt atrriiith by building up th constitution mid :mit Inv tti'turp In doinif It work. Tlw pr'(f ictor have o mu-h faith In ItB fUfattVB powers, that they nfTi-r onp Hundred DO&Mn fr any caw that It fall? t cure. Spnd for MM of testimonials. Addreas F. 1 CHKM-V A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by nil Urutfirlsto. "e. Take UaJl s t jrnilv ruin for rnr.sttnation. Photographs for X mas are an inexpensiTe pres ent. Better jret some made at the Alliance Art Studio Let us figure on that bill of Q roceries that you need. We can save you money on anything we carry. Don't send away and get stung again. We meet all competition. Especial discounts for cash. Yours for fair dealing, A.D.Roilprs FOR ESTIMATES ON CEMENT WALKS CURBS CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS HOLLOW BLOCKS ANIi ORNAMENTAL WORK OF ALL KINDS BBS J. J. VANCE Allianck, Nebb.