Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ad" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CA8H RATES One cent per wo.-d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. MISCELLANEOUS Household Goods for Sale Since I am going to leave Alliance the last of this month I will sell all my household furniture, including kitchen utensil. 3 stoves, canned fruit, piano, horse and bunny, saddle. Incubator, etc floods may bo seen nny time at the Baptist parsonage. FRANKLIN McNEILL LOCAL PARAGRAPHS WANTED. - Woman to Marry House cook , at 4!i-2 794 ABSTRACTERS W. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office in McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT FRONT ROOM, furnished, to rent. $5 a month. Close in. Phone 367. 49-l-801. Furnished rooms for light, house keeping. 504 Sweot water Ave. 4fHf796 NICE FRONT ROOM to rent, fur nished. Call at Simmons' Millinery Store. 3$tf638 FOR RENT Well lighted room. First National Bank. office TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, mod era, for light housekeeping or sleep ing apartments, to rent. Phone 18fi 47tf773 FOR RENT. Two rooms for light housekeeping for man and wife. 60" Box Butte Ave. 48tf778 MISCELLANEOUS LOST. One large pearl button Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. 49-2-7H7 FOR SALE. 6 room house, in good condition, partly new, $1500. Owner on premises, 613 Niobrara. 40-4t-749. 10 I. (iregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 48tf779 TO STOCK M BM A sure cure for black leg in cattle For particulars address, with stamp, 519 Big Horn avenue. Alliance, Nebr. 47-4768 Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tt Beautiful switches made from your combings. Phone 521. New York Hat Shop. 43-tf-713 Home made candy at the Model Candy Kitchen. 48tf776. After you eat smoke Marguerite. 47-8 771 HOME BAKERY Home made white and graham bread, and pastry. Will bake for lodges and parties. Tel. 4 Hi, or call at 518 Tolucit. 47tf766 PAIR CLASSES POUND at Nohes Restaurant. Owner is requested to call and get same by paying for this notice. 44tf714 E. I. Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 48-2-779 Money to loan on real estate. E. Reddish. F. 3tf McMillan, Piano Tuner at Threl keld'8, Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's. 741 5t-23-tf I will take a few maternity cases at my home on West 2nd street. Pnone 766. FRANCES DANOS, Red Crosa Nurse. 3i-tf-829 Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf JITICES If you want first class painting or ;.ier hanging, call E'. C. Whisman, phone 709. 81S-tf-28 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Four room house, all modern ex cept furnace, and two lots for sale at a bargain. Will give time on p. rt. W. F. KNIGHT. 4Ttf763. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, at r. bargain anal on easy terms. Phone i l Red. 36tf617. In answering Herald v.,- it ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. SEWING WANTED. Wanted, all kinds of sewing. Prices reasonable. Phone 486 or 105. 39tf656 FOUND- On Box Butte avenue, Saturday, Nov. 4, a bunch of keys. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. At Herald office. 48-2t-784 For Sale Four registered Shorthorn bulls, all dark red; coming two years old. Can be seen at ranch. 5 miles west of Belmont, Nebr., or write for prices and description. 40-4t-760. WM. ABBOTT. Old Time Songs One hundred and fifty old srmgs for sale, bound. Words inuslc complete. A book that please both old and young. bound. Ten cents in silver. Address CHAS. McDQNALD, 46-4t-758. Concordia, Kans NOTICE time and will Neatly FOR SALE. Three-quarter size Double Bass Viol. Has excellent tone. Will also give bow, resin, car rying strap, etc. This is a BAR CAIN lor some one. Will sell on easy payments. Inquire; at Herald office for further particulars. 49-2 WHAT'S THE REASON? Many Alliance People in Poor Health Withut Knowing the Cause There are scores of people who drag out a miserable existence with out realizing the cause of their suf fering. Day after day. they are racked with backache and headache; suffer from nervousness, dizziness, weakness, languor and depression. Likely the kidneys have fallen be hind in their work of filtering the blood and that Is the root of the 'trouble. Look to your kidneys, as sist them in their work give them the help they need. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pill ; endorsed by over one hundred thousand pop), and by your neigh bors in Alliance. Dr. Willis Coyle, 211 K Wyoming St., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for weak ness of the kidneys and bladder and severe pains across my kidneys and have received good results. 1 firmly believe that there is no other kid ney remedy equal to Doan's Kidney Pills. I also know of other instances whore Doan's Kidney Pills have cur ed kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers Price 6r cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed StateB. Reuiember the name Doan's and take no oiner Dr, llolnnd, phone 65. Scotch caps nt losing's, 50 cents 49-1-798 .1. .1. Cox, Hurlington division freight agent, and .1. O. Kerns, trav veiling freight ngcnl. were looking after the business of the compn n y here lasl week. The Thanksgiving basket ball game between the Alliance High school students and the alumni, promises to be an interesting event and Is al ready attracting a good deal or attention. Mrs. Kugene Rent fro and little son. Freeman, left for their home at Bingham. Saturday, after a stay of several days In Alliance. Mrs. Rent fro came to the city to have some dental work done and to visit her mother. Mrs. Sarah Cibson. Mr Pirdsell and family moved into their cosy home Saturday and they are now busy getting adjusted for the winter. His residence is located on the high ground near the canal, one of the finest building sites in our city and it Is fully equipped with all the latest modern conveniences. Edgemont Express. Henry Hler of Ant loch brought up the election returns on Wednesday night. Although he has been a resi dent of this county for fourteen years this was his first trip to Rush vllle as he does his trading at Alli ance. Rushvllle Standard The Methodist Ladies' Aid met In the basement of the church yester day afternoon for a business and work session. Lunch was served to those present. Miss Julia Anderson terminated her visit with her sister, Mrs. Ray ft trig, and other friends in Alliance last Sunday, leaving that day for Denver. We understand that she expects to go to Texas soon to spend the winter. J. T. Wiker made a trip to the Marple neighborhood one day last week to deliver a fine Kurtzman pi ano at the home of Joe Sheldon, who was in town the day before and or dered the instrument. The W. C. T. IT. will hold It reg ular meeting Thursday, Nov. 23, at the home of the president , Mrs. Tash. An evangelistic service will be in charge of Mrs. R. T. Watson. Mrs. Bowles is selling off all her stock of winter hats to make room for a line of fancy work materials for Xmas trade. Everything marked down one-third. 4MT791 Waddel of Hemingford was Irought t.) Alliance last week to be operated on at St. Joseph's hospital. The operation was performed lust Friday and she is now getting along nicely, with prospects of being able to return home within a week or ten days. As will be seen by his advertise 1 hereby warn all persons to re frain from giving credit to my son arid daughter, Thomas and Fannie t Ishannon, without my authority, as 1 will not be responsible for such ir.debtedness. 777.48 T. K (HI.SHANNON. Delicious and healthful Is the home ir.ade candy at the Model Candy Kit then. Give It a trial and you will be delighted 48tf776 Phone No. 5 for coal and wood. VAUGHAN & SON. 4Jtf702 Henry 1 1 role h returned Inst week Troni Berwyn. hale and hoarty. and sewnlng as glad to get back to AIM a-nee as were also his many friends to see him. The entertainment given under the auspices of the I. (). (V F last night, consisting of a one ert by Christian Hansen. Hcnndlnainn violinist . and Miss BUtel I la Mies, pianist and re. id er was tairly well attended I t i The question of saving fuel Is one of interest to housekeepers, especially at this time of the year. For that reason we wish to call their atton Hon to I. L. Acheson's advertisement In this Issue of The Herald Cal Simpson is working for W It. Drake since the latter opened his new- meal market. Cal ts an exper ienced meal cutler and will no doubt do his part In helping to make "The Resident Meat Market" a succews. Try a sack of Peerless Flour. None better At Rodger'. 491 fx to Mrs. Margaret Holcomb, president of the Nebraska Rebekah Assembly, Ja invited Mrs. J. O. Beck to ac company tier to Scottsbluff to assist In instituting a Rebekah Uxlge at that place, The. ladles leave Alli ance tomorrow noon. Mrs. A. T. Lunn went to Crawford yesterday to pay a visit to her Grandmother Smith, who Is seriously ill at that place. Mr. and Mrs. .Kaemmerer of Sioux county came to Alliance Tuesday for her to be operated upon at St. Jos eph's hospital. Tlie operation was successfully performed yesterday morning and the pntle'nt is doing nicely at this writing. Mr. Kaemmer er returns home today via Marsland, leaving his wife In the care of h.c Sisters at the hospital. Try ti sack of Peerless Flour. None better. At Uodgers'. 49ifsiu The lady readers of The Herald are invited to take particular notice of Mrs. W. D. Insko's advertisement In this issue of The Herald. This advertisement will be of particular interest to them at this tlmeof the year. The Herald is fortunate in having a large number of efficient corre spondents and other helpers who as sist in securing news for the paper, but we have a request to ijiake of them and we wish to make this re quest as earnestly as possible, and that Is that If possible they furnish its their news Items a little earlier than heretofore. We wish to make the same request of our advertisers in regard to their order and copy for advertisements. Thursday fore n .m is the time set for printing The Herald and we very much prefer print ii it on time to being a few hours late. But as a large part of the copy for news and advertising is not received until Wed nesiiay afternoon or Thursday morn ing il is impossible to get the la pel printed before noon on Thursdav Mrs. Shoop of Abingdon, Illinois, mother of Mrs. Dr. Single, arrived ment in this issue of The Herald, W. ; in Alliance last week She lias been li. Drake has decided to go Into the here before and has many friers meat market business again. Tester- who will be pleased to learn that day he opened "The Resident Meat aba will spend the winter with her Marker , at 521 Sweetwater avenue, j daughter, aii i is now ready to give customers prompt and careful attention. Mr. . Horace Rogue reports the largest Drake is an experienced butcher, he trade rhis fall that he has ever had this week without nothing It But we wish to call attention to tl:e fact that their advertisement this week is In line with their established policy of having something substantial and seasonable in the way of genuine bargnlns to offer their customers back of their big advertisement Whenever you see u half page ad for the Famous In The Herald you may l sure there is something do ing In the clothing business that will be quite Interesting to men who arc expecting to buy anything In their Itaie noon. W. A Mart left, represent at Ive of the International Correspondence Sc hools, was in Alliance last week II P Jones of Cheyenne, division superintendent of the I. C. 8. for western Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills In South Dakota, was here one day Mr. and Mrs. M Shlmek from the northwestern part of the county were In Alliance last week on final proof business. Mr. Shlmek proved up on his claim with Joe Duhon and Tom Hovarka aa witnesses. Mrs. Shlmek proved up for the heirs of her father, Jacob Hovarka, who died about five years ago Before leaving the city Mr. Shlmek called at The Herald office In company with Prof. Burns and left $3.00 on subscription. which entitled him to one of the premium wall charts. I E. K. Ford was In Alliance taut Saturday between trains on his way home to the northwest part of the county. He recently shipped stock to South Omaha and had taken ad vantage of his trip to the city to visit a while with his son, who is a druggist in the eastern part of the state. C. H. Tully and family came over from Alllnnce In the automobile on Tuesday and visited Rushvllle friends a couple of days. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C Musser while in town. Rushvllle Standard Nov. 10. From Falgcmont Express, Nov. 10 "The Co-Operative store will be ready for business by Saturday, and have an ad in this Issue besides some locals. The latter speak for themselves and the ad gives prices on their stock, which they want you to come and Inspect. I.ce Moore will he manager of the store and Boh Anderson will attend to solicit ing and delivering orders for their customers. Mr. Berry, secretary and treasurer of the company. Is here at pres. nt getting the business started, after which he will return to Alliance, coming here every once in a while to look after affairs." C. A. SIMHONS' Tonsorial Parlors for a CLEAN SHAVE. STYLISH HAIR CUT, SHAMPOO, ELECTRIC MAS SAGE, OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE LINE OF BARBER'S WORK. 121 1 Box Butte Ave LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Incorporation of THE ELLSWORTH SUPPLY COMPANY. CLUBBING OFFER WITHDRAWN The Herald withdraws the clublng offer which we have been making with the Nebraska Farm Journal. This feature has some good features, but for several reasons we have de cided to not continue our clubbing of fer longer. One thing that we do not like about is that the name .Is so nearly a duplication of the Ne braska Farmer that we do not think it fair to the last named paper to advertise the other paper without some explanation. Further, the Ne braska Farm Journal Is printed in another state and is not as well a clapted to the farming conditions ot this state as is the Nebraska Farm er, which we prefer to see in the hands of the farmers and ranchmen of Nebraska. understands the business thoroughly, and, with the assistance of his wlf as bookkeeper. We dare say will make a success of the new market. a a a Apples! Cooking apples, eating apples, winter ap ples. Call and see our apples and get our prices. Henry Hopkins, 119 Box Butte avenue. First block north of depot, on east side ot street. J, M. Donovan, popularly known as "Sunny Jim", has gone out of the lunch counter business, having sold his stand on Box Butte avenue to H. H. Cook, formerly of Bridgeport. Mr Cook and wife and daughter ar rived in Alliance a few days ago and took charge of the Una h count er business on Monday of this week attorney and has quite a number of The Herald wishes them success and j acquaintances in Alliance, having we think they will have It. They practiced law In land cases here a .start .-cl out right by inserting an ad few" years ago. in the newspaper. which entitles them to the consideration of our readers who may have occasion to patronize a lunch counter. Old papers at The Herald office at I cents per bunch. at this season. But he wishes to make it still larger and so orders an advertisement in this issue of The Herald telling of a special sale that will Interest our readers. Si-aklirg about unique advertise ments, we are reminded that Nor ton's ad on the firBt page this week may be properly claimed as being unique And, by the way, he I of fering some unique bargains that are worth being consider d by prospect ive buyers of clothing and oilier goods. The Rushvllle Standard of last Friday says: "County Judge Ed munds issued a marriage license lust Saturday to Alexander Hamilton and Alice Pierson. They are both "nesterB" down neur the Spade, and Mr. Hamilton gives his age as being 60 years while the bride has survived 50 summers. " Mr. Hamilton is an Phone 691 for good ap ples at reasonable prices. Prompt delivery. Henry Hopkins. Farmers, take your but ter and eggs to the Fair Store and get the highest market price. It i not necessary to ask our readers to notice the half page ad of The Famous in this issue of The Herald You can't read The Herald Mr. Fay of Iowa Oily, la., arrived In Alliance last week for a vljclt with Mr and Mrs. John Hill and friends. Miss Mabel Duncan returned lust Mak from a two weeks' visit spent in Fort Morgan, Colo., Denver and sail Lake city siie report very pleasant trip mm Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Harper hav been as busy us beet; getting their Ladies' Ready-To Wee? Toggery .store ready for business. While there is still some work ta do in getting things arranged as they vva'i than, they have their fine ;tc. ic of goo'1 on display and are ready to wait c l customers. Notice Mr. Harper's ad v i rl isement in this issue c.f The H( 0 aid. In opening his barber shop ii the new location, (' A. Simmons start! out right by ordering his card pub Uaiiad in The Herald, beginniie; vv.'li this Issue. We are pleased to note that he is having a good trade, which has been growing since opening up in the new shop One of the most successful men in his line of business in this pan of the west is F. K. Moisten And he iB one of the most liberal ail vertlsers. which, no doubt, partly ac counts for his sue. c -s in business. Notice his display ad in this issue of The Hcrlad. Usually the advertisement of the l ust National Bank which always ap pears on the first page of The Her ald is one of the most attractive bank adertisements to be found in any newspaper, but in the rush of work last week our ad compositor turned the work on the First Nation al's ad over to the Junior linotype operator with the result that It was n't "displayed" and up to its usual standard appearance. It has been re set for this issue and presents an attractive appearance, besides con taming information tiiat will be of Intercast to our many readers Mrs. Win. Delslng and little da ugh ter. of Hemlngford, attended the dedicatory services of Holy Rosary c hurch Wednesday morning. I at. The name of the corporation shall be TH1 KLLSWORTH SUPPLY COMPANY. 2nd. Its principal place of busi ness shall be F lis worth. Sheridan County. Nebraska 3rd. The general nature of the " business to be transacted shall con sist of the buying and selling of dry goods, groceries, hardware, lumber. agricultural implements and machin ery and nil other articles and class es of merchandise usually found In a general country store, to purchase and hold the necessary real Estate for the transaction of such business and to buy real estate, live stock and other property and to contract for the erection of houses, business buildings and other Improvements on renl estate and to conduct a live stock and general brokerage and commission business. tt.h The capital stock of the cor poration shall be of the par value ot $30,000.00. divided into shares of i$ 100.00 each, of which at least $10, 000.00 shall he paid in. In money or properly, before the date of th commencement of business. 5th. The corporation shall begin business on the 1st day of Novem ber, 1911, and shall continue for a period of twenty years unless sooner dissolved by a majority of three fifths of the atock. Oth. The highest amount of in debtedness for which the corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7th. The affairs of the corpora tion shall be managed by a board of directors consisting of three persons who shall be stock-holders In tb corporation and who shall serve tbr a term of one year after the annual meeting of the stock-holders or un til their successors In office are e leeted. (Signed) INEZ F RICH ARD8. WILL Q. COMSTOCK. ROXSINA COMSTOCK. 49-4 137. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Incorncftatlon of RICH ARDS AND CO MSTOCK. 1st. The name of the corporation shall he RICHARDS AND COM STOCK. 2nd. Its prl.ic cl place- of busi ness shall be I."' .worth. Sheridan County. Nebrati.a. Ird, The fascial nature of the business to be liainaetcd shall be the buying and elling of cattle, horses, sheep and other live-stock, real estate, stocks, bonds, mortgagee and merchandise, a ad to transact a general ranch business in all Its brum in s 4th. The amoiini of capital stock shall be 9- ".unci on. divided Into shares of $100 00 each, toll or which shall be paid in in money or proper ty at the lima of the commencement of llll in 5th. T!3 c , i. p; ration s hall com mence business on the SSk Uey of October, 1911, aud shall continue for a period of twenty years unless sooner dissolved by a majority of i Inve fifths of the stock. Hth. The highest amount of In debtedness for which the corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7th. The affairs of the corpora tion shall be managed by a board of directors, consisting of three per sons, who shall be stockholders in the corporation and wtoo shall sens for a term of one year after the an sons, who shall be stock-holders in uiuil their successors in office are elected. (Signed) INEZ E RICHARDS. WILL G. COMSTOCK. CHAS. C. JAMESON. 49-4-I3ti. The Fair Store will pay you 35c for eggs and 30c for butter. A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings In Marks' hall, northeast corner I jc ramie avenue and Third sire.-t Sunday school at 10: SO a. m. I'reaciiing at 7 :'.u p m. All are welcome.