H3IF SEEKS TEE OTILE'tF PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL - ALL BRANDS OF FOREIGN PLAYERS ARE HERE HOP HOY COW A CHOP SL Y CMAN6 m TMC MUJCAL COMlDf THC CMiNK KID. I SENORITA CONCMITA SANDV Mc SPORAN BOCERO rvr .gftft s claymore I Ml . rr-r.-r HOT or -JJ 144 4 NEW MODEL SHE TYPEWRITER Solves the Allignment Problem Inbuilt Decimal Tabulator Back Spacer Automatic Ribbon Reverse Platin Rel ease Clutch Non-battering Type Principle Light Touch Detachable Roll Two-Color Ribbon Device In and Out Margin Release Variable Line Spacer Positive Paper Feed Perfect Visibility Durability Great Saver of Ribbons Every successful feature found in all other standard machines is embodied in the SECOR along with a number of other SECOR features. Write for a description of this wonderful machine. We also carry a full line of second-hand and rebuilt typewriters of all other makes and will rent you any make of typewriter 8 months for St). 00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 3 1IM1HII I A MM i W. R. Drake, Prop. 521 Sweetwater Ave. I Fresh and Salt Meats OUR MOTTO IS: "Best Goods at Lowest Prices" Telephone Orders Delivered Promptly PHONE 486 t t Highest Cash Price Paid for Live Stock and Hides A MODEL HOME GROWN DINNER A Grand Spread at Eaatgate Broth era' North Dakota Farm MENU ('renin of Tomnto Soup Hftai Crisp Cucumber. Criilmpplo MM Musktnclon I'lcklcs Onions It oast Turkey with Dressing VrMl Chicken Cold Hniioi Mmb Maftlafc llKht Puddlna: BroWS (Iravy Mashed, Potatoes Creamed Pwm CrsssMi Com S alloMil Parsnipx linked Siunsli, Cnlihane Snlad ppic I'io I'limpkln IMc Currant Jelly. Clover Homy Cot t MRP Cheese Rye or Whole WaMl Brss4 Huttpr Tpa (offpp Milk We have i-opy Of the Craml Forks "NOfth Dakota Herald" of Oetoher 17, In which Is an account of a dinner Riven by KnutRate Brothers at their Wlllowbnnk farm, lour miles northwest of l.urlniore In Ninth Da kota We mention this because the Kastgnte brothers, Hnrry, .laeob and Charles, were sons of Mrs K. C KnsiRate and brothers of Mrs. Dr. Churchill, ami also because It DM) be an object lesson for our Nebraska readers many of whom can, we bo lieve. If they will, do as well in raising on their own farms the things necessary for their tables ordlnnrlly, and for a feast, as occasion may de mand Above Is the menu served by the Kastgate Brothers and their wives, to a number of invited miosis and it certainly is a menu fit for a kiu.' OT anybody else. Kvcrythlng served, with the exception of the tea, coffee and spices, was produced ami prepared iilit on the farm. The invited guests Included some of the slate officials Wlllowbnnk farm, ns It Is called, was the homestead of the KastR.ite llrothers' parents, and has been owned by the KastRate family for over thirty years. The llrralil would like to see Ne hraska farmers, especially those in the western part of the slate, try their hand at raising tliiiiRS neces sary for their tables us alove stated and also furnish us as a matter of news an account of dinners or par ties similar to the one mentioned a-bove. OMAHA 8HEEP SHOW The Omaha sheep show will be held In connection wMh the annual convention of the National Wool Growers, which will be held in Oma ha, Dec. 14-16, the sheep show open ing one day earlier Sheep of every kind and it crlptloB will be on ex hibition at this mammoth show. An gora goats will also he exhibited and sheep dogs will come in for a large share of attention A most interest ing program for the Wool (Jrowera' meeting has been prepared, many prominent men having been Invited and have accepted Invitations to ad dress the convention. For full information readers of The Herald should address Omaha News Bureau, Hoard of Trade Build ing, Omaha. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abstracter Alliance, Nebr. Mary L Kurth to William Kaper: Lots I, a ::. Block . Wyo. Ave. Add to Alliance, Nebr.. fSIO.M arl Li 1 'rcutw to Charles F Kroll: 'I lu res In NK corner at NW' of See. IM4S, $!00.00 Frederick J, Turner to Alfred J. Oughagcli: HMi and SW' Sec 17 J5 4!t, I49M.M County TreaMirer to F. M. Broome I 1 1 1 .... I . i.l I.I . A , J . U I AM 1, I- (" h I . , II' Ml C-lll. Alliance, Nebr., delinquent tax County Treasurer to F. M. Broome: Lot 5, Block II. Firat Add to So. Alliance. Nebr.. delinquent tax. County Treasurer to F M llronne: Lot , Bhx k II, First Add to So. Alliance. Nebr., delinquent tax. Henry Willman to William Davidson: SK'H So. tSMf MM.ti I'eier Munsaker to Henry Shinek H SE't, Nty NW',. SW', NW 14, NA', SW',. tft SW'.. NW ', Sec 7. ami NW , Sec. IK. Twp X Range "il . 9M N W (' SiimuiMin 1 0 Robert It liar ret Jxt t. Block S, First Add to Alliance, Nebr., $4Mum - A. S (iei.len of the Marple niRh borhood was I rans.ot ing busiucss in Ailiaui - recently, a part of vhick I vm purchasing a windmill, which he ; look home with him. While in town he favored The II. raid office with a call which we appro talt-d because of the friendship shown the paper and alo tor die rinaie lal lift in the form of ihrce plunks loft on sub- Absolutely NEW k:?, 1 24 Hundreds of Excellent Rebuilt and Ret hushed Upright "Used" Pianos $ Low am 60 Scores of Fine, Plighiiy need Organ $ ff J to go at am low as, each m WtM Entire "overproduction" of 17 manufactur ers to be forced out during November and December. Freight prepaid One-fifth of price brings a piano to your home for trial satisfaction or your money back. Send for circular describing 1,000 phenomenal "Cash" Piano Values. WRITE AT ONCE. HSI TUT COUPON PRINT I n BEI.OW The Bennett Co., Omaha, Neb Rteaae mf me your Satectef Syndicate Safe cash price fief of Planom at once. Name Address :AOPMM YOUR REQUEST TO- The Bennett Co, ICth and Harney Sim., OMAHA, NEB. CHIEF BRAND" (Rg. v. s. ru. (HI ) The ideal garments for Rainy or Clear Weatherwear. NO BETTER MADE. They are made from cloths rainproofed by the fmmou Priestley Crmvemette" Proof, and are the best tailored coats on the market. Rain will Neither Wet aor Spot a ' Chief Brand ' 'v3xurutik Rain Cmat" They Contain No Rubber; will not overheat or cause perspiration J have no disagreeable odor. Progressive dealers in Men's and Women's (lothing have them on sale in a variety of up-to-date styles and colorings. 1 : very ' Chief Brand ' ' "VgrxirarutiSr' Rain Coat has reg? TRADE mWfJ this circulai registered trade mark .stamped on the inside and this silk label is sewed on the collar or clv;u here HONE (WNUISU WITHOUT THEM" If our local dealer does not carry them, write us and we w II send you the names ol those who do. INTER-STATE RUBBER CO. . T LINDSEY. President Omaha, Neltraak 1 Joint Snodd.v, Pies., P. S. Showers, V. Pres. May Sooddy, See. and Tri-as. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency WLW Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan ssociation