LIST Or OFFICERS ELECTED In Box Butt and Other Western Nebraska Counties Bfor election The Herabl pub )lh ! a list of the nominee for county omrer In lo HuMo and ad joining rounllea In which thin papor has r lame ohvulatlon. Thks Mi the only paper In wern Nenraakii. Ann so fr a wo know, In tho tai IhAt published suih a MM for more than onr county. This lint contained am mlafnltA II K la ll tt'UB nut tiuwt.t In I The Herald office, liowfv.r, an ex plained In another Item In this tmue. Helow we (dve a list of the offlcern elected In the ooun4ie of thai part of the Atate, with their party affilia tions: Box Butte County County Clerk, Monte H. flnrgnivcH, r publican; County Treasurer, Kdgar M Mnrlln. democrat ; Sheriff. Cal M. Cox, democrat; County .Indue, I. A. Merry, democrat; Coroner, Dr. Chan 8. siar.i.-. republican; County Pur veyor, V. E. Hamblln. democrat; County SuperlntendeiW . IMIa M. Reed, democrat ; County Commission er, 2nd DUIrlet, C. 1,. rhsthOMn, re publican. Sioux County County Clerk. K. K. Ponthm, re publican; County Treasurer, T. H. ivoyci. rjemeenkti sheriff. 0 k. Ward democrat ; County .ludfe, H It. Bcteurr, dMttoeratj Oofoaaf, R. L Ivans. democrat; County Surveyor, L. N. tlorder, democrat; County Sup erintendent, Mary .!. Kenske, de.1110 crot; County Comniisaloner, Jens C. Meng, Dam, and P l (itftMrt In complete). Dawes County County Clerk, Charlew Naylor, Dem. and I. 1 ; Clerk District Court. U J. F. lager, democrat , P. I.. sc.; County Treasurer, Marry Adams, Dem. and P. Li Sheriff. W. A. Mini Ball, republican: County .Indue, K. M Mattery, RaB. and P. I ; Coroner, II C. Gibson, democrat; County Survey 01 Manly K. Italrd. Kep and Soc.; County Superintendent. Carrie I.. Munkrew. H, D.. P. I., 8.; County CommiAtiloner. W. S. (lallup, demo crat. Sheridan County County Clerk, II l VVasmund, Jr. Dem and V 1 ; Clerk District Court. Mine Amy I. Stewart. ri-publUan. County Treasurer, John 11 (Powder, republn an ; Sheriff, A. D. New. Rep., Detn., P. I.J County Judge, J. H I ilmunds, republican; Coroner, 7.. T. Daniel, Dem. and P. 1.; County Sur veyor. Robert Mc.Curty. republican (report Incomplete); County Super intendent, C. P. Kelley, Dem. and I'. I.; County Commissioner J. W. Me- Parlnnd, republican; County AsseAAor (to fill vAcancyi, II. K Coleman, re publican. Grant County County Clerk, 8 8. Llchty, repub lican; County Treasurer, Robert Hay ward, republican; Sheriff. Albert Metcnlf, republlciyi; County Judge. Jno McCawley, democrat; Coroner, K. K McClelland, republican; County Surveyor. Jaa. C. Berslna, republi can (report Incomplete); County Superintendent. M. L. Wheeler, re publican; Ccunty Cotninlssioner. A. Mocroft, republican. Garden County County Clerk. O. K. Mehln, repub lican; County Treasurer, C. M. Da vis, republican; Sheriff, Walter Clark, republican; County Judge. A. W (iumaer. democrat; Coroner, D. J. Morrta; County Surveyor, John KohttMon, republican; County Super Intendent. T. C McKee, democnit ; County Commissioner. J. H. Roude bllsh, democrat. Morrill County County Clerk, Jess Menshall. dem ocrat; County Treasurer. Thos. Ish maol, republican; Sheriff, W. 1. Dy son, democrat; County Judge. J. II. Steuteville, democrat; Coroner, D. R. North, republican; County Sur veyor, Geo. W. Welton, democrat ; County Superintendent, Cora Thomp son, republican; County Commission er. II. K. Smith, democrat. Cheyenne County County Clerk. II T. Doran, Rep. and Dem.; County Treasurer, Simon Klshmnn, republican; Sheriff, J. W. McDaniel, democrat; County Judge, Henry K. Qapen, republican; Coro ner. Jack Parks, democrat; County Surveyor, L. II. llonlwcll. Rep and Dem ; County Superintendent , BdVtfa Morrison Rep. and Dem.; County Commtaalfitmr. lamina B. Hatalon . republican. Scotts Bluff County County Clerk, J. II. Ferguson, re publican; Clerk District Court, M. H. Mcllenry, It.. IV, P. I . S.; County Treasurer. Fred I.. Hums, republl- can; Sheriff, F. 0. Aaron, democrat; County Judge. B, S Del.aMatter. re publican; Coroner. F. I). W'olt, Rep. and Dem.; County Surveyor, A. B. McCoskey, Dem. nnd P. I.; County Superintendent . H. J. Miimmau; County Commissioner-, ('lias, 't Hay mood, republican. DINNER AND CONCERT There will ba I grand Thanksgiv ing dinner November BO, in Marks' Hall, from 11 a. in. lo S p. m., for the benefit of the A. M. K. c hurch, dinner II cents. Kverything will be in tlp4op shape and this dinner will be a repast that all will enjoy. The Herald Us requested to Invite all friends of th church to eat dinner there. At the same place there will be a concert, commencing nt 8:30 p. m Admission to the concert 15 cents Come one and all and have a Rood time B. M. M AXFIKLD, Pastor MEETING OF "BIG BUGS" The towns along the North Platte valley branches of the C. H. ft Q. and P. P railroads are getting the tmblt of going after what they want The valley under lingaMon Is devel oping into a great agricultural dis trict but the people are finding out that there are some serious disad vantages to the irrigation proposi tion; one of them is a shortage of water in some ditches and another Is too much water on some farms be low the ditches, caused by seepage. Some valuable land has hein almost ruined, temporarily nt least, by being made swampy from seepage from d'tches on higher ground. Now the people along the valley are taking steps to get the government to help them out of their difficulties. A meeting was held at Scottsblut'f la-' Tuesday evening at which United States Senators Hrown and llit'li-c-cK-k nnd Congressman Ktnkald were present. Prominent men from this part of the state were also invited, including Captain Corhin and Post master Tnsh of Alliance. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY An order has Juat been given by the Nebraska Telephone Company for a new telephone directory for Alli ance, the same to be Issued within the next two weeks. All persons w contemplate making any change in their telephone numbers or put ting in telephones soon are requested to notify the Alliance manager, T. H. Ueeson, eo that they can be as signed numbers In time to appear in the new directory TAFFY PULL The Kpworth Dengue will have a taffy pull in the basement of (he M. B. church tomorrow (Friday) even ing. Various amusements are being planned by the Committee. Come, feed the "Clown" and have a great big timc. Any silver accepted, table silverware exc- ptc-d All are cordial ly Invited WOMAN'S CLUB Tomorrow afternoon will be the time for the regular meeting of the Alliance Woman's Club. The club will be entertained at the home of Mis. Rubendall. w v -w w w w w r -- w Big Bargains 600-Article Grab Sale L Holsten's Starting 9 a. m., Saturday the 18th, and will run until sold. Every grab S 25c, and all sales are worth from 25c to $2.00 each, consisting of Brooches, Sash and Belt Pins, Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons. Bar Pins. Waist Sets. Hat Pins, Sterling Silver, Gold-Filled Ar- ) tides. One grab gets a $15 Diamond Ring and one a Ladies' Gold Watch. A large and useful line for both Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Remember the date and do not miss this snap. se GREAT CLOSING OUT FIRE SALE Stock: S8,000 Only Slightly Damaged by Water and Smoke Most of the Goods not Injured Millinery, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Underwear, Corsets, Velvets, Satins, Draperies, White Goods, Calicos, Drawn Work, Towels, etc., etc. SAMPLE PRICES 0ur store win be Pen SAMPLE PRICES and readv to sell goods Here are a few samples of the prices we will offer ' Great Reduction Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts is great sa e. t A " & 1 Al If Velvets and Satins to go at 25 off Millinery, trimmed and untrimmed, one-half off II I Kmfi I I II II J5 , . , MM I l I W 8 8 Ladies' and Children's ff all brand Ladies' ff Ureal line 1 ff wfl I llVIl II Hosiery and Oloves at 4 Ul1 new stock Underwear. 4 Ul 1 Corsets J OI I f A yard goods gQ at 25 per ceU off Heatherbloom Petticoats will go at 65c ; ace Curtains, $2.50 go for $1.75 Big Line of Plumes and y in this $1.50 Petticoats for $1.00 Fancy Feathers all go O sa'e Lace Curtains, $1.75 go for $ 1. 15 Our Big Stock must all be sold before the end of next month, profit or no profit, as we are going to remodel our store at that time and the goods must be out of the way. Come early, get your choice, and save money. 172 Will l 0 lM BOX BUTTE AVE.