Btftt Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBASKAl THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911 Gives all the news of Box Butte County and City of Alliance NUMBER 48 BANK DRAFTS Issued by the FIRST NATIONAL. BANK of Alliance, Nebraska C08T LESS Than United States POSTAL MONEY ORDERS or EXPRESS ORDERS, as you will notice by the following schedule: IN AMOUNTS COST COST COST Not over $ 6.00 5 cents 5 cents 6 cent 10.00 10 " 8 " 8 20.00 10 " 10 " 10 " 30.00 10 " 12 " 12 " " 40.00 10 " 16 " 16 " , 50.00 10 " 18 " 18 " 60.00 10 " 20 " 20 " 76.00 10 ' 25 " 25 " " 300.00 10 " 30 " 80 " We also sell drafts and travellers' checks payable anywhere in the world. LOUP CITY FLOOR WHITE SATIN BEST GRADE OF GROCERIES Men's Clothing Hood Rubbers Shoes Hats Come in and you will be pleased with what you buy We Deliver TOM STALOS 1st door north of Oismer Restaurant Phone 210 The Best Advice On Lumber Costs The least Money and when we say to prospect ive homebuilders that "now's the time to build" we are offer ing you really sound advice. No matter what you have heard about cheapet lumber, take it from us that you're on the safe aide if you build right now. We haven't been in the lumber business for these niiui.v years for nothing we know a thing Or t wo and we're willing to admit you do too, but in the face of all this talk nowadays about timber conser vation we believe you'll agree that lumber has a fixed value and that by delaying the build ing of your new home you will gain nothing but incon venience. We believe we can convince you the above is good advice let's talk it over. Forest Lumber Co. A. P. LEE, Mgr. EnjoyYourEvenings AT THE Alliance Roller Rink SKATE TO THE MUSIC OF OUR GRAND MILITARY BAND ORGAN GOOD MUSIC HEALTHFUL EXERCISE GOOD ORDER E . E . HISLOP . MGR. HOLSTEN Sells the R E A L RODAf si There is an added zest in every autumn sport for those who KODAK Come in and let us talk Kodak with you. Tuesday's Election in Box Butte County To use a stereotyped expression. election passed off quietly In Box Butte county, and the same may be said of the entire campaign. Too many times In local election candi dates and 1 heir friends become so anxious io succeed that they resort to means to secure votes for Uielr favorites nnd to take votes away from thoae whom they wish to de feat, that they resort to means t Mat even they themselves nre afterwards ashamed of. But the campaign la Box Butte county this year wan prac tically free from anything of this kind except perhaps uoUl the cloo, when some tactics were omployodv flint were not above criticism, but The Herald will not stop to mention at this time what these tactics were or to criticise them. As Is usual in local elections where a number of officers are to be chosen, there were some surpris es. The greatest surprise of this election was the vote on candidates for county clerk. It was generally conceded that the republicans hail a strong candidate and one well worthy to discharge the duties of the office, hut it was also generally conceded ru7 - LOCALSandPEDSONAT s En 1 z s j z c"! jo Messrs. Spoon, Scott, Rhine ami llioyer, all of Canton, were In Alii that Ms opponent would be el.s-ffcd Uy,, Monday on business before the this year. We cannot give the official count this week but following is n list of the successful candidates: On the tate ticket. Box Hutte coun ty gave a republican majority ex cept on supreme judge. Dean has a majority of 18 over llamer. For county clerk, Hargmves, re publican, has .!'. majority. County trensurer, Martin, demo crat, 104 majority. Sheriff, Cox. democrat, :;i." majority. Coroner, Sluglt. republican, majority.. Surveyor, i Iambi in. democrat, majority County commissioner, llashmnn, re County judge, Berry, democrat, and county superintendent, ,Mh. Roed, democrat, were elected with out opposition. YEOMEN, ATTENTION ! ! I United States land office Miss Carrie Ncldermyer left Tues day noon for Omaha to attend the teachers' state convention which Ir being held at that place this Week. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. DcHruler re- ,turaed Hunday noon from a visit iih Mrs. Dellrulcr's parents at Seneca. , y- , ; Rev. A. L. Godfrey expects to leave tomorrow for Torrlngton, Wyo., where he will preach ami hold com- . . j tiuinioti set ice on Sunday. Season tickets for the Lecture 10 At the regular meeting of the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, held Friday evening, November lird, I; was decided to hold a rousing meeting on December 1st to make plans for the winter's work which includes a campaign for new mem bers, new social functions, etc., etc. Kach Archer is urgently re quested to attend and get his share of the eats. We also want your vote on Important questions. Cut this out, put it Into your vest pocket and don't forget the date, Friday evening. December 1st, at I. O. O. F. hall. BOMGARDNER LOR ANCE Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENN AIM'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST Office in Alliance National Hank Klk Over PostoHice. 'Pboue 391. Married, Nov. 8th, at 8 o'clock p. in., at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. lorance. eleven miles northeast of Alliance. Mises Daisy Kern Ixirauee to Mr. Arthur S. Bomgardner. Rev. A. L. Godfrey officiating. About forty-five or more friends of the contracting parties were assem bled to witness the ceremony whi li united these two young lives, and to wish them all happiness as they began life's journey together. A bountiful repast was served the assembled guests, presided over by Mrs. Wm. Rust. Jr., in her usual In spiring and gracious manner. Mr and Mrs. Bomgardner took the 12:40 a. m. train for a fortnight s visit with brothers and sisters of the groom at Hloomiugtoii. 111. Cpon their return they will make their home about three miles uorth of Faiiview church where the groom has all things in readiness for a comfortable home. The Herald join with the inuuy friends 'n wishing them happiness and prosperity. Dr. Holand, phone 65. After you eat smoke Marguerite. 4T-8-77l Kdmund Vance Cook will be In Al liance Nov. IS, 48-1-789 Misses Esther Hose and Alva llll lls. of 1'aclflc Junction, Iowa, arrived In this city on Friday laet, nnd are visiting at the Duncan home. years ago, In n style that was high ly creditable to the High school end also was a good advertisement for the city. The teacher and students are taking great Inter " t in tho pa per this year nnd are trying to get out one that will be a credit to them as well as a benefit to the school. The Herald hopcB that the patrons of the school and .especially tho bus iness men of Alliance, will give this D. W. Shepherd of Morrill county, Unt or pria financial encouragement tw. nty six mllee K .ntheast of Alii-1 u)al p deserve and help to make, it ance, was transacting business in H HUccess again. Whis city Monday. 1 , . ( K. A. Hall was a smith bound pas You know Kdmund Vance Cook. At ; 8Mlgor Saturday, Angora beta his the Opera House. Nbv. 18. destination, whero ho went to look 48-1-789 I !ff '11,11, 'I rulnlltlo fit thrt Miwt I . . preceedlm l hanksglvlng. Thh pa- Three big selling days at Norton's Store Friday. Saturday and Monday. Sale on ladles' coats, suits, sweat era, waists, kimonas and wrappers. This will be a price cutting event that no lady In Alliance or vicinity should miss. 788 it 48 otbeit KTohnapfel of linmingford per waa puMoho as a monthly two was In Alliance a short while yeeter- VV. M. Wilopx of Canada was In Alliance a fe days ago on reel late business, file has land in Scott Bluff county snso. M. c. Hubbell waa In Alliance the latter part of the week, coming up from IiIb ranch some thirty mlltMi amitheast of this place In his auto Tom BurcheJI, who has been work ing out of Kavenna for the past few W'ceks on the ;ust end run, return d to Alliance the first of the week. . e John Wallace returned to Alliance yesterday morning after an absence of several week, spent at various Nebraska and Iowa points, To my friends nnd the voters of Box Butte county: I extend iny sin cere thanks for the success of my election for county treasurer. Yours respect fully, 48 1t -78II KDGAK M. MAR.T1N. The next number on the Lecture Course hi Nov. 18, at the Opera House. 48-1-789 apt. V. II. Corbln returned to See McCorkle before selling your potatoes. 44tf715 Dr. Holand. phone 6G Coal office at Rowan's feed store. tf Late-t Models Spiral Wire Honed Corsets, fitted to your figure by an 1 ROWAN At WHKiHT. phone 71. experienced fitter before you buy New York Hat Shop. Phone it I. Dr Holand, phone .V JAMKSH. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Building PHONE 2.1 and Laing's stores. 481-789 rrs. Blake, the efficient landlady of Hdel Kllsworth, was In the city Tuesday on business with the U. S Land Office. '' Mrs. S. J. Holdrldge came up from Kansaa City last wed; to have In surance adjusted uud a:tend to other business made netessary. by the burning of her pi .. rty which was (K-cupled by Dr. Hand. O. K Phillips left Tuesday night on a trip to eastern Nebraska and toWa. on real estate business. His father, Luke Phillips, catne down from the ranch yesterday and will have charge of the business -during Ora's absence. In the copy for the notice of Jbbs Nelson's sale, to be held Thursday. Nov. 16, published in The Herald last week, the following were omit ted: three sets work harness, three saddles and one spring wagon. 48-1-785 We wish to call your attention to 1 lie advert isciueiit in this isaue of The Herald of the new Secor type writer, which Is advertised by the Lincoln Typewriter Agency. The Herald office Is supplied with one of these machines, und we can heart ily commend It to peraon.s who are looking for an up-to-date typewriter Dr. Hand went to Sidney on the early morning train Monday to meet Mrs. Hand and the childreu on their return home from a month's visit In ! Idaho. They arrived In Alliance Tuesday morning On account of lift 1 home having been visited by a disastrous fire recently they hac he u having some trouble in getting comfortably located The Herald has a letter from Dr. A. tialser, the dentist, under date of November 2nd, from which we learn that he is now at Ola, Ark., and Is resident manager for the Fort Smith Lumber Company at that place. I suys: "Everything is coming my way and I like It here very much. ' wbi I, will lie pleaaiug news 10 many Her ald readers as 11 was lo us The Alliance High school paper. The Spud, will resume publication this month, (he first issue to he ready for distribution on Wednesday to make hie many friends here a short visit, ('apt. Corbln Is very well known In Alliance and Box Hutte county, and his friends are al ways glad to have him return. Mr. and Mrs. T. .1 Heal arrived in Alliance Tuesday mornlsV after a short honeymoon spent at Nebraska and Colorado points. They will make their home with Mrs. Rose Reunion, on Laramie Ave. Mrs. Ileal has many frlonds In t lira city, as she made Alliance her home for a num ber of years. The Harvest Home dance, given by the Klks on last Thursday even lug, was one of the jnost enlofabls affairs of the season. The decora tlons, refreshments ami attire of those present were in keeping with the occasion, and all departed at a late hour. voting their thanks to the entertainment committee for a very pleasant evening. Jack Kennedy of llemtngford, who had the misfortune to break Iris limb while running a motor car last we k. Is improving nicely. Mr Kennedy is at St. Joseph's hospital, they having moved him to Alliance, where he could receive the bes treatment possible. Uolba D. Droves was in Alliance Wednesday in company with K. 8 Hartlett who recently came from Cherry vlllc, Kansas, to secure some of Cncle Sam's domain in western Nebraska. Mr (Jroe.s located linn on a Kinkaid ten miles south of Bingham, on which Mr Dartiett filed while in this city. He will begin Im proving his place as soon as possi ble. Ills family will com? from Kan sas later to make their home on their Nebrawku claim. C. C. Waite and family departed on No. 42 Wednesday night for Lin oatB, where they will make their fu ture home- Mr. Waite will, for the present, work in the telegraph of fice at Omaha, while Mrs. Walle ami Children will live in Lincoln so that BChao) advantages may be derived for their children During their stay in this city they have made many friends who regret very much to have them leave. Miss Leoog Mill be missed from the musical circles as she is an accomplished musician The Herald wishes them prosperity and good luck in their new home. day, completing arrangements ' to move here with his family, having accepted a position as salesman at tho Lalng clothing store. The Her aid Is glad to welcome Mr. Frohnap fol and his family to our city. The Herald Is delighted to an nounce that W. R. Harper, who has been filling the position as salesman most acceptably at Norton's, has de cided to go into business for him self, having rooted the room at !o West 3rd street. In the Klrst Na tlonal Bank building, opposite the post office. Next Wednesday Is the day set for opening up his shop of ladles' ready-to-wear toggery. We regret we cannot give a more ex tended notice in till issue of Tho Herald, but will make up for W next week. Watch this paper for hjs ad vertisenient. Chancellor Kulmer of the Nebraska Wealeyan University and lion. John A. Slater of Holdregs made a trip through northwestern Nebraska last. week, in the luterest of that edu a tlonnl Institution, nnd stopped off at Alliance Friday. S. K. Warrick gave a luncheon at the hotel Drake, si Which they and the following named gentlemen were present: Rev. O. 8. Baker. Snpt. W. R. Pate. W, V. Nor ton, I. B, Task, I. L. Achates, W. R Harper and John W. Thomas. Dr. Kulmer and Mr. Sinter appeared to be very much pleased with this pan of the state and the internet man! fested In the Institution which they represent. The Nebraska Wesleyan is one of the leading educational In stitutions or the west, and it la pleasing and encouraging to Its friends to know that the number In attendance Is constantly increasing, (be number having readied 'about one thousand now. It Is the only college or university in Nebraska at which the attendance has not fallen off thl year, owing perhaps to the stringent times during the summer. The attendance at the Wesleyan has not slumped but has made an In crease. The Herald wishes to call particu lar attention to Simmons' ad la this Issue. The firo at the Simmons store, while quite a detriment to them on account of having the store closed up ami Interfering whh their trade, did not do a great amount of damage to their goods, in fact, so far as we can see, nearly all the goods Were not danuiged in the least by it. But, of course, the Injury to their business entitles them io considera ble insurance whh b lias been ad justed and which permits them to seil out their stock at a Rreat re duction in prices H-riibl i.-.uleta, and especially those not living In Alllanie, who may wkh to purchase anything in their Itne, will do well to come to the city as soon as posnible and secure some of the bargains that will hv offered In this store. O. W. Ragau of Angora came up from the reach today with a view to making arrant "tnents to take up his resld-nce here. Mrs Ragan and the children came lo Alliance about the time the schools opened lu order to take advantage of the educational facilities of this city, and now they have about ma'de up their mind to make this city their home. After you 47-H"-771 at smoke Marguerite Three big selling days at Norton's Store Friday, Saturday and Monday. Sale on ladies' coats, suits, sweat ers, waists, kimonas and wrappers. This will be a price cutting event that no lady in Alliance or vicinity should miss. 7.6-1t 48 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services as usual both morning and at cuing Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S