The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 02, 1911, Image 4

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    juurcjtRND Democratic County Candidates
Published every Tatrrsday by
The Herald PublishHj! Company.
Incorporated . . r" aaas X ,m fr Rrv Unrr
r r6W r tlC l! v ( Mil U I I I I I HIV, J.- WIIIIIHvJ ivyi sv-v luilv
JOHN W. THOMAS, editor and Mgr.
Entered nt. the postofflce at Alll
ace. Nebraska. Tor transmission
through the malls ns s.-eond clnss
Subscription, I1.S0 per year in ad
The circulation of this newspaper
la guaranteed to be the largest in
western Nebraska. Advertising rates
will be furnished on application.
Sample copies free for the asking.
THIS PA.-l.. nai -....j twl I iLN
rVdVKllTifelMJ The
County Offices
w jdSSttt sn - i
While the candidates for county I voters of Ihe county and secur-d
offices and their friend are inurh I him many acquaintances, many of
Interested In their success, we be whom since Ihe election two years
lleve that the state election Is of I ago have said flint they voted for
more vital Importance to the people his opponent at that time but In
tend to vote for him this year. The
Herald has no reflection to east
whatever to make upon Mr. Knlest's
opponent In this campaign, but it is
plainly evident that he will have to
run again before he sa arcs an of
fice in Box Hutte county, as there
Is no question of this being Mr.
Knlest's year.
Mr. Knlest's many years' experl-
ence in newspaper work has gi -n
him a fund of information that will
serve him well when he assumes the
duties of county clerk.
Democratic ahd Pbom.iTs Inpiprnuint
Canuidatb I ok
A stranaoaa detente of Uie two cent paaacnaw
rata law.
A complete vau-al Talaatioa Cl Railway aod
Pablli' Sertlce Corporation Pi open .
X. discrimination. Special priTlleajaa to od
as a whole. Nebraska ought to have
a nonpartisan Judiciary and a non
partisan board of regents of the
State University. Every Intelligent
voter knows that It would b. far bet
ter for the state if party politics
could be cut out of our courts nnd
educntlonal institutions; and every
republican voter owes it to himself
and his state to vote for at least a
pnrt of the democratic candidates
for judges of the supreme court and
regents of the State University this
year. We feel more like urging our
rentiers to be sure to vote for the
right candidates for these offices
than we do like urging them to vote
for any particular candidate or set
of candidates for county offices. And
yet, the democratic nominees for
county offices in Hox Butte county
are entitled to a write up in The
Herald before election, and we re
gret that it has not been possible to
give it earlier in the campaign.
The Herald would have been will
ing to have omitted entirely any
newspaper discussion of the relative
merits of t he candidate for county
office during this campaign, and to
have left newspaper publicity of the
candidates to suoh statements as
of the county have already decided
to give the present sheriff a second
term, Of course we do not know
the result of the election two weeks
from next Tursday, but It looks to
U very much as though Oil. Cox will
pull 'hrough with a fOOd majority.
County Superintendent
County Treasurer
In the nomination of candidates for
county offices this year, the demo
Another fresh load of apples at
Hopkins', flood bulk apples at $1.00
pgr bushel. Phone 691. 47-1-772
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noble, who
run the lakeside hotel, arrived In
Alliance yesterday noon for a visit
with friends.
Dr. Miller of Ma island, well known
hn Alliance, where he formerly prac
ticed bis profession, i visiting In
the city this week, coining down on
H. E. Lester hognii work for the
Alliance Krult Co., the firat of the
month. As the business of tbi new
ciwlerprlse grows, as it is doing rap
Idly, an increase In help is necessary
they saw fit to have published them- cratl( of A1Uance took the manifestly
selves, and to Items appearing in falr that the county outside
the papers simply as matters of of thlg dty wa8 entlUed to 1heir
news; but ae the claims of the re- cholce on at ,east a part of the 1lck.
publican nominees for county offices et There WM only one offlce for
in Box Butte county have been pub- whlch oppo8inK candidates in
lished, we feel that it Is but justice j the democratic primaries were one
to the democratic nominees that their from Aniance and one from outside
claims to the votes of the county be
given publicity in the same way.
In presenting the following few
faots in regard to democratic candi
dates, we do so without reflesting
of the city, and that was the office
of county treasurer. Many of th
democrats of this city who were
friendly to Mr. Martin, who restdog
in Alliance, favored permitting the
Absolutely Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes
down on any Issue trunied up for
campaign purposess. He believes in
and practices an honest, economical
administration of the county's busl
ness, such an administration as a
majority of the tax payers and vol
cre endorse, and we believe they
will show their endorsement by re
electing him. As far as party poli
tics is concerned, there is no good
reason why all three members of
the county board should be members
of one political party. As the two
hold-over county commissioners are
republicans, it is but fair that the
one elected this fall should be a dem
ocrat .
In the least upon their republican out8ide to nominate either him or
opponents. The Herald has no de-: the candidate, whichever they
sire to say anything to which any choae tnU they dld practtcally.
candidates for public office or their
friends can reasonably take excep
tions. Of course there are a few
voters left who will vote their party
ticket straight, but the number of
While Alliance gave Edgar Martin a
majority, he also received a majority
of the outside vote, Including the
town of Hemingford. so that he
would have been nominated had tli re
Rev. Geo. Ware returned today
from a trip fifty mile north of Mul
leti. He will hold regular services
at St. Matthew's church next Sun
inuepenuem voters woo ignore party been an even break in Alliance
lines in voiing lor canoioates is dc- t ween Uie two candidates.
coming larg r each year, wo believe,
lood winter varieties in barrels.
S e car No before buying.
The Woman's Auxiliary of the E-pi-copal
church hid a tery Instruct
ive and enjoyab!.' m-M-ting at the
rectory yesterday after icon Mrs.
Geo. Ware nnd Mrs. V. N. lloskins
wvre hoBteasca. About fifty ladi
wt-rd pro ml.
A program of NVpOV roll c ill
taiks on Mi s ion work, aid Mu
w, l . i. Mrs. Crtlbuivi, prot'Aeal
ol tho auxiliary, had chart o ot the
ni- lat .
Mr. Martin came to Box Hutte
and we are glad of it. It is the, duty county with his parents in the spring
of every voter to investigate as best of lsx7 nnd haa D t.n continuous
he can the qualifications and claims resident of the county since that
of all candidates and ascertain as tlme mon, tnaI1 twenty-four years,
far as possible, whnt principles they , x year or two after arriving he en
Maud for. anL govern thMMetTM ac- ,,.rPd a homestead claim seven miles
cordingly when ihey go to the polls southeast of Allianee. lie is a hard
in Nuvemb.r. regardless of the party working man, and if elected to the
oy which weq inn een iioiiiiiuueu. office o. county treasurer. h will i
Before the primaries wer? held
The Herald called attention to the
importance of re-electing Delia M.
Reed to the office of county superin
tendent of public instruction by unan
imous vote, and we are greatly pleas
ed that she will receive this splendid
compliment to which she is entitled.
The republicans of Box Butte county
have recognized, also, the good dem
ocratic principle of a nonpartisan ju
diciary, by making no nomination for
county judge, thus permitting the
re-election without opposition of our
friend, Judge L. A. Berry, the dem
ocratic nominee.
Dr. F. W. Boland, democratic nom
inee for county coroner, is a candi
date for the first time for a county
office in lkx Butte county. While he
may not have as extensive acquaint
ance with the voters throughout the
county as some of the other demo
cratlc nominees, he is a man well
qualified for the office for which he
has been nominated, and if eleceted
will without doubt discharge the du
tics of the office in an efficient and
acceptable manner. Dr. Boland is a
mailuate of Creigbton Medical Col
lege, Omaha, and was on the surgi
cal stafr in St. Alexis Hospital,
Cleveland, Ohio, before coming to
The voting contest at the Alliance
Roller Rink closed Tuesday night.
Km ma Coleman won the diamond
ling, having 11,240 votes. Nellie
Keeler was second with 9,170 votes.
J. B. Saeger of Boone, Iowa, has
been In Alliance the past week or
two making arrangements for the
special sale at Norton's, advertised
in this issue of The Herald. Mr.
Saeger has been successfully engag
ed In this line of work eight or
nine years and of course there is al
ways "something doing" in a sale of
which he has charge.
W. B. Slckler, a barber of McCook,
arrived last Friday to take a place
in Mounts' barber shop. He has
rented his house in McCook and In
tends to make his home In this city
if he can find a house or rooms for
light housekeeping. He expects his
wife within a few days.
State Association to Convene at
Bridgeport Nov. 14.
T. C. Kggleston, president of the State
Irrigation association, called at tho
office of state EngifMtei Donald. Prlee
to perfect arrangements for the sec
ond annual meeting of the organiza
tion to he held at Bridgeport, Nov 11
and 15.
The association has issued an invi
tation to all members of the NfttfMfcft
delegation in (ongress to be present
at the gathortngi as wll as 'o varioiM legislator, from other states.
Among those who have excepted the
invitation so tar are Senator Brown
and Congressman Kinkaid from this
state. Senator .Jonathan Bourn? of Ore
ton and Attorney Harold Of the fed
eral reclamation department.
The association is working to obt.. :i
the consent of the government to rec
ognize the priority of water rights for
Improved lands In this state under irri
gation before the government appro
priation of water is to apply.
County Commissioner
J. F. Jansen, democratic and poo-
County Clerk
. .iice his entile time and l'1''' Indopeodenl nominee for c unty
give the
will spar no pains to conduct the af
fairs of the Of Hot accurately and
with cour I ly to tax payers. The
Herald h'lieves him to be qualified
for the office of which be aspires and
is plccsed to give him a hearty en
dorsement for the same.
lunihac.. w. i s r I
roo a.
The out of town ju3.v
Gnu nir Mrs. Malm f
Mrs. K il! of 1 i " i
Hugo Koch and Horn?r
vttut !u the House.
An o'lVrmg f-i ie
en and net ita a
i I ' JOHN B. KN1EST, democratic camli-,
ihe uir im, j,.,. f()f ouuty clerk, has been for
man la th i AUtfJIOg Herald office
s Were Mra.lf a Rood uuuiy (rears. Eg a,
of Mull a, hard worki g nan, having a large
innilly to gitpport aid educate by
tH-k Wi.i'L tt lit. leliii'iu II li'iu n
I iiost of friends la e, wl.o wish
( to seo him i.e. m ui couaty clerk's
I office during the t .wo years.
1 '..e ! rS.
df Tli B H
commissioner from the second (list
riCt, is too Well and favorably known
to the voters of Hox Hutte county to
need an introduction from The Her
ald, but we deem it but justice to
him and to the tax payers of the
county to give some information a
bout him and the position that be
takes on questions that effect lbs
taU pavers of the eOttthtjr.
Mr. Jensen began his r-sid.-nce in
! Box Butt." county in June, 1S"-. com
lag here frctu Blair, N br., thus it
i will be Been that he has been a res
ident of this. I ounty for mora than
I i v..-nty-5-ix Ha r. .1J a on the
land whlcb hi li i.nesreaded, hi KOB
: iMireil praelsot, twenty-four ntilCQ
inorthwiyt of Allianie, which by in-
idu:-:r'- and peiaovcrance ho has im
prored, ui.: h H is g enifi to in---
neighbj-lu -i and to th ; entire coon-
tr. The . :
by Irs a i- '
the nnaali icui
blm ia til-
Mrs. C. E. Wykoff, of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, sister or Mrs. E. W.
Ray and Mrs. J. F. Richards, has
been visiting here for several days.
She arrived before th? telegram
came announcing the untimely death
of her brother, mentioned in another
place In this issue of The Herald.
Nebraska Legislative Bureau Is Gath.
ering Statistics.
The Nebraska legislative bureau is
preparing a statement of registration
laws in the different states for the pur
pose of making comparisons with sim
ilar laws in Nebraska. Residents of
itles in this state where registration
is required by law are compelled to
register every' year regardless of the
fact that he may have lived in the same
house for twnty-flve years or more.
In other stiles, accordfng to the state
ment prepared by the bureau, perma
nent register of qualified voters is
made and the registration hoard stts
only for a short time each year for
the purpose of correcting this Mst.
Mrs. C. F. Kroll has been serious
1" ill since the first of the week. She
was sick when the news came of the
death of her son, which has probably
made her worse.
Ed. Jeffers' household goods ar
rived Tuesday from McCook and the
family well be here within a few
days. They will make their hone at
the corner of Third street gad
Platte avenue. Mr. .leffers, who is
a plumber, has been working for K
W. Ray for some months past.
Firemen Blown From Building.
Hastings, Neb., Oct. 31. Fire of un
known origin, augmented by an exphv
slon resulting from burning sulphur to
kill roaches, caused damage amount
ing to 5,000 OB the Madgeit block and
Japanese restaurant, owned by S.
Shinto of Grand Island. Chier Mead
and half a dozen firemen were blown
oat of the building b the explosion,
but none was hurt. The explosive gas
formed when the firemen turned water
Into the room filled with the fumes of
burnt sulphur.
i iu .whe h b g held
rs iz Indicated hy
The blowing up of a hot water ra
diator at th? Central school building
Monday was one of the little mis
baps incident to the b.-ginniug of
DOtd weather. Not mutll dannme w.c-
done but some Inconvenience fori
teachers and echolara,
T. K. Avails, Whose rt Ic'.'n;? is
In Sioux county, where be has a
hotneotead claim, 40 quite i'iriv-
baelncei In buying a ad shipping
junk with biadqUArl r; it AlUanc .
WL-hing to keen potted happen
Inga in north weatero . bra ska, Mr.
Cattleman Settles Case Out of Court.
Samuel Wertheinicr, a -atHenian,
'nought to an end the trial which has
been Occupying the attention of the
( ircuit court at Omaha when he ac
cepted ILSM from the I'nion Faciflc
railroad. VPartbelnwr brought suit
-ome time ago in the county court to
r'-cover $t;.'io(i damages, resulting
ft om ilutakagW on IO0 head of tattle,
caused hy delayed shipmei.t. The
case wns transferred to the federal
court and was settled out of eourt.
Home for nptives Delayed.
The stale hospital for eon.-iiin;'tives,
located at Kearney recently by the
state l oud Of public lands and liitild
IpgS, may not he btttH until nr':t
Miiith. accorulng to stnten p i made
,y i.stnd Comm i an r Cowiea, Ti e
Frank plOcQ Which ..i be ight by t'ne
state and wlihh Is located n-ar the
BnTalo cor.ntv c'tv. ir. leesed at the
pr m al Uhi i nd tht eai i"o t not
nxntre until next prjBg.
vote iiiat was gtvea i Kvaag ardem big naue piact
Th H raid ubs irlptisn lh-i.
t ' i Cox, v, ho i. ,
first t.-rm ft heri.
I all ik Pre
fiatahlng his , baa wn . i
' Box Buitel Well as c:
irsctni t antl in practically
tm Of ni' coanty. Hfi
tho Cv-aty r.."'. u.:
a i' v co a:a'. .u .'
Owing u his cloce appllcuilou to county, is weil kaow i la Alliance and
St-e cir
aimer, varieties ia barrels
No. 28053 b. tore h U Nig
surrounding ( imry and it is a I
for Th.- Herald tj m a many prordj
la pneggntlgg pun to its r.a:i ra
His oppaneut in this 'muouIu
b i
SI 00 Rcv.arJ, I ;00.
c Irani
bis wrk, h did no' have a l.nve ac
;.:.iiil.;.n; 3 111 til - eOUttl) Otttaldfl o."
Alllaiue up to two years ao. when
h waj urj!?d ta ariH the mmina-
tioa for ' unt clerk tun! -i-ai bUa popular with his aoQaaiBtaates,
by the demo. ru:i. coaimU- there Is a geaeral Impfeeaion
tee, as n democr.uio candida.o was ih. camlida-.y of ih
QOmlnated gl tjbt pvilnwri , At that inte thia y ar will
time he w;.s running upalnst a pop- iroduce blm m th
ular man. who had s.Ted one trm ountj. We have
satisfactorily as county clerk, and on la re is a stuu.g .
thu: account the majority of th. Hutte county in fa.
voters faond giving him u second ofrker Who bg -
i r; tern
n . let ii
Our 1 ic-ii, pete Wataon, who by
.h.' wai baa whota lot of tri ads m
D. A. R. OfoCrra -iect:d at Kesrr.ey.
At the Kv.'.iuv meeting; of tho
Daaghtera of th Ainerioan i'.evoiu
iicn these ofllcer" Were eteeted to
lerre thlg pomlag year: Mr-, t'imrle
Olive. Norton Kearney, t-. i- regent;
this city, will have music in his home MS VTerren F. Ferry. Fail bury, vice
.'n mil
north o Mitchell. Mrd.
triends . a 1 .. q ale1 who .' 1 V'ai son was in Alliauc week b-
oh ier - i
ttls 'at la
x cay rs in ilia ooasty rsquested
ra" la do .eo to. ! hs llaflldad'tO ac
pt lha gamioatios Ifcffircd him.
wale: i . . frahout cppaali ;oa.
nam i Mr. li . o b 'ievea la iht prls V
o In :'t o. i. iiag tha reaple ilW: qa.,
i ha lions of p..! in? . re i .-o tar as
that i rgcth ble by dirasl seta. He do.
Bos': u bellee ia fol&tlnJ u;n.u th pub-
r cf juving aa ' i'.- ..o.u ir..'t a inajrr'.ty do n .t
.S. 00 . Talraj. o.
lor ja il(iaUja.
term ' waat or Withholding . hat a majoruy
tinn, but Mr Kuleat's coudldi; y at , iptaM) a s.-.oud t.r:.i, and weiio w;n:; aid as this principle is
that time served the purpose of ihiuk Sheriff Cos aculd n t be mi ex-1 new to'i. manly ; . epuai we do not
bringing him anu his qualifiratioua lepilmi So far as Ws can learn ii 1 belief r ih voters cf t'x Butte couu
for i Ik of fk e to the aiu-nttoo of the te.'tus that the major:'., of the votara'tl v. iil laru ' Haoest Pete1 Jensen
fore IgSS, 09 hoc i :urn from B visit
In the easl, and while herj inspect
ed tho p I nit os at tfcO Rsnnrtl I'lano
Company's stor?. with th i reSBlt that
a high grade instrument ,as shipp 'J
over laal Weak "ntl d ;i'. r -d by J.
T. u ik ir laal Frids i
M.s. iJiiy Allen returned tiiis morn
ing from a vlsH of several weeks at
h -i former heme in Indiana. She
waa accompanied by her motbltf. who
will spend the winter lure Mrs. Al-l.-n
has resumed her place at the d
pot news stand.
ftai" reg n Mrs. I.. II M. Killip.
Be ward, re r'r, setretnrv; Miss La
i i lie Blown. Kearney, rMTespondlng
secretary; M;-s Faaals Adams treas
urer. Gicnd'rs Ntnr Broken Bow.
Dr I.'. strum, ttats vet' iinary, ln-
reattgal d ias. oi glanders sasftgg
stock near Broken B w that had gal n
reported io him. A lompanied bf il
local veterinarv, lie drove to the Wal
lace ranch la Round valley, where he
found a mule I ad died of the disea.-,.
and a mare was badly Infected. Aft
ir killinii the mar., he placed the
ranch undei quarantine.
d, panne M,