Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NFBASKAs THURSDAY, NOVh'MBr H 2. IHII i M County luncc NUMBt H 47 Of Course We're Right You ought to keep track of your income and ex penses. If you do not, you are in the dark. You can not save intelligently unless you know how much you are spending, and what for. A hank account with us will he an immense help and convenience to you in keeping a record of your money, You do not have to be a merchant in order to be systematic in your affairs. The First National LOOP CITY FLOOR WHITE SATIN BEST GRADE OF GROCERIES Men's Clothing Hood Rubbers Shoes Hats Come in and you will be pleased with what you buy We Deliver TOM STALOS 1st door north of Dismer Restaurant Phone 210 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Dr. Boland, phone 65. 8. D. Wa4on, Spadp, Nvbr., la ft now name on The Herald RUbftClp Hon books. Mis Maud Rider, of LtnRle. Y . was tshopplnf? In our Hly Sntunlny between tralna. Jim Strong hafl accepted a position for the winter at E. 1. Gtokk A Son's feed store. H. C. Hunt arrived Monday from Omaha, where he la In the employ of the Ford Motor Company. Miss Frances Lock wood, who lia been seriously 111 with dipht hcrin . Is somewhat better at this writing. Eugene Burton had business over on the river the latter part of the week, returning home Thursday. Lloyd Johnson came down from I Crawford Saturday night to make i over Sunday visit with parents and friends. He returned to Crawford Monday noon. Mrs. S. I). Watson returned tfe her home at Ellsworth Wednesday, after a delightful visit at the Wat son home In Alliance. i r r : ; - " , . 1 ' i I I tlfllllMlliraBbiit m:rl ''imflmWm- f:? ' : '.L. Jmtr V 'iljSSmL, fix, KB v'Htot i B H if ',-'"i6i H' ''" B HHHIBHBHHSMHllHsilRHHHHI 9Ea V B r t b-3 U end The Best Advice On Lumber Costs The Least Money and when we say to prospect ive homebuildera that "now's the time to build" we are offer ing you" really sound advice. No matter what yon have heard about cheaper lumber, take it from us that you're on the safe side if you build right now. We haven't been in the lumber business for these many years for nothing we know a thing or two and we're willing to admit you do too. but in the face of all this talk nowadays about timber conser vation We believe you'll agree that lumber has a fixed value and that by delaying the build ing of your new home you will gain nothing but incon venience. We believe we can convince you the above is good advice let's talk it over. Forest Lumber Co. A. P. LEE, Mgr. HOLSTEN Sells the REAL, KODAT Miss Ross Lyman of Lincoln stop ped in Alliance Saturday and Sun day on her way home from the w the guest while hpre of her frlen .Mrs R B. McKenzle. Since selling his interest in the meat market to E. C. Whetstone, W. R. Drake has heen putting In a good part of his time huylng live stock. Mrs. M. Bristol Is visiting with Mrs. A. C. Braoken in Alliance. Mrs. Bracken recently spent some time with Mrs. Itristol In l.lngle. LitiKle Herald, Nov. 1. Box Butte County Scene Homestead of County Commissioner J. P. Jerusn, northwest of Alliance J. T. Wlker went to Marsiand Tuesday and Mrs. Witter to Itrldge port Wednesday, both on piano business. The new sheet signs give Alliance a somewhat nunc rltlfled appearance, ance. Joe Reunion of Omaha Is visiting hts mother and other relatives and friends In Alliance this week. A small blaze at Nohe'a restaurant the first of the week did sonic dam age In burning papers on which were memoranda of accounts, bul was extinguished without calling out the fire depart jik nt. Hay Pullman of Ellsworth hat ac 6apted a position as clerk and eel man at Watson ft Watson's store. Although having had mo previous ex perience In this line of work, hfl seems to be well adapt .-d to M and Is making good from tb start Kred Nichols" sale eleven miles northwest of Alliance, Tucndu, was well attended and the stuff sold at fair prices, bringing more than had been expected. A peculiar feature of the anle was that everything sold for cah. Although time was offered i "" mi1' a sired for it. Colonel Coursay says that this is the first time In his experience as an auction eer that everything sold for cph at a public sale of thla kind. Dr. lloland, phono 66. JAMES H. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Building iOVlf 2.1 e Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S hat EnjoyYourEvenings AT THE Alliance Roller Rink SKATE TO THE MUSIC OF OUR GRAND MILITARY BAND ORGAN GOOD MUSIC HEALTHFUL EXERCISE GOOD ORDER E . E . HISLOP , MGR. (i 7 Pi There is an added zest in every autumn sport for those who KODAK Come in and let us talk Kodak with you. Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA latest Models Spiral Wire Honed Corsets, fitted to your figure by an experienced fitter before you buy New York Hat Shop. Phone 5LM. A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST omr in Alliance National Hank Ulk Over Posiolfice. 'Phone 39 1. Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN A WRIOHT, phone 71. tf The Herald In pleased to note fWa Louis Keuchscnstein sufficiently recovered from his recent sick spell to be down town and again give his p.'ivonal attention to business. While visiting in Alliance last week B. V. Reeves of Hot Springs favored The Herald office with i call and ordered his name placed on the subscription list. We are il wd to learn from him that his wife, who had poor health when they went to that place, is now well. Since buying W. R. Drake's inter est in the meat market, as will be seen by tha .advertisement In The Herald, E. C. Whetstone has t. -n doing a prosperous business. Joe Skala, the manager, Is an expert butcher and with good help glvl customers satisfactory service and goods. The publishers of The Youths Companion have Issued a very pretty calendar for 191 2 which they will send out to subscribens before the first of the year. The Herald Is In receipt of a copy of this beautiful calendar and will be pleased to pre serve it as a work of art as well 'is for reference during the coming year. J. I.. Hiederman, formerly In the telegraph office at Alliance but now dispatcher at Dead wood, urrived In this city laet Saturday on his return from Iowa, where he had been spend ing part of his vacation visiting friends He spent a few days In this eitv visliiitK friends, and loft I yesterday for Mend wood to resume hHs work at that place John B. Knieat and Edgar Martin, both of Alliance, were In this vicin ity during the latter part of last week getting acquainted with the voters. Mr. Kniest is candidate for County Clerk and Mr. Martin for Treasurer o( Itox Hutte county, They are pleasant gentlemen and no doubtA are 'nullified for the positions to which th-y aaplre ---Canton corresMndeiii Curly Sentinel, Oct. 1. Miss Mabel Duncan left the first of the week for a visit at Fori Ifor Kan. Colo She graduated from the Port Morgan High school some years ago, and the ten days or two weeks that she will be there will be none tco long to visit her many old frit uds. Met i ii i i in- tutv'rt4eeimnnt wit h iji u .u i.i umi will tlnd ovry i 1 1 lo ttvnrtld .ii i nnt l ttb, W. W. NORTON'S UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR!! Every Style Every Shape Every Quality "The Frost is on the Pumpkin" and these frosty mbfnings suggest heavier UOderclaXiainfl;. We have it in ev ery conceivable style in cotton, all-wool, wool and silk, wool and cotton, fleece-line cotton in white, rey and ecru, men's, ladies', misses', hoys' and children's. If yon will inspect our line we think you will have to ajjree that we left no want unsupplied. Let us show you the features of the "Mentor" line We offer the following specials: Misses' and children's two-piece rihbed shirts and pants, 20 per cent discount VKST and PANTS: Ladies' fleeced underwear worth .,lt rOc, special . CHI I.I) R F.N S UNDERW KA R 20 doz. children's vests and pants, fleece-lined) good quality, all sizes, same price. Special 19c garment Special Men's Underwear Do not forget this department it's the most complete of am in the city The Medlicott men's extra heavv d i QO Scotch wool shirts and drawers, pLsO $2.75 values, special . . . garment Men's natural wool shirts and drawers, UQ unexcelled for wt ar and comfort. Cjs $1.00 allies, g'm'nt Men's extra hea hygienic fleeced- 1Q lined shirts and drawers, 7V- OFFER EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SEASONABLE APPAREL Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats Your choioe during this sale at actual cost of manufacture. 100 to select from. (Oe values, g m nt 20 Discount Ladies' Furs on all TWO SPECIAL ITEMS IN DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Now is your chance for a few days only 5,000 yds. dark and light outing flannels, worth 2C and 15c, all in one 1 1 1 .T.J hig lot. extra special . . " j 50 Teddy Baby Blankets, in colors, 50c each Phenomenal Bargains in Women's Ready to Wear Garments All Ladies' Suits, All Ladies' Coats. All Misses' and Children s Coats, on PER CENT All Ladies' Waists, U DISCOUNT w.wTnorton HlHStt B.AC It SIH SAl ),t It It