SHOE TORE E. P. Reed & Co 's Fine Footwear for Women Suede, Velooze, Gun Metal, Patents Complete fall stock on the shelves and the only up-to-date stock in the city. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS 3 ALLIANCE CAFE M. D. Kimball, flgr. Open Day and Night On west side of street across from Burlington Station This Shop Keeps Adding the New Millinery Novelties EACH time you call we shall try to have som e thing n e w and clever to show you. The aim of our Shop is to show the thing! most attractive and to price everything so reasonably that its good value will he at once apparent. We have more new popular roll brims, quaint bonnets, Shetland veils, etc. New York Hat Shop Mrs. Bowles, Mgr. Holdredge Bldg. Phone 521 Special Sale in Willow and French Plumes The 1911 pack of Ferndell Pure Foods is beginning to arrive. Some of the goods are already in. The car of California fruits and vegetables are yet to come. Rather than wait until the arrival of all the goods, we will begin delivering what items are in, on "future" orders, at once. Mallery Grocery Co. Quality (Jrocers Th IdMli' Aid of the M . Iiunh m-t ih Mr. A. C. Hnickn Wednendny afternoon. MIm Alice Achenon spent Sunday In Alllnnre vlirttlng her parent and many friend. MIM Acheaon I teaching near AntWxh this year, and llkoa It very much. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Treat, par onta of Mra. J. H. Miller of this city, departed Monday noon for their home In 1-a Mara, Iowa, after a very pleasant visit with their daughter. Thoy made many frlenda during tlx-lr short vlalt here, who will welcome them whenever they return to Alli ance. Hob Holden, of Sherdlan, was in Alliance several daya the first of the week on business. J. C. McCorkle returned home Mon day morning from Omaha and other Nebraska point-s, where he combined a business and pleaaure trip, having taken in the land show, which he aays was well worth going to see. Misses Mayme and Nelle O'Donneii returned Sunday night from Rapid City, 8. D., where they wont to reg ister in the big land drawing at that place. Hugh Beal was in Alliance the lat ter jwirt of last week for a few days' visit with friends. Hugh Is In the po tato business now, and spendB con siderable time on the road. He left Sunday night for Denver. Mr. and Mra. C. K. Debruler let) Saturday noon for Seneca to make Mrs. Debruler's parents a few days' visit. Mrs. Mort Johnson returned home I lie first of the week from a ten-day visit at 1 1 old logo, Lincoln and Peru, at the taller place visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Mewhlrter. Mra. Morris, one of the able trim mers at the Simmons Millinery Store, left on No. 42 Wednesday night for her home In Kansas City. Mrs. Mol lis' health was very poor while in Allianoe, owing to the high altitude. Mrs. Harry Cant, entertained tye Kpist-opul Ouild Wednesday after H00n. A largo number were prea in Invitations wore issued Monday to a large number of 'ghosts" to at tend a council of ghosts, ;it 624 Lar amie Ave., on the night of October :: 1 si . when all gliosis will walk, and many wlerd and mysterious things will be revealed to those present. Mrs. S. I). Watson, of Kllswortli. and Mrs. M. li. Pharos, of Bridge port, are visiting their mother, Mrs Thomas Strupper. and sister, Mrs. R. T. Watson. Mrs. S. I). Watson, of Ellsworth, and Mrs. Thomas Strupper visited in Bridgeport the last of the week, the guests of Mrs. M. L. Pharos. Miss Frances Hurrls, of St. Joseph, Mo., who has been visiting friends here for some time pact, returned to her home Sunday. H. P. Wilson of thie city has ac cepted a position with the Interna tional Harvester Co., at Crawford. Mr. Wilson has been employed In the master mechanic's office at this place for many years, and has many friends In this city who will regret to see him leave Alliance, but glad to learn of the fine position he Is getting. Mr. and Mra. Fred Nichols and family will leave soon after their public sale for the east. Mrs. Nich ols and the children will visit In Michigan, while Fred goes on farther eaat to look up a location, lie wants to get into a timbered country and may go to New Hampshire or Ver mont. Born, Sunday, Oct. 22, to Mr and Mrs. H. P. Larson of Reno, a fine baby boy. J. C. Matthews of Douglas, Nebr.. stoppod In Alliance butt Friday fore noon, enroute to Scottsbluff, the guest while here of Mr and Mrs K. Reeves. Mr. Reeves accompanied him on his visit to the Bluffs. Miss Alexander, one of the teach ers at Kmerson school, who was call ed to Portland, Oregon, by the death of her mother, returned home Mon day noon. Many friends extend to Miss Alexander sincere sympathy in the loas of her dear one. Miss Izola Worley relieved MIsb Alexander dur ing her absence from the city. According to the Gering Courier some Alliance party was arrested, charged with bootlegging wet goods among the Russian contingent ;it tlmi place. The case has not been tried yet, as a continuance was taken. There should have been Included in the nearly two hundred news it ems in the last Herald a mention of the visit of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Don ovan and daughters, Cecil nnd Kina. to Hyannis, the guests while there of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yauney, at the ranch and at Stump lake. Henry Hopkins went to Scottsbluff on Tuesday of last week to purchase a car load of cabbage and onions to sell In connection with the two car loads of apples which he ordered for sale here. Ho was expected back within two or three days but was delayed in his return until this week. Ijast Thursday evening Miss Snod grass, Miss Monier and Miss Wilson entertained the teachers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spencer. A delightful evening is reported to have boon enjoyed by all present. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Iee Moore Friday evening. Mr Moore is one of the congenial clerks in the Co-Operative Store. Miss Blanche Macdonald has as her guest Miss Kate Palmer of Un ion City, Mich. Miss Palmer is a cousin of Miss Macdonald. Mrs. Freeland, daughter and son of Bethany. Nebr., request The Her ald to tender their thanks to the many friends who expressed love and sympathy at time of the death of their loved one. The Ladies' Aid Society or the Presbyterian church will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. Sanders, 1023 Cheyenne Ave. There are some business matters to be discussed and a full attendance is desired. Bring your work. SECRETARY. WANTED A GIRL for general housework. MRS. HORACE BOGl'E, 909 Cheyenne Ave. 4fttf"57 SWITCHMAN'S BAD ACCIDENT A very unfortunate accident oc curred to William Allbee early Sat unlay morning while he was attend ing to his duties as switchman for the Burlington In the yards at this plaep. it seems that Mr. AUhse was riding a Btrlng of cars down one of the tracks which was supposed to be clear, but on which for ome rea son a vht had been left standing. On acc ount of the darkness he could not see this car and when they struck he was thrown from the top of the car on which he was riding to the track between the cars in such a manner that the wheels passed over both hands, crushing them terribly up to the wrists. He was taken to the St. Joseph Hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate both members at the wrist joints. Mr. Allbee was employed in the freight house for a time but being anxious to make belter wages went to switching about a month ago. It is certainly very unfortunate for a young man with a family to be de prived the use of his hands and he surely deserves the sympathy of ev ery one. Dr. Slagle reports him as doing especially well so far as the opera tion is concerned. A WEDDING IN TEXAS We are informed of the marriage of Miss Edith A. Hannan, formerly a resident of our city, to Mr. Henry M. Remy. The happy event took place at Houston, Texas, on October .'?rd. They will be at home to their friends at Santa Lucrecia, Mexico, after November :5rd. The Herald joins the friends and former school mates of Mra. Remy, at. this place, in wishing her and her husband a life of unalloyed happiness. The bride is a sister of Mrs. E. P. Woods of this city. Market Changes Hands Monday morning, Oct. 23, E. C. Whet stone bought the W. R. Drake market located in the Co-Operative Store and has employed Joe Skala, a butcher of twelve years' experience, to man age It and will try to please all Joe does not need any Introduction to the meat buying public as he has cut meat In this town for six years PHONE 50 Apples! Apples! Fine wiinter stuff in barrels; roll them In your cellars; no bruises from shipping. Good hard winter stock: Ben Davis, Ganos, Wine Saps, Genltans, Walbridge, White Pippins. On track at depot Saturday. Prices reasonable. G. W. VKNNER. 46-H-755. HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENTS Two entertainments recently given in Alliance did not receive an ex tended mention in The Herald as we intended they should, and although somewhat late to bring the matter up we are sure they deserve the follow ing mention: The first number of the Lecture Course was the Rounds Orchestra. This was pronounced by those pres ent to be one of the best entertain nients ever given In this city. If this entertainment is an index to the course, the managers of the Lecture Course have The Herald's congratulations upon their selections for this season. The Ole Theobaldi entertainment. Oct. 14th, was one of those high class entertainments that it is a pleasure ,to commend. When the ad vance agent was in Alliance some time ago he had difficulty in making a date, as the cost of securing this entertainment was so high that there seemed to be no room for a margin of profit for the local parties concerned, but Mrs. J. T. Wlker, manager of the Bennett Piano Com pany's store, was so interested that she undertook to raise the necessary guraantee, which she succeeded in doing. The Herald wishes to com mend her for her part 1 nsecuring the entertainment for our city and congratulate her upon the success of the same. GLEN MILLER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER BOX BUTTE CO. Let us figure on that bill of Q roceries that you need. We can save you money on anything we carry. Don't send away and get stung again. We meet all competition. Especial discounts for cash. Yours for fair dealing. 1 D.fiodsers SAMPLE COPIES We are sending out a few sample copies of this issue of The Herald to persons whom we think might wish to subscribe. To such persons we wish to say that while the price of The Herald is $1 50 per year we axe making a special offer to new subscribers of $1.00 per year. This special offer will close In October, so If you wish to take advantage of It you will do well to send in your sub script ion. Apples I Apples Fine winter stuff in barrels; roll them in your cellars; no bruises from shipping. Good hard winter stock: Ben Davis, Ganos, Wine Saps, Genltans, Walbridge, White Pippins. On track at depot Saturday. Prices reasonable. O. W. VKNNER. 46-U-755. Old Time Songs One hundred and fifty old time songs for sate, bound. Words and music complete. A book that will please both old and young. Neatly bound. Ten cents in silver. Address CHAS McDONALD, 46-4t-758. Concordia, Kans. FOR ESTIMATES ON CEMENT WALKS CURBS CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS HOLLOW BLOCKS AND ORNAMENTAL WORK OF ALL KINDS SEE J. J. VANCE Alliance, Nebr. In Front of the Checkered Front Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. HDNK 04 OFFICE TO RENT Splendid location, ground floor, Box ' Butte avenue; best location in Alli ance for real estate or similar busi ness. Would do for small retail ' business. If interested inquire at once at Herald office. Phone 340. Turn Over a New Leaf C.L. Hashman By subscribing for THIS PAPER Republican Candidate for Commissioner, 2nd Dis trict. Twenty-six years a resident of Box Butte county. Your support will be appreciated. Photographs Are as good as jjold, and have the new ;tnl latest styles at your command. Call and see tliem and et your order in before the holiday rush. Alliance Art Studio Dr Poland, phone 65 Huy your coal of Ho wan & Wright. Phone 71. tf