Nebraska Land&AutoCo. I. C. McCotkto, Hp. GARA6E IN McCORKLE BLOCK Link Lowry, Supt. of Garage We handle the fOVb cars and will sell you one for list price. Will store and keep; furnish gta and lubricating oil: $15.00 per month; you run as much as you desire. Storage for cars, $5.00 per month. We sell all best brands of oil from 25 to 50 lower than other places. fOVb cars are the most popular car on the market and every piece in them is guaranteed by the company during the life of the car. See us before buying. Only garage In western Nebraska open day and night SUGGESiiVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the In ternational PieuBihle Question Clwb. (Corrnfht 19 0 It, K.. T S Liimn. D D I ( w a si I 1 2 - a m Round Oakfe Stoves are recognized by & everyone to be the best. They are air tight, strong, durable UIIU lltill 111 .l,lHill - - ance. Price, $18 nn. i si i 1 1 i T$ newuerry s naraware Co. Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. 168 DAYS "ON TIME" A strong factor in the making of a commonwealth is reliable mail ser vice. It will interest Western people to know something about the regularity of Burlington trains between Chicago and the west. CHICAGO-OMAHA PAST MAIL NO. 7: Th original faat mall train west of Chicago. The last date in 1911 this train reaohed the Missouri River late was March 16th (six minutes late). Since that date, to and including August 31at (the latest date given for comparison) a period comprising one hundred and sixty-eight consecutive days this train has arrived "on time" and has been operated 82.W2 miles more than three times the distance around the world. CHICAGO OMAHA FAST MAIL NO. 15: An exclusive mail and express train, scheduled at forty-five miles an hour, arrived at Missouri Riv er thirty-one days in August "on time." This train has arrived "on time" every day from May 15th to August olst, lncluslve--a period of one hundred and nine consecutive days. CHICAGO-NBBRASKA LIMITED NO. 5: Arrived at Missouri Iliver "on time" during August, twenty-eight days out of thirty-one; total num ber of minutes late twenty-five, average loss elght-tenthn of a minute per day. CHICAGO-OMAHA -DENVER EXPRESS NO. :i : Arrived at Missouri Riv er "on time" during August, twenty-nine days out of thirty-nne; total number of mintues late twenty-five average loss eight-tenths of a minute per day. Such precision in operating fast trains is possible only with ample pow er, perfect mechanism, a perfect roadbed and a highly developed organization. Oct. 29th, 1911. (toayrfcjht, into. b Kr. i.s Laaeam t i A Fsalm Of Deliverance. Psalm Ixxxv. Golden Text The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Ps. cxxvl :: (1.) Verse 1 What captivity did the Psalmist here refer to, and what were the ulrcumstanctw of their re turn? (2.) How much of the prosperity of our land and nation depends iiimhi the favor of the lord? (I.) Verse 2 In what sense may It be true that God forgives a nation for Us sins? (4 ) If a nation Is forgiven Its sins, why would that not Include every In dividual in the nation? (5.) On what conditions does God forgive individuals their sins? (6.) What takes place In the mind bf God. and in the soul of the man whose hIiis are forgiven? (7.) Verse 3 How had God s wrath been manifested in the captivity of Jacob f (8.) was the sign when the wrath of tot was removed f r un them? tft.) How does a- sinner know when the writh vf (iod is removed from hi nr. 'id t Verse 4 Are there degrees "f Sttgei hi Sod, and is it possible that the "nerceneB"" of his anger nun cease, ami yet he be angry with us? (11.) Verse " What do yon under stand by tii" anper jf Cod? '12.) la tfeere any way in which th -ur.RPr of God In Visited Upon one roller fation for th litis oT another genera atitm? (It.) Verse What did (lie Fsalm iFt prohubly mean, when lie prayed thai the naildii may be i. lv.-d? (14.) What Is the great Bead Of the church and the world today? How mat a Christian live so us to " TeJ.ile; " in the Lord all the timet 118.) Verse I Way a person so live that he does sol heed to ask for Ood's mercy ? (".) What does the "salvation" of Cnd Include f list Verse S How does Grid Speak, and d ies he actually answer questions Df gle special directions? (ISi.) What is the "peace" of God? (td.) What effect does "folly" have upon the peat S of (!od ? (21.) Verse What effect does the personal tSlTEttOO Ol individuals have upon the ' jrloiy" 01 prosperity of a nai Ion t (22) Verse 10 When we exper ience the Mori v of God. does that always rnake us the lovers of truth" Why ! (23.) Why is it that "righteousness and peace" necessarily embrace eacti other? (This is one of the questions that may be answered in writing by members of the club.) (24) Verses 11-13 Is national righteousness always s cause of na tional prosperity? Lesson for Sunday, Nov. rth, 1911. Esther Pleading for Her People. lir lv:l-v:2. NEBRASKA NEWS Tate ol Omaha and Dowling oi B; and Island Seek Cast). UNDER BANK GUARANTY ACT. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Malls close at the Alliance post office as follows. Mountain time: East Bound a.m. for train No. 44. p.m. for train No. 42. West Bound p.m. for train No. 43. p.m. for Aram No. 41. South Bound p.m. for train No. 30.1. p.m. for train No. 301. Sundays and holidays all night close at 6:00 p.m. Instead of p.m. IRA E. TASH, P. M. 11 :20 11:00 12:30 11:00 12:30 11:00 On mails 11:00 Militant even vulgar methods were urged upon delegates to the National American Woman Suffrage convention at Louisville. Ky., by Miss Mary Wln sor of Philadelphia. Edwin R Wright was re-elected president of the Illinois Federation of I-ahor, defeating George W. Morton, 19() to 93. Danville was selected for the 1912 convention. An explosion of gas In a sulnhur mine at Tralxmella, Sicily, set the mine afire and caused a number of deaths. The bodies of twentv men J. KR1DELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L W. WAKELEY. G. P. A., Omaha GIVES AID TO STRIKERS Dr. King's New Life Fills to give them natural aid and gently compel Sometimes liver, kldiu vs ind bow els seem to go on a strike and I. :lc,ion Mt soon hue to work right. Then you ueed ! follows. Try them. -Th at F. J.I those pleasant little strike breakers I Fivnnan's. TO CURE SORE BUNIONS Treatment Marvelously Quick for This and All Foot Troubles "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of Ua'o elde compound In a basin of hot water; suaU the feet In this for full fifteen minutes, gently massaging the sore parts. (Less time will not give desired results ) Repeat this each night until cure Is permanent." All pain and inflammation is drawn out instantly and the bunion soon Is reduced to normal size. Corns and callouses can be peeled ; t ight off and will stay off Sore, tender feet and Ayjj smelly, sweaty feet need uui a lew ireaatnients A twenty-live cent package of Caloclde Is usually sufficient to put the worst feet In fine condition Caloclde Is no longer routined to only the t .c tors' use. Any druggist has It in stock or will quickly get It from his whole sale house This will prove a wel eome Item to persons who have been alnly trying to cure their toot troubles with Ineffective tablets sd foot powdeis ,) .VI 1 Allegation Is Made That Payment Must Be Forthcoming Under Ap pointment While Law Was Held Up In District Court. Arguments in fn or of allowing sal aries to II Tate of Omaha and H F. Dowling of Grand Island for the time when the hank giinrant law was held up on the rouits, during which time the men were appointed to serve as hank examiners, were held by State Auditor Hnrton and the mutter taken under ;id Isemettt. In case the auditor decides against the claimants they still have the right to appeal their cases to the district court, The Omaha man has filed a bill with (he state for $2,897. while Mi. Dowling asks for 11,600, The lnt Ml alleges that he held his office for two full vi, us until July 2, 1911, while Mr. Tute snys he resinned his non pnying plnie when ho had learned that the supreme court had upheld the law under which he was appointed Neither of the men deny that they liave earned money in other pursuits since they were appointed to the $1 roo a year jobs under the guaranty l;iw, will!'' the attorneys for the two men aver that It mntlers little If state officials lire away from their posts Ball Hie time, or Hint they perform their duties n portion of the time or Hint they nttt nil to business hut little or thai they iirti money '-on the side.' side." The mere fact thai the sp propria tlon was provided for, they Rny, and that the men wi re appointed for the place, is Rtrffletent to make the state liable tor the salary of the men, they maintain, PR!S0N MEETING CLOSES Officers Elected and Baltimore la Chosen for 1912 Congress. The A tie rlciin Prison c ongress held Its closing scssicn at Omaha. Fred, rick C. I'"ttigrove of BOStOH waR elected president Of the associa tion; Joseph V. Byers of Newark, N. J., was reelected general secretary: H. H. Slilrer of Columbus, ()., wns el.o.'.en financial secretary, and Fred erick 11 Mills of New York city, treas titer. The following were made vice presidents: Rev; Samuel u. Smith St. Paul, Minn ; Covernor A. W. Gil christ, Tallahassee-, Fla.; General DemetrlO Castillo, Havana. Culm; Dr. Daniel Phetan, Kingston, Out: Robert Rusho'I, Washington, ;. C. Haltiinore was chosen as the 1912 convention city. Claim of Professor Gain. State Auditor Harton is holding up a claim presented by Professor Gain ol the department of pathology at the State farm and In which that official (: "sires pay for serving as a member ol the newly created board of reis tratlon for stallions at $7."o a day. Auditor Harton contends that the state should not pay for duty at the state 'arm and as a member of the state board at the same time. The supreme court in a decision rendered some time ago gives It as their opln Ion that such claims can be paid. Color Blindness Held as Sickness. By a d"cision of the supreme court of Nebraska, if a man is unable to distinguish between red and green he Is sick within the meaning of the rules of the Burlington relief depart ment. This is substantially the opln Ion rendered by .ludge Root In the case of John Kane against that rail road. Kane sued and obtained judg meat lor $1,1I2 In the district court ot Douglas county. He was employed as a switchman at Wymore, but was dis charged on account of defective vision. Daughters Convene for Annual Meet. Kearney, Neb., Oct. 24. The dele gates for the tenth annual sta'- con ference of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution arrived on every train and the program opened with a recep tion and banquet at the home of Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton. One hundred plates were laid. Mrs. Charles S I oliinger of Manila, P. I., who Is re gent of the Manila chapter, Is one of the guests of honor. Liveryman Charged With Arson. On complaint of Fire Warden Ran dall. Harm Shank, a livery man of Os Oeels. was arrested on a charge of jetting fire to the livery barn of his competitor, William Everetts, a week ago. The fire destroyed the large barn and seven horses, including the Nebraska stallion. Cresceus. Bond wns fixed at U.000 and Shank was un able to furnish It. Will Retain Perkins in Present Place. A statement ust issued by the stale railway commission and signed by nil three members Indicates that Clink Perkins, who only recently proffered h!s resignation to that body, would be retained for an Indefinite period FeiMp-;, It Is understood, will conduct the Aurora Republican, which b recently arouired, from Uncoln. State Y. M. C. A. Committee to Meet. Lincoln, Oct. 24. A meetim of the state remmitt es of the Yo line Men's CORN AT HIGH PRICE Two Cars of White Bara Sell for 8ev. tnty snd One-Half Cents. Two cars of white corn sold on the Omaha drain exchange at "u1.. cents a bushel and one tar of wheat was dis posed of at $105, the highest figure reached bf I Ither product this year. Corn has advanced ," to fi cents a bushel since Oct. 1. the quotntlons on white corn being "ot, cents to Tuij cefltai and on No. 2 color corn f9n4 ci tits to 70 cents. Some dealers say the! some mysterious Influence is "bulling" the market, others say prices are going up because old torn is Scares and the new crop Is not yet harvested. The wheal thai bronchi i,0l wns No. 2 mixed, Nebraska wheat, sold by the Nebraska Iowa Grain company. INJUNCTION IS REFUSED David City Will Install Water Pump ing Plant at Once. After a hearing before .ludge R F. Good and all the evidence being In, the court dismissed the care of .lames Bell H Son. petitioning for an Injunc tion against the city of David City In stalling a water pumping plant accord ing to the present plans The plant Iff asked for the above, as an Interested taxpayer, basing his claim on the Idea that the present plans and specifications called for a plant larger than necessary, therefore a diversion of funds and a needless expenditure of money This objection being removed, work will start at once for the city on a pimp house and engine to furn'sh ndo quale water supply for David City. Dawson School Lands Reduced. The stall- hoard of educational lands and buildings, State Treasurer George and Lahd Qomattlsslonet Oowlea have reduced the appraisement on school lands in Dawson county. The land wns originally appraised by the county commissioners for leasing purposes as high us $fiU per acre, which would mean each year a return ol $:i nn acre fOT rental. As this was higher than rental returns in adjoining counties the board ordered the reduction under the belief thst $H would be sufficient ly high for many older counties of the State, where land Is a great deal higher. Refrces Prohibition Nomination. Judge EuUfan, at present Judge of the Tenth Judicial district and a can didate' on th" Democratic and Populist tickets to succeed himself, has In- formed Secretary of, state wnit thai he does not desire to have the Prohl hltlcn nomination, which was given to him on account of having received r half dozen votes in that ticket at the August, primaries. Judge Ditngnn SVers In his letter of declination t lint he Is already the candidate of two parties and that In his estimation is about ill upon Which be cares to make the raes Charges Made Against Judge. Charges have been made against County Judge F. M. Ilallowell ol K. Sf ney through :i newspaper article that excessive fees have been collected by him from litigants in his office. The county attorney was Instructed by the county board to Investigate a number 0 criminal cases In which the county was Interested. County Attorney !; B. McDermott and Attorney Warren Pratt were appointed to make a re port. Phone Companies Must File Reports. The railway commission has request ed Attorney Oeneral Martin to fib- suit against telephone companies which have failed to file their reports, ac cording to the provisions of the state statutes relating to this phase of their business. Blanks for the reports were sent out to the companies by the commission June 2t, with the Instruc tions to be returned Aug. L Men Plead Not Guilty. Frank MiCann and John Dowd, the two men held for the robbery of the Bank of Wabash and the Jewelry store of Mike Trltsch last month, were ar raigned In the district court at Piatt a- mouth and pleaded not guilty. The prisoners .-ie then tuken to the peni tentiary at Lincoln for safekeeping until the December term ol' court. Nebraska Blacksmiths Close Meetinrj. A tlie. ,ter part) brought ths Omaha convention of the Nebraska Associa tion of Blacksmiths, Horseshoers and Wheelwrights to o close. The con vention elected M. C. Spellman of Grand Island president of the associa tion for the coining year and chose Robert Mclntyre of Kearney as vice president Birds Eat the Army Worm. J. H. Jon;-s, a farmer living near Wy more, says that crows and blackbird? have eaten all the army worms on his wheat fiet'.is and that the wheat which was eati u off is sprouting again. About Alteon acres of wheat was eat en by the worms on Mr. Jones' farm. Hearing by Randall. State Fire Warden Randall has an nounced that he will hold hearings at Schuyler, North Bend and Mlllord Oct. 28. at Fremont Oct 30, and at Madi son Oct ai. On these dates persons who have been notified to remove un safe belldines will have an opportu nlty to ha bt aid. Jasper tJ. Koonti la Dead. Jasper V Koontz, civil war veter an dl d in Llntelii at the use of sixty- Cln: 'Ian as-oc'dtlot, composed of :sevti years, Mr. Koontx was former'? delegates frem evet ssso .tion in the Is re Ideal of Uoldrege, later of Hayes stale nit) i n'd in this city Nov. Center ami tamlly came to Lincoln i The N ' mill las in nitre In ivt The desSassd is sstrvtved by dn.v. . ! widow and a .-on, 1 B Kooutz. Miss IM. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Laramie Aue. Phone 230 BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Baok Bids. PbooejBo. ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOftNSY AT LtW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NED, f. jviTliRooiiii I.ANI ATTOKNEt I.oriKixKrlPnraKeceiTer U.B. Land OSes ! a guarsntee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA b r u cFTTcoT L a wyer and Land Attorney Praetllhiner In rlrll marts slncn mas and (pylstei t'. H. Land (ifflee fnmi 1903 to 1ST Information by mall a specialty. ornca is i.AsnorricE suiLnmo AUJAWCj - m iin t -1. 4. OKIE t'OPPSRNOLL Hen. I'll, i . -jo r.J. PETERSEN nasi, rii' hp a Drs. Copper noli & Petersen OSTBOPA1 ii I Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Kumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, I' IIVSICI IN IMi SI U U H O B Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. DR. C. H. CHURCHILL pin sn 1 m si pin on fthirenssor to l)r. J. E. Moor) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours tl-12 a.m. S-4 p.m. 7. 10-9 p, m. Omcel Phone 6a Hes. Phone, 8) H. A. COPSEY Phyniclan and Surgeon office lhone 300 He, phone 144 id Is answered promptly day and night from offilce. Officest Alliance National Bans lialldlns over the Post OrhVe. h. h. bellwodTmTd! chas. e. slaqle, m. d. Office Over Holsten's Drug Store Phone 87 FRANCES DANOS RED CROSS NURSE Reference Given Telephone 760 West 2nd street ALLIANCE, NEDRASKA T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer DAV I HUM 207 NIGHT i ll, .si 18 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE Funerel Director end Embelmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office Phone 498 Res. Phone 3 10 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE. NLIINASka Parties st of town should write. a t aos Mtjnnchof Uiciloi. Churice wilt uot el cefd tb.W and ex pent ptrd;iy. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HtmntGFOUD, fHK SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and Children and Geniio Urinary Organs I c His IUff prssjssji ay 0r siget HARRY P. C0URSEY Live Stock ami General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE NEBR. DI. 13. I .. TYLER DENTIST, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraska In answerino Herald want arfa please mention that you saw it in this paper. s!TerTBBBSsft SBBVOataaavJaaU RINT SALBILL