ooooooooooooooo RAILROAD NOTES o oooooooooooooooo Bntkeninn TraRoiier laid off Tup day and loft for Mouth Dakota Wed BPadm whfro lie will try Ida luol nt the land drawing. The laat card front tlip ni'wlywoda Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Burke wtih from New York City. Dick nay. "We are having (ho time of our Uvea." Brakoman 0. B. MoOrew haa re- alnel and will ro from here to Den ver a a Mrs. Allen, wife of engineer Guy Allan, loft last week for a visit with bom folks at l.umuwjiort, Indiana. Ouy had planned to go but at the last minute business was so rushing bat he could not get off. a a Fireman Fowler has been having very painful siege the laat few days with a broken finger on his right hand. He will b on the re lief some time. 4 It i Mrs. Houston, wife of brakeman Houston, arrived In Alliance Wednes day noon from Creaton, Iowa. They will go to housekeeping at once at 23 Toluca Ave. r m The C. B. 6 Q. will handle the Taft special over their road from Dead wood to Crawford Oct. tl. Quite a number of the officials from here went up to the high line to see that everything is O. K. 4i Don B. Wagner of the train mas ter's office was among those who went west for the Dakota land drawing. f a Word come from Omaha from Mrs. Halverstadt that she is slowly Improving. Mrs. Halverstadt ts in the Presbyterian hospital where she has undergone a very serious oper ation. Her many friends here hope lor her speedy recovery. Fireman B. F. Trcnkle, now of the east end, was In Alliance the Urst of the week tailing on friends. Mr. C. K. Dcr of Denver is a new employee in the train service He will move his family here soon. Brakeman Wltcott has rented the Brown property on Laramie avenue. He expeota his wife and family from Sutherland, Nebr., about October 22. Mrs. Sexton, wife of brakeman Sex ton, returned Tuesday to her home Is McCook after a ten days' vi-it With her husband in the Newberry Block. Mrs. Sexton will return a- bout November 20th and spend Thanksgiving in Alliance. Tho here only a short time she was much pleased with Alliance and Alliance people and wishes to make this her home as soon as arrangements can be made Mrs. John Beck left Monday for Lincoln . where she will visit for a few days From Lincoln she will go to Lexington where she will vis it her daughter and grandson. Mr. P. Lv 8tuart, who has been em ployed here the past eighteen months resigned. Pat was a good brakeman and very well liked among the men. He goes from here to Texas, where he will help his rather on a large farm. W. D. Evans, former time keeper has gone to Lincoln to visit his par ents. Mr. Kvaiis is as .yet undecid ed as to what his plana for the fu ture will be. Mr. Graham, agent at Ardmore, has resigned, effective October 17. Mr. Graham has a Kinkald near Ard more that will occupy all of hla time. Claude McDonald, formerly of the Superintendent's office, haa been promoted to the position of time-keep er effective Oct. 10. Mr. McDonald Is a young man for this position, but he has earned it by his capable work and honest endeavor In his work for the company. Claude is an Alliance boy and bis many friends are proud pf his rapid promotion. Mra; B. It. Morrison Is entertain ing her sister Mrs. J. C. Morrison of Lincoln. Mrs. Morrison is on her way home from the coast where she has been spending the summer. It Is rather an Interesting coincidence that the two ladies are sisters and the gentlemen brothers. Mr. K. K. Morrison is travelling engineer on the Alliance division and Mr. J. C. Morrison Is travelling engineer on the Lincoln division. The G. I. A. ladles' Auxiliary to the IxK-omotive engineers had a called meeting at the K. C. Hall Monday afternoon, They had with them Mrs .1. B. Fairhead of Coring lon, Kentucky, who is the Grand Chaplin of the G. I. A. Lodge. Mrs. Corington has been making a tour of inspection that included the coast states. She came here from Sheri dan and went on to Lincoln. At six p. m. a very elaborate banquet wus served in Mrs. Fairhead's honor. IjR ter the ladles, eighteen In number, attended the Majestic Theater. The tables were decorated with the colors, royal purple, blue, white,, and cardinal. In a few well-rhosen words Mrs. Jennie Morrison present ed the lady with a beautiful Alliance souvenir spoon. Mrs. Falrhead sall this was one of the best pom ed, best drilled lodges she had vis ited and the reception glvpn her by the ladies here was the best she had rM l ived anywhere. Alliance cer tainly has reason to bo proud of the O. I. A. Lodge here. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER8 contest will be furnished on applica tion. First priie, $16.00 In cash. Second prlxe, $10.00 In cash. Third prlxe, $6.00 in cash. Fourth prlxe, $3.00 In cash. Fifth prize, $2.00 In cash. Sixth prize, $1.00 In cash. . GRAY GUTHRIE, Alliance, Neb., General Agents Kquitable Life As surance Society, of New York. 46-tI-73fi Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abstracter Lincoln Land Company to Mary W. Llenweber: lxt 3, In Block 5, Wyo Addition to Alliance, $250. Lincoln Land Company to E. G. Lalng: lxits 6 and 6, Block R, Sherdlan Addition to Alliance, $350. Lincoln liand Company to Clara M. Harshaw: Lot 12, In Block V, Sheridan Addition to Alliance, $250. N. P. Dodge to John M. Schlrk: Ixts 205 Ud 206, Belmont Addition to Alliance, $1.00. United State to Katie Pesek, Pat ent: NW4 Sec. 27, Township 27, Range 61. W. S. Rldgell, Administrator, to Rob ert Bird: NWV4 Sec. 23, Town ship 27, Range 47, $900. Arthur Miller to Pat Mangin: Lot 24, Block 2, Snedekers Addition to Alliance. $75.00. F. M. Knight to Pat Mangin: Lot 25, Block 2, Snedekers Addition to Alliance, $60. John I .Mi to Annie E. Leith: NEH of SEV4 of Sec. 8, Township 24, range 50, $200. United States to Iuls E. Hood: E. Vt of E4 of Sec. 28, Township 26, Range 52, Patent. Village of Ilemingford to Elizabeth Hughes: Iot 15, Division A, Block I, in Ilemingford Cemetery, $5. Heirs of William W. Gray to John L. Hatcher: NW4 of Sec. I, Town ship 25, Range 51, $1. Belle Brown to Alvln Iff. Miller: Lots 15 and HI, Block 35, Henilng ford, Nebr., See McCorkle before selling those potatoes. 44tf715 EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services at the Episcopal church Sunday morning at 10:30, and at 7:30 in the evening. A most cordial invitation Is extended to all. GEO G. WARE. Mrs. Harry Gantz will entertain, the Woman's Guild next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Guild ladies are planning to have a bazaar and fancy work sale November 22nd. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Oct. 22. Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching Service 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Preaching Service 7:30 p. in. By special Invitation the Knights Templar will attend the evening service in a body. The theme for this service will be, "Men and Re ligion." All are invited. A hearty welcome to strangers. JAMES B, BROWN, Pastor. PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST Good Jonathan and Grimss Golden apples, all day Saturday at $1.10 per bushel. Mutt be sold, come and get them. On track north of Service building. 45-1t742. G. W. VENNER. LOST. Small size Black Hills ring. Good reward. Phone 558. 45 LM -727 We offer the following prizes for essays on tho subject, "Why My l'a pa Should Carry a Life Insurance Policy in the Kquitable Lite Assur ance Society." All essays must be received be fore December 1st, I'.tll, and prizes will be awarded on December 16th. itit The contest is open to school children fifteen years old or under living in Box Butte, Dawes, Sioux, Scotts Hluff, Cheyenne, Cherry, Gar den, Grant, Deuel, Kimball and Sher idan counties. Rules governing the Photographs EARLY CLOSING Believing that our customers will be better served in shorter hours we, the undersigned merchants, have adopted the 6 o'clock closing for this winter. Beginning Monday, Oct. 23rd, our stores will close at that hour, except ing Saturdays and pay days. We respectfully ask your co-operation in bettering service by trading before 6. The Stuckey Co. Mrs. R. Simmons Geo. A. Mollring E. C. McCluer Horace Bogue Are as good as gold, and we have the new and latest styles at your command. Call and see them and get your order in before the holiday rush. Alliance Art Studio Last week we should have men tioned the visit of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Beeson over Sunday with Mr. Beeson's parents, at Goring" Ml Mrs. Zurchre of Lakeside came to the St. Joseph Hospital Monday morning, where she submitted to an operation and Is reported to be get ting along very well. Arthur Haines, the expert ice cream maker of the Holsten drug store, returned Monday from a ten days' visit in Colorado, most of which time was spent ait Denver and Col orado Springe. W. H. Zehrung returned last Fri day from Beatrice, where he has been spending several weeks. He Is very much improved in health. We might sny he is practically well, as he Is again attending to business personally. . . Mrs. H. E. Anderson of Newcas tle, Wyoming, who was operated on at the St. Joseph Hospital in this city last week, Is repored as getting along very well. . We wish to call your attention to the Gray & Outhrie prize contest, notice of which is published else where in this issue of the paper. This is a contest in which the loaers win, that Is, they receive benefit from the efforts in writing the essay to be submitted in the contest, be sides those prizes, amounting in all to $36.00, are worth putting forth an. effort to secure. Good, strong boy, 16 years old, would like place to work while at tending school. Either inside or out side work. Inquire at this office. 45-lt-73l Hjssfl 98Hk u isw ki GLEN MILLER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER BOX BUTTE CO. THE FAMOUS is in a Class of its Own When it Comes to Clothing CLOTHING NEWS Douglas Shoes Union Made All Styles All Leathers $3.50 Why pay more J Boys' Non-Ripping Shoes $1.35 $2 CA Bay your boy DU a tine pair of high cut Shoes A big 'ot of far-lined t'ai is Hoys.' Q pairs Gloves for 25c The Great Tltt Shoe Line $4 $4.50 $5 Wear as well as any higher priced shoe made ASTOHL to be able to sell clothing at the right price must have the purchasing power, the outlet and the knowledge of values. We claim to know the clothing business, 22 years active retailing have taught us values. Our stock for this season is stronger better values, battel assortments than ever. No harm to look. If in doubt regarding styles come and get the world's best authority, M The Hart Schaffner & Marx Style Book" You won't see any fancy cutis or collars on new stuff. The day of "doie" is over. IF you are interested in new up-to-the-minute styles for men and young men in Suits and Overcoats you should inspect our large assortment of well known clothing. We are giving better values this season than vr have been able to give for several seasons past. A CALL HERE MIGHT SAVE YOU SOME MONEY. $15 $15 At this price we are showing a wonderful line of all-wool, hand-tailored SUITS AND OVERCOATS all new the product of six large factories. The plums of each line. Every garment guaranteed by us and the makers. S15 $15 at $18 and $20 You will Hnd a superb line of hand tailored Suits and Coats made by America's well known tailors: Sterl ing, Alco, Progressive, Frankle, Irving Systems. at $25.00 We are in a class by our selves at this price, the only competition we have is the 50.00 city tailor. Hart Schaffner & Marx products finer, better than ever. Why pay more and get less? Great 10 Days' Sale of Boys' Clothing THE FAMOUS Shows the New Clothes When they are NEW $3.50 Buys a 12 inch High Cut Non-ripping Shoe for Men 1 Big Lot of Regular Toe values Dress Shirts Now 39c Best Black Sa teen Shirt on the market for 50c Holeproof Hose Six Months Wear $1.50 Box We carry all the New Styles in the F A M O U 8 John B. Stetson Novelty Hats 100 pairs Boys1 Knickerbocker Pants 39c Boys' Sweater Coats A Dandy for 50c Heavy Fleece Underwear for Boys, 25c Trunks and Suit Cases Don't miss that Corduroy Pants Bargain Belt Loops, Side Buckles, Peg Cut, with Cuffs, only, $2.50 the Pair Our line of Trunks is the lest and prices the lowest. They have an individual appearance that others have not. See Our $7.50 Trunk Special We show the largest line of up to date Suit Cases. Prices rtnge from 11.85 to 20.00. Our SS. (I. $7 SO Silt Casts art Imp ud itt. sttMly mada. tritk kit straas Sit tfiem See our large line Men's Union Suits Munsing's Celebrated $1.25 to $5.00 Vassar Swiss Ribbed $1.50 to $5.00 Boys9 Corduroy Suits Made the best. Knee pants. (4.&0 values, to close at $2.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS Fine, nobby new line for the little fellows $2.50 and up SPEND YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU GET THE HOST FOR IT The Famous One-Price Clothing House Daylight Store and Daylight Methods A STORE FOR MEN Alliance's Largest Clothing House We sell the Heaviest Overall Copper Riveted, for 65c 39c for a Welted-seam GLOVE Big Line of 25c Neckwear Those Boys' Bicycle Hose 2 pain for 2Sc We are showing . big lines of Ribbed and Fleeced Underwear at 50c Standard Full WaigHt Goods Sies B 7 12 Our Cow Boy Boot at S4.50 has no equal