WE OWE YOU GOOD PHONE SERVICE You deserve telephone tttfrkM that is quick, accurate and country-wide in its extensions. By giving you such service at reasonable rates we feel that we should expect your busi ness and your hearty co ojeration. To give the best service, this Company is constantly improving its equipment and stand ardizing its operating methods. Your assistance and co-operation and that of the associated telephone and telegraph compa nies enable us to give you intercommunication of national scope and of the highest obtainable efficiency. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. HELL SYSTEM Co-Operative Store MEAT MARKET 304 BOX BUTTE AVE. Drake & Whetstone Fresh Finest Line n Cured Meats BEST QUALITY REASONABLE PRICES Telephone orders delivered promptly to any part of the city Phone 50 ALLIANCE CAFE M. D. Kimball. Hgr. Open Day and Night On west side of street across from Burlington Station IJS JINCHESTBK 1 THE Repeating Shotguns USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it sate, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. RELIABLE REPEATERS GOOD STENOGRAPHERS Are Always in Demand. Careful attention is given to the welfare of each pupil in the ! Commercial Deparoeol iDanaei ST. AGNES ACADEMY ALLIANCE. N E BR. Call sr Write tei lattmattia Olivtr and L C Smith Typfwritus Use DYNAMITE FOUND Thirty-six Sticks of Explosive Discovered Under Bridge. WATCHMAN FIRES AT TWO MEN Supposed Attempt to Wreck Presi dential Train En Route to Loa An gelea in Early Morning la Thwarted by Section Foreman. San Franc4f(-o, Oct, 17. A report re ceived hero by oflVinls of the South ern Pacific Railway company from C. B. Hrown, Beet Ion foreman for the road at Naples, Cel., gave details of the discovery of thirty-six sticks of dynamite under the Cairntan viaduct, twenty miles north of Santa Rarbara, several hours before President Taft's special train passed over the bridge en route to los Angeles. The dyna mite was found and the watchman engaged In n revolver battle with two men, who escaped. The dynamite was discovered at 2 a. m. The president's train passed over the bridge at 5:51. The night watchman s.iw two men on the bridge shortly before 2 o'clock. They were at the opposite end of the 1,000 foot span and ran when oriered to halt. The watchman hurried across the bridge, firing several shots, which were returned. After the pair had es caped in the darkness the watchman returned to the bridge and began an Investigation. Near the center of the hpan, lodged on one of the supports of the viaduct, he found the thirty six sticks of dynamite, with a ten-foot fuse attached to one of the sticks. He left the find untouched, going immedi ately to Santa lliitbara and notifying tbe officials. Sheriff Wines of Santa Rarbara county went immediately to the bridge with several deputies and removed the dynamite. A general search is being made for the men. DR. JACK0LA DEAD IN WOOD Woman Suffrage Champion, He An noyed Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont. Duluth, Minn.. Oet. 17. The body of Dr. John .lac kola, the DultJth phy sician, who has been missing since June 21, was found In the woods a short distance east of this city. The find was accidental, but clears up a mystery which has confronted Duluth for mouths. Many searches had been mode before, but without success. Dr. Jackola v;s n Finnish doctor who hlr1 established a large practice here. He was one of the leading doc lort of the CltV. Nit was known to be eccentric. During late years he had been a frierd of woman suffrage ami this spring gave several lectures to clubs in New York and Brooklyn. While in the east he sprang into no toriety because of his connections with Mrs. o. 11 P. Belmont Recause of his persistence In paying unirvit-d attentions to this society leader and sending Iter sentimental poetry, she caused his arrest Upon his promise to desist he was released. CONDENSED NEWS KAISER TRYING FOR PEACE German Ruler Aska Italian Envoy to Confer With Him. Berlin. Oct. 17. The emperor, who is at his hunting lodge near Kbers walde, Prussia, Invited Six Alberto Pausa, the Italian ambassador, to a conference on the political situation. The German Imperii! chancellor slso att nded. The Italian ambassador bad ar ranged o meet the dermaii foreign minister, Iferr von Kiderlin-Waechter, at the Foreign office to discuss matters connec ted With the Turco It ilian war, hut hastily canceled this engagement upon receiving (fee emperor's message. AVOIDS TU3T IN ASPARAGUS New Species of Pl?c t Will Wipe Out Chief Source of Trouble. Bo-ton. Oct. 17. Both asparagus gravers of New Knglaud and tbe "Housewives who have Ix-en forced by Crop gitttfM '" I'av large prices for tfr tender shoots will be elated by iba j'linouncetiu iit o professor J. B. Norton, expert of the ruit"d States lepartment of sericulture, that rust, he chief source of aspni aisus troubl will be a thing of the past as a result of the new species developed at the vperiineti' farm at Coniord, Mass. Suarez Leadc Mexican Race. Mexico City, Del 17 The result of ballot ing in the electoral college In all of the principal c'ties and a num ber of the smaller towns Indicates the le. tion of JtOM Pino Suarez to the vice presidency by a scant majority De la lis its was second, with Vas Inez Gomez third. M?ny Die Cltitta. Ofi brief duration Many persons by the oll,ipse were dli-pati bed Snd Slice ceded "lOdbs. Eighty lave been killed in Earthquake. 17 An earthquake of occurred in Sicily were killed, probably of buildings Troops to the work of rescue In removing twenty I ei sous are knort n to Educators Name St. Paul. Kansas Citv. Oct. 17 The next an i I inctins of the educational asso nation will be held m gt. Paul, July C to 12 inclusive This was announced here by Pnf i-scir J M Greenwood oi the executive committee of that organization. Two netsens were killed and more than a nore injured In accidents duo to a heavy fog in Chicago. A tornado sfiiel; illllaboro, lnd , de molts!, lng every building on the main MMM t. No on. was filled. A French profe ssor has evolved a plan to cut a canal .ml turn the Sa hara derert Into an wean. Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan of the supreme court of the United States, died in Washington. John S. Moth, city marshal of Her rtik. S. D, shot and killed Henry Owsley while Owsley was teslstlng ar rest. William C.rienllef, a student of the St. IjouIs aviation school, was serious ly Injured while attempting to make a flight at Chill Icothe. Miss Margaret Curtis of Boston won the women's national golf champion ship by defeating Miss Lillian Hyde of Bayshore, fj up and 3 to play. John Henry Smith, a member of the first presidency of the Mormon church, being second counsel to the president, Joseph P. Smith, died In Salt lJike city. Owen Wlster, the author, left his ranch in Jac kson's Hole, Wyo., for a short hunting trip. Peforc leaving he declared thief rumor., of his 111 he-.lth were unfounded. The delegate s to th- Amcrlorn K'ec trie Railway association in 11 I ftlo !n session at Atlantic t'ltv went on tee on! favoring in inc re.iv in t lie lat of all Rtreet railway s.-t At a meeting of the v. i i rg I it Tobacco Dealers' association belt n Milwaukee pivlimlnarv measures Wi e taken to fight the reorganization of the American Tobacco cnm'!!!iv. A verdict of acquittal was returned by the Jurv in the enr-n of John . Walsh, charged with the murder of George ( .Martin, who bad wrecked Walsh's home at Curllnville, III. John Dean and family returning in a wagon to their home near Maryville. Mo., we re caught in a cloudburst. The wagon and occupants were washed In to a ravine and Dean was drowned. J. C. Mnhruy, head of the famous Mabrny gang, was taken from I'nvon worth prison to pes Moines to appear before th. grand jury there. Mabray will h" reba-erl from prison in a few weeks. Archer Whit well, a farmer, was shot and killed bv his neighlor, Gus Webb, on the latter's farm near Kan sas City Tbe men quarreled over hunting privileges on ground that di vides their property. President Gompeis, Vice President Mitchell and Secretary Morrison of 'lie American Federation of Labor have petitioned tbe District supreme j court to dismiss the charges of con j tempt preferred against them. John R. Walsh, the famous Chicago banker, after spending one year, eight ! months and twenty eight days in the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., for misapplying the funds of the Chi cago Na'lonal hank, was paroled. Tho body of man thirty five or forty vears old was found In the Mis souri river at rfi I , Mo., having been In the wate ; four or five days. '1 here was nothing 1 - the man's pock ets by wl ie h he CO tld be Identified. Paroles have been ordered for two more bankers In the federal prison at Leavenworth. They are H. T. Wells, a former Kenosha (Wis.) bank clerk and H. G. Gnii, who was connected with the Rlgelow bank in Milwaukee Charles Denis ton Price, midship man of tile c miser New Orleans, be- longing to the United Stales Astatic ! fleet, committed suicide by shooting himself In the head. The New Or ' teans is lying off Manila. Price had ; been ordered to resign. Artie- Coaly, agted two years, wan red from home at Rock Springs, Wyo., and s believed to have pgff ! sped in the hills Searching parties ! have been scouring the country, hut j have found no trgM of the baby. The !; trents are pearly crrzed 'itb grief. The National Partners' congress Is I meeting at Columbus, O., for a four ! eiuys' see si on. Thai new impetus win bo given the movement for a parcels I po;-'t was asnured and the federal sup j port ot good roadt will be one of the i :'ost important subjec ts to be dealt J with. A proposition from the Canadian 1 irellroacls to be allowed a reduced are this winter for so called "home : visitors' " excursions from western Canada to Chicago, Omaha. Del . Moines .and ether places has he-en re Jecled by the Western Passenger as.-o elation. M. ievel was injured probably fatal v In a fall at Rbelnis. Prance The. aviator was sweeping along in his bl plane about 2"i0 fetd from the earth when something went wrong with his machinery and the aeroplane plunged downward Striking a telegraph pole In its descent. ."The question of transportation de termines the character of the poor man's breakfast and the rich man's home," said Governor Herbert S Had ev of Missouri, in an address at the likes to the Gulf Deep V ..te rway av soclation conv -ntion at Chicago. "One htid of the '"i of living is due to l-e -xper.s" of transportation " The practice of asking a contribu tion at tbe door of almost all Roman Catholic rkurchi s, or of charging a fee for a seat In the church, is ordered i 'iiscontinu d In a circular letter sd I dressed to all arc hblshops and bishops of the et'iirch I SI the I'nited Slates. which Mgr. Palconio. apostolic cdt-leev gute at (Vaablagtaa, has sent out. Home-Made Candy At The MODEL CANDY KITCHEN W. II. Snow i.rs. Prop. Successor to Harry Johnson We carry also a tine line of the best factory candy at prices low er than the saim- can he purchased elsewhere See the New Line of wip and Spring fate AT I. L. ACHESONS Hardware and Implement Store Before Buying OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE John Snocldy, Pres., F. 8. Showers, V. Pron May BnoddjT, Sec. and Treat. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency :MF" Htiil Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association III I 17' JOHN GARRETT Successor to f rank Wallace Transfer Line Household floods . moved promptly ') ' t and transfer work solicited. Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583 " CHIEF BRAND" tfemzaS?,'RAINC0ATS SlicccC . PM Od ) Th ideal garments for Rainy c r Clear Weatherwear. NO BETTER MADE. They are made from cloths rainproufed bv the- famous Priestley " i'ravtaettt" Proof, and are the best tailored coats m the market. Rain nUi Seither Wet nor Spot a ' Chltf Brand' 'ra0nelc Coat" Tees Contain Ao Rubber; i 1 n veilu.U or cause perspiration; li.ive so diaagreeebtci e.ior. PvenrgreasTve ci.ilers in Men's ami Worn i c loiliing have bImssj on sale.' in a variety cl up-to-date M!e and conragS. Kvery " Chief lirand " "frtUenc&C Rein Coat lus REG? Wk fa ) this clrcul&i rc-ixti-retl trs;'. id .i i k slanipccl on the inside- and this .silk lilcl is sew e el en) ihe collar or ebewbes. Cm 1 1' .. ..wi "NONE OBVI - WIIIIUl 1 TttllW If jroar locad dealer docs not carry them, write us sad we alii eud you tin- names ol thoe wlio do. INTER-STATL RUBBIZR CO. . T LI NOSEY, I'rcsidcnt Omaha, NeLrask:i