Classified Advertisements The following "Want Adi" are classified under appropriate heading for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per wo.-d each Insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. It answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. Phone No. t for coal and wood. VAl'OHAN A SON. 4;:tr02 TO RENT NICE FRONT ROOM to rent, fur nished. Call at Simmons' Millinery St or. 38tf68 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Bath and heat. Suitable for two gentlemen. Apply Mrs. Black, 418 Sweetwater Ave. Phone 760. 37tf627 S room house for rent, $16.00. En quire of Wm. M. Hill. Office North west Nebr. l.and Co. 43-tf-711 Rooms for light housekeeping. Modern conveniences. Also one sin gle room. 908 Box Butte Ave., Mrs. L. D. WHITE. 45tf72! ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-670 Farmers and merchants, come and get them. Bring your sacks and your barrels. Good Jonathans. $1. 26 per bushel; good Winters at $1 10. Now on track at depot. M It 72! (i. W. VENNKK. FOR RBNT Well lighted office room. First National Bank. Don't sell your potatoes till you see McCorkle. He Is paying the hUh'st price. 44tf715 PUR CLASSES FOUND at Nohe's Restaurant. Owner is requested to call and set same by paying for this notice. 44tf714 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that th partnership heretofore existing be tween Wm. M. Hill, I. U. Hager ami Geo. E. Douglas, under the firm name of the Northwestern Nebraska Land Company, has by nninial con sent been dissolved this day. Dated at Alliance. Nebraska. Octo ber I, IM1, WM. M. RILL, I, U. HAGER. GEO. E. DOUGLAS. BLOCKADED EMPLOYMENT WANTED S. Glldden has returned to Alliance and is ready to do all kinds of odd Jobs of work. Phone 266 Red. 39tf MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. B. Reddish. 3tf McMillan, Piano Tuner at Tlirel keld's, Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's. 741 6t-23-tf Dr. L. W. Bowman has secured an oflice In First National Bank build ing, upstairs, at end of hall to the riiht, east front rooms. Office phone 30.', residence phone 16. 1 will take a few maternity cases at my home on West 2nd street. Phone 766. FRANCES DANOS, Red Cross Nurse. 3l-tf-82i Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf NOTICES If you want first class painting or paper hanging, call E. C. Whisman, phone 709. 818-tf-28 IOI SE AND LOT FOR SALE, at a bargain and on easy terms. Phone 601 Red. 36tf617. One small cook stove for sale ch ap. Phone 586. It45-7:I2 Chickens, Squashes, Turnips Nearly thoroughbred Plymouth Rwk chickens, mostty pull la ready to lay and some old hens, to sell. A!m some fine squashes and turnips. Write your orders to me at Long Lake, Nebr. JAMES POTMES1L. 44lf726 FOR SALE. Good paying business. Reason for selling, other business (I'inands time. Will sell cheap to right party. Will give lease on building. Inquire at Heiald office. 42-4t-697. Dr. James P. Maxfield, dentlBt, has a modern dental office with e lectrical equipment over Brennan's drug store. Read his card on first page of The Herald. 2S-tf-s05 In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. ITS EQUAL DOESN'T EXIST No one has ever made a salve, oistment or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the ono I feet healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns. Bruises, Sores. Scalds, Boils, Fleers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or rains it's supreme. Unrivaled for Piles. Try It. Only 25c at F. J. 1 i nnan's. OFFICE JO RENT Splendid location, ground floor, Box Butte avenue; best location in Al liance for real estate or similar bus iness. Would do for small retail business. If interested inquire at once at Herald office. Phone 340. Every Household in Alliance Should Know How to Resist it The back aches because the kid neys are blockaded. Helj) the kidneys with their work. The back will ache no more. Lots of proof that Doan's Kidney Pills do this. It's the best proof, for it comes from this vicinity. John J. Lingle, Wayside, near Chadion, Nebr., 6ays: "1 first used Doan's Kidney Pills while living in Iowa several years ago. At that time 1 was having a great deal of trouble from backache and an al most constant soreness across my kidneys. If I caught cold, the com plaint was aggravated and I was un able to work. I took several reme dies but was not benefitted until a friend udvi.sed me to try Doan's Kid ney Pills. They cured me and I had no trouble until I came here a bout a year ago. Doan's Kidney Pills also benefitted me then." For sale by all dealers. Price 5" cents. Foster-Milbura Co., Buffalo, Neiv Vork, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of ) James F. Hannigan ) In Bankruptcy Bankrupt ) At Broken Bow, in said District, this 2nd day of October, 1911, before J. A. Armour, Referee in Bankrupt cy; WIIEKKAS, upon September 22nd, 1911, the undersigned filed a Petit ion for Discharge signed by James F. Hannigan as petitioner in said matter; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that a hearing be had upon said pe tition for discharge at Broken Bow, in said District, upon tiie 15th day of November, 1911 at 11 o'clock A. If,, at the office of the undersigned Referee and that a notice thereof be published in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper in suid district, and all know ti creditors and other persons in interest may appear at said time and place and show cause, if any there be, v. hy the prayer of said pe titioner should not be granted, and also attend the examination of the iiaukrupt. J A. ARMOUR, Referee in Bankruptcy. 14t-lM HEMINGF0RD Mrs. Lena Brltton left for Alliance on 44 Wednesday where she will spend a couple of weeks with her daughter. Frs. Frank Potmesll. Miss Alice Potmesll came In on 43 Wednesday from Alliance where she spent the past week visiting at the home Of her brother, Frank Pot me sll. ., Mrs. B. V. Shepnrd and Mrs Rob ert Anderson accompanied Mr. An derson's mother to Alliance Thursday. Ira Scrlbner came in from Hay a Springs Thunda) where he had been visiting his parents for a few days. Mrs. A. S. Enyeart came In Thurs day from the east where she had been visiting for the past two months Mr. Enyeart will stay at Kansas City a few weeks longer as he is taking treatment at that place. Mrs. Ilelle Brown was an Alliance passenger on 36 Thursduy evening going down to sec her daughter, Mrs. Addle Donovan, who has been quit? sick. Orn Phillips made home folks a visit Thursday going back to Alliance in the evening. Robert Anderson and sister, Mrs. Strong, went down on ::'. Thursday niUit. Their mother. Mrs. Anderson, who was operated on tor appendicitis Friday is reported as gettini! along fine. Simon Iverson and wife came In on 4:: Friday from the west whcie they have been visiting at different points since their marriage Sept. 19 in Chicago. Ed and Cal Wildy shipped a load of mules to Oram! Island Friday ev ening. Mrs. B. U. Shepherd came in on 4:; Saturday form Alliance w here she spent a few days the last of the w eek . a a a K. I.. Pierce left Friday evening for California on business. Mrs. Pierce accompanied him on his trip. Jerry Wells received the news Saturday from Chicago of the death of his mother at that place op Sat urday morning, Oct. 14. m m The ball boys gave a dance Sat urday night in the Shindler hall. Al though they did not have a very large crowd all report a fine time. Miss Sadie Hopkins enme In from Washington on 43 where she has been sending the summer. .Mrs. Ira Phillips of Sioux county was trading in town Saturday. Joel Sheldon and wife spent a few days last week with Mrs. Sheldon's parents in Sioux county. James Evans and family visited ov er Sunday with Mrs. Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rolands. C. J. Wildy left on 44 Monday for Grund Island on business. Mrs. H. O. Strong came up from Alliance where she has been taking care of her motheT who she reports Is getting along very well at present. Mr. John Bartley who has been sick for the past few weeks died at his home in Sioux county Friday af ternoon, Oct. 13, and owing to a mis understanding the German minister of Alliance was unable to get up in time to hold services at the house as had been arranged but held a short service at the grave, burial at the llemingford cemetery Monday at 3 o'clock p.m. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins came In Mondny from Iowa where they have been visiting for the past few Weeks. Mr and Mrs. Dick Kenner of Al liance spent a few days the Inst of the week with Mrs. Kenner's pat ents. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Bauniont . Mr and Mrs. Walter Hughes are the prowl parents of n nine and one half pound boy which came to their home Sunday, Oct. 16. Mr. ami Mrs. Albert lledgecock left on 44 Sunday for Portland. Ore gon, w here they expect to make their future home. Charley lluss has been on the sick list for the past week. Mis Cl.iik Olds has been spending the last few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm lodence. B. E. Johnson shipped a car of cat tle also one of hogs to South Omaha Tuesday evening. Mrs. B. U. Shepherd and niece. Miss Zolia, were Alliance passengers Tuesday on 44. The mcetlngB which have been h!d tit (lie Methodist church for the past two weeks closed Sunday evening. Krcl llucke sold his potatoes to a man from the southeastern part of the state. They loaded the car Tues day. Seem to be a number of east ern buyers lu town the past week. Mr. Roboson who has been here the past week with a car of apples closed out the last of them Wednes day morning and left on 44 for his home at Auburn, Nebr. PONY STRAYED Ba pony left barn of J. W. Thom as r0'. Sweetwater Avenue, Alliance, on Wednesday, Oct. IS. Had he:ul halter on when left. Reward for re turn of pony or information leading to same. Leave word at Herald of fice, or phone 340. 45tf744 $100 Reward, $100. Tno rr-nilrrs nt this nalwr will tie ..t ... to ltim that there Is .it leant 'im dreucletl (II VMM' Out Felenee liu been Able ti eur Ih all lu statu, and that Is 'itn--li. Halts ( utarrh Cwv In the only positive run now knoM to Die nifiliral fraternity, catarrh belni; a eo itif utlonal tllaraa-. require a ctmatltu tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure I taken In ternally, urtintf (tlrertly ttMin tlie blind and mucous surfarn ot the system, ther-hy destroying the fiui ill 1 1 Ion .. I tie illsi-nM', mid KlvliiK the mttelit SMMtk by bull llnic up the constitution and assist ing nature In dolus Its work. The proprietors have, ao much faith In Its ruratlve powers that they offer On' Hundred Dalian for any ease that It falls to Mr. Send for lint of testimonials. l lress F. J. OHKNT.V A CO.. Toledo. O. M1 bv all Iiruatrlsts, 7 Sc. Take Unlit Kumlly rill for constipation. X. 2v. SCOTT AUCTIONEER Graduate Missouri Auction School Dates may be left at Herald of fice, Alliance, or write me at LAKESIDE, NEBRASKA waWsWs-asWSaaaaWWMaaaaaaMaasatM JO BEAUTIFUL XMIS POSTCARDS FREE I will tend yon 10 of the prrttieat postcards you ever saw if yon cut out this advertisemtat sod tend if to ids with two 2 cent stamps 10 pay for the cost of assorting and msilirg. I will distribute 50 0C0 sets of thas high grade, embossed Christmas rarrU lo quickly introduce my new sod tflect ive Postcard fieri l'o not niiea this oppoMiini'r to cat 10 of the finest cards avar aent out. Send at once. wri I.OFTL'S, Mfc-r 1701 Jackaon -1 Omaha. Neb A factor lor Dure food ante-dating all state and national food laws a? prices BAKIN6P0WDER No Alum No Phosphates Be on your fjuarrt. Alum Pow ders may he known by ibelr price 10 or Me. lb.. or one cent an 0000000000000000 o BELMONT ITEMS 0 0000000000000000 C. H. Ilrltlon anil wife, of Craw ford, were In town last Sunday. Oust. Wendt of loulsvl11e, Nebr.. whs visiting his brother, Ferdenand. the latter part of the week. He took his nephew, Albert, home with him. fritz Swann Is bSok at llelmont for a few days. The dunce last Saturday night was a greut success. Kvcryone seemed to enjoy himself Immensely. There were sixty-two out. Farmers are still hauling wheat to Belmont. Potato digging In nbout over. The iiuality la good this year but the quantity is below the average. a L F. Mengel of Iees Summit, Mo., Is In town to buy 11 car of potatoes to ship to Missouri. a Win. Ilollinrnke bus been home for a few daya. a a Frank I'lcrce was in town over Sunduy. He is a busy man these days. a a a Charley Hale Ib still threshing. There will be quite a lot of grain in tiM country, much more than was tint icipated. a a a liOuis Hack is building a new stor age house. a a Lynn Towns.m had an accident the other day. He was over at Mr. Phelps" place when his team became frightened, running away and break ing up a new spring wagon badly. Neither of the horses were hurt, a a a Miss Pearl Kvans is now able to teach school again. Miss Mabel Mc Henry officiated in her absence, a a a The Buckley boys, from Sioux county, were visiting their cousins, the Eversull family, last week, a a a Ueorge Bouldln is hauling potatoes to Ft. Robinson. It is a long haul, but we understand the price Ib good. a a The farmers of this neighborhood are talking of erecting another ele vator at Belmont, but have made no definite arrangements as yet. saved two lives. Doctors had said her frightful cough wbb a "consump tion" cough and could do little to help her. After many remedies fail ed her aunt urged her to take Dr. King's New Discovery. " I have been using It for some time," she wrote, "and the awful cough has al most gone. It also saved my litflo boy when taken with a severe bron chial trouble." This matchless med icine has no equal for throat and lung troubles. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by f. I Itrennan. Public Sale Don't fall to attend Hurry Lap ham's public sale, Thursday, Nov. 2nd, lilt, at his place In Oarden county. Snle will include horses, cattle, farming implements, cooking utensils. See bills for particulars. 21-7.14-45 Public Sale I will sell at public auction at my residence in Hemlngford, Monday, Oc tober 2.ird. commencing at 1 o'clock harp: A lot of good work horses, geld ings, ponies, colts, buggies, wagons, tarn macii inery, harness, furniture, two-hore gasoline engine and many other things. It will pay you to at tend this Bale. .! por cent discount for cash on all sums over $10.00. Kiev en months' time will be given on all sums over ten dollars, pur chaser giving note drawing Hi per cent interest with approved security. See bills for full particulars. lt-46-7:!6. B. K. JOHNSON. AVERTS AWFUL TRAGEDY Timely advice given Mrs. C. Vil- loughby of Marengo, Wis., K. No. 1, I prevented a dreadful tragedy and Public Sale I will sell at public auction at my place nine miles west and two north of Alliance, two miles west of Hash man P. O., on Tuesday, Oct. II, six head of work horses, four cows, calf, four hogs, thirteen pigs, chickens, corn, small gran, wagon, buggy, bind er, mower, hurroww, cultivators, plows, tank, potato digger, potato sorter, hay rack, sled, hnrs: blank--1s, work harnesses, single harness, household goods, etc. See bills for particulars. Fit El) N1CHOIA 45-2t -74:i. ti j Rsmsmaer lii t tnr tcJcd tub criLr nup . iwmakd tLis p&pir better ibr eve Lad IS THE WORLD GROWING BETTER? Many things go to prove that it is. The way thousands are trying to help others is proof. Among thein is Mrs. W. W. Gould of Pittsfield, N. H. Fiuding good health by taking Klectric Bitters she now advises oth er sufferers everywhere to take them. "For years 1 suffered with Mutual It and kidney trouble," she va rites. "Every medicine I used failed till I took Electric Bitters. But this great remedy helped me wonderfully." They'll help any wo man. They're the best tonic and finest liver aad kidney renicKly that ij made. Try them. You'll see. 50c at F. J. Brennan's. Beautiful bwitches made from your combings. Phone 521. New York Hat Shoo. 4U-tf-7U 8YERS BROS. & CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION Strong on Range Cattle SOUTH OMAHA. NEB. CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST. JOSEPH