The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 19, 1911, Image 4

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Published every Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor and Mgr.
Entered at the post office at Alli
ance, Nebraska, for transmission
through the malU as second-class
Subscription. $1.60 per year in ad
The circulation of this newspaper
Is guaranteed to be the largest in
western Nebraska. Advertising rates
will be furnished on application.
Sample copies free for the asking.
Vteniotrntlo arid PQOula'a Independ
ent enndidn'c fOr C :.nty Clerk, Hox
Butto county. :,.', r.
Invest Irwtk n 6i cyia'lf! ntlous
soil Itcii, snd j . r vtta mill be ap
prs leted,
Democratic and People's Independ
ent nominee for Conaty Commission
er IiivIkh ltive.-.t r ; 1 it;n ,f ills record
as a clt!::en sag public officlnl, and
on that record solicits the support of
Box Butte ouut.v ot. : .
vSJ pji
Edgar M. Martin
Democratic candidate for
County Treasurer. Your
vote will be appreciated.
Can't be Helped
The democratic candidates for
county offices In Box Butte county
are entitled to a write-up in this pa
per before election, a public presenta
tion of their claims to the voters of
the county - and they are going to
have It; but It Is impoHsihle to get
It into this Issue of The Herald. We
very much regret the delay of this
mutter another week, but it can't be
If uny of the candidates are "from
Missouri" in regard to this matter
ntul will call at this office we can
"show them ". which will probably be
better than making an extended apol
Off here.
Candidate for re-e!o ton to the
office of Sheriff of Hox Butte county.
Invites an investigation of his record
as a public official and will l jslud
to abide by a fair Judgment on the
Mi' and Mrs. John Wallace left
Monday Tor Hastings, Nebr.v and Io
wa, for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. Sarah Gibson, who came from
Oklahoma to take a claim near Bing
ham. In stopping in Alliance tbU fall.
She has a (laughter, Mrs. Itentfro.
residing In the neighborhood in
which her claim Is located.
Following is the standing of the
candidates In the diamond ring con
test at the rOttor rink. Including Wed
nesday night. Oct. IN:
Kmiua Coleman jM6
Nellie K.cler 7.X60.
Kmma Fraker !20.
Marie IMsmer ISO.
Th.'lma Carey 480.
Contest will close at IS p. Wl. Oct.
H. E. Brown of Denver, formerly
a hotel keeper at Dalton, Xebr.,
was In Alliance yesterday and toduy
representing Texas garden hinds. He
seems to have a good proposition for
persons who wish to go to a milder
Climate. The Herald Is pleased to
BOte that he made arrangtnneuts
with Acheson Bros, to look ufter the
business here.
Pete Swanson of Hemtugford atop
ped in Alliance today on his way to
l,oomls, Nebr., where he goes to
visit his par. 'tits, going by vray of
Sterling. He will also visit at Hold
rege and vicinity before reluming.
Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. XX'.
F. Knight will be glad to learn of
their return home after un absence
of several months spent at various
points on the Pacific coast. They re
port a very enjoyable trip, and that
their health is much improved.
County Commissioner Jensen is a
farmer as well as a ranchman. He
does not raise potatoes extensively.
however, only about a thousand bush
els this year, but they are fine. Mr.
feeaeS drove down to Alliance the
first cf the week bringing a few
sacks of spuds, oni sack of which be
preseuted to the Herald editor. We
haven't seen any b?tter potatoes
this year and they make mighty good
K. M. Martin or Alliance and J, J
Smith of Heinlngford left Sunday
eight for Lincoln. wh?re they went
to intend tee grand lodge of th. I
O. O. F. as delegates from this country.
("has. K. Ford, president of the
First National Bank, is looking after
his business Interests In western Ne
braska, and was in Alliance the first
of th.' week.
Dr. Boland, phone 65.
Farmers, see McCorkle before sell
ing your potatoes. 4411716
Robert Oraham Bnished making
hay on his Oarden county ranch a
bout the first of the month, and re
ports a good crop, same being about
the average yield.
The I. C. 8. banquet that was to
have been given last Monday even
ing was postponed until some future
date, to be announced later.
John R. Beach came in on 44
last Saturday from Sheridan, where
he Is holding a clerical position with
the railroad company. He made his
many friends here only a short visit,
returning to Sheridan the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. XV. M Davidson, who
recently came to Alliance from Or
chard, Nebr., have taken up their
residence In the Lotspelch dwelling,
9.12 Laramie Ave. About a month
ago Mr. Davidson purchased the
Henry XVellman farm one mile east
of town. Last year he bought two
quarter-sections of Box Butte county
land, so that he now has 480 acres
of real estate in this county.
C. H. Sisley was hauling otatoes
to town the fore part of the week
from his farm north of Alliance. He
informs The Herald that he has In
thirty a.r s of potatoes this y ar.
which he finished digging last week.
He had about thrse acres which were
planted early that were poor, but
some of the others went over one
hundred bushels to the acre which
makes a valuable crop at the price
which is now being paid.
Th Omaha Trade Exhibit, published
every Satuiday at Omaha, is art In
teresting paper for business hidii of
this state. It is the official paper of
the Federation of Nebraska It : t ail
era. The Alliance branch, recently
organized, is an auxiliary or UN
state araaataatlua. Tiu officers m
the local organization are C. A.
Newberry, president; P II. Highland,
vice president; VV. S. lUdgeil. secre
tary; A. D. Rogers, treasurer.
Joe. Vaughn lost one Hundred and
fifty tons of hay on Ota ranch last
Saturday by it fire started by ths
Denver train, lie will probably b-t
un I "
enough to apply himself to his stud
les. We have known young men and
young women, also some well ad
vanced In years, not having the op
liortiinlty to attend residence schools
to complete their education In some
desired line, who have taken up one
or more courses or atudy with the 1.
C. 8. and MtoCeeded admirably. This
line or study Is not only Interesting
and pleasant to those who engage In
it, hut becomes a source or rinnncial
benefit afterwards.
Mrs. Moritz or Minatnre, who has
been In the St. Joseph Hospital or
this city for the past three weeks,
returned to her home Tuesday. A
Hne little lad two weeks or age, as
evidence oT the stork's visit, will
gladden their home
The proposition to bond the Alli
ance school district Tor $15,000 for
rf pairs and an addition to the Cen
tral and Emerson buildings, as men
tioned in The Herald a few weeks
ago, will be voted upon at the gener
al election, the seventh of next
month. Considerable opposition to
these bonds Is being developed, and
while there is great need of ntore
room and better facilities. It seems
somewhat doubt rul now whether the
bonds will be carried. On the east
side objection is made to this propos
ition on account or a school building
not being In that part of the city. It
Is claimed that people residing on
the east side have been given to
understand that when additional
bonds were voted they would be
given a schoql building. As this Is
not provided for In the question as
submitted, many of them will vote
against the proposition.
Absolutely Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes
job printing. XV believe The Her
aid's Junior linotype Is turning out
more work than arey other machine
of Its class in this part of the state,
but the amount required of it the
last two weeks has made us hustle to
get It all done.
Bee McCorkle before
Dr. Boland. phone (15.
selling your
Apples Apples
This Ihing of making one Junior
linotype machine set all the type for
five newspapers a week in Addition
(0 setting considerable type for job
printing Is gt4iig sonu . XVe believe
that the two Alliance- newsnaners
will ordlnarllv coninare favorably. In I
the Amount nf IiwmI nasn nrint vj tf'Vtt ... i
with the newspapers of any other
town of its (tag in the state- but
notice., we say ordinarily The Alli
ance Times' Junior linotype machine
has been out of commission for a
bout two weeks, and The Herald's
.n:. chine has been doing the work
for their two papers a week, aud also
for ihe Alliance Herald, the Llngle
Herald, and the Dalton Herald, be -week. This is the second
idea rtnning pari, of the time on this happy home
Sunday. October 22, 1911:
Srmdny school at 10 a. in.
lessons used, lesson period
with a study in missions.
Preaching service at 11 a. m. Dr.
XV. P. Mi Nary of Torrirrgton, XX'yo.,
will preach. The sacrament or the
Lord's Supper will he observed.
Young People's meeting at 6::!0 p.
Preaching at 7:30 p. m. by Dr. Mc-
If you want good t and ;
h'g apples I have 128 bushels of
Jonathan MBd Crimes (rolden. Th v
are fine. Must go by Sat unlay night.
on tradl at depot.
The Ladle Aid Society or the
Presbyterian llfUruB will meet at the
charch next. Wednesday afternoon
tor a Kensington and social time.
A ten and a half pound btK ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hal Pardey OB XVodnesday i last
boy In
The national hank examiner for
tale ten'.tory was In Alllam-e this
: week making his semiannual exam
ination of the APiance National and
j the First National. Although nation
al bank examiners are as a rule very
reticent about their official business,
some remarks dropped by him indi
CatOd that he was highly pleased
with the management and condition
of these two strong financial HattltB
tions. G. IT. Lower and Peter Belguru are
two Alliance nhs -ribers to Tine Her
ald who have our thanks fon fl.M
eat li pa subscription today
able to collect pay for thfi hay from
tli a railroad company, but that will
not cover all the damages by any
means, as burning the grass off the
meadow at this time of Mie year
a grei detriment to It.
Coun'.y Superintend .! of Public
lns;iuc;io:i of Box Butte louuty, ean
dn...te for tj jlsctkMi, aad uomiue
of '.a DWBOrretlC and People's lu
de!idint psrtijs.
Mrs. P. M. Maxfidd of Denv.r ar
1 rived in Alliance last Friday to take
barge of the A. M. K. church as
pr tor. Services will be held in
Murks' hall.
Dr. McNury. Of Torrlngton. XX'yo.
Apples, Cabbage, Onions
Two car loads of the best apples
ha.' Seen i.ivited tJ aildr.'Sj Hi - men's brought to Alliance this year, at 1 l'J
meeting at tb- If, P. cbur.h n -xt
Sum. ay ;:.;mic .i: at .; e'oteek. He
will sjtak on tlaa j-jbjaci, "Thj Men
iuiu Kligion Korf. xnl Uvauient".
Tbil is a iv. jv, tu. i,.
(ht; has a mli.3kn
Box Butte avenue, first door south of
Herald off ii e. Also, a fine lot of
cabbage and onions. Prices right,
lit iter lay in a supply now uhll? you
that is gro.viug, tan get the btst at a reasonable
Lt all mea'prlce- Delivered to any part of town
1 46-11-745 HENKY HOPKINS
'coie in before you gs to supper, 1
I want to give you somotliin; good,"
said F. B. Diamer to The Herald '!
cribe Saturday afternoen. The')
"something good" was a generous I
sample of sonue fresh ovters which!'
he had Inst ami llur uui. 1
Ing the same we were the same
opinion, as Mr. Dismer. that they
were very good. Indeed.
The Achesoac Bros, at Alliance have
takes, out a contract wiith the Alllscn
Ktcasy Land Co. of Houston. Texas,
to sell their 3ulf CoasL Garden tracts
ami farm lands. It will be well tor
parties intending to make a chaage
to the South, or for Investment In
tee beautiful orange district, to, call
on or WrlM them. 45-U740
a a.e
K. L. Case of Angora came up to
Alliance Monday with his daughter,
Mrs. Kva McNctf. of Fullerion, Ne
braska, who was returning to her
hemj after a visit In this part of the
siate. Mr. Case saw his daughter
air on the train Tor the east Monday
night, as he thought, but by mistake
they get on No. MS, The mistake
wts nc: discovered until after the
train had start ?d for Denver. The
conductor stopped his train at a
siding to meet 801, which he flagged
09 that Mrs. atcNeff could lviurn to
Alliance and iry taking anoth.-r triin
for the east.
XV. A. llartlett. representative . of
the International Correspondence
BceOOls, of Scraiuon, Peaa., last
week put in the lar;e show window
of the Brennan dlt store, a display
ol drawings and o h r aclvrtlslng
.natter which made a very attractive
advertisement for that great Institu
tion by drawing the attention of
UevaaU passing the store. The I
itor of The Herald had opportunitv,
as a representative of these schools
vj..ce ears ago, to observe clojc'y
the work which they ure doing, BOO
from the information that we hav
" are pleased to endorse th ir sys
tein of instruction, whiih i.s ex client
The only serious drawback to corre
spondence Instruction, as conducted
by the I. C. 8., la the difficulty some
times had in getting students to
propirly apply themselves to their
lessons, but this Is aluay th: fault
of the studei.tb and at of the
schools, and may be overcome if the
student Is ambitious und energetic
SPEClAL-HunVs Supreme Quality Canned
Fruits at Exceptional Prices
Hunt's Supreme Quality L. C. Pe iches, 3 lb. cans, 30C
Y. F. Peaches, 3 lb. cans.
Sliced Apricots, 3 lb. cans,
Egg Plums, 3 lb. cans, -
Green Gage Plums, 31b. can, 25c
Red Seal Asperagus, 3 lb. can, 25c
We guarantee l's to eMua' an' brand you pay 35c and 40c for elsexx here
c, c.
Old Fashioned Sorghum, made from sugar cane where thev still grow
acres of it. Tastes just the same as that good old country sorghum we
used to get in the early days, A spoonful on a pan cake will equal a cupful
of the ordinary sorghum syprup commonly sold.
Our Price: 5 lb. can 30c, 2 lb. can 15c
We are headquarters for Fruits and
Vegetables, fresh every morning and prices right. See our display and get
our prices. Celebrated Jones Bros. Sweet Apple Cider, 15 cents a quart.
Heinze Bulk Pickles - The Co-Operative
sells them. Heinze means quality; The Co-operative means Prices Right
We are now buying in car load lots,
which is a saving on freight rate, and
means better prices to our customers.
Try us and we will show you.