CHANGES IN DIRECTORY Information for Ttlophono User Regarding New Names and Changes In Telephone Directory PASTE IN YOUR DIRECTORY Since the Alliance telephone ex change wan taken over by the Ne braaka Telephone Co. subscribers have been Riven a Rood telephone directory service, a new directory being Issued every four months; but changes are so frequent, new names being added, so that within a few days after belnK issued it is nec esarv to begin revising the direct ory At the telephone office. For the convenience of telephone users we print below n Hat of changes that have been made since the last, directory was printed. We auggest that you paste this list In your di rectory, then go through the direct ory and check those names having tbelr numbers changed. This will make it an easy matter to tell when H is necessary to refer to the list of corrections. In the l'sts of names below we give first those whoso tH phone numbers have been changed ince publication of the last direct ory, and following those a list of phoneB that have been Installed Ince that time. Changes In Numbers 699 Bacon, J. A. Red 674 Count rymnn, F. H. (T. H. Countryman In Directory) 316 Oiles, H. 11. Hlmes, J. M. Johnson, C. B. Roach, Arthur Taylor, Ethel M. Wining, J. H. New Telephones Alliance Cafe Allen, Clara Brown, Earl Chambers, J. B. Charlton, Pool Hall Cowan , Fred Cox, R. V. Daley, Mrs. A. M. Fennlng, Philip Grew, Wm. Hill. J. F. Jeffers, N. M. KammJah, N. A. KHiser, W. II. Kennedy, Dr. Jiimes Offlee Kimball, M Lang, Rev. Looney, C. Mat key, C. Mason, V. 1. McAllister. Mrs. McCray. Mrs. C. McKenzie, R. K. Merk. 1 1. m y Miller, Conley Miller, Wm. Morgan, M. D. Richards, T. V. Shay, Mrs. M. A Stuckey, Mrs. A. Bchafer ROwtric Tiernan, Chas. Wulbridge, Mrs. Waikins, Wallet Wallace Bros. Eadikar, W. Q. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS 616 Blue 601 140 r.vs Red 609 374 Red 714 Blue 426 769 Green 367 646 669 Red 241 Blue 643 657 Blue 669 401 602 23 273 369 Red 725 274 281 306 418 617 Green 241 Green 452 164 Blue 629 Red 343 286 233 682 Blue 313 32tt Green 643 161 Blue 208 D. Titus M. M. M. it. Co. Ida BECKWITH HOWELL To one who views life at its trut worth, the union in holy bonds of matrimony of two worthy persons is an occasion of slnccrest conuratula Uoas. It affords The Herald un feigned pleasure to record the wed ding of Mr Hoy stone Ueckwith, a prominent business man of Alliance, and Miss Mahal Maud Howell, for merly of Gordon. Nebr., but who ha for the past si or seven years made her home in Chicago. The hap py event took place in that city at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Howell, September 23, 1911, Kev C. DW. Hrower offi ciating. Mr. and Mrs. lteckwlth arrived in Alliance last Friday. Since then Hoy has been showered with the congrat ulations of his many friends, and Mrs. lteckwlth has received a cor dial reception and thu best wishes of Alliance people, in which The Herald is glad to Join. They make their home in the Reckwith resi dence, 408 ToluH t venae. HuRh Real returned yesterday morning from a trip to Billings. Harry Johnson has accepted the position of timekeeper with the C. B. Q. Mrs. W R. Harper has accepted a position as saleslady at Norton's, the large fall trade at that estAblish raent making an Increase In the sales force necessary. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howanland baby boy arrived In Alliance this mornlna for a visit with friends. Mr. Howard Is an engineer, formerly of Alii. hi. . . but now of Deadwood. J. H. Vaughn is In Kansas City on business this week. W. H. Showers reports business at the Model Candy Kitchen good. Things are certainly kept In ship shape at their stand. Call and see for yourselves. C. E. Mark has added to his al ready good stock of harness goods that of Geo. A. Hills, which he pur chased Tuesday of this week. e T. M. Jones of L4ngle, Wyoming, Is In the city between trains today. While In town he bought a car of Rpuds from Beul Bros, to ship to Wyoming. Mr. Jones Is on his way to Clarinda, la., on business. He was formerly In the mercantile busi ness at wyncote, vyo., nui is now a resident of Lingle. Beautiful switches made from your combings. Phone 521. New York Hat Shop. 43-tf-713 latest Models Spiral Wire Boned Corsets, fitted to your figure by an experienced fitter before you buy. New York Hat Shop. Phone 521. 4:;tf-713 The business of the Alliance Fruit Co. has started out much better than the proprietors, Messrs. A. 1). Rod gers, L H, Highland and K. D. Mal lery, had anticipated before launch ing t lie enterprise. As each of these gentlemen has other business that demands attention, they have taken into the partnership another member, D. W. Hughes, who will devote the most of his time. If not all, to this business. S. C. Reck has already commenc ed work on the erection of the new building for the city electric light plant. Tills building is to be on the site of the old building, but as it will be larger, a good deal of the work on It can be done before the old building is torn down. New electric light poles are being erected to take the place of those that have been In use for a number of years past, which have become unsafe on account of rotting. Miss Nina Uoysen, linotype opera tor at the Times office, left for O niiiha Tuesday, taking a vacation, a part of which she expected to spend seeing Ak-Sar-Hen. Sheriff Cox made a trip to Kear ney the first of the week on official business. The county coin in i . m n ers have been in session since Tuesday, all three commissioners being present Miss Myrtle u night of Denver, niece of Dr. F. M. Knight and sister of Reuben Knight, is visiting In Alii HURRAH FOR OUR SIDE Mary Egan Coming to the Front in the Lincoln Daily Star's Auto mobile Voting Contest GET BUSY AND B008T NOW When The Herald began boosting for Mies Mary Egan in the Lincoln Dally Star's great voting contest there were about a hundred contest ants in this district ahead of her in the number of votes. Since then she has gained on her competitors until this week she reached a posi tion where one new subscription to the Star for two years, voted for her, would place her at the head of the one hundred and fifteen contest ants in District No. 8. This district includes about all of Nebraska wept of Grand Island and Hastings and all territory outside of Nebraska.' We hope to see Miss Egan win. Although she resides at Hyannis she may be considered an Alliance girl. Having attended St. Agnes Academy she has many acquaintances and friends in this city. The Herald Is not running a sub scription agency for the Lincoln Daily Star, but we look at it like this, if you Intend to take the paper, why not subscribe now and request that the votes to which your sub scription entitles you be cast for Mary Egan In District No. 8? If you are already a subscriber and In tend to continue your subscription, why not send In your renewal be fore the close of this contest and give Miss Egan the benefit of the votes? Subscriptions to the Star, either new or renewal, will be received at The Herald office and forwarded without charge during the remainder of the contest, You can help a little by clipping the voting coupons out of the Star, filling In the name of the candidate and number of t lie district and send ing them in. These do not count anywhere near as much as a sub scription, but they help some. FAMILY REUNION Hon. J II. Strasburger of Stras burger. Sheridan county, had busi ness in Alliance last Thursday and Friday. He and Mrs. Strasburger have been enjoying a visit from his two sisters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. J C. Kessler aud Mr. and Mr. Grumbine, all of Chicago They accompanied Mr Strasburger to this city His brother, Edward Stras burger, came over the evening be fore, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Miss Tula Strasburger. All Of the above named, except J. B., want from here to Hot Springs Fri day morning for an outing. ance. She has quite a circle of friends here who are making her visit very pleusant. Mr. and Mrs. moved back to clan county Henry Alliance Illume from have Sheri- A very happy family reunion occur red at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Donovan In this city last Friday. Mrs. Belle Brown of Ilem ingford, Mrs. Donovan's mother, was present and all of her children, ex cept one son who is at Lead, S. I) The others present were Mrs. r thur Clark, Mrs. Qao. lledgecoek and Mrs. Lin ma Elder, all of llem- ingford, and the unmarried daugh ters. Misses Bdna, Delia, Eva and Ella. Mr. lledgecoek was also pres ent to enjoy the pleasures of the occasion. After the reunion .Mrs Brown and Kdna and Ella remained In All lan CO for a visit. ESS! 3Bly.ij asim. jQSSS No Naturalization Papers. Fremont. Neb., Oct. 8. A question may come up In regard to a number of naturalization papers that have been Issued here. Martin Chrlstensen of UehlliiR has been a witness for a number of applicants and it now turns out that he. has no citizenship papers himself. Chrlstensen runs a general store at Pehllng and has been Justice of the peace and a member of the vil lage board. Farmer Victim of Own Gun Trap. Arthur Emitter, living near Wilber, was 4hot by his own spring-gun wolf trap. He had artangcd a coyote trap, a piece of meat being used as bait and attached to the trigger of n shotgun. Kranter wa; trying to drive a fright oned calf Into his barn and accident ally stumbled over the trap, kicking the bait. Both barrels of the gun rrere discharged Into his feet and legs. Farmer Falls Forty Feet. James Cummlngs, a farmer living near St. Edwards, fell forty feet from a windmill tower, alighting on his feet, breaking both ankles, the bones In his left hand and bones In the right band and right forearm, leaving him anconsclous for eight hours. He will be tak' n to the Columbus hospital for X-ray examination of the broken bones. Worm Attacks Wheat Flelde. Many small worms appeared In the client field of Wilber Hiatt, northwest of Odell, and after working twenty four hours In the field destroyed about one-third of It. Mr. Hiatt round mil lions of them at work in the field and lie will lose his crop If he does not Bad some way of destroying the pests, which work on the blades of the plant. Aldrich Honors Requisition. Lincoln, Oct. 3 Polsky and Neu mann, the two men arrested in this city for stealing silk, who were taken to Omaha to be Identified ac operators of various businesses In that city, are to be tf ken to Cedar Rapids, la., on the charge of grand larceny. Govern or Aldrich honored a requisition from the governor of Iowa for their return. Farmer Charged With Cruelty. A warrant was sworn out for L. W. Workman, a farmer living near Brok en BOW, Charging htm with beating a horse to death. Indignant neighbors making the complaint allege to have seen Workman from a distance use a pitchfork on the animal and finally resort to a- heavy cltlb, John D. Mann Is Dead. Lyons, Neb., Oct. 3. John D. Mann iled here at the home of his daughter from kidney trouble and old age. He was about eight y-slx years of age and was of Scotch descent, and came to this country over a quarter of a cen tury ago. A classified advertisement, per sistently printed will sell anything of value. GLEN MILLER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER BOX BUTTE CO. CRYSTAL PIANO POLISH For the Cleaning and Polish ing of Pianos and high grade Furniture Contains no gums or acids GIVES A BRILLIANT AND LASTING POLISH DIRECTIONS Moisten piece of cheese cloth and apply Dry off with large piece of cheese cloth, wiping with the gram PRICE. 25c . . SOLD AT THE . . BENNETT CO. STORE ALLIANCE. NEBR. Ladies, Attention Our New Stock has Arrived Latest Styles Ladies' Coats and Tailored Suits Immense line of other new goods Norton's rT The best dressed woman studies her hats. She don't buy it just be cause somebody wants to sell it. Some women are beautiful and are made Ugly by a beastly hat. Some lack good looks and yet are made to appear beautiful through the medium of the proper shape, color and trim of head wear. When studying the hat question call at the New York Hat Store Mrs Bowles, Mgr. Holdredge Bldg. l'houe 521 " CHIEF BRAND" V. S. Pal. Off ) RAINCOATS The ideal garments for Rainy or Clear Weatherwear. NO BETTER MADE. They are made from cloths rainproofed by the famous Priestley Cravenette" Proof, and are the best tailored coats on the market! Rain will Neither Wet nor Spot a ' Chit f Brand' "VgrcwneOc Rain Coat" They Contain So Rubber; will not overheat or cause perspiration ; have no disagreeable odor. Progressive dealers In Men's ami Women's Clothing have them -on sale In a variety cf up-to-date styles and colorings. Every "Chief Brand" ""fifrXlWfneZtG Rain Coat has ) TRADE MARiy this circular registered trade mark stamped 0:1 the inside and this silk label is sewed on the collar or clsiw here. "NOSE UGNUISE WITHOUT THEM" If your local dealer does not carry them, write us and we vtfU send you the names of those who do. INTER-STATE RUBBER CO. Z. T. LINDSKY, President Omaha, Nebraska We are pleased to learn from Om Phillips that bU father hax so far recovered that he expevst hiui home from Omaha tomorrow morning. Dr. F. M. Knight's vacation and outing in Colorado did him a world of good and seems to have made him a number of years younger The Herald is pleased to note his good health since his return. The Misses Stuckey have been re- ' eently combining business and pleas- ure in their trips to llyannis. They I have a host or friends in and around i that town, and we understand have been doing quite a good millinery business there. Since W. H. Zehrung has beeu I absent on account of sickness there la an Impression that his business has been suspended, but such is not the .case, as 0. H. Wood is acting as foreman in the absence of Mr. Zeh rung and the bsuineas Is carried on the same aa formerly. Any one wishing estimated on painting or pa pering may phone Mrs. Zehrung, phone 287, and they will be given prompt and careful attention. 43-2t 706 BYERS BROS. & CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION imii bii mi limn 1 11 inn lima 111 iii imiiiii amaai i n 11 iMronmr " 1 ' - Strong on Range Cattle OUTH OMAHA. NEB. CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST. JOSEPH