C. C. Benl Imi renljtn.d and gone to Missouri Valley, where hU ilsler IftttM. Machinists Sranlnn and Day BtfN In from Deavar U) work In thl 6H B. J Mullane, wife iiihI family will )ave Sunday for Havelork to vlalt Win Mullane'a parent Mrs. Kenncr, wife of Ooa4ttOtOr Kennci spent Sunday In iteming lord, at the home of her parents. i 8upt. K. K Young and a party of friends spent several days this week W 9 Ankeny ranch. They report the hunting fln. Mrs. U. N. liosklns Is enjoying a visit from her slater, Mrs. Nona Mey er, of Seward. On Wednesday the two ladles left for Hot Springs and a sight seeing trip through the Black Hills. Mrs. Carlson has gone to Dunning for a visit with Mrs. Myrtle Carlson Wright. Mr. Palmer of Kalis City is a new machinist, employed thlB week. Machinist Sullivan resigned from the service on Monri;iy antl left that night, for Denver Fireman Ma her returned from Hot Springs Sunday, and will work out of Alliance. Engineer (luy Allen came In on No. .16 Mondny evening for a few hours' visit with home folkn. Fireman Weldenfeldt , who has been employed here the past two years, has resigned and gone to Edgemont, where he will devote his time to his ranch work Mrs. Nelse 1'ederson and two daughters, of Kavenna, are In Alli ance, guests at the Bullock home. Conductor and Mrs. Clyde Bullock came In Saturday morning from Al bion, where they had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Bullock's par ents. Machinist and Mrs. F. J. Conners were east bound passengers Sunday. They will visit for a few days with Chief of Police Donahue in Oma ha, going from there to Okla homa. They will be gone about two weeks. Their son, Will Conners of Parsons, Kansas, accompanied them. Will Is now employed In the Rock Island shops at Parsons. I I I Two of the deserving young brake men, Kdwln Shields and .lohn l.eidi ka, successfully passed the examina tion, were presented with punches, and are now full fledged conductors. Moth of these young men were made here, and by their splendid work and earnest endeavor have earned pro motion. Unless we are very much mistaken they will yet climb to high er honors. RAPIDLY RECOVERING HEALTH Luke Phillips Undergoes Operation for Appendicitis Ora B, Phillips returned rosed ay morning from Omaha, where he went a week ago Inst Saturday to take care of his father, I -like Phillips, who had preceded him to that city a few days. Por some time past Mr. Phillips, Sr., has had stomac h trouble and upon the advise of his physician went to Omaha to have an examina tion by specialists. They soon de cided that an operation for appendi citis was necessary, and the opera tion was performed at the Omaha Oeneral Hospital. It seems that he had been ailing with this disease for a long while, and that the appendi citis had superinduced stomach ul cers, which were also removed by the operation. We are very glad to he able to say that since the opera tton Mr. Phillips is getting along nicely with good Indications that he will soon have better health than he has had In a long while. He was ab le to be up and around on Monday of this week, and later reports Indi cate that he continues to improve iwpldly. OPENS APPLE STORE country run of the .season. Starting from Central school building on Box Butt avenue they run south to the bank corners i thence weM on Third street, passing through West Lawn, one and a halt miles; thence north one-half mile; thence east to Itnx Butte avenue; thence south to start ing point, in a I, im. a course of lour miles. Following weft the first throe in: Claranos Bobafer, 24:2f; Dave Beach, '2HA0; Michael Nolan, 38:18. The best place to buy groceries is at the Co-Operative, quality and price considered. SPECIAL ELECTION PETITION A. Berlin ft Son of Brownsville. Nebr., who were selling apples and pears from a car on the truck north of the service building last week, have rented the room at 119 Box Butte avenue, first door south of The Herald office, and have moved their apples and pears Into the same. They have another car load of ap pies on the way, which they will of fer for sale a day or two on the track, and what are left after that time will be moved into the aboxe named room and sold. Cal. Simpson Is helping them sell their fruit. No tice their ad in this week's issue of The Herald CROSSCOUNTRY RUN Last Saturday the Alliance High school boys had their first cross- Owing to the crowded condition of the Alliance clly schools, a petition Is being circulated asking for a spec ial election to vote on the proposition to bond the school district for $15, 000, to be used in repairing and re modeling the Central building and electing an addition to the Emerson school and putting in a heating plant and making other improvements. Headers of The Herald who read the article recently published In re gard to the need of more room and better facilities for the city schools know something of the necessity for bonding to secure the money for the proposed Improvements. Unless the patrons of the schools are willing for them to be hampered and some of the children to attend school in unsanitury rooms. It seems to us there is no alternative to voting bonds to secure the necessary funds for the Improvements. BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching next Sunday morning and evening. Time of evening ser vice changed from I to 7:;I0 o'clock. Subject for evening sermon, "What Hooks Shall I Head?" Third sermon In series to young people. Young peoples meeting at ti::'.0 p. in HEMINGFORD Dan Watson, who went down to Omaha with some cattle for B. R. Johnson last week, returned home Wednesday on 43. Fred llucke was an Alliance visitor a couple of days last week. Mrs. Rockwell came up from Be rea on No. 4" last Friday morning to do some shopping Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll drove down to Alliance last Friday morn ing, returning In the evening. Mrs. Will Curry, who has been vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hess, and attending the Dawes county fair at Chadrnn, returned home on 44 Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lloyd and son, Woods, who have been visiting with Mr. Lloyd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lloyd, and relatives, returned to their home In Washington, Pa., after A six weeks' vacation. Bud Thompson went to New Cas tle, Wyoming, and point in the Black Hills Saturday, on 43. Mrs. Elsie Raum and children re turned to their home near Crawford on 43 Thursday, Mrs. J. F. Neeland accompanying her for a short visit. Emory Abley and Oeo. Ixier drove down to Alliance last Friday. Mrs. Abley returned with them. Bert Carr came up from Alliance Thursday on 47, going out to his steam plow about twelve miles south west of here. Mrs. H. E. Johnson, who has been spending the summer with her daugh ter, Mrs. rjrace Weimar, In Sheri dan. Wyo., returned home on 44 Fri day. Cliff Hubble was a passenger to Alliance on 48 Sunday. C. C. Shepard was over from Pine Ridge Sunday. Mrs. Whetstone was over from Pine Ridge to do some trading. Mrs. C. M. Lotspeich was a passen ger to Alliance Monday on 44, going down on business. s John Moravek was an Alliance vis itor Monday between trains. Otto and Frank Uhrig attended the picnic at Henry Winten's, Sun day. Mrs. Anderson, Sr., Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Robert Anderson were Al liance visitors between trains Mon day. Mis Dobson of Running Water was in town to do some shopping for the ranch Monday. Joel Sheldon was in from Marple Monday. Mrs. James Evans and children came up from Alliance on 43 Satur day for a few days' visit with tier parents. Mrs. B. U. Shepard spent Tues day with Mrs. E. U Vaughn Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sun quint a ten pound boy, Tuesday, September ttUt, All concerned are doing nicely. Mrs. Clyde Watson and daughter left last Friday for Chadron, where she will join her husbund. The little son of Mr. and Mrs Ed Stigele has been under the doctor's .are for the past few days. ago Mr. Phillips was slightly Im proved at the last report. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who have been spending a few days with Mrs. Baker's psrents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oreen, returned home Monday. Clayton Henderson as In from Curly Tuesday, taking out supplies for his store. e Co Operative Store pays 25f MM, Th for eggs JESS JOTTINGS We are having fine weather after a nice shower Saturday evening. Most of the farmers are finishing haying this week. The 8tar ranch has been making several shipments to Kansas City and Chicago the past week. W. N. Wilkinson shipped a mixed car load to Beatrice Friday. Clyde Helling left for Rushville to visit friends a couple of weeks. The Sunday school closed at the Patmore school house last Sunday. School will start at the Patmore school house Monday, Sept. 25th. C. C. Mathews started to Alliance with a fine load of water melons. We wish him good success In selling them. 22' 2 paid for butter at the Co- Operative. "There Is more C'ltiirrl1 In this w-rtlon nr thr rountr th:l'i nil othfT il.-. it toucttu r. ttml uMII th'1 lunt I.-w piMV was mippowtl 10 Im Innirnhle. For :i iirent Many raft ft ilnotora iiroiiuumi'il it a local dtwni' anil j.p . -ai -i! Imi .i1 remriii' i. :ind liy constantly falltui: Ik CUIS with i". ,i treatment, prnnounccu It hictir.ihlc. Scii' icr hus proven Citarrh to he it ronstltiittoiuil lil. cine, and thcrclorc rcunlrea constitutional treatment. H. ill's i., i ii i h Cnrr. rhn-uifnctiinil hy r. J. (heticy A- Co.. Toledo. Ohio, la th' only Constitutional cure on the market. It la taken Internally In dosea from 10 ilroiwi to a teasnoonlul. It arts directly on the hlood and mumiis surfaces uf the system. They offer one 1 'i : Ire I dollars 'or any c.isc II falls In cure. Send for ctrciilara and testimonials. Vidros l J. CHF.XEY 00., Toledo, Ohio. sold tv liruirulsts. ;nc. Take Hull a Family fills fur constipation. Now Arriving Big Stock of Fall Goods ordered from the eastern markets on our recent trip. We are busy putting these goods in place in our big store, but not too busy to show them to customers. Come and see the largest up-to-date stock of goods in the city. Norton's Big Bargain in Land Quarter section best farming land, six miles from Alliance, will be sold at a BARGAIN, If taken at once. Best reasons for selling. Part time if desired. Inquire at Herald office. 42 t f-701 SEWING WANTED. Wanted, all kinds of sewing. Prices reasonable. Phone 4St or 105. 39tf056 I. If you intend suDolC to have a aale gjJs tfet our prices PRINTED Mt IT We are fixed for turning flf out work of this kind r in double -quick time. FULL BLOOD DUROG sow PIQ for sale. Nearly six months old. Will make splendid brood sow. in quire at Herald office. -l tf 700. Ora Phillips went to Omaha Satur day with a car of hoK for B. V. Johnson, nolnn down 10 see his fath er, who was operated on some time How Heat My House? This is the question you must answer now, and on it depend HEALTH and PROSPERITY. I I HIGH GRADE STANDARD FURNACES give you not only warm air to breathe, but pure, fresh air. STANDARD FURNACES cannot be compared with others because they are DIFFERENT from all others. The FOUR DOME RADIATOR is what gives EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY and DURABILITY. They ARE AN INVESTMENT earning for you larger profits than almost anything else you can buy. U nf for our BOOKLET on FURNA CE HEA T iNG, it i worth many dollar becauie of infor mation given, but it tree for the ashing. GIBLIN & CO., Utica, N. Y. The season for cheap Fruit is nearly over. We advise buying peaches, grapes, pears and plums now. Prices are lowest now. Peaches- KfltS Grapes?" Pears Prunes" Green Peppers Cauliflower Pickling Onions Celery Lettuce Green Tomatoes Cabbage for Kraut We expect to have large quan tities of Cabbage by Friday which we offer at $1.50 per cwt. Buy Cabbage Now Those who really care what they provide for their families make quality their first con sideration i n buying foodstuffs. IIP Mailery Grocery Co. QUALITY GROCERS