The Fair Store has just put In a complete line of GROCERIES and will sell at BED ROCK PRICES using our own special delivery Hamilton & Rock 40 4 BOX BUTTE AVENUE Telephone Orders Delivered Promptly Phone 589 R. L BORDEN. Conservative Leader, Whose Party's Victory Makes Him New Premier. I w RECIPROCITY PACT IS DEAD DEATH LIST IS 400 Preliminary Explosion on French Warship Gave Warning. PART OF CREW JUMPS INTO SEA Let the Children Have a Telephone The older folks find the telephone a necessity in running errands, making appointments and canceling engagements, but children need a telephone too. You should make the children happy by install ing a Bell Telephone for them. They can only be children once. It may not cost as much as you think it does. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. r. H. BEESON, Alliance Mgr. Not Likely to Be Heard of Again Soon in Canadian House. Canada faces a new situation developed from the fact that reciproc ity with the United States has been rejected, that the Hurler government has been defeated and that H. L. Dor den will shortly he called on to form a Consenative ministry. That the changes enacted by the registration of the will of the electorate are radical la shown by the overwhelming major ity whereby the voters turned down the agreement which Ijuirler had made with the United States for the mutual removal of duties on food and other Mturftl products, by the defeat of seven cabinet ministers out of thir teen who went to the polls, and by the political landslide which will re tire to private life Sir Wilfrid Iaurler, i in- of the bigSMl figures in the Brit ish empire. Ab for the reciprocity agreement, It Is not likely to be heard of again soon in the Canadian house. Any measure of this Kind must be Introduced from the go eminent side and it is not like- 'y that Mr. Borden and his followers will make any move in the matter. There is conrlderable Interest manifest ed in the view which the people or the United States will take of the overwhelming rejection of reciprocity. RULING OF GRAND LODGE Odd Fellows Bar Hotel Men Who Sell Liquor. Hotel men holding saloon licenses were barred from the Order of Odd Fellows by action taken by the sover eign grand lodge at Indianapolis. Sa loon keepers have been barred for some time and a fight has been on to put hotel keepers holding saloon 11 MBMt in the same class. The change was advocated by Grand Sire John B. Cockrum. Another important ruling of the grand lodge was the refusal to permit the women Uebekahs, the auxiliary of the Odd Fellows, to organize a na tional assembly. Llberte, One of Largest Battleship; in Navy, Destroyed by Explosion at Toulon Fire Spreads to Magazines. Cruiser Republique Damaged. Toulon, France, Sept. 26. Accurate estimates of the dead and injured vic tims ot the explosion of the battle ship Liberte are still unavailable. They may not fireatly exceed 400. The preliminary explosions gave warnings and many of the men threw them selves into the sea and were picked up by small boats and taken to the other ships of the squadron or ashore. The first uiarm of fire was sounded Shortly after 5 a. m. This was fol lowed by four successive explosions of Increasing intensity as the fire reared the powder magazines, when a deafening explosion literally tore the great warship to pieces and sent It to the bottom, a mass of twisted wreck age. The fierce explosion was so great that great flrsures were opened In the steel armor and frame work ol the warship. A piece of armor pltfte was hurled against the cruiser Re publique with great force, damaging its plates. Scores of bodies wen; hurled high into the air with huge fragments of frame work, armor, bursting shells and the suffocating moke from the exploded magazines. At the first explosion the men be low, suddenly awakened, tumbled from their berths and rushing to the side3 of the vessel were throwing them serves overboard when an order call ing them to their stations rang out and held to their death those who had not already escaped. The I.iberte was anchored in the roadstead, WhdTO it has been since the review or the fleet by President Fallieres on Sept. 4. Particular sig nificance was attached to tbe review, the most imposing In the history of the French navy, as it was made on the very day that France communi cated to Germany the terms on which the republic offered a settlement of the Moroccan dispute with Germany. Following the review the fleet re ctum d tbe autumn maneuvers and gun practice. On Sept. 20 the armored cruiser Glolre was. encaged in target work, WtMMI 'i pot gun exploded as a projectile was being inserted in the breech One gunner was killed and thirteen others were injured. Five of the latter subsequently died. Housewives Boycott Sugar. To -"ombat the rise in sugar prices, housewives at Houston, Tex., have started a movement to boycott its use. CONFER OVER TOBACCO CASE Attorneys for Combine Discuss Reor ganization With Wickersham. New York, Sept. 2fi Announcement ! was made at the conclusion ot fhe ; conference looking to the reorganiza tion of the American Tobacco com , pany that a petition would be filed with tin United States circuit court i on Oct. 2. si ttlng forth the proposed I plan of dissolution in consonance with the mandate of the supreme court and thai oublic hearings on the plan would follow. Dates for the pub lie hearings were not announced. Attorney General Wickersham and his special assistant, James C. Mc Reynolds; Judges Noyes, 1-acombe and Ward of the United States circuit court: James B. Duke and Peieival S. Hill, president and vice president respectively of the American Tobacco company; counsel for the company, the British-American Tobacco com pany and the Unite I States Steel company, attended the conference. THE MARKETS Co-Operative Store MEAT MARKET 304 BOX BUTTE AVE. Drake & Whetstone Finest Line Fresh Cured Meats BEST QUALITY REASONABLE PRICES Telephone orders delivered promptly to any part of the city Phone 50 Chicago, Sept. 25. Closing prices: Wheat- Sept.. :Ms.e; Dec, !iN:'e. Corn Dec, ITjjl . May. 05-ic. Oats Sept.. 45'c; Dec , 47V&C. Perk Jan., $1 5.07' -; May, $13.05. l,ard Oct., $9.35; Dec. $8.!I2'... Ribs Oct . $8 6U; May. $7 97'-... Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat, winter. tte9fl.t)!H; No. 2 corn. K8' .fi ti8:lC; No. 2 white oats. 47' 48c' South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. Sept. M, Cattle Re ceipts, 15.500; 10c lower; beef steers, $4.75tf 7.25: cows and heifers, $3.25ft 4.60 ; stockers and feeders. $3.50 5.00; calves, $4.00 7 25. Hogs Re ceipts, 2. Sou; toff 15c lower: large drove were put up at $ti.45(8 6 47' ..; fancy bacon animals made a top of $6 70, but I lie re was no business of con m queue e l tweeu MM and the top; rough heavy. $6 4"i ii 42'.j. Sheep Receipts, 45,000; steady: fat sheep iu!ed firm, wethers b"ing quotable up to $li", with ewes bringing $3 50 $.65; lambs, $5.00 5.50. INSANITY Pi EA DOUBLE EDGED Acquitted of Killing Wife, a Kansan Is Sent to an Asylum. Columbus, Kan., Sept. 26. The rame evident e which caused the ac quittal of Kd Donaldson on tbe charge of Murdering bis wife roaultod in his being later adjudged insane and or deied committed to an asylum At the inquiry Donaldson made as vigor ous effort to prora hims.elf sane as he did to establish his insanity at the murder trial. Donaldson shot and killed his wife at Galena In a fit of jealousy and tiien shot himself, in flicting a slight wound, from which he has entirely recovered. Home-Made Candy At The MODEL CANDY KITCHEN W. H. Showers, Prop. Successor to Harry Johnson We carry also a fine line of the best factory candy at prices lower than the same can be purchased elsewhere See the New Line of u lies and Spring late AT I. L. ACHESON'S Hardware and Implement Store Before Buying OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE John Snodtly, Pros., P. S. Showers, V. Pres. May Bnoddy, See. and Troas. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency mr Mail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State uilding and Loan Association JOHN GARRETT . Successoi to Fraud Wallace Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Off lea at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583 Car Upsets; Twenty six Hurt. Atlanta. Sept. 26. Twenty-six per rons were injured, four probably fatal ly. when a street car overran a switch and turned over. Bye-witnesses allege that M J. Stichcomb. the motor niHti of the car. did not slow up for fhe turn and the car plunged over the tracks and crashed into the oppo site curblnfl, turning oer on its sida Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Spi. 25. Cattle Receipts. Js.ouo; mostly 10c lower; beeves, $4.73K.00; western steers. $4. 156 7.00; stockers and feeders, $3 10(2 6.70; i owa and heifers. $2 10fJ6.25; ealvs $H.0OJ9.TO. Hogs Receipts. 32,000 loc lower; light. f6.ti5fj7.lo; mixed. $ti.; heavy, $6.30fj 7.05; rough, fti:iofti55; pigs, ff.onfj 6.40; bulk. f5fJ695 Sheep Re ceipts. 40,000; steady to strong; na tives, $2 5064 3 '; westerns, $2 75IJ 4.35; yt-.fllngs. I3 85f4.70; lambs, f i MfJ c M, Dmitry Bogroff Hanged at Kiev. Kiev, Russia Sept. 26 Dmitry Bo proff. the assassin of Premier Stoly p'n, who whs condemned 10 death by court martial, was hanged here. Be fore his execution the young man asked that be might see a rabbi, but let used tbe wish when Informed the interview must be in the presence ol officials. Wichita Recalls Three Officials. WUnita. Kan.. Sept. 26 Returns in dicate that Mayor J. H Graham and Commissioners K. M. Leach and R. B Campbell have oeen re ail d by a large majoiity in the election. ALLIANCE CAFE M. D. Kimball. Hgr. Open Day and Night On west side of street across from Burlington Station HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN Fully Hodern Steam Heat First-class Rooms at Popular Prices 50c 73c 3L00 Peter Rubendall, Prop.