HEMINGFORD Neeland will bo preatly missed by bis many friend nnd neighbor, an he ho been a roMdent of Box Hul 1 e county for a number of years, formerly residing on a farm north of town, where he lived until about a year ago. when he moved to town, where he lived until the lime of his death. Mr. Neeland was a member of the Methodist church, In which he wa a faithful worker. Mr. Neeland leaves to mourn their loan a wife, three sons mid iln-.v dung-liters, nil of whom were present at the funerul except one daughter, Mm. Klsa Knum, who was unable to be pres ent. The funeral whs held from the Methodist church, Monday at 2 o' clock, p. m , Rev. Burleigh conduct ing the service. Interment was at the Hemlngford cemetery. The fam lly have the sympathy of the com munity in their hour of sorrow. Again last week our Hemlngford Item arrived After the paper had been printed. There waa such a Bice lot of news we did not like to throw them all into the waste 1ms ket. hence give the following: George Kendrlc i left Wednesday 0T Lincoln to at lend Hie state fair. Cliff Hubble spent a few days last week on his homestead in Sioux county Orover Kosket wa.- in from his homestead In Sioux county Thursday tor supplies and to visit his brother, ma. Mr and Mrs. 0 W. Canfield left on 44 Thursday lor Hennett, Nebr., and other eastern points. Mrs. Anderson cume in from New castle, Wyoming, Thursday for a Tlslt with her daughter, Mrs. O. Strong, and her son, Robert Ander son. Mrs. James Kvans and children, who have been spending the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roland, returned to their home on 44, Saturday. Miss Anna Kls.i came in on 35 Monday mnraiug, going out home with the Canton tnnil to visit her tnotber. IT Barney Shepard web an incoming passenger on 44 Friday from New castle, Wyoming, where he spent a awjflaye attending to business mat ter. I i Paul Armstrong left on 43 Sunday for the eaatPVn part of the state and to visit hla brother. Will, in South Dakota before he returns. I A. M. Miller returned home Sun day after spending several weeks visiting In New York and other east ern states. 8. A. Clntterbuck shipped three cars of horses Monday, Luke Phll- lips going with then, j Oscar House HUM in on 43 Mon day from the east, where he has pent the past two weeks visiting nd taking In the state fair at Lln coln. John Mnbln left Monday for .lollet, Colo., on business. Quite a number of persons were up from Alliance to attend the fun eral Of J. K. Neeland. Mrs. Clyde Watson arrived Tues day for a visit with her grandparents and other relatives before going on to Chadron wh"" they will make their future home. Mr. Watson has a position with the Northwestern railroad at (hat place. Mrs. Chris Hanson, who has been Will Bowers and two sisters were under the doctor's care for some up from Alliance Tuesday, calling on tune, is reported as able to be up ' old neighbors and friends, a part of the timj now. lr. and Mrs. Mr flit 10 spent Sun Mrs. Harris of Lincoln, who has (iay wi,n Nlr anu" Mrs H tenner. & m m m Been visiting her cousin, Mrs. K. L. Pierce, for the past two weeks, left for her home Saturday on 44. N. A. ReOkey and wife, Harry Lloyd and wife and son left overland for Chadron to attend the fair and pend a few day 00 the ridge. Wm Thorp and wife left Friday for Ravenna to visit with their daugh ter, Mrs Karnesi Kinsley, for a few weeks before going on to Texas. Where they are going on account ot Mrs. Thorp's poor health i Rev. Mr. Cox as an Alliance vis itor between trains Wednesday. CORRESPONDENCE BELMONT ITEMS Miss Minnie Iverson came in on 36 Thursday night. Miss Iverson has been visiting at Chadron, Valen tine and Crawford. K. L. Pierce has moved into rooms back of the First State bank, having sold his residence to H. U. Shepard. Emll and Nathan Hockey and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lloyd an son, Wood, attended the Dawes county fair at Chadron last week, returning home Friday. Isaac Rockey was a. passenger to Alliance on 44 Friday, attending to some business matters. M. L. Whitaker was in from Sioux county Monday, taking out supplies for his store at Canton. A. L. Clayton was In from Sioux county Tuesday. The Methodist Ladles' Aid, enter tained the Congregational Aid Wed nesday In the basement of the M. B. church with a short program, serving Ice cream and cake. All report an enjoyable afternoon. B. E. Johnon shipped three cars of COltUe to South Omaha Friday, Han Watson going with them. Misses Ella and Delia Brown went down to Alliance on 44 Sunday for a few days' visit with their sister, Mrs. Arthur Donlvan. Miss Slella Hueke was a passen ger to Alliance on 44 Sunday. Mrs. Emory Abley went, to Alliance Tuesday on 44. Miss Amelia Hucke was a passen ger to Alliance on 44 Monday. B. 0, Shepard's moved into his residence Monday, which lie recently purchased from K. L. Pierce. Willis Young is moving onto the L. Sampy farm south of town, recent ly vacated by B. IT. Shetard Three was a light frost the last two nights, but not enough to do much damage. Hen llanlon of Crawford came to Iteimont on business last Monday. e Hufus Brott of Mnrslnnd went to Kdgemont to attend the cattle sale, stopping off at Belmont on his way through. Hade Hack, the Burlington opera tor, WOBl out gunning and reports a very large killing of time Frank llamaker and Howard Pierce have gone to Sioux county on a pleas ure trip. Haul llamaker and Mabel Mcllenry were horseback riding Monday. Lee Gregory made a business trip to Crawford last Tuesday. Miss Cecil Hack looked rather lone some Sunday last. Cheer up, we hear he is lonesome too, and will re turn. Rev. Skinner held services at the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening, with a good attendance. H. S. Q. llamaker has been ship ping potatoes to Kdgemont. The farmers are still bringing in wheat to the elevator. Fred Ellsworth and Miss Ethel Gregory paid a visit to Miss Eva Ellsworth at Marsland. Miss Bessie Pierce intended to make a trip to Alliance last Monday but missed the train. Miss Leah Lemons Is visiting in Chadron this week. The Abbott boys, Will and Fay, were in town one clay this week. John Ellsworth and family have moved to Cody, Nebr., where lie has accepted a position with the C. B. & Q. Miss Agnes Moravek spent a few days in town this week. M. Hutton returned home on IT Wednesday from Iowa and other eastern points, bringing several land seekers with him ReV. Palmer's car of household goods arrived Monday. Mrs. ('has. Hucke was an incoming passenger on 4;! Tuesday, lie Bod Mrs t'has. Ilurleigh 0me in on Friday from Lakes Ids 0, J. Wildy lias been iuite sick for the past few days, being coufin- Mr. and Mrs. ('. I Canfield came ed to his bed tn on .15 Wednesday morning after week's visit with Mr. Canflelds parents at Bennett, Nebr. i Mrs. Win. Carry left Wednesday for Chadron to visit and attend the fair. Harve Garvey nine in Wednesday, after spending several months in different states and visiting his son In Montana. Charley Mora-. !; has been In (own for the past week taking treat ment of Dr. McKuen. We failed to learn his ailment. We understand that Harney Stup ard has bought the K I. Pierce res Idence ami will soon move his fam ily to town to live. Miss Berga Moire has been on the sick list for the past week. J. F. Neeland, who has been very low for some time, passed away Sun Say morning at seven o'clock. Mr. Yes, sir, the Co-Operative Store is paying 25 cents per dozen for eggs FORCED TO LEAVE HOME Every year a large number of ioor sufferers, whose lungs are sore .ng racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. Hut this is cost ly and not always sure. There Is a better way Let Dr King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble." writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine. Ark., "when all else failed, and I gained forty seven pounds In weight. It's surely the king of all cough and luiig cures " Thousands owe their life and health to it. It's positively guar anteed for Coughs. Colds, laGrippe, Asthma. Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c aud $1.00. Trial bot tle at F. J. Hrennan'a. John Garrett's new barn at XIM Niobrara avenue is nearing comple tion. It is large enough to be very convenient, being -'6 by 50 feet in dimensions BINGHAM BUDGET Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hell and daughter. Ladle, went to Alliance Sunday. Mrs. Bell has been ill for some time and has gone to Alliance for treatment. Robert Hanney, of the settlement north of Bingham, which is called Chicago, was a visitor at the home of W in BrOCkner last Monday. Pet Donahue and wife were in Hingliam on business last Thursday. Mr. Knight, while painting the roof of his barn, accidentally fell off and sprained his ankle, which will keep him Indoors for some time. He has the sympathy of all. sea Sunday school services were well attended last Sunda Rev. Cramer of iiyannis will per form the duties at the Congregation al church Sunday the 24th. The surprise party in honor of John SkipKr, given at his mother's home, was a grand success. Among those present were Misses Ruby Ca.se, Fay Kdmondson. Bessie Holmes, Ida. I.ulu and Pearl Colson. and Messrs. John Carl. Geo. Breck tier. Bll Ueiitfro, Harry Davis. Mi ami Mrs. Jim nit itentfro, Mr. ami Mrs Claud Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Colson. There was a friendly gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kdmondson. After luncheon there was music by Misses Fay Kdmondson and Bessie Holmes, singing by Ruby Case. Cecil Cameron, Lulu and Pearl Colson. earnest I'olts and Grover Cameron. Miss Hessie Holmes did some speaking that was enjoyed by all Last Thnradej tWO well known riv als of this community. K. P. Keutfro and Geo. Breckner, had a match with tlie gloves. Those present say It was interesting and that they are improving. John Barns shipped a car load of cattle to market Monday J Neuton also shipped a car. Mes is. W in and Put Welch went to Alliance Sunday, returning Tues day. M. C. Hubble sniped two car loads of cattle to market Monday. HUBBLES FLAT The Ideal Club met with Mrs. G. Groff Wednesday last. They will have a lunch on the lawu In Grand Canon two weeks from Wednesday. There will be a fine entertainment. Everybody Is invited. The members of the club are as followB: Mrs. B. Matthews, pres.; Mrs. A. Oroff, vice pres.; Mrs. Geo. Denton, sec.; Mrs. A. L. Ixre, tress.; Mrs. John Duerr, exec. com. chairman; mesdames Cone, Seward, Ixire, Kenton, Nerud. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nerud will at tend the Farmers' Festival at Mln ataie Friday and Saturday. Mesdames Nerud and Lore called on Mrs. Jack Ritter Monday Mrs. Hitter has been sick eight weeks with neuralgia, but is some better at this writing. Mrs. Frank Nerud and children visited Joe Nerud last week. We are sorry to learn that F. W En una wort h fell from a horse and broke an arm. a Mr. and Mrs. Cone visited with Mr. Wicker's Sundny. Wicker and Weir have taken in about seven hundred head of cattle to pasture. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad took dinner in their new home, the Old Ewy Claim. Lyle Lore visited over Sunday with his brother, A. L. Lore. Geo. Denton went to Minatare Sat urday. Mrs. Anna Denton and children visited near Alliance Friday and Sat urday. Misses McClaln visited with the Misses Cogar Sunday. Mrs. Jack Ritter is able to be out again. QUAKER VALLEY We night. had a slight frost Sunday Klton Spain and Leo Haworth at tended church at Reno Sunday. Mrs. Spain has been sick, but at present is better. Thomas Vantress of Alliance was here for church service Sunday. Win. Howe received a barrel of apples from Aekworth, Iowa, they would have been apples if they had not been so long on the road. As it was, they were mostly a mass of rottenness. There ought to be some way provided for perishable goods to be shipped straight through. These would not have been over three days on the road if they had done this, but instead they were on the road nearly three weeks. If this thing was looked after the people tn western Nebraska could have all the fruit they needed, for there are thousands of bushels of fall and sum mer apples in Iowa that lay under the trees and rot because the trans portation is bo uncertain. We might stand the freight charges if we were sure of getting the fruit in good con dition. see Mrs. Allen Jamison's father, a min ister in the Congregational church at Agra, Okla., has been visiting with her. He preached very acceptably (he two sabbaths he was here. He returned home last Monday. Joseph Farley has nearly completed the addition to his house. James Jamison and family Sunday ed at Cash Parley's. re. Potatoes are about the same as last year. Wheat and oats are about half a crop. A very painful accident happened to E. R. Sly, while he was working in the field, cutting corn. A bug flew into his ear, and after the In sect was removed he still suffered such pain that he was removed to Alliance for medical aid. HOMESTEAD JESS JOTTINGS September 15. We are having fine weather after the local showers. Mrs. Kd. Doyle is recovering from her illness slowly, and is able to be around again llily Hedge returned from Lincoln Saturday, where he was visiting his mother. He reports crops fairly gOOd near Lincoln. N. N. Wilkinson returned to Reno Sunday from Beatrice. Nebr. Bob Wilkinson spent a few days visiting Ills brothers. W N Wilkinson left Tuesday for his home in Auburn, Nebr. Hily Hedge left Wednesday morn ing, accompanied by his sister as far as Alliance, to spend a few weeks in Indiana. School started at the Doyle school house the 4th of September. All report a good school, taught by Miss Hnima Doyle. Crops are fairly good. Corn Is making about . bushels to the ac- Threhing In this neighborhood has kept most of the people busy of late. Last week Ixu Barty threshed for John Kenn, Garfield Ball, J. W. Scott, Geo. Jones, Mrs. Hlckey, Char lie Hiser ;ind others. Robt. Spoon and family spent the day with the Ryan family last Sun day. One of the finest crops of corn and small grain we have seen in this country is that of Mrs. Amelia Johnson. Walter Scott threshed 150 bushels of fine oats and 80 bushels of wheat last week. We were sorry to hear this week of the serious accident that befell Larry Ashbrook at his home in Kan sas last week. While working with a corn shredder his arm was litteral ly torn from the shoulder, we are informed. His brother, Harry, was called by telegraph, and left at once to assist him. Messrs. Sampy, Flarity and Scan Ion were in our neighborhood trying to buy hay a few days since. We understand that the last two named gentlemen suffered the burning-over of their homesteads by the prairie fire west of Curly a week ago. Road Overseer Will Elder was In this vicinity a few days ago working on the newly opened road west, of the Box Butte county line for 18 miles into Sioux county, through twp. 27. i Mrs. Ed leathers and a brother of her husband left, for the O.ark coun try of Missouri last week. The Marsland Tribune man in a recent issue of his good little paper ventures the opinion that we should sell our cattle to our home buyers, etc. If Mr. Hanley will give these home buyers a hunch that will make them pay the prices that the eastern fellows pay, we'll be mighty glad to sell to them. Dollars to doughnuts, we know the home buyer who broke into print through the court sey of the Tribune man. He scoured this country over, trying to buy cattle at from I to 6 dollars less than other shippers were paying, and when he did succeed in finding a sucker then he'd "stand him off" and ask him to hold his cattle for him for an indef inite period, waiting for their pay un til the cattle were delivered. The Sioux county homesteader has good cattle, and he knows it. and knows what they are worth, and he's NOT ALWAYS A SUCKER. We see one of the Chadron church es has gone Into the cheap theatric al business. In a late issue of the Journal printed in that town an item appears telling of a moving picture show devoting the proceeds of one evening's show- to the Sunday school of this church. If this is not a COM of being "mighty unequally yoked to gether with unbelievers" then we have always been given the wrong conception of things along this line. If. SPACE. GOOD WORK Done Daily in Alliance. Many Cit izens Tell of It. Let us figure on that bill of Q roceries that you need. We can save you money on anything we carry. Don't send away and get stung again. We meet all competition. Especial discounts for cash. Yours for fair dealing. i D.Rodp FOR ESTIMATES ON CEMENT WALKS CURBS CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS HOLLOW BLOCKS AND ORNAMENTAL WORK OF ALL KINDS SEE J. J. VANCE Alliance, Nebr. In Front of the Checkered Front Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. t'HONE 84 Prop. Nearly every reader has heard of Doan's Kidney Pills, Their good work in Alliance still continues, and oui citizens are constantly adding en- j dorsemeiit by public testimony. No i better proof of merit can be had i than tha experience of friends and neighbors. Head this case: Mrs. LtUira Dickenson, 107 Yellow stone Vve., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I was afflicted with kidney trouble for many years and had about all the difficulties that accompany this disease. 1 finally commenced using Loan's Kidney Pills, procured at Moisten - Drug Store, and they dis posed of the pains in my back and corrected difficulty with the kidney s crotlons. I also tried Moan's Kid ney Pills in my daughter's case and they strengthened her kidneys. I do not lusitate to recommend this sterling remedy." rcr sale by all dealers Price 5' cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo. Ne York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Dean's and take no other. "I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do you realise it it better to be safe than sorry, chat k is the beet policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen? Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy cured Mrs. C. C. Gokey, of a stub born case of heart disease, such as thousands are now suffering with. Read what she says: "Before I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I had been suffering from heart trouble for over ive years. I had grown so weak that it was impossible for me to do thirty minutes work ia a whole day. I suffered intense paint in my leftside and uadcr the left shoulder blade, I In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. could not sleep on the left side, and was so snort ot breath that 1 thought I should never be able to take a full breath agaia. The least ex citement would bring on the most distressing palpitation, I had scarcely taken a hall-bottle of the Heart Remedy be fore i couie see a marked chaage in my condition. I began to sleep well, had a good appetMe. aad im- Koved so rapidly (bat when I had ken sis bottles I was completely cured. MRS. C C GOKEY, Nortkneld, Vt If you have any of the symptoms Mrs. Gokey mentions, it is your duty to protect yourself. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy. is what you need. If the first bot tle fails to benefit, your money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILES medical CO., Kikhart, tnO. NOT A WORD OF SCANDAL marred the call of a neiKhbor on Mrs. V. I. Spangh, of Manville. Wyo., who said: "She lold me Dr King's New Life Tills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman." Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25c at F. J. Brennan's.