jUMffjtMID Published every Thursday by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated JOHN W. THOMAS. Editor and Mgr. Entered at the poatolflce at Alli ance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls as second class matter. Subscription, 1 50 per year In ad vance. The circulation of this newspaper la guaranteed to be the largest In western Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. Sample copies free for the asking. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED POR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES JEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES The Custer County Beacon, pub llshcd at Broken Bow, was twenty one years old last week, and the publisher celebrated the event by enlarging from alx-cnlunin quarto else (eight pages) to seven-column quarto. Bnd by changing the name to the Custer County Herald The name Herald" Is getting to he a groat favorite with Nebraska pub Ushers. Kosa Hammond, editor of the Fre mont Tribune. Is Internal revenue collector, to which office he was ap pointed by President Taft. the best paying federal appointment In Ne braska Hammond wants Taft renom inated for president; Oovcrnor Aid rich is for La Follette for the repub lican nomination for president. Speak Ing of these two prominent Nebraska republicans, the Norfolk Press says: "Boss Hinnniond is very much put out. because Oovcrnor Aldrlch has announced himself as for LaFollette gad against Taft Hammond 01 N his office to Taft, Aldrlch to the people'' THI KSnW, SKPTKMHKR 21, ll'll 11911 SEPTEMBERI9ir S T wi ti ris I J Tz 3p5 6 7 8 9 101! 12131415 ( 17181920212223 24271282930 ANNOUNCF.MKN I S J. B. KNIEST Democratic ami People's Indep md cut andidate for County Clerk. Pox lint-county, Nebr. ln est Igat Ir.n of my ( inllfications solicited, and your vote . ill be ap- prt sted. Progressive democrats and Inde pendent voters in Nebraska who sup ported the republican nominee for governor hist fall are pleased with his stand regarding the republican nominee for president of the I'nlted States nexl year. Keplylng to an Inquiry by the Omaha World-Herald recently, Oovcrnor Aldrlch said: "In Nebraska HO per cent of us are pro gressives and I can assure you that no one Is friendly to Taft; he has evidently learned nothing during the three years he has been In office. La Kollette Is the choice of the people of our state. His name Is mentioned favorably on .all sides and he could undoubtedly carry the state." NEBRASKA LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT APPORTIONMENT Better Representation for Box Butte and South Bnd of Sheridan County as Result of Re-apportionment. Other Western Counties Qain in Representation. Many of the readers of this paper will be Interested In the following Information In regard to the two branches of the Nebraska state leg Islature. The siate senate consists of thirty-three members, and the low er house of one hundred members, both brandies of the above legisla ture being elected every two yen i Below are two maps of Nebraska showing the legislative, apportion ments as made by the legislature last winter. Ily this it will be seen that the northwestern part of the state has gained quite a considerable In representation over what it has been having. The new apportion ment becomes effective upon the e- lectlon of the next legislature In 1KI2. One thing that will be espec ially gratifying to our readers in plete In some respects Mid need some explanation as well as some corrections. Each of the senatorial Box Butte county and south end of districts Is entitled to one senator. excepting the Fourth district, con sisting of Douglas county, which Is entitled to five senators, and the thirteenth district, consisting of Lan caster, which is entitled to two sen ators. Each of the representative dis tricts is entitled to one representa tive only, except the following: Dis trict 10, consisting of Douglas county, Is entitled to 12; Dlst. 28, Dodge, j Dlst. 29, Saunders, 2; Dlat. :it), Lan caster, 6; Dlst. 3, Gage, 2; Dlst. 47, Adams, 2; Dlst. 48,Hall. 2; Dlst. 68, Sheridan county Is that these two counties now form one legislative district. Formerly Box Butte was In the district with a number of coun ties which were crossed by the Northwestern railway, nnd whether Box Butte county and the south end 0 Sheridan county had any repre sentation In the legislature depended upon whether the towns along the line of the Northwestern railway chose to give it to them or not-and it was usually "not". The maps below are not quite torn- Custer, 2; Dlat. 6S, Buffalo, 2. The following corrections should be made to the first map: showing that. Representative District No. 4 con sists of Pawnee county, the number Is not marked on the map. District 22 consists of Stanton and Cuming counties. Instead of Stanton county alone. District .'16 consists of Sew ard county. District 38 consitss of Saline, Butler and Seward. District 70 does not include Keith county. District 77 consist of Keith, Lincoln and Dawson counties. In the second map showing sena torial districts. District No. 1, con Bisting of Richardson, Nemaha and Johnson counties, th emunber of the district is not marked J. P. JENSEN Democratic and Poopl t's Independ ent nominee for Canity ( 'ominission er Invites Investigation f his record as a citizen and public official, and on that record solicits tho support of Box Butte county voters Bffl Wr WE SECOND THE NOMINATION "The chnnge In the office of state superintendent of public Instruction which Is scheduled to take place on November 1, will leave that desirable position open for new a.spirants, at the next election, as Superintendent Crabtree will not ask for an endorse ment. The News-Blade suggests the name of Superintendent Pate of Al liance as a man on whom th voters of western Nebraska may all unite Prof. Pate Is one of the most prom inent and successful educators of the state, and he would make an ex II. nt state superintendent." The above is from the Bridgeport News-Blade of Sept ember 15. The Herald most heartily seconds the nomination. Although we have not asked Supt. Pate's permission to do so, we wish to present him to Un democratic voters of the state as a candidate for the nomination for state superintendent of public In struction at the primaries next year. We shall regret to lo.-.e him from the sup-erintendency of the Alliance city schools, but as we have let one good man go from thai position to head I :,!ate durational institution, we will consent if necessary to part with another to head the public school system of the state. CAL COX ('.:. didate fur reelection to the office of Sheriff of Box Butte county. Invites an Investigation of his record H . 1.111,11c , il I . -1 : i -1 1 1 1 1 VI., I,i 1 .tllltlt' n v II I. in iiiii t in II I till III- eaaie. CANDIDATES BY PETITION a dispatch from Lincoln to Omaha World-Herald dated Sept mibcr :!rd, says that a Mr. Whitman of BOS Butte county made an inquiry of Secretary of Stale Wait whether a candidate defeated at the primaries could not enter the ballot b) petition at the n 'tieral el ttlon. The ruling of the secretary of state is thai he can do so if he wish es. The dispatch to the World -Herald stated that the inquirer was not Tmmm' X T I " Jf turn .i 6S6. fv I V (m j is.! in (y as 6131 732$ o.fv J o j c holt f fCM j&kt' SSL! siau lap autre : hcrdah . i,oc3 uniii i nit I 1 ' I I of7 .t U'" SrlK' 2h ?J5 J I I crA"' oor . o-vm e r., -- friJ ,v, nrojclo bu-at 1444 .iofJ. I5Z fTQ J ' 11 ; O ews 3,,fz 1 f?7 Jlj&&& J&Z I - .' lf4t fur r7w SfTrw sc6 0zl1 TalfiV n pjro s.ta X., I 2,.9oi lojZs im ts.evs) v J- O PtKiHi LtMCOLU onQN I aufFALO ' -NHii iAmiltqm fAT 73, 7 -J 8,S?y 4.933 lO.Si yt06 Hf lSJ?TTi.t7 l(9C I " g g" THB NBU BBPHBSBMTATtVB DI8THIOTS ' . J2r T j g , ' I UP W.ir (Jljl ?. 6033 j 327 IS.S4S V ; 0e.o-r?ZS SSI? J 7 328 j acn ; woe 6lt one ' 0. 3?t8. 70lf- sioia ypotavrri S ;nr ttttl 1" mmmaa iBmiiiiiMii 1 - - f- 44 co i',i.'ii.iir v'f'ln -'"V i t ,097 ! 90, r'" fQA 1 S 355V ' : t06Ht ; mom Pgfe?l"wfr Q '"'C' SlSKX 5CorMi-L. t ' l-r.. T i TtrMHejaMai V WHO ijrracor4vt Ur ,f2 T'yfo Jwm "LJr ZS6B a.27S , dJJJW JS9i S.403 7 9 l14-' N.Meatt L cHwwit . enwi . 2 JTr SH Tl" 3c, mmun Sikh- staes x? r rwr m m SiiS P.S70 I IS.6S N.Vfc l 21,907 ffl4;i, dkm. O PtftKiNS I lincoih OAfmgfit I avrtiLO -!ali mAhiltoh j to gggSjQyi 793 ""J mt rtR i "T ' 5 TT !l iT 'o?o I 3'6'3 ZV-tf ! S.S7Z 4,13i l0.4Sl 9.06 gO.o6IS,7Z9 4. HSMM m.S!l .Zml "AYtJ ! rROHrtcTosr,i 'mrpj jtAsti Adams ; eoy M4jlwetjJMr ie'''J7 ! y?y-yJ THB NBU 8ENATOH1AU 1JISTHIGTS IN HONOR OF SUPREME COMMANDER ANOTHER VOTING CONTEST AlUnnce Hive, The Ladies of the Macabecs of the World, at the regu lar meetinn in September, gave the disappointed candidate but that he Order's beautiful ritualistic servlc?, The Herald Boosts for Hyannis Girl, Well Known in Alliance had a friend to whom divers unple.i ant tilings happened primary day. His friend believed that he was still the candy if he could take another whirl at the political game. Mr. Wait opines that "abiding with tin results of the primary." which all candidates promise to do when their names go oa the ballot, doesn't mean that truth crushed to earth i" the Shape of a defeated candidate net d not rise again and try Its luck at the .COVember election. The Herald has not yet learn -d the name of the candidate who thinks of going on the ballot by petition. GLEN MILLER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER BOX BUTTE CD. Helen Watson, a trained nurse from Chicago, twenty-four years old and unusually prepossessing, will be "bleed to explain the presence in her room of 'ewe'ry, sllverwaie and silk dreeeee, valued el HX 9, Miss Wat (ii w.i arretted el New York iaretd with shoplifting. While ('.riving to the mines of the 'liner 'or Conl eonynaxa "ai Pitts- ;: ;h. w tli the semi monthly pay lor ae misers. David Keen was shot niui :ict; t tp- ! lned hv Mihwaynien His VP " i'llniu J. Stccn. who was In ''c hii':gy with hi'u. cnught the body if his son as It toppled over. The -H0rtfl)f I.I.K'U. was saved. Charcee ihnl H c llrMUlea and (hi Seewheiti ot the pedigree commit ICS of the Percheron Society of Anier- i a hav purchased grade or "si rub" buses and procured their registialicn ii fhS Percl.eion stud book of Amer ca as pure bn d were made in a bill Illed In a Ofclcaee eonit by George W Patterson n stcc; br.eder of Woith ntn Mien the Draping of the Charter, in mem Off of Mrs. Lillian M. Holllster of Detroit, Michigan, formerly Supreme Commander, and at the time of her death, Acting Past Supreme CottV mender. The charter will remain draped sixty days, the unusually long period barim been ordered by the Board of Trustees of the Ordt r on account of the high rank of the de c eased, One hundred and sixty-three thousand members Of this woman's fraternal benefit society In various places all over the Cnited States and Canada are taking part in the sains MTV lee out of love and respect to their dead leader. SLUMBER PARTY Miss Mabel Wor! v entertained a number of girl frien at a slumber peril Sat ui day night, in honor of Mits Vem Hamilton of Lincoln. The girls were entertained at the Majes tic in the evening, and at a nine o' clock breakfast the next morning. Another big voting contest is now on, b?ing conducted by a leading Ne braska paper. This time it is the Lincoln Star. The patronizing ter ritory is divided into eight districts, an automobliiie being the prize in each district. There is no candidate in this con test from Alliance, and there proba bly will be none, but The Herald Is glad to boost for a candidate from this district, Miss Mary Kgan of Hy annis, who has been placed In nomin ation by some of her friends, and is inakinu a very good start in the contest. Miss Bgan baa S number of ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE votes be cast for Miss Kgan. Read ers who send their subscription di rectly to the Star ate requested to mention that they want their votes ac- ; to go to Miss Kgan. quaint an. es in this city, as she at - i The Herald is pleased to note that Mrs. Brown, wife of Hev. J. U. Brown, has sufficiently recovered from her illness to attend to her household duties. ('has. C Jameson and Walter WiKhtman n Kllsworih are attending to business in .Villain e today. The big attraction, that have been, of the Custer county fair ' one jear. tended school at 8t. Agnes Academy j for two years. The Herald Is plea:; ed to assist her, and .sincerely h ; she may be the winner from this dU-; irict We would like to request all Herald readers who are subscribers to the Lincoln Daily S.ar and who' expect to renew their sub: ription, and others who wish to aut i"-- for that paper, in m at once and quest that their vctvs go to Miss' K-an. Perseus intt tiding ti sub Belike or renew their subscriptions will confer a great favor by making the time two years or mora, as that Bns to 'will count many more votes than for aw -sr r i at Broken Bow VII a daily aero plane flight by an aviator fr m Lin coln The machine was tli re, but when It came time to fy the bird man got cold feet and refus"d to go up, claiming that something was wrong with the aeroplaue. Price of the Daily Star without Sunday edition is $2. no per year, and $;i.00 per year including Sunday edi tion. Subscriptions may be sent to Miss Kgan at Hyaunls or to The Herald at Alliance, and they will be forwarded with request that the PtS m AW8v W A Kf t S VOT 1 I ARrBM GARNIVAL i. .a it T", r a n a r tt rv. ' . MU'rAIvfLCu 1 i V EPT. 27, to OCT. 7. 1911 TUESDAY AFTERNOON . OCT 3 . MANUFACTURER'S PARADE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCT 5 MILITARY PARADE-, WEDNESDAY NIGHT, OCT 4 ELECTRICAL PARADE FRIDAY NIGHT, OCT. 6 CORONATION BALL CROWP A YYHOLE, YEAR'S FUN INTO lO DAY5 YOU'LL HAVE LOTS OF HELP SLEEP AFTER YOU GET HOME