w I U p 'jHd " ; is 71 5 j J av vU x- i 1 J usf -J J , U, L- T-sl "4 r ; I i i 7 I hiy! fj !S I- 113 jr uiHL: A - -SSD iMAll: J i rrg i i I i 1 ii I hifr7 Hwtv' d 1 1 1 1 1 , , .-v tSI'l Pffi 1 7 1 t pri i ""nfr 7Hr!firp g - 1 1 ' 1 ttu fifTT " nK"LPiwir1 si ZE -H L:7pu E---EH ' jf g J J zr- j tKrm$ff--j? 1 HP 15H HMi- H 32 ifir " r - 7? ' i -h , W J" W 1 h S TJ s i gtea 1 1 H la Am i e cotfa. Ifra k rWjror. VH. ZXrzmMr coy H I J 4 - - jr iC(r 2 r J - --.juA JL y :T.-jl'bv I i f) 1 J s I ,4 1 1 -LU- $W$A&-t vtf- lH t 1 l n pfefefcyyi tt"T in' rn n Mzm i yi q .a 'gj-'WTlu i I i.L" i r-. utt J Wi; 4:f -' f rV tin--H ; J y.p i p-1 I ' i . rWmiIU-T-j-! 4i j 2 1 1 -x TTir"p I 1 vH H""j Fis c het h was given in payment for two-thirds of the crop on II acres of potatoes (less 552.50 paid for sacks) grown In the North Platte Valley. UST NATIONAL BAXK. ' - ' : : : 1 Why Not Get the Best? Johnson's Home-Made Candy At The MODEL CANDY KITCHEN We carry also a fine line of thr let factory candy at prices lower than the Utile can he purchased elsewhere z o H X Co-Operative Store MEAT MARKET 304 BOX BUTTE AVE. Drake & Whetstone Finest Line Fresh Cured Meats BEST QUALITY REASONABLE PRICES Telephone orders delivered promptly to any part of the city Phone 50 See the New Line of lows ami SuriiuF WaHons AT 1 I. L. ACHESONS Hardware and Implement Store Before Buying OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE SHOPPING I3Y 5SB Scotisbluff, Nepr. 1 SV The Bell Telephone Has revolutlonifed methods of shopping. 1 undredt t thousands of people now do their buying vnr the local and long distance lines of the Hell System, because it is the quickest, most satisfactory and most com fortable wav. Oftentim.'s tin- things you want cannot ba bought In Um local shop but you -an always tiny over the Hell telephone, for its lines reach all the big markets everywhere. NEBRASKA'TELEPHONE CO. T. 11. BEESON, Alliance Mgr.