The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 14, 1911, Image 3

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Sept. 7.
Win. Howe carried the mall for
the first time last Saturday.
Howard Heck and family are stay
In with Willis neck while haying.
School began last Monday with
Miss .Mary Johntson as teacher.
The Sunday school made a change
In their song books, adopting the
"Best of All".
We had a temperance exercise last
Sunday Instead of the service. It
WM very Interesting and did much
credit to the children. Next, review
day will be devoted to a missionary
Roy Scott has returned from Mis
souri where he had been on business.
Mrs. Jones and son, Worth, are
now living on their homestead.
Rex Haworth killed two rattle
snakes on his ranch last week.
"You have heard of the snake In
the grass, my boy.
Of the terrible snake In the grass;
But now you must know
Man's deadliest foe
Is the venomous snake In the glass
The venomous snake In the glass."
September 8.
Mrs. Jack Rltter is on the sick
list this week.
A. Hubble and E. Sweezy started
their threshing crew this week.
A. Dean and Albert Wrlghty took
a load of goods for John Chapman
who has bought him a home In Ar
kansas. Ladies' Union Society meets with
Mrs. Groff next Wednesday, Sept.
Mrs. Matthews and Arthur Hurf at
tended the old soldiers' reunion at
Scottsbluff a couple of days, also
Mr. and Mrs. Groff report a fine
John Lore of Alliance took his cat
tle home Monday from the Derlon
and Ixjrt pasture.
Mrs Allie Duerr was a caller at
Mrs. Joe Neurd's Tuesday.
Ed Sweezy and Roy Denton made
a business trip to Minatare last
week. ,
Theron Chapman began his school
term at Fairmont Monday.
A few were visited last week by a
government elect.
Miss Da'.ce called at Gorff's one ev
ening last week.
Miss Helen Lore visited over Sun
day with relatives.
Rnv Denter has gotten lie rides
In a new buggy these days.
September 8,
Belmont school opened Monday,
with Mrs. Win. Hollcnrick and Miss
Pearl Evans as teachers.
The Gregory girls. Ethel and Lillie.
will go to school in Alliance this
Farmers are all busy these days,
threshing, potato digging and filling
Some wheat Is coming to town
these days, some framers hauling di
rect from the threshers.
Mike Linden, with his extra gang,
are laying steel on the curves east
of Belmont this week.
Lee Gregory, our railroad agent,
just returned from a vacation, visit
ing In Kansas City and Oklahoma
City, and reports a fine time. A. O.
Reynolds of Marsland officiated in
his absence.
O. C. Miller has gone to Hot
Springs, 8. D., for his health. All
In this vicinity hope for his early re
covery. J. G. Lemons and wife went to
Crawford one day this week.
J. H. Burns was in Belmont this
week and is having the railroad well
sand -pumped. This well has needed
cleaning out for a long time.
e e e
Relatives are visiting at the I la
maker home this week.
Wm. and Fay Abbott were in town
Mrs. Belle and Mrs. A. A. Gregory
went to Alliance on 36 Tuesday and
returned on 43 Wednesday.
The Buckley girls are visiting the
Mrs. Aaron Eversull family.
Lee Way Is going back to North
Dakota this week. He has made
many friends here who will he sorry
to see him leave. We hope he will
do as well in bis new home as he
has done here.
The Phelps girls had a runaway
Siin1:iv hreakinir the tongue out Of
their buggy. No one was hurt.
The young people have a new pas
time here now roller skatign in
the Wendts hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Hislop and family of
Alliance, also Mr. Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Skinner of Hashman and the
Misses Hembry took dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Leish
man last Saturday and report a very
pleasant time.
The people of this vicinity were
visited last Tuesday night by a ter
rible wind storm doing considerable
damage, but no one was hurt.
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and family
were callers at Mr. Skinner's Thurs
day of last week.
Mr. und Mrs. Freehearty of this
vicinity visited with old acquaintances
in the sand hills over Saturday and
Sunday of last week, reurgtnln home
early Monday morning.
UiU Fay Memory of tills vicinity
departed last Sunday afternoon to
attend the Alliance High school this
winter She is staying with Mr. and
Mrs. Hislop at present.
Ira Johnson, while returning li-jine
from Alliance last Thursday after
noon, was caught in a storm and
compelled to stay all night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Skinner.
The owner of the land on which
Mr. Nichols was working on shares
was here the first part of the week,
and reports prospects here better
than farther east.
John Orcff and Mr. Ducker and
fainilv were at Mr. Severson's, Sun
There was a hall storm In this vi
cinity Thursday. The ground was
covered with hail, and the vines, the
corn and potatoes were stripped.
Eevrybady Is cutting corn around
here now.
Mi. Severson and son will go the
uuri of this week to visit with rel
Aiex Gerhart and Mr. Miller are
helping Mr. Shipherd dig potatoes.
There was a dance at Mr. Thomp
son's place Saturday night. Twenty
four persons were present and all
had a good time.
John Groff visited at Charley
Green's Saturday afternoon.
Albert Acker was at home Sunday.
Mr. Becker and family were at
Mr. Robertson's Sunday for dinner.
Sam Becker was at Charley
tlreeii's Saturday.
Alex Gerhart worked
1'ertie a lew days last
for George
D. B. McLean and daughter were
In Scottsbluff Saturday.
Geo. Graves called at Smith's Sun
If you want a good buggy
cracker see Geo. Garvet.
Any man can go to the top of his
trade, secure better work and higher
wages, by taking a course from the
International Correspondence School,
tht workman's school. Write to
Scranton, Pa., for particulars; or ad
dress a postal to Wm. A. Bartlett,
Alliance. Nebr 40-4t-6t)t
Yes, sir, the Co Operative Store is
paying 25 cents per dozen for eggs
When anything goes wrong with
the printing of a newspaper It U
customary to blame the editor for
It. Of course the editor doesn't al
ways accept the blame he can
charge It up to the foreman; Hie
foreman lays It on to one or more
of the printers, who In turn dt late
the office "devil" was the cause of
all the trouble. Last week, howev
er, a fine bunch of news was otnlt
ted and we don't even blame the
devil" for It It was the fault of
the railroad train Owing to the
t ni ins from the west being off last
Thursday our Hemingrord reporter's
correspondence failed to reach us
until Friday morning, after the pa
pers had been printed. There was
such a good lot of Items Hint we do
not like to omit them altogether, so
print the following from what was
sent down last week:
Mrs. Guy Sprowis spent last week
visiting with her sister, Mrs. John
Fred Abley, who has been making
a visit at his old home In Kalamazoo,
Michigan, and other points, returned
home on 43 Thursday.
M. Hutton, who has been In Iowa
and other eastern points looking af
ter some business matters, returned
home on 43 Friday.
Mrs. Emma Elder was a passenger
to Alliance on 44 Friday, spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Ar
thur Donivan.
Mrs. Leora Rustin left on 43 Tues
day for Chadron, where she Is en
gaged as one of the teachers for the
coming term.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wright -""e
the proud parents of an eight pound
baby girl, born Tuesday, September
John Mabln came In on 43 Wednes-
dya from Alliance, where be has been
spending a few days.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church met with Mrs. McEuen Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mr. Clatterbuck came In on 44
Tuesday, going out to the river In
the afternoon to look at some horses.
Charley Hucke and wife left on 36
Tuesduy evening for Lincoln to at
tend the state fair.
v e
Mrs. Clyde Whelan and daughter,
Lola, went down to Alliance on 44
to do some shopping, returning In
the evening on 43.
Mis. Esancy, w'ho has been mak
ing her daughter. Mrs. Fred Nee
land, a visit, returned to her home
in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Wednesday
night on 36.
Mrs. Charles Lotspeich and daugh
ter, Irma, went up to Marsland on
43 Friday evening for a short visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Beit Fuiuran, re
turning on 36 Saturday night.
Mrs. Anna Pierce and cousin, Mrs.
Karris, spent Friday and Saturday
with Mrs. Pierce's mother, Mrs. W.
A. Ward.
Miss Mary lodence was an over
night visitor with Miss Gertrude
Olds Friday night.
Barney Shepard autoed to Alliance
Thursday, Mrs. Shepard returning
with him.
Harry E. Jones came In on 43
Friday evening looking after some
husiness and shaking hands with old
neighbors and friends.
Mr. Whitfield, principal of the High
school, came in on 43 Friday evening.
Miss Glasgow came in on 43 Fri
day evening. Miss Glasgow will have
charge of the primary department In
the Heiningford school for the com
ing year.
C J. Wlldy, who has been attend
ing a horse sale at Jollet, Colorado,
return. d home on 44 Saturday. Mr.
Wlldy brought home a car load of
Mr. and Mrs. Fodness took dlni:er
Saturday with !r. and Mrs. McEuen.
Father Be ker came up from Craw ford
Saturlay to hold services Suu
day. ,
Jam --. Hunter autoed up from Al
liance Saturday, going out to his
nnch and bringing Mrs. Hunter and
friend buck to Alliance In the even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Michael spent
Saturday night and Sunday with Mr
.Michael's parents. Mr. and Mrs Phil
lip Michael, Sr.
The Co Operative wants all your
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Canfleld went
down to Alliance on 46 Saturday ev
ening. Mrs Hick Kenner. who has been
vipitlng with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Mat Beaumont, returned to
her home In Alliance Saturday on
Joe Menu-all came In on 4:; Satur
day evening from Hecla, Nehr., for
a visit with relatives and friends.
Mr and Mrs. A. 8. Enyeart went
tfOWV to Lincoln on 10 Saturday
night to attend the state fair the
coming week.
Miss Jessie Hacker came In on 43
from South Dakota. She will teach
the Leslie Price district for the com
ing year.
Miss Bergy Moore, who has been
visiting with her parents In Almyra.
Aikansas, returned on i: Sundjy,
where she will attend school for the
coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. James Evans and two
little daughters came up from Alli
ance on 35 Monday morning Tor a
few days' visit with Mrs. Evans'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Roland.
Mr. Evans has some plastering to do
In this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tsacher were
In from Sioux county Monday after
supplies for their ranch.
Joe Barto8 was an Alliance visitor
between trains Saturday.
Miss Marie Hanson began school
in the Nonpareil district Monday.
B. E. Johnson c ame In on 35 Tues
day morning from Sheridan, Wyom
ing, where he spent a few days vis
iting with his wife who has been
spending the summer with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Grace Waisner.
The annual session of the North
west Nebraska conference of the
M E church was held nt Crawford
last week, closing on Sunday. Rev.
J. L. B. Jones, I). D., who has been
pastor nt Alliance the past year, re
quested to he made conference evan
gellst, and his request was granted.
Hev. A. R. Julian, l. I)., was reap
pointed district superintendent for
the Children district, and Hev. Dr.
Cams of the Long Pine district. It v
(). S. Baker, formerly at lied llock,
Mont., was appointed pastor of the
Alliance church, and Rev. Palmer at
llemlngfonl. On account of his
wife's 111 health. Rev. C. H. Burleigh
requested to be left without an ap
pointment this year.
You do not have to leave home to
get a college educatlou. The I. C.
S. will train you In your own home.
Address I. C. S., Scranton, Pa., for
particulars. 40-4t-666
The State of Nebraska. Box Butte
Whereas, on this 30th dny of Aug
ust, 1911, Robert Klttelmann, father
of Pauline Klttelmann nnd Clara Klt
telmann, made nnd filed In this office
his sworn statement, duly attested,
and stated that he desired to relin
quish all right to the custody of, and
power and control over Pauline Klt
telmann nnd Clara Klttelmann, his
minor children, and all claim and In
terest In and to their services and
wages; nnd also came Ira C. Muzaey
and Sarah E. Muzzey, and made and
filed In my office a statement under
oath, duly attested, that they de
sired to adopt said Pauline Klttel
mann and Clara Klttelmann as their
own children; I have therefore ap
pointed the 30th day of September,
1011, at three o'clock P. M. at my
office In Alliance, said county, as the
time and place where a hearing will
be had In said matter, at which time
and place all persons Interested may
It Is ordered that a copy of this
order be published In the Alliance
Herald, a newspaper published In
Alliance, said county, for four suc
cessive weeks prior to the time set
for hearing.
L. A. BERRY, County Judge.
SEAL 38-5M28
The Herald Is pleased to note th
organization or the Alliance Fruit
('ompnny, wholesalers of fruit. A. D.
Itogers Is president; K. D. Mallery,
Sex- ; L H. Highland, Tress AIM
mice will make an excellent point
for the distribution or fruits. Small
towns receive their fruit by express,
and where It is necessary to send a
great distance the transportation
charges are very high, and there Is
considerable delay In receiving the
fruit. By ordering from Alliance
Fruit Co. dealers In western Nebras
ka towns will find exproas charge
much less and can receive prompt
service. The Jobbing house will of
OOUfH reicive their fruit by car load
lots In rerrlgerator cars. They havo
made arrangements with the Alliance
Creamery and Produce Company for
room In their cold storage plant.
Geo. O. Ware, missionary from Al
liance, held his regular monthly cer
vices In the church of the Good
Shepherd, September 3, and called A
meeting at the church for Monday op
ening to form a mission, vestry, etc.,
and elect officers to serve until
Faster. 1912. At this meeting W. H.
Willis was elected Senior Warden; J.
L. Tout. Junior Warden; A. W. At
kins, Treasurer; and Mrs. Atkins,
Secretary. Definite arrangement
were made for the celebration of
the Holy Communion in addition to
the regular services. Bridgeport
When your doctor orders you to
stop work It staggers you. "I can't",
you say. You know you are weak,
run-down and falling In health day
by day, but you must work as long
as you can stand. What you need is
Electric Bitters to give tone, strength
and vigor to your system, to prevent
breakdown and build you up. Don't
be weak, sickly or ailing, when E
lectrlc Bitters will benefit you from
the first dose. Thousands bless them
for their glorious health and strength
Try them. Every bottle Is guaran
teed to satisfy. Only 50c at F. 3.
Petty thieving is getting to lie a
dangerous ocupatlon In western Ne
brnska. Not long ago a man In Ban
ner county who hud been missing
things from his cabin set a gun so
it would be discharged when the door
was opened. During his absence, as
the result of trying to get in, a
young man was shot, from the ef
fects of which he afterwards died.
The Dalton Herald last week tells
or a man near that town that had
been missing chickens, and decided
to rM the thief if he could. He
fixed a shot gun loaded with No. 4
shot :;i such a manner that when
the door was opened far enough to
allow the person to enter the trigger
would be pulled by a string. About
11 o'clock that night he heard the
report or the gun and In an instant
was out ot bed, and out he went. He
heard some one running through the
' o-.nfleld a siiort distance from the
house. After making investigations
the only sign of the thief that could
be found was the rim or a black hat
which hadthecrown shot completely
orr. The man who was undre the
hat when the crown vtl blown f
probably had the closest call he had
ever expericm .d up to that time.
Just how badly he was injured was
not learned, as no report has been
made as yet or unyone getting in
jured in that manner. The man that
set the gun says that he bus chang
ed its position slightly so that the
next time it will get mure than the
John Snoddy, Pres., P. 8. Showers, V. Pres.
May Snoddy, Sec. and Treas.
Fire Insurance Agency
Hail Insurance
And All Other Kinds of Insurance
Stock, Accident and Death from
Any Cause
Also Represent the
Nebraska State uilding and Loan
Daily in
Tell of
Nearly every reader has heard or
Doan's Kidney Pills. Their good
work In Alliance still continues, and
oui citU'-ns are constantly adding en
dorsement! by public testimony. No
bitter proof of merit can be had
than th3 experience of friends and
neighbors. Head this case:
Mrs. Iiura Dickenson, 107 Yellow
I one Ave., Alliance. Nebr., says:
i wai afflicted with kidney trouble
fur many years and had abjut all
the difficulties tliat accompany this
i!isease. I finally commenced luiug
loan's kidney Pills, procured at
Holsten's Drug Store, and they dis
posed of the pains in my back and
corrected difficulty with the kidney
secretions. 1 also tried Doan's Kid
ney Pills in my daughter's case and
they strengthened her kidneys. I
do not htsitaie to recommend this
sterling remedy."
tor sale by all dealers Price V
cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Ne Vork, sole agents for the Unit
i'd Elates
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1.
Succissst ta Frank Willast)
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
Res. phone 583
M. D. Kimball. Hgr.
Open Day and Night
On west side of street across from
Burlington Station
Fully ilodern Steam Heat
First-class Rooms at Popular Prices
30c 73c 31.00
Peter Rubendall, Prop.