Nebraska Land & AutoCo. 1. C. McCoikle, Mgr. GARAGE IN McCORKLE BLOCK Link Lowry, Supt. of Garage SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sundav School Leson by Rev. Dr. Llnacott for the In ternational IVim. Bible Question Club .,- - itlibr hn T. S UlMMl DO) W handle the fQVb cars and w ill sell yOU one for list price. Will store and keep; furnish gat and lubricating oil; $15.00 per month; vou run as much as you desire. Storage for cars, $5.00 per month. We sell all best brands of oil from 25 to 5Qo lower than other places. fQl'b cars are the most popular car on the market and every piece in them is guaranteed by the company during the life of the car. See us before buying. Only garage In western Nebraska open day and night r i m Another car of Peters' 1 Loaded Shells just re- v w v a . oe . w . I, j load you want. Special m price in case lots. Newberry's Hardware Co. September Travel Bulletin TO THE EAST: The excursion rales to the eastern UxaliM a will con tinue. It Is the last chance of the season to moke :. i MUtterfl tour at . .edly reduced excruslon rai es. T B PRY FARMING CONGRESS will be bold at Colorado Springs. Oc tober 10 20. Special rates will be made for this event. All dry farmers .vmM make It their business to attend this congress. THE LOW COLONIST ONE-WAY RATES lo the Pacific Const MM In effect September 15th to October 15th. IRRIGATED LANDS can be secured on extremely reasonable) tertxu; those in the Big Horn Basin present at this time a wholesome example Of the value of irrigation where there is ample water. Farmers and prospective home makers from the so called region or rainfall and from 'ry forming areas are urged to inspect the crops and inquire about the Jund rolCOl In the Rip Horn Rasin, the North Platte or Yellowstone Valleys before they :r tV!r sons consider a home in any other locality. J. KRIDLLBAUGH, Agent Alliance L W. WAKELEY, G, P. A., Omaha ooaammmmmsmammas BROWN HOTEL Mks. Belle Brown, Prop. First Door South of First State Hank Hemingfordi Nebr, Firat-class rooms, clean and comfortable. Good meals. Lunch counter in connection. Short orders served at all hours. Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Ms Lumber &Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Wdters, Mgr. 'Cn,.fitM. inn. hv Kiv. r. S. LtlWeeh, 1) ! 1 Daniel pud III Commit. v,s; H Tempenwro Lesson. Dan. tR2t. Golden Text H is Rood neither to eat II. "h. nor to drink wine, nor any thins wherein thy brother tnmbleth I Rnm. i (1. (1.) Verse - V:n i n Daniel, and I how did ho si'-t to RaVrlon? (2.) What d:d Daniel propose for Mr fend'' (3.1 WhOI ire the ndvantsRi? and disadvant:' II ol a meat diet, (2) of a vep. labia 'li. ; I H.) is Cure reason to believe thnt Ood orhMnnllv meant man to ! a mc.-M eater? (Y It (s MKMUnry ier stronptli, how do vou account for ttv strength of the horse and the eh-pliant. as hoth are verctarlans? (6.1 Is there nry reason to thlrV that the craving, or desire for B it Is an artificial Hppt tlte? (7.) What evidence la there thnt a lnireiy veftotahlc diet would tocreasa the health nnd the longevity of the people? (8.) Verse !i Did Cod In some su pernatural wr cause the prince of the eunuchs to love Daniel, or In any otherv. ay than thfOUfth Dinttl's ! . -able Manner? ft.) DOM Clod turn the hearts of people to hive or favor good Chris tian wholly apart from their actual attractions! 00.) Wise 10. Which people are the healthier, those who have almnri ance of rii h food and w ho eat all tl- y can (r those who have plain food and eat only er-nrph to plvo then aufil clent ItrimSth for their work? (ti.) Versus ll-U! -wiia- RhOtiM he our rule as to the kit d and quan tity or food we eat? (12.) Which class in the community Is penerall ythe healthier, die rich or those respectable people who have to straggle "to make ends meet?" (It.) Take one hundred persons who drln); nothing but water and an other hundred persons who drlng in toxieatinp li .u'ir and compare their probable condition as to (a) health, (b) wealth, (c) happiness. (14.) Who were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah? (IS.) Y-rses 14-15. What was the result of the test made upon these three Hebrew young men, 'n eating a strlct'y vegetable diet, and drinking nothing stronger than water? (It!.) Should this teat from experi ence bind our conscience, and cause lis to eat ond drink as they did? Why or why not? (iv.) Vers 16 What in our say are the chief evils of gluttony, and what are the ' biel eviNof drunkenness? (18.) To what extent would the world bo better if the use of intoxi eating liquor as a beverage could be stopped? (This is one of the ques tions that may be answered in writing by members of the club.) (19.) Verses 17 21 To what extent may all men develop their ability by increasing their knowledge? (2b.) Why Is it not possible for alt pt rsons with aufllcient study to be come tlrst rank artibts, orators, pootl, and scientists, or to attain to super natural powers like Daniel and his companions? (21.) Were the learning and wis dom of these four oung men ac quired, or the gifts of Clod? (22.) Where do you draw the line as to the possibilities of presei t spirit ual or supernatural powers? Lesson for Sunday, Sept. 17th, 1911. Daniel s Companion in the fttRT Fur nace. Dun. lit, POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mulls close ut the Alliance post office as follows. Mountain time: East Bound 11:20 a.m. for train No. 44. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 42. West Bound II' ::u p.m. for train No. 4.1. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 41. South Bound ISltO p.m. for train No. 30.. 11:00 p.m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays till night mails close at 0:00 p.m. instead of 11:00 p.m. IKA E. TASH. V. M. SPRING BRINGSS0RE FEET I HERE IS A POSITIVE CURE " With the advent of warm weather comes foot troubles to thousands of pool :e The increased temperature ond hey vlneps of the atmoapho e causes rwrll 'Mid excess perspiration Thl brings on a series of font "ouhles The treatment iMven below will be wel Dined with joy by an ar :ny of suffeiprs It acts !ie muglc "Dissolve two tablcspoonfuls of Culocldc compound in a basin of hot water; soak the feet In this for full fifteen mlu UlW, gently massaging the sore parts Less time will not give the SaatroS results ) Kr-peut this each night un til the cure is permanent.'' All sore cess disappears immediately f'orns nd callouses can be peeled right off Bunions are reduced to normal and the inflammation drawn out Sweaty and smelly feet, tender and etwollen i feet need but a few treatments. This Calocide Is a remarkable drug For merly used only by doctors but any druggist now has It in stock or will quickly get it from his wholesal house A twenty-five cent package fl elatmed to cuie the worst feet W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT Strong Statements by John B. Len non, Treasurer American Fed eration of Labor "LABOR AND LIQUOR TRAFFIC" Tht liquor traffic everywhere stands squarely for Ignoranc.. nud against education Th liquor traffic is a non pioduc cr nud the worst non -prodm er in the world, and labor has to support this Iking which contributes nulling of use to society. 1 lielicve that In ten years there will cot he a lis.ensed salo;n on the American continent this side of the Mi lcan boundry line. It wontd be better to llscense some Institution that WOOlS spread tnbcivu losii than to license the liquor ttaf lie. What they call the bad saloon, the low ('.iv. ti saloon, could never haw lured my boy. If In? had gone to the bad by drink. It would have been by the Intluence of some of the so bgll l high-ChUM bars. The using alcohol loses his skill nnd alertness of mind, and It Is only oiiestlon of time when his iNfUlnajM will he at an end. II' I vi te for license. I am n party (o every crime In the community gtowlng out of the liquor traffic. Th: licpior traffic Is always against the progress of Cnristianitr. What is the Influence of the II ccriM d ItQUO? traffic in the matter of child labor? O) your eyes In yonr own neighhorhooS you don't hnve to go to New York. You will find that the bojrt tnS girls of fnth ors and niotliers addicted to strong drink will be started to work In Hie mills and shops on th" average of two years younger than those whose pan ills are abstain rs. I have bOOB b.'fore legislatures in the int -rests or the children and there were never nn ivpresr ntatlv es of the liquor Interests working with us. If they Wore there they were working againft the children. Money spent for liquor Is so much reduction from real wages. The li CCD d liquor saloon is the most strik ing c ample of the long work day. It i. a in iKiee to th? man who Is try ing ttl Shorten the work day. Schools to Fight Tobacco tytnta Bttporintoadonl Crabtrc-e has given out the following: "On the theory that th? use of to bacco Is decided)? Injurious to youth, the legislature last winter amended li' law prohibiting lb sale of ij; : i : s or tobacco In any form to mlncrr, by providing ii penalty on the o who pOrC (MOM the tobacco li" well i upon the one who .s -lis. "The StaAs depart nieiit of educa tion desir.-s to call Hie atten tion of those who sell tobacco to this low, and to caution against dis regarding It. It is our purpose after the schools open in September to instruct county and city superintend ents and all teachers of the public schools to see that the law is rigidly enforoed ui ivory community, so far at least as selling to or tor school children is oonoornod. This deport ment hereby unnuun'ta that it ..ill not only urga school uuthoriti -i to 1 1 Hmt tOO UW lR properly enforc ed, but that it will render all assist a OCO in prosecuting those who violute its provisions. Teachers. members of school boards, parents and nil others interested in the welfare of youth should render assistance In this movement to protect the boys of our public schools against the cig aette arnd tobacco habit, which n it only tn apacitat -h them troni carrying BChOes work, but actually leads in the direction of Immorality and erime. "A portion of the law follows: " 'That hereafter it shall be unlaw !ul In th3 state of Nebraska for any minor under the age of eighteen v. ars to smoke cigaretl.-s, cigars, or iim tobacco in uny form whatsoever. " 'Any minor under the age of eu years violating any of the visions of the foregoing section boll, upon conietion, be , fined in any Hum not exceeding ten dollars and stand committed until the fine and costs of prosecution are paid. " 'Provided that any minor so charged with the violation of this act may be free from prosecution when he ahull have furnished evidence for the conviction of the pet-son or per BOOO selling or giving him the cigji lettes, cigars or tobacco. 'That any person, firm, assoeia Hon or corporation in this state vio lating the provisions of this act, tie oi l hey shall be guilty of a misde m SHOOS and shall upon conviction .hereof be lined fc.r each and every such offense a sum not less than $50 or more than lloo, ut the diser lion of (lie court, together with cots of prosecution.' ' ANNUAL COUNTY CONVENTION The annual county convention for Hox Untie county wna held Thurs Sag; August .'U. at the home of Mrs. I M. Kernald. In Alliance. ( Th. re was an all clay meeting with n basket dinner Home of the Indies who were on the program were prevent ed by sickness nnd business, from being present, but with those c Ac op Hons the- program was put on as an tiounc eel. The morning session was opened with the rending of the tenth I'salni by Mrs. Vnnce, followed by a prayer by Mrs. Tash, nnd singing "See (Had Day", lUter which came busl Ileus Mrs Value, us county president, made her report. Six letters, rive cards and three packages of liter., lure were sent out. RebOfvOd nine latter I and one c arel. Rep rt of I'air eonimlttee, Mr.i. fash. It-port of Press committee by Mrs. VsOOe In which she snid i2 columns M material for local and other papers had been published. RepoH ot Alliance Cnlon, Mrs. Tush The .nr 1911 had been a geod one. Klght departments and IwcUc tin; mi in 'cilnv.s in date Thirty members nud eight honorary in embers. Uepor: or Calrvlew Cnlon was giv en b Mrs. .lohn Lawrence. she re-ports five departments; ten active and rive honorary members; n very active society, doing good work. Sonv, Miss I, urn Vance Afternoon Song, "Wind the Ribbon ROOOS the Nation." Prayer, Mrs. Thomas. Report of Alliance trensuivr, which is mi follows: , Annual report of treasurer or A II 1 mice W. C. T. V., for y?ar ending Aug. 31, 19)1: Money Received On hntid. Se-pt. I. MIS $:T..44 Hues BI.0S One-half lif - membership 5.00 Fines 1.20 Sale or year books I no Sale or song books 1.10 Medal contest 6.00 orrerlng ror Temple Tund 4.25 Orrerlng ror Flower I unci 4. HO oricrlng for I hllanthropy fund .56 86.14 Money Expended L T. L supplies 1.00 .Stale dues 13.20 One half lire membership 6.00 Delegate to stale convention 15.00 Rest room at county fair 1.00 Subscriptions to Stale Capita! . i )n box envelopes .7", books 1.50 Coffee for (iromsO .60 Training contestants 2.5i) Contest books and medal 1,41 Philanthropy fund .65 Tc-mple fund 10.00 For flowers 4. tit) County dues 1.60 Union Worker It Mai DO hand 14.24 86.14 Mrd .1 W Thomas, Treas K! 'i tion of offlCOrS resulted as fol lows: president, Mrs. Strong, Alli ance; vice prosidentu Mrs. Herbert NOOOii, Fairview; cor. aw.. Miss Mablu Young, Allium e; re e. see , Mrs. Fred NneOO, Fairview ; treas-U'-er, Mrs. John LoWreOCO, Falrvl .-v. . Superintend ents: Kvnn .elistic , Mrs. Fornu, Alliance: Fair.c, M -nd.imes lash and Rlgnell, Alli.eine; Flowci Mission, Mm. John 'on, II tiilugforu , Literature, Mrs. Fernald, Alliance; Mothers' M c tiny :-. .Mr ; Patterson. Fairview; Medal Coutests. Mrs. Z-h-rung, Alliance ; Press, .Mrs. Vance, Alliance; S. S.. Mrs. U. .iohnson, ilenilur.l'o'-d ; Sab. Obse-rv., Mrs. Young, Alliance: Scientific Temp., Mrs. Fred Nason. Fairview. Four good papers were rood; sab bath OhoerVQWao, by Mro. W. B. Young; Relation of Temp t.iire ami Missions, Mrr1. Tliomas; P.irental ln fluen , Mrs. Warrick; Temp 'ten . Tiaiuing in Karl) OhUdhOOd. Mr. LoOO, So good w 01 shod more could have heard ti. in The W. C. T. II. Quia, conducted by Miss Lura Vance, uu very in sirue l i , Instruments!! music by Miss Alta Young closed the session which we nil fejei was worth the effort expend ed. MRS. FF.RNALD. Re-porter. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACH HR op pANO 310 Lnrnmie Atie. Phone 230 BUR I ON & WliSTOVeR Attorneys at Law 1MB ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bldg jso. ALLIANCF., NEB. WILLIAIVl MITCHELL, ATTORNIT AT LIW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLlANCi;, rVleJB. F. M. BROOME 1 urn vi roHNRt L.ii'lf eX)crlctieo(is Meeelve. f s. Land Ofllct US lomi mite., for proiiipi and e-fflotent iwirvtca. Olfice in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, . NEBRASKA B R UTfJTcojT Lawyer and Land Attorney ! I'riicll U !' r In civil rniirtu itaM im tejt!Mr V. fi. Land cm from linwt.'i HOT. iv man a NK-ciany. orrica in uoot orrica suii.nisu I.I.IAM:E WF.nRANSA oitiK COPPKBNOLL K-. I'll, oi.- ;;i P. J. PKTFhHKN lte-. Phone 4.1 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Ml RfifAl 11 Rooiur 7. 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, 1' II VSICI VN AN I si no I U N Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHI SICHN vmi v. OgOfJ iSuiwMnir to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK (MOOS SOMS It'll a.m. 2-4 p.m. ":tD-t p, in. Office! Phone 62 Rest. Phone, 83 H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone :I60 Kc. I'hnnc gg CalUamwi-rccl promptli day anil night fruit oOUoe. Ufflees: Alliance National Ban Bnl'dlnicu. 1 tin I' "stonier. H. H. BELLWOoT)7iV?D CHAS. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Oflice Over llolsten's Drug Store Phone 87 FRANCES DA os RED CROSS NURSE Reference Given Telephone 766 West 2nd street AHUM'!, NEBRASKA T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer oav rnoMi 207 NIC. in I 110NK 18 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA fHE'GADSBY STORE funeral Director and Cmbdliner I ll.VLltAl StPPtll $ Office Tlioiie 4qS Res PhuUO 510 J. P. HAZARD 5urveoj antt Englner .11. 1 USl :. M I'.K A-k V I.-. re lc ..nt ef .. 11 altorild its! a 1 am on I 01 cli ut lee 1 ii.,.-. .fliarmi. wll. ut cl- . "11 ami 1 apt H a p-r day , HIVES AND PRICKLY HEAT RE LIEVED FREE! Dr. Oliver McEulii .tJ Surgeon UtSilCrOltV, NEhK. l KC1ALTIES: I-i-t. ecf Uomenand Chiidrc-n and Oenito I rinary Organ till ItlffVlJ i ) iiy r There uve no conditions rfttaelied to tills oifcr. If you are suffering v ith hlVOO. prickly lu-at, insect bites, or uny other skin affliction, we want you to a c ept with our compliments a free bottle of ZF.MO, the clean lUiuid remedy for eczema, and all s of the skin and scalp. Thisfne houle is not full size, hut it is large enough to show you the wonderful healing and soothing effects of BSMO tf A clasaified advertisement will us ually eliminate the objectionable first syllable from the word impossible. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guatautee til work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This inuu will be here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. PpOOO HO, Geo. D. Darlimj. HARRY P. C0URSEY live Ski and l.nllnleij liintwmAi Ul I1CI ID I (II riUUlVuW Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE, NEBR.