The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1911, Image 7

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Supplement to
Friday, September 8, 1911.
They Do Net Always Coincide In Ad
ministration of Law in This
"It's all a muddle !" exclaims one
of George Eliot's characters. He
"Womsn Hun Everything In New
York," Said Tourist, Seeing His
Name on Hotel.
An excursion party of seeing New
Yorkers was taking in the urban
Her Blue Bandbox
They Will Do Away With Several of
the Little Annoyance of Every
day Life.
Are you annoyed by the perspira
tion or wind dislodging your nose
glasses? Nose glasses can be held
firmly to the nose by the use of pow
dered rosin. This is flesh-colored
and the heat will make the glasses
stick so that neither ordinary wind
nor perspiration will dislodge them.
Are you a housekeeper or a me
chanic and suffer from cracking
linger nails made brittle through
your work? Finger nails can be
kept from splitting and breaking by
applying a little olive oil to them
once or twice a day.
Do you find scaling fish an un
pleasant task? Then dip it in hot
water a few minutes before doing so
and see how easy it becomes.
Does the day's work leave you in
a condition that will not permit you
enjoying life? Then draw water
iut; the bathtub, get into it and let
the water from the hot water faucet
run on a towel, lay this lengthwise
down your spine, gradually applying
colder water until it is direct from
the cold water faucet. You'll feel
like a different person. If MOM rel
ative will kindly take a handful of
dry salt and gently' rub your back
while it is wet from the hot water
you will be receiving the treatment
recommended by the world's most
famous nerve specialist.
poke of economic conditions in Eng- "tJ from 0 Bd'ay open car. 1 1
land, but his remark has some apt
ness applied to the administration of
the law in this country and, indeed,
the world over.
We make no reference here to
glaring miscarriage of justice. We
hare in' mind the good-intcntioned
acts of judges and magistrates that
sometimes jar on the sensibilities;
such an act as that of the presiding
judge in general sessions in New
York the other day who sentenced
an old man of seventy to the peni
tentiary for three monthB for steal
ing a pair of spectacles.
It is right and proper that a man
should be punished for theft, but
justice should be largely tempered
with mercy in the case of a poor old
man. We have had one or two mag
istrates in this town who would have
'discharged him and given him the
price of a pair of spectacles; and
there is a possibility that in this cae
such a "punishment" would more
nearly fit the crime. Knowledge of
l:iw is a mighty good thing to have
on the bench. A big heart, a sense
of proportion and common hoss sense
are even more important. Pitta
burg Dispatch.
was late in the afternoon, possibly
half-past five, and as the car nearod
!reat .Tones street the young woman
in the linen suit prodded the voting
woman in the blue serge enthusias
tic 11 v.
"Oh, Sallie," she cried, "I do think
New Y'ork women are too enterpris
ing for anything. They can do any
sort of business thing a man can. it
NtBI to me. Just look at this hotel
with all the men sitting in chairs
on the sidewalk 1 Doesn't it look too
homelike for anything? I declare,
it reminds me of Summerfield Cen
ter our hotel has chairs outside,
too, in the evening. You'd know a
woman ran this one, even if you
didn't see the sign over the front
door, wouldn't you ! Only a woman
would know how to make a place look
comfortable and and sociable like
that. But theie's the sign: Broad
way Central, kept by Tilly Havnes.
Women run everything in New
By Gordon Thompson
It Quivers and Vibrates, Responding
to Wind. Water and Frost,
Say Scientists.
The "aolid earth is evidently a
misnomer; at least, two Germon sci
entists claim that the land is almost
as unstable as the sea.
They, by a long series of obser
vations, have proved that the earth
hat regular waves. In Germany these
oscillations are extremely small,
have a duration of between three
and ten seconds, and seem to have
some relation to the waves of the
North sea.
The most curious discovery was
that the seismograph at Goettingen
showl very irregular oscillations of
the earth, having periods of from
three-quarters of a minute to three
minutes, which have some sort of a
connection with the frosts of south
eastern Europe. These oscillations
are at a maximum at six o'clock in
the morning and diminish until
three in the afternoon.
Even the wind has set up vibra
tions in the soil that the instruments
are delicate enough to detect.
In Cuba the Infant Takes His Lacteal
Fluid Direct From the
Down in Cuba they have solved
the problem of the bottle and the
baby. No more unwashed bottles,
nor half-soured milk threatens the
little life with the dread specter of
cholera infantum. When a Cuban
infant has had its morning bath the
click-daek of little hoofs is heard
in the patio. Enter a sleek, well-fed
nanny goat, led by a maid, or per
haps by the adoring grandmother.
Baby is held in position by his fond
mamma or nurse, and while some
body else grasps the animal firmly
by the hind legs the chihi takes his
breakfast direct from the same lac
teal fount as the kid. These four
footed wet nurses are now kept in
every well-to-do Cuban family where
there are young children. They are
not allowed to roam at large, but
are carefully fed and regularly
bathed and brushed by a special attendant.
Peggy Silly boy?
take me seriously?
words were severe, you must
Been that 1 was smiling.
Regjrv Well, your
small that I didn't notice it.
Why did you
Though my
is so
Archaelogical researches made at
p spot some twenty miles from Kars
have brought to light a completely
intact stone fortress of prehistoric
What appears to be a well-attested
instance of lightning in the form of
a cylinder, since it is reported in an
Italian scientific journal by l'rof.
Ignazio Galli, occurred at b'ome on
January 3. At seven o'clock in the
evening, when a brilliant discharge
of lightning occurred over the city
a glowing cylinder three decimeters
long and one centimeter in diameter
issued from a wall at the point of at
tachment of a telephone wire. It
passed horizontally over the table
In order to protect the interior of
ships from the humidity caused by
oiidensation upon the metallic walls
during changes of temperature the
Jtalian .Marine has experimented
with a kind of hygroscopic varnish
ir coating the essential compound of
which is ground cork, which is con
olidated by pressure with copal and
litharge, and applied to the walls. It
lull been found that the cork varnish
ibsorbs the watery atmosphere to the
extent of eight or nine grammes for
every square meter of surface exposed.
late. The masonry of the primi
tively designed forts and bastions is containing the telephone, and be
somewhat roughly but extremely tween two persons seated close to-
well laid. Among the many and
various objects found are quite a
number of well preserved figures of
heathen gods, mostly in animal
forms and in a kind of hard baked
potter's clay. According to the de
scription of these figures given in the
Kars dispatch they appear to bear a
close resemblance to similar objects
found in ancient Scythian tumuli in
the Taurida. Loudon Standard.
get her, and then went out of an open
door. A few seconds later an ex
plosion was heard. None of the per
sons present felt any effect from the
presence of the cylinder, which was
silvery white, with a slightly bluish
or violet tinge, and no noise or
odor was detected during its pres
ence, which lasted only a few sec
onds. The cylinder did not change
its form. Youth's Companion.
An Irishman, who had returned The Federation of American Zion
from a visit to the old country, was ists has just held its fourteenth an
telling a friend of the sights that nual convention. It is their object
had impressed him. to regain Palestine for the Hebrew
"But the funniest of all is their race, and their plan is to purchase
little tillyphone," he said. "Tia a 100,000 acres there each vear for
It may be desired to serve several
beverages such as tea, coffee and
oocoa, and an Ohio inventor has a
combination pot, which has a num
square little insthryment that ye put
up to your face, wan end to youi
ear and wan to your mouth ; and
then ye my r Are yon there ?' and the
ber of independent compartments to a tho otlier eu1 "swers yes
the establishment of Jewish col
onies. Already they have 38 agricul
tural colonies in the Holy Land, and
but recently they opened a settlement
near Jaffa for artisans as well.
receive the different beverages. A
tingle spout has openings communi
2 ting with their respective compart
ments und valves controlling these
openingl are worked from a point
Dear the handle so that the person
poor ng can open any particular
valve and so cause tea, coffee or
cocoa to discharge from the spout.
"Wlial caused I'luujer'g down-
fan r
"H lost bis balance."
"His balance?"
'Yes at the bank."
or no as the case
Youth's Companion.
may be."
"What do you think of that skirt,
.lonsoll ?"
" lb-minds me of the last car home
at night. Standing room only."
"That runaway steer was
afraid of policemen seeing
"He wasn't?"
"I know, because I saw him torn
coppers on his way."
cheerful disposi-
The won. en of Whitehouse, V. .!..
thought it would be nice to have COO
?rete sidewalks and as the council
would not provide the money they
formed a Wishlorie club and are
raising the money. They are going
to hold a bazaar this summer to com
plete the amount needed.
"She's of very
tion, isn't she?"
"Yes, indeed. She
when washing dishes."
even sings
8av. Henry !"
"I wish you would crank up
ice, cram freezer for inc.''
mean by a
"Pop, what do they
:ast of counlciiame?"
"It means v.h.n people
looL, sonny."
"We are turnin.' a lot of
lawyers out."
"don't worry.
at Ud by taking us U."
rhev'ii get back
The train rolled into the little sta
tion and as Gregory Moore stepped
from the platform he looked for
some means of transportation to hia
sister's country home three miles
distant. The only public convey
ance was the long rattling stago
drawn by a pair of lean grays, and
ns the interior of that ancient ve
hicle smollcd strongly of mold, and
n it was minus springs of any sort,
Ot (gory decided in favor of the clear
autumn air and prepared to walk to
tlreonlands, after arranging for hia
luggaga to be sent over.
As he left the station a smart little
tr.ip rolled up to the platform and
rd. extremely pretty girl inquired for
several express packages placed in
the trap, while on the seat beside the
girl was poised an enormous blue
"T.e careful, please," warned the
' i'! anxiotnlY as the express agent
handled the box.
Gregory swung down the road
1 1 in t led to Greenlands with a keen
Anticipation of the walk ahead of
him. The road was a shady one,
lipping up and down with the con-
iTOlUHotl of the land and affording
deiightfol glimpses of the richly
tinted autumn foliage.
He hud gone perhaps a quarter of
a mile when there was the sharp
tattle of hoofs on the hard road, and
the little trap passed him swiftly,
the blue bandbox swaying perilously.
lie watched her gain the rise be
yond and then she disappeared in
the depression of the road, only to
be silhouetted against the sky at the
t hill. Ah he walked down into
his first depression his eyes fell
upon the blue bandbox lying in the
dust where it had spilled from the
cart. He picked it up by the string
that fastened it and walked on,
ipiite confident that the girl would
mis the box and return for it. He
was not displeased at the opportuni
ty afforded him of meeting the
pretty girl.
When he next saw the cart it was
still bowling smoothly along the
road ahead of him, and the girl ap
peared not to have missed the blue
bandbox from the seat. To Gregory
this was perplexing because she had
appeared so solicitous concerning its
The bandbox was light and prob
ably contained one of those lacy cre
ations that are beloved of just this
sort of pretty girl, decided Gregory
as he hastened along the road.
The trap still kept about twenty
rods in advance of his hurrying feet
and gained a little whenever he
panted up a hill and lost a trifle as
he sped down the next incline. Gnce
he shouted, but met with no re
sponse and, keenly conscious of the
absurd appearance he must present
as his stride hastened to a dog trot,
he was silent. .
Occasionally he paused to mop his
heated face, and once he stooped to
drink from a wayside spring, but
each delay only increased the dis
tance between the blue bandbox and
ils fair owner.
At last he stopped and, turning
around as he fanned himself with
his hut, he was conscious that some
body was following him as industri
ously as he was pursuing the girl
of the blue bam I bow Lumbering
I long the road behind him was u
large fat negress who shook u threat
ening fist in his direction, while her
other hand beckoned him to pause
in his steps. As she came up. to
him she glanced fiercely at him and
.wooped to snatch the bandbox from
i In ground beside him, but Gregory
was too quick and bucked into the
tushea with the box secure! v behind
"Well, mammy, what's up?" he
asked as pleasantly as he could con
lidering (but the girl und the trap
had entirely disappeared from sight.
What's up?"hhe sputtered wrath
fully. "Ah'll show you, young man,
what's up if you don't hand back
thai there ban' box! What you
thiukiii' of a nice resectable voung
man i-ruiinin' off with a lady's beat
bonnet? (Jive me thut ban' lxx !"
she commanded us Gregory showed
M -1.4ns of yielding to her orders.
"I'm sorry, mammy but thi bund-
boa belongs to u young lady who
liai-" he was beginning when she
interrupts! him.
That there hat belong to nobodv
mister; it's mine und I can
prove it," she mid solemnly rolling
her eyes at him.
"If you can prove it I will gladly
turn it over to yojJ," returned the
exasperated young ; man. "Only, I
would like to suggest, mammy, that
hereafter you avoid such cartwheel
hats as this one must be 1"
"You mind yo' business, young
man," mid the woman, sternly.
"Now, I can shot my eyes an' tell
all about that hat an' you can open
the box an' if it ain't so, I'll eat my
"Go ahead," urged Gregory with a
glance over his shoulder at the de
serted road.
"Well," began mammy, closing
her eyes and smacking her lips as if
ubout to partake of a feast. "It's
not so big an' it's blue with a soft
blue ribbing bows an' teeny blue forget-me-nots
all over it. Now look at
it an' see if I ain't right!"
Gregory stared at her as he re
moved the lid of the blue bandbox
and disclosed just such a hat as
mammy had described. It was a
trifle faded here and there, and it
Skillful Dentist Was Net Appreciated
by the Young Farmer of the
A New York dentist, having re
covered from a siege of illness, went
up to the Adirondacks for a season
of recuperation and rest. He got on
so rapidly that he decided to open
an office there for a few months and
combine business with pleasure. His
specialty was extraction of teeth, and
so much attention and study had he
given to this branch of his profes
sion that his fame soon spread, as
it had in New York.
One day a young farmer ramp into
the office with an ill-behaved tooth
that was causing him much mi.tery.
"Better have it out," was the den
tist's advice, so the yokel climbed
into the chair. The molar had a
curved root, and to extract it was
n difficult task. There would have
been real trouble had the man with
the forceps not Iwen past master of
his art. With a twist and a sort of
"unhooking" movement he had it
out in an instant.
"How much ?"gmnted the patient.
" Dollar." said the dental surgeon.
"A dollar! A dollar for a thing
Ide that!" howled the farmer.
"You're a regular robber. Why, old
I Ir, Ginks drags yer all over the floor
b.r fifty cent'"'
m m ii . i
She I felt very awkward in my
bathing suit. I felt that everyone
was watching me.
He And now you feel just as
awkward if they don't watch you, eh ?
The phosphate lands which a year
yt two ago were withdrawn from
entry for settlement by the federal
government constitute, it is said, the
greatest known phosphate deposits in
the world. These lands comprise
nearly the whole of Uinta county in
Wyoming and portions of Morgan,
I'ich and Cache counties in I tab
and of Bear Lake, Bannock, Bing
ham and Fremont counties in Idaho,
making in all about 7,500 square
miles of territory which is more or
less underlain by phosphate rock. Be
sides these vast natural deposits it is
pointed out that the gases from the
smelters at Butte and Anaconda,
which are very injurious to vegeta
tion, may be made to yield sulphuric
acid for the manufacture of super
phosphate fertilizers. Scientific
His Eyes Fell Upon the Blue Bandbox.
would set oddly enough on the wool
ly tufts of the old woman's bead.
She must have read his thoughts,
for all at once she broke into a mel
low laugh.
"Fcr de lan' sake, young man, you
don't think I'm goin' to wear that
hat ?"
"You said it was yours," said
Gregory, still more mystified.
"It's fo' my gal, Evaliua," ex
plained the woman proudly. "It was
give to me by Miss Helen, Judge
Mershon's daughter. I use to work
up to the big houso before Evalina
got a city job. I lives back in the
woods an' Miss Helen says to mo
this maw n in', 'Aunty, I've got a love
of a hat com in' from town this maw -nin'
an' on my way back from the
station I'll throw the bandbox as
near the path to your house us 1 can,
und you can come out and get it
and inside you'll find that blue for-git-me-not
hat that Evalina admired
so much. I'll wear that new hat
home myse'f. So you, sah, she STOfad
that blue hat to the station, and very
likely she tooked the new hut out of
the box and changed 'em, and she
flung the bandbox near my foot
path. When I come out you was a
racin' up the road like all possessed
with my new hat !" She threw back
her head aud laughed heartily, and
as Gregory joined her he was con
scious of another laugh, light, rip
pling and amused.
He turned, to find the little trap
drawn up beside them, and the
pretty girl an amused spectator of
the scene. Gregory removed his hat
und then, separately, and finally in
union, he. and Mammy related the
adventure of the blue bandbox.
Gregory would have liked to tell the
storv all over again mat to see her
lovely smile, and the double row of
jnarly teeth.
"As you are so wearied in my be
half won t you let me give ou a lift
I . i i v l-i J If- tl
i wn ruou : .tii-. ,ier-
iio!i politely as the black woman ' j certainly have
trudged away with her blue bandbox
m one tiami and dregorya crisp
greenback in the other
QvaM more the cart dipped up and
down the hilly road, ard with fVSfJ
revolution of the wheels Gregory's
heart beat faster, and the lovely fuc
of the girl hsaida him seemed to re.
spoiid to the magnetism of his voice
and vet thev spoke of the most I
commonplace things.
ii'i ii if i .a
synea tney auspoverai mat iiiey
had left the gates of I ' renland a
mile behind them. Gregory met her
When the king and queen of Eng
land, accompanied by the prince of
Wales and Princess Mary, were la
Wales recently they were entertained
at the home of Iiord Herbert Vane
Tempest, and while there each one
of the party planted a tree. When
it came the turn of the Princess
Mary she took the spade and worked
so energetically that she threw earth
all over her father and mother and
every one within the proper distance,
but she persevered until her tree
was planted.
a considerate
"How now?"
"Gave me a two weeks' vacation
and three days extra to rest up."
He (tenderly--Would you like
some Welsh rabbit?
She- No, 1 never cared for game
of any kind. Smart Set.
i urn
I ,'cei.t pe
startled glance and surprised in it
look of wonder, tu if she, too. bad
discovered a new and beautiful
society over at your
"How's the
hot.i r
"Very classy. I haven't heard auy
body mint ion less than $1.000,0 JO."