The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 24, 1911, Image 3

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    Nebraska Land & Auto Co.
I. C. McCorkli, Mfr.
Link Lowry. Supt. of Garage
We handle the fOXb cars and will sell you one
for list price. Will store and keep; furnish as
and lubricating oil; $15.00 per month; you run as
much as you desire. Storage for cars. (5.00 per
month. We sell all best brands of oil from 25 to
50" lower than other places.
fOVb cars are the most popular car on the
market and every piece in them is guaranteed by
the company during the life of the car. See us
before buying.
Only garage In western Nebraska
open day and night
Damage Amountinsto More Than
$150,000 at South Omaha.
Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley
All of the rivers and Irrigation canals are now running bank full.
The writer has just returned from an extended Inspection trip thru
the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley, where he found that the
fanners have all the water they can use for Irrigation; crops are accord
ingly very fine.
OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT. Money invested In Government Ir
rigated lands, Carey Act lands, or deeded lands in the Big Horn Bas
in, at present prices, is sure to bring large returns for the reason
that the farmers of this country are beginning to understand that
the Basin and Yellowstone Valley have an ample water supply and
that the water conies down from the mountains just at the time when
It Is needed for irrigation.
WOMEN, at Colorado Springs; October 16th to 20th.
Special excursion tickets will be sold October 11th to 16th Inclus
ive, from stations in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado and
Western Nebraska.
D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent
1001 Parnam Street, Om&h, Nob.
II - ,. whb w..aoni
BAhdo buCrto.: bttTS tfULLET
Fremont M.m Dares Wife's Affinity lo
Shoot and Latter Flrea.
Baring his breast to hie wife's al
leged Unity, Herman Warmer of ITf
mont shouted, ''Hefe'l my heart,
hoot if )pM dine, ' and fell with a bul
let In Ms side Fred Mathelsson. a
well known business man, known aa
the ' affinity'" of Mis. Wasmcr, held
an automatic revolver In his bund and
when Wasmcr made his melodramatic
challenge he pulled the trigger. Was
iner, who is g signal supervisor lor
the Union Pacific, resented his atten
tions to his wife and went with her
to the store to protest to Mathelsson.
The men quarreled Immediately and
Wasmcr pot the better of a physical
argument, which Mrs. Wnsmer wit
fiesscd. Matuelsson diew the revolver
from a drawer and shot Wasnier down
as he stood. Then he turned to a by
atanelcr nnd remarked, "1 wish 1 had
killed him."
Both Mrs Wasmcr and Mathelsson
are in the county jnil and a charge
of shooting with Intent to kill will
be filed asainr.t the man.
The sympathy of Mrs. Wnsmer
seems to be entirely with her lover,
and the hus'irnd, who will recover
from Ills wound, la forgotten.
Milk From Snake E.itten Cow Nearly
Proves ital.
Finery Marsh, living near Ayer, his
six -year-old son, and Uuby Digsley Of
Hastings were almost fatally poleoM I
by drinking, milk from a cow which
hud be n bitten by a rattlesnake.
Within two hours they became un
Oonactoua and were not revived for
over four hours.
The farmer was In the field plowing
when he was overcome, but managed
to mount one of his horses and turn
toward the house. Before the animal
reac hed the ham the man was con
vulsive and unconscious.
Two Drowned In Stream.
Curtis, Neb., Aug. 22 The twelfth
of the big August rains fell, causing
some dunes to the railroads and loss
of life as well. John Brown, aged
seventy years, a resident of Frontier
county, and Clarence Morrison of Wat
son, Mo., aged twenty-three years,
were drowned while attempting to
cross a swollen stream in a canyon
northeast of Stoekville. Morrison's
hotly was recovered a short distance
below, where it hail caught in a wire
fence. Brown's body was found a
half mile farther down the stream,
where it had finally lodged.
Rock Island Train Wrecked.
Floyd Oliver, hrakeman, and Carl
ICtter, fireman, were killed when a
Rock Island freight :i:ine crnshed
Into an open switch at Havelock
shortly before noon. The engine was
going At tie- rate or forty-five miles
p r hour and turned onto its side
tUiont 100 feet irom whore It wen'.
Wool Gill is Killed by Vote ot
227 to 126.
Hundreds of Alliance Readers Find
Daily Toll a Burden
Another car of Peters'
Loaded Shells just re-
We have the
Flames Spread to Stock Yards, En
tailing a Lose of $4,000 Fifteen
Thousand Spectators Gather Around
Burning Buildings.
Fire originating in the car building
and repair shops of the Cudahy Pack
lug company at South Omaha caused
a loss ot $.",ii."uii to the Cudahy piop
erty and less than $.",o 0 to the Union
Stock Tarda. The loss Is fully cov
ered by iHeumnee,
In the Cudahy plant the depart
ments destroyed or damaged by the
Names embraced an area of 375x150
feet. The car shop Is a total loss, as
is also the lumber and supply yards.
Two storage rooms and the car Icing
shed were partially destroyed.
In the Union Stoe k Yards tho
flames were confined to a mall .-.
of ardage. Including lour heg in-! .
The Origin of the Qro is Ul ( ot
It is thought pionable u the
of the plant tl .u a v an i
have combusted spt .. mi . .
Moat immediately ;'ft. ; cV i .. .
Cre had ; -road Into a ..o... i
tirtnes that leape.1 liv.;n hi-'. : '"
building and from i lu -J to B ...
ing up into a mighty wa i . ...
aootaod to defy the ciciu ....
Tin wind at the time WC.3 '...ov.eii
lot ty miles an hour, ... . e i ;. J .... i
the south, swe;;t the ftemea in the (i
rectlon of the new $so,oih ahi ep barna
of the Union Stock Tarda, l-or a few
minutes it appeared as u tho fire
would sweep the whole stock yards
district notwithstanding the united e;
forts of the city Are department and
the firemen of the different packing
plants, who turned their efforts to
wards keeping the flames within the
open ana south of the stock yards.
Twenty streams of water were turnea
on the new barns nnd the surround
ing pens and the fight was kept up
until the w ind veered to the east.
Vote Cast Last Week in Nebraska Is
Coming in at Last.
While the return of the votes cast
at the primary is Incomplete, It has
profree d tar enough to Indicate with
reasonable certainty the outcome.
Sixty nine counties have made reports
on supreme Judge 0B. the Republican
ticket. These cast 45,825 votes, and
the tabulation Of these shows that
Jndgea Rom and i.elton have been
endmloeted, while J-udge Francis Q.
(lamer has replaced. Judge Root
Indee Cobber is running ahead of
; Ho :t. bet tat enough behind l.i tton to 'over and snved himself, though he Is
make it certain that the latter Is re- badly Injured about the arms. a:i
Dominated. ! of the men are residents of Falrbui y,
On the Democratic aide the close , to which place they were going when
race betWC n Judge Albeit and Judge (the accident occurred.
Bterk has ceased to be so very close, j
StarV SKintn Mriftriently U make tils : Railroad Revem
nomlnrtion apparently sure. Judges l Tabulation b,
Oldham and Detn are the other win- llway cc
n-is on the Democratic- ticket, for j rut four mou
which 2fi,flTZ votes have heen tab- j i.oriod ot lour i
President Declares It Is Impossible ta
Tell What Articles Are Coverr J.
Tariff Board Had No Opportun y
to Report en Schedules.
After a long debate on a motlc tl
pass the wool tariff revision bill .
FtQQldilll 'i s veto. the house I I . 1
to pass Li. -I-.' naure by the nn.
twothlrdh 'he result being Ji. lo I
HI, This k " I'w wool bill.
President 'j'at. I message, vetoing
the farmers' fn i.nt bill, was read
In the house. The . eshlent declared
In bis message thai the hill was so
carelessly drawn that it w is uncertain
Just what ortlcles were covered by It.
He sharply criticised every s-ctlnn of
the bill and declared the la ! Age
too nmblglous to be practicable.
Mr. Taft objected to the principle
In the hill Which admits raw materials
tree ami keejis the mnehlnei i n
sary fo a finished product on the cluti
able list. Lastly, the preside nt be
his veto on (he fact that the tariff
iMiarcl had no opportunity to re; ort
on the schedule! affected by It.
Tho house failed to pass the tree
llr.t bill over the president's veto, tho
vote being 22fi to 127.
The Flood Smith statehood resolu
tion with the Arizona Judiciary recall
provision eliminated, and with changes
in New Mexico's constitution to make
It easier of amendment wns passed
by the senate. 53 to 8.
Head of Alleged Arson Trust Arrested
In Vancouver, B. C.
Word was received at Chicago of
the arrest of Oavld Korshack at Van
couver, U. 0.i who was named a the
lo ad of an alleged "arson trust" In
a confession made to Fire Attorney
Sullivan and the police by Leopold
Dreytua, president of L. Dreyfus &
Co., wholesale clothiers, who after
ward committed suicide by Bhooting.
Leopold Dreyfus and his brother,
l.aani Dreyfus, were arrested follow
ing an Incendiary fire that partly de
stroyed the company's store June 3.
They were questioned by the police
for hours, when Leopold broke down
and made a written confession in
which be admitted that the fire waa
Incendiary and secneed Korshack of
be ing the h' ad of nn "arson trust"
which Made a business of settinff fires
to buildings so Hint the owners might
recover the Insurance.
The huatle and worry of business
The hard work and stooping ot
. ..( art man's household cares.
Are too great a strain on the kid
neys. Hackacbe, headache, dizziness.
Kidney troubles, urinary tro lblee
An Al'lnnce citlsen tells you how
to cure them.
Mrs. I.niira Rleketts, 710 Missouri
Ave., Alliance. Nebr., says: "I can
highly recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills ns I conslet-r " .: equaled
for kidney trouble. I hail attacks of
;hls complaint for some time. Donn's
Kidney Pills, procured nt Pre! B.
Ilolsten's Drug Store, removed tho
pnin in my back and limbs and made
me feel better In every way."
for sale by all dialers Price B''
uenta. Foster -Mllhura Co., Huffalo,
Now York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Komember tho name -Dean's and
take no other.
load you want.
price in case lots.
j Newberry's Hardware Co. f
Fot railroad commlasloner on tno
Republican ticket, Hall is lending
p. ebe bj What appeara to be a asfe
pluratlty, while HarmaB has a almllar
lead ovc .- Tnree "n the Democratic
noon the shi n; Art Fuller, engineer,
Jumped beforo the engine toppled I Weteon Confoaeca He Held Up Over
land Limited.
A piiaonei In DenVaVf glvini; the
name pi 1'. M WataOn has confeaaod
tbal be With two companions held up
the . t: en Pacific Overland Limit
ed at Reeae, t'tah. e,n the night of
Jan. 1. when William Davis, a negro
porter, was killed and nearly 1"0
psaSengera were relieved or their
ralnSbb I,
According t-i police authorities,
Wataon aaya hla accompltcei w re
JM pb Collins Of Omaha and It. Id
, on Increase.
i. Powell ol the?
ion covering the
he year Tor tho
hOw that In tho
number ol cane ol what snippet w:tu
in lie- itate there WM a aUghl cle-
cresse, an Increcae la aumber of I Roberta of Mulle n, Neb. it ip stat'.d
tare Of HVC ItOCk :! ..n Increase OSlthSt Watson has confessed complicity
carload ; nd lea than esrioed weight!
Tabulations or freight received tor in
terstnte shipments show a eonsider-
l'or regent Ol the university on th able gain In revenue end the sale of
Dento ratlc ticket, Miller and Knapp
are :n the lend.
paeeenger tlcketa on intrastate
nt H shows a substantial gain.
Aslefp on Track When Switch Engine
Sends Car Over Him.
C. M., a print r, v.a run over
an-l kl .led in the I'niou Pacific yards
at Cuiuiubus
i'lin accident oceurred Ute
Bchreeder mllii where ihn awfteh "
Miiu e:rc w went to pick up a car. Tho
coupling did not inaiie and the car
was peahed e.,-t a short d. stanc e and
the switchmen uotlced that it ran
aver aumethlns. Thej made an exam
iimtion and dlacorered Duvis iyin:-1; uu
der th- trlle k. with both legs and oti-
arm cm orr and be wee in such a po
sition that the car had to be raised
with jacks befOf D could be removed.
in th robbery of the Oregon short
Line I in 1 1 Portland special three
miles , e. i of Otiden n the morning
of June il. ioio.
In Ihe Matter of the Application
of Casste D. Hall, Ounrdlan of tho
estate or Mlgnon M. Mall, Willis VY.
Mall and Vivian E. Mall, for Leave
to Sell Real Estate.
At the adjourned April 24. mil
term, to-wlt: July 26, PHI this cause
came to be heard upon the petition,
duly verified, of Cassle D. Hall,
(lunrdlan of the person and estate of
Mlgnon M. Mali, Willis W. Mall and
Vivian K. Mall, minors, for license to
Bell the following described real eB
tate, to-wlt: Southwest Quarter of
Section 27, Northwest Quarter ot
Section 26, and Southwest Quarter
of Section 2B, In Township 27 North,
Range 47 West, also West Half of
Section 1 in Township 26 North ot
Range 47 WoBt, In Box Butte coun
ty, Nebraska, for the purpose of re
investment and for raising funds for
the support, education and mainten
ance of said minors, nnd it appearing,
from said petition that said real es
tate consists of unimproved, wild
prnlrle lands situated In said County
of Box Butte, nnd that no Income Is
obtained therefrom;
that the next of k'n of Bald jnlnore
and all persons Interested In salt! es
tate appear beforo me nt Chimbera
In the court house In the city of
Rusliville, She rldan county, Nebras
ka, on the 2'ith day of August, lull,
at ! o'clock A. M., to show cause. If
any there be, why lie. use ;.lt:uld not
be granted to said Cassie D. Mall,
ionirc!i'ir s.'ll said real estate for
the purposes above set fort 1.
thai a copy of this order be pubiitth-e-.l
o.iee each week for three succeaa-
ive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a
newspaper printed and published in
said county of l!"X BUtte.
By the Court.
W, ii. whs rovi.;:, .ludgo.
Crop Report Shown Up Well.
Omaha. Aug. 22. The Burlington
railroad' weekly crop report shows
that nearly every point on the lines
west Of the Missouri river was visited
by rain, the precipitation running
from a trace to almost three inches.
The heavie st rain was at Arapahoe,
wberu the ralntall reac hed l' 75 Inches.
Potntoae are tenting out about half a;,.jvon through royal commission In
the heaee of lords.
v"hen the royal Baeent was aigpidd
the rrrni'.K ;n of the lower house
preaenl broke out In loud cheering. A
lemcnsttntion ;i! their purt had never
before been heard in th? upper chain-
Royal Asc;t Givci to Bill Recently
Forced Throtcjh House of Lords.
The veto bill limiting the pow. rs of
the upper chamber oer legislation
art Inattag in the British house of
commoi.s which resulted in one of the
most serious leglaletlve contlictB in
the history ol ihe country, la now a
l.w. the kit.'s assent there to he'.ug
cU a U k
He was alive when discovered, but
died just as In was being taken out. ,!ons the state where several rains
CMMJ and pastures an impioviug very
rapidly. Fall plowing is well under
. .ay and th. acreage of !a!l v.lieat to
Da aown Will he e qual to, if not great
i r than, last year.
Corn Crop Wiil Be Fine.
Practically a normal corn crop la
predicted by Prof. Montgomery of the i union Pri..tei place Can on Chinese.
University cr Nebraska lor those sec
.vl r
' 7 '
He was evidently a-!eep on the track, imve lately fallen The corn which Is
Iia is a wit- .unl tour grown JU8t now maturing and which in the
children He bad bee-u working B''
acrice and Ycnk for some time and
had returned home a le w clays ago.
Fifty-Nine Burt Pioneer3 Pass Away.
The memorial report ot the his
torian for he pi on oan, and iu set-
th rs reunion to he held at Tekamah
Heaa I, thows that tllty-iiine pion. en
and old sealers have died the pasi
year, some of the-m prominent people
with statewide reputations.
Cav 4 W. Burke Dead.
i David VY Burke, a pioneer of Cum
ins county, peaaed away at the hoane
of his son. Allen 0 Burke, in Bancroft
Mr. Burke w.:s well known ihiougboiit
Nebraska, coining heie at an early
I Age and taking a active part in pub
He affairs
Giltner Brnk Robbers Found Guilty.
The.:'--rasa B i Harr Forbes. John
Kvans i-nd Charfc TnyVtM for robbery
of t.. cm . : .- aanh of Olltnei was
I finished tmi i emitted to the Jury
A Her being "'it about forty minutes
the jury returned a rerdief of guilt;. .
The fates national Typographical
union in its convention at San
r'rnneisto caused a reoPit ion eg.
I eirmtdn as th" sense of the con
list two weeks has been much li ne . Vl.,.i(.,4 ,. a m. iubora of the union
litte d by showers, thinks tno agrieei-. . . . It.fl!H1, to patronize Chinese
tural college man. will be well tilled ;,,,ui, j,.s , re; i ai :iani s and nt her estah
out ard wIH re turn to the farmers j ishUU.,lt8 Uwi unions are author
iikiiv mot.- bmh'P than was pre die t- , . nn,.8 f0r violations
d by s unt- ot the more pessimistic ... , . , iV.(s s,.;e, ,, j uS convention
c ultivators earlier In the veaj
Charfled With First Degree Murder.
County Attorney Cook of Fremont
has fll"d before Justice Johnson an In-
ftrrmatinn chnrghtg i-ouis Kogers ami
Mrs. Caroline Itietsihe, the vaudeville
couple, with murder In the first legree
or the inlunt i on ml dead t.-n d..ys uno
la a box car near Colou. Neither
DOegera or his companion have engage J
counsel for their deteuse.
Registration Board to Meet.
Th- stallion i.'visf ut.oti board. . .un-
prUnii: Pint. II K Sll.i'll er the I'll:-
rsity or Kebreake, a Boat roan and
W. R tieHor, has aipoiuted Inspec
tors and tin WArfc Of bgapectlon will
be i nn:n en. , (i after lb state ralr,
wlifeh wiii be held iu Lineoln. Sept 4
lo 8.
e itv for till.
Allege-! Murderer Arrested.
Tlileed gereea the continent for
eighteen months by the brother ot the
i man the police say ue confesses to
' naviug killed. James Sullivan la now
in jail al Pot Hand, Ore., charged w ith
the b ath of I hennas Weeks III Kan
Ita CUV ! May, l!lit. Herman
,., ks, the brother, recognized Snl
ItVM o" the street Sullivan, the po
lice siy, declared he killed Weeks In
intf di -fense
Loses Wife by His Secrecy.
That during Ji yeari of married life
meat made to Judge Conb v at Los
Angeles by Mrs Cornelia Dyagf Parker
as the ei'lef reason for her suit for
divorce fioni Tbomas U Parker. The
decree waa .aultsd
State or Nebraska )
) 88.
Box Butte County )
In th Matter of the ttetute or Chine
Purintcn, Deccaecd.
I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of
Po Buttei county, Nebraeka, her by
not If al' persons having claims and
demands ftgn'uHt the estate of Chloe
Purintcn that I have sit and ap
pointed tbo -4th day of February,
lfi-. ut lo o'clock in the firtmoon.
at the County Court rcoru In Alli
ance, for the examination of all
c hums against the cututo of Bald de
e gent with a view te their allaw
knee and payment.
All persona interested aa creditors
of the said cat ate will present their
Claims' to me at said time, or show
ci.uce for not so doing, and in case
any c laima are not so piesented by
said time they shall be forever
but red.
This notice shall bo served by
publieatlon thereof for Tour consecu
tive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a
newspaper published in Alliance,
prior to tiie clay of hearing.
Given under my hand und the seal
ol said court this :ilst day of July,
ISealJ County Judge.
34 4t-ll'4
set the world to talking, but Paul
Muthulka, of Burtalo, N. Y., says he
always KF.KPS AT HO.MK the King
of all laxatives Dr. K tag's New
Ufa Pills and that the 're a bless
iiiK to all his family. Cute consti
pation, headache. Indigestion, dyspep
sia. Only lioc at F. J. Brenuau's.