Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" arc classified under appropriate heading for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cant per word each insertion. No ad received for lest than tan ccnta per inser tion. Black face double rata. CREDIT RATES One cent per ward each Insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for laaa than twenty-five centa and no ad charged far laaa than fifteen cents par week, lack face double rata. In answering Herald want ada please mention that you saw It In thla paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. I will take a few maternity cases at my home on West 2nd street. Phone 766. FRANCES DAN08. Red Cross Nurse. 31 tf 829 LEGAL NOTICE IX THE DISTRICT COURT OK ROX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Houses to Htf71sV TO RINT rent. Acheson Bros FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Modern furnished rooms, first floor, close in, to rent as follows 2 for light housekeeping;. 1 for one or two persons who wish to take their meals out. 3 for light housekeeping. M BAYER, 219 Yellowstone. Phone 529. .12 tf 845 Furnished Rooms for rent, modern. 809 Box Butte, upstairs. Telephone 216. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Some bargains In city property. Achcson Bros. 21tf715 ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDI8H Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Experienced lady stenographer de sires position In office. Address, Lock Box 351, Loup City, Nebraska. 33-2t-587 GARDEN PLOWING AND HAUL ING. For all kinds of team work, hauling and garden plowing phone 667 green. C. E. SIMPSON. 15-tf-648-2 Farmers, ranchmen and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buy flour, feed, poul try food and stock salt. 49tf294 S. Glldden has returned to Alliance and is ready to do all kinds of odd Jobs of work. Phone 266 Red. 39tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. Two furnished rooms for housekeeping. Steam heat. Tel ephone Red 426. Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3tf Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poul try food. Best goods. Prices right. ."ty deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg V son. Phone 155- 40tf294 McMillan, Piano Tuner at Threl keld's. Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's. 741-5t-23-tf ' W. V. Beal & Sons guarantee all their cement work. 82S-tf-30. . Dr. L. W. Bowman has secured an office in First National Bank build ing, upstairs, at end of hall to the right, east front rooms. Office phone 362, residence phone 16. NOTICES HOU8E CLEANING MADE EA8Y .Phone 139 and we will send out a man and vacuem cleaner cleaner to do your work without removing car pets from your floor. i5tf-647 GEO. D. DARLING. If you want first class painting or paper hanging, call E. C. Whlsman, phone 709. 818-tf 28 DESIRABLE CITY RESIDENCE In best part of Alliance, for sale, 2 lots, house and barn. Call at E. I. Gregg & Son's feed store. 26tf770 Estimates cheerfully furnished on all klndB of cement work. W. V. Beal & Sons. Telephone 3:!5 or 366. 82S-tf-30 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD GASOLINE STOVE for sale. Inquire at Colburn's store. 798 tf-26 In the matter of the application of Relnhold A. Klttelmann, guardian, of the persons and estate of Robert Klttelmann, Gerhart Klttelmann, Ed a Kittelmann. William Klttelmann. Paul Klttelmann, Pauline Klttelmann and Clara Klttelmann. Minors, for Leave to Sell Real Estate. At the adjourned April 24. 1911 term, to-wlt: July 26, 1911 this cause came to be heard upon the peti tion, duly verified, of Relnhold A. Klttelmann, guardian of the persons and estate of Robert Klttelmann, Gerhart Klttelmann, Eda Klttelmann. William Klttelmann. Paul Klttel mann, Pauline Klttelmann and Clara Klttelmann, minors, for license to sell the following described real es tate, to-wlt: the Northwest Quarter (NWVi) of Section Two (2). and Northeast Quarter (NE'i) of Section Three (3). Township Twenty-seven (27) North, Range Forty-seven (47). west of the 6th Principal Meridian in Box Butte County, Nebraska, or a part thereof for the purpose of raising funds for the support, educa tion and maintenance of said minors and for reinvestment, and it appear ing from said petition that said real estate consists of unimproved, wild prairie lands In said Box Butt? Coun ty, and that no Income Is obtained therefrom ; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the next of kin of said minors and all persons interested In said es tate appear before me at Chambers In the court house In the city of Ru8hville, Sheridan County, Nebras ka, on the 26th day of August, 1911, at 9 o'clock A. M., to show cause. If any there be, why license should not be granted to said Relnhold A. Kit telmann, guardian, to sell said real estate for the purposes above set forth. AND IT IS THEREFORE ORDER ED that a copy of this order be per sonally served on all persons Inter ested in said estate at least fourteen days before the date set for the hearing and published once each week for three successive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county of Box Butte. By the Court, ' W. H. WESTOVER, Judge. .14-1 26-4 1 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. See us before contracting any sidewalks or concrete work. Tele phone Ml or 366. W. V. Beal & Sons. 828-tf-30 LOST A lady's coat, from buggy at Checkered Front Barn. Please re turn to Mallery store. 2t .MRS. J. MANION. 82S-tf-30 The Co Operative is selling gro ceries the cheapest ever. In tli- Matter of the Application of Cassie D. Hall, Guardian of the estate of Mlgnon M. Hall. Willis W. Hall and Vivian E. Hall, for Leave to Sell Real Estate. At the adjourned April 24. 1911 term, to-wlt: July 25, 1911 this cause came to be heard upon the petition, duly verified, of Cassie D. Hall, Guardian of the person and estate of Mignon M. Hall Willis W. Hall and Vivian E. Hall, minors, for license to sell the following described real es tate, to-wlt: Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Northwest Quarter of Section 2d, and Southwest Quarter of Section 25, in Township 27 North, Range 47 West, also West Half of Section 1 in Township 26 North of Range 47 West, in Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, for the purpose of re investment and for raising funds for the support, education and mulnten ance of said minors, and it appearing from said petition that said real es tate consists of unimproved, wild prairie lands Hltuated in said County of Box Butte, and that no Income is obtained therefrom; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the next of kin of said minors and all persons Interested in said es tate appear before me at Chambers In the court house in the city of Rushville, Sheridan county, Nebras ka, on the 26th day of August, 1911. at I o'clock A. If., to show cause. If any there be, why license should not be granted to said Cassie D. Hall, guardian, to sell said real estate for the purposes above set forth. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of tills order be publish ed once each week for three success ive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county of Box Butte. By the Court, W. H. WESTOVER. Judge. 141 SS-M STRAYED OR STOLEN About June 15. 1911, from my pas ture, a mile and a half east nf Reno station: 3 mares, one roan and two grays. branded M on left shoulder. 4 geldings, four years old. branded "open box A"- on right shoulder. Also, probably several mares brand ed "open box A", on right shoulder. A reasonable reward will be giv en for the return of any or all of the above named animals, or Infor mation leading thereto. W. G. WILSON. Antloch. Nebr. sitnt4i SURVEYING FOR HOMESTEADERS J. P. Haxard. the surveyor, has been kept busy lately surveying for homesteaders In Morrill county. Ha Is well posted with the regulations of the Interior department relative to homesteads, and by being able to give prospective homesteaders re liable Information, as well as doing their surveying, he finds his services In great demand. Mr. Hazard finds that one of the Herald's Premluil Wall Charts will be very useful for him to have, and accordingly he pays his subscription to 1913, and takes the map. ACCUSED OF STEALING E K. Chamberlain, of Clinton. Me., boldly accuses Rucklen's Arnica Salve of stealing the sting from burns or scalds the pain from sores of all kinds the distress from bolls or piles "It robs cuts, corns, bruis es, sprains and Injuries of their ter ror." he says, "as a healing remedy it- equal doesn't exist." Only 25c at F. J. Brennan's. Leave yeur order at the Co-Op-tritivt. f hone 80 You can get the best there is In cement work when you give your order for the same to Beal A Sons. 828 tf 30 Dr. James P. Maxfleld, dentist, has a modern dental office with e lectrlcal equipment over Brennan's drug store. Read his card on first page of The Herald. 28 tf 805 TELL THE PEOPLE ABOUT IT If you have anything to sell; Or anything to rent; Or if you want employment; Or if you want help; If you have lost anything; If there is anything else in a business way that you want to let the people know about " Try a Herald Want Ad." Notices in The Herald's department of "Clas sified Advertisements" cost but little and bring good results. Rates: Five cents per line each insertion; five ordinary words or fraction thereof make a line. No ad received for less than 10 cents; no advertising account opened for less than 25 cents. Fill out the following and send to this office, with copy for the ad you want, plainly written : Date HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Alliance, Nebraska. Gentlemen i Please give the ad, for which I send herewith copy, insertions in The Alliance Herald. Inclosed find $ in payment for same. Name Jf Address LEGAL NOTICE Tall Us About it This paper can give all the local news only as our friends lend us their co-operation. If anyone visit you. If you contemplate leaving town, If you see or hear or do anything out of the ordinary day's routine, tell us about It, that we may tell the public. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI TION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUE OF ESTATE State of Nebraska ) ) ss. Box Butte County ) To all persons interested in the Es tates of August Mayer and Charles Mayer, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Mounts, executor of the estate of August Mayer, deceased, and as ad ministrator de bonis non of the es tate of Charles Mayer, deceased, has filed his petition In said court, the object and prayer of which are that a decree of distribution may be made of the residue of said estates now in his possession to the parties en titled by law to receive the same, and for an order for his discharge as such executor of the estate of Aug ust Mayer, deceased, and as sued administrator de bonis non of the es tate of Charles Mayer, deceased. You are hereby notified that said pt tit ion will be heard by the county judge at the county court room In the t'ity of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 14th day of August, 1911. It is ordered that a copy of this Order be published for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing in (he Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in salt! county. Dated this 25th day of July, 1911. Seal L. A. BERRY, County Judge Boyd and Barker, Attys. 33-31-121 HOME-MADE BREAD The new manager of the Alliance Cafe has opened a baking department and Is making a specialty on home made bread for local trade. CALENDARS FOR 1912 The Herald Publishing company will handle a beautiful line of calen dars for the year 1912. The main Una will be the products of the But ler Paper company of Chicago. Im ported calendars w ill also be printed. On account of the fact that it will not be necessary to pay commissions to traveling salesmen the prices are much lower than ordinary. The Co-operative pays the high est price for produce. HEMIN6F0RD The Co Operative Store, Alliance, is paying 17 cts. per dozen tor fresh eggs. Oeorge Hedgecock returned home from New Castle, Wyoming, on 44. Wednesday. Mi Hi and Mrs. Barney 8hepard drove over to C. C. Bhepard's, on Pine Ridge. Thursday, returning Fri day. Miss l .!. 8hepard returned with them for a short visit. Drs. Curtis and Iean were up from Alliance Thursday. John Mabln returned home from Omaha and other eastern points on 43, Thursday. I Miss Clara Nagelschnetder. who has been attending Junior Normal In Alliance, returned home on 43, Thurs day. Dan O'Keefe came In from the ranch In his auto Thursday, attend ing to some business mutters Miss Martha Schlaman, of Fort Morgan, Colorado, came In on 43, Thursday, for an extended visit with friends. Miss Hilda Jensen returned home from Alliance, Thursday, on 43. Mrs. Johnson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Woods, came In on 43 Thursday for an extended visit. Miss Marie Hanson came up from Alliance on 43 Friday. Oscar Rouse returned home from Iowa on 43 Friday, where he went to attend the funeral of his father. Mrs. Leora Rust In came over from Chndron on 44 Saturday Mrs. A. M. Miller went up to Crawford on 36 Tuesday morning to attend the Chautauqua. Alex Mulrhead and daughter. Fay, went up to Crawford on 43 Friday. as B. E. Johnson returned home from Sheridan. Wyoming, on 44, Saturday. Fred Mellck shipped a car of hogs, Friday. Mrs. Chris Hanson, who has been seriously ill for the past week, la reported as some batter at this writ ing. i Clarence Canfleld, Win. Cory and George Hedgecock autoad to Alliance Monday evening. Miss Carrie Bushnell was a passen ger to Alliance, Monday, on 44. Rev. Benj. Kuhler came in on 44 Tuesday from Gordon to conduct the funeral services of John Armstrong, which were held Wednesday at 2 p. m., at the Methodist church. Mrs. Ham Hall and four children came In on 43 Monday from Ixs An geles, California. Mr. Hall and the two other children will come later. Dr. McEuen was called out to Walter Weddle's, near Curly, Tues day evening, Mrs. Win. Fosket going out with him. J. F. Neeland, who has been quite sick for the past few weeks. Is some improved at this writing. Fred Davison and N. Frobnapfel helped 8. A. Clatterbuck drive the horses that he purchased In this vi cinity, over to Hay Springs, Monday. They returned Wednesday:- Don't Take It For Granted that just because you are in business, every b. dy Is aware of the fart. Your goods msy be the finest in the market but they will remain on your shelves unless the people are told about them. ADVERTISE if you want to move your merchandise. Reach the buyers in their homes through the columns of THIS PAPER and on every dollar expended you'll reap a handsome dividend. 43 after visiting friends In this local Ity for a few days. Misses Ambra and Hasel Jordan rt turned to their home Tuesday, at 8cottsbluff. after visiting their broth er and sister at this place. We are glad to learn that Miss Manchle Berry Is home Trom the pttal. Miss Agnes Wambaugh has visiting Miss Hulda Peterson for a couple of weeks. Ill Mrs. Hall, of Alliance, visited Wednesday and Thursday with Mapps J. C. Berry has been on the sick list for some time. J. W. Mapps bought six milk cows from John Snoddy. ', Several of the young people at tended Sunday school down south last Sunday. I AN IRRIGATED FARM VERY CHEAP I offer, for quick sale, eighty ac res of land three miles from Mit chell, Nebraska, under the govern ment Interstate Irrigation canal. This land, which lies very level. Is on the famous "Dutch Flats" and to very desirable for a home, lying, as It does one and one-half miles from the railroad and three miles fro the flourishing little city of Mitchell. As Is well known, the water right from the government canal Is the best In the country, the water being secured from the Pathfinder reser voir. In Wyoming. This land ilea close to land that Is selling for much more than the price asked. It baa had some breaking done and Is ready for the man who wants to make him self a home where Irrigation never fails and where there Is never a drought. Alfalfa, sugar beets, small grain of all kinds, fruit, potatoes, etc.. flour ish in the North Platte Valley. This farm will make a big Income for the man who will farm it properly. For full Information, price, terms. etc., write LLOYD C. THOMAS. I. Ingle. Wyoming. Miss Carney, from Seneca, la vis iting at the home of bar sister, Mrs. C. E. Debruler. Miss Grace Flckell, who has the past month in Ohio andother era points, returned home Sunday morning. She reports a very enjoy' able time. Dr. Boland's mother, Mrs. E. W. Boland, left for her home In Omaha, Monday morning. To a representa tive of The Herald she expressed herself as very much pleased with Alliance, and expects to spend the summer here next year. She thinks It la particularly pleasant here Id summer, on account of the cod nights which are so much different than they are In Omaha. She will receive a cordial welcome whenever she returns to this city. jqSU Xspang 'druapug A '"W pus oj naoq sum in ,1'qaq y CONDENSED NEWS rj Central Lumber Co. Building Haterial, Piles, Posts HEHINQFORD, and Coal NEBRASKA RENO Several parlies in this vicinity have begun haying. Misses l.ulu and Ruth Sturgeon of Alliance came out to their father's lunch to spend the remainder of their vacation The little daughter of William Showers was taken suddenly sick lust Saturday In Alliance, her ;ever rising to 1 04. Mrs. Alex Hoffland was visiting In Alliance the forepart of this week with Mrs. Maggie Beckwell. C. E. Mt-Pall and daughter, Mlna, were Reno visitors last Sunday. l.asl Friday afternoon Glenn and Hugh Mi I'. ill entertained ubout twen ty young friends at their new home at Keno. Mr. W. 0, Wilson brunded Monday ol this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenkrauz and fam ily returned to Alliance, Sunday on The American worships off the coast of Haiti began an active patrol of tae country's shores. John Y Kadcllffe, famous ss a hall player In the early '70s, died suddenly at Ocean City, N. J. An unidentified 'nan slut and billed Roy Coal . ,i in r V ek'et'.a, oka., and ait' i shooting Mrs. Boa' right three times, attacked her. Ruin ranging from a sprinkle to a cloudburst fell throughout cnttaluJ western Kansas. Many streams ar out of their banks A skeleton, almc.-t tr.tlre. but giv nj slight hope of Idontlfli: tlon, was dis covered on the berth deck of the wrecked battleship Maine. The deadlock between France and Oermauy over Morocco continues, bat France expects that a way will be found for a peaceful solution. Plar.s are under way for the merger into a single corporation of the many railroad companies which now make up the New York Central system. St. CioU Johustone, the Chicago aviator, broke the American endur ance records for monoplanes and bi plane when he remained in the air for four hours. Because be does not believe in the senate's method of taking testimony in investigations, Senutor Bailey re signed from the committee on priv ileges and elections. A coul famine continues all over Saskatchewan and Alberta. Practical ly no coal has gone into those two provinces from any field outside of that in which the strike prevails. W. Rose, engineer, was killed and Hugo Smith, fireman, was badly scalded when Chicago Oreat Western passenger train No. 5 was wrecked Just ou'sMe of Edgewater Junction, Mo. The train ran into au open switch.