The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 27, 1911, Image 4

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Published every Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
JOHN W. THOMAS. Editor and Mflr.
Entered at the postoffire at Alli
ance, Nebraska, for transmission
through the mslls a second-class
Subaoriptlon, fl 60 per year In ad
vance. THURSDAY, JIU.Y 87.
I hereby announce myaelf aa a
candidate for the office of county
treasurer of Box Butte county, sub
ject to the democratic and peoples
Independent prlmariea to be held
August 15. 1911. ISAAC ROCKKY.
20-tE 706
I announce myaelf aa a candidate
for nomination for County Treasurer
on the republican ticket, and If mini
inated and elected will give the of
fice my entire Hun- mid ut tent Ion.
1 respectfully solicit the support of
the republican electors of Hox Butte
county at the coming primary elec
tion, for the nomination for county
treaaurer. If nominated and elected.
I will give the office my entire at
tention. U. W. Hl'GHKS.
1 hereby announce, myself aa a
candidate for county treasurer, sub
ject to nomination at the democratic
primaries to be held August 16. mil.
of Box Butte county to become a
candidate for reelection to the of
fice of county co mm si f loner for the
econd district , I have filed for the
democratic and peoples Independent
nomination at the primaries to be
held Aug. 16. (111.
J 1'. .IKNHKN.
The democratic county convention
met at the court house In Alliance Saturday, pursuant to the call
ptevlously published In The Herald
W t, Rldgell called the convention
to order and on motion was made
chairman, and .loe I. Westover was
elected secretary. They did not
have much business to transact.
There was a good attendance, the
largest that has ever been at a dem
ocratic convention In Box Butte coun
ty for a number of years. William
Mitchell, M. V. Nolan. Isaac Rockey,
K. M Broome and W. L McNamara
were elected delegates to the state
((invention; alternates; Jno. W.
Thomas, ('. A. Burlew, Frank McCoy,
Geo. Snyder, C M. Cox.
The county central commute waa
elected as flolows: W. S. Kldgell,
CbatrmaAj .T. t Westover, set re
tary: Alliance, First ward, T. j,
Thrclkeld; Second ward. Geo Sny
der; Lake precinct, K. Reeves; Boyd,
Frank Bauer; Running Water, John
Jelinek; Lawn. JoeMuller: Wright,
F. L McCoy; Horsey, Frank Caha;
Nonpariel, Geo. Doffij liberty, John
Caha; Box Butte, William Uust, Sr.;
Snake Creek. Charles Tlernan.
I hereby aunounce myaelf aa a
candidate for the office of county
clerk of Box Butte county, subject
to the democratic and peoples inde
pendent primaries to be held Aug
ust :5. 1911.
K. M. Gregg called at The Herald
office yesterday to set himself a-
head on subscription, and gave us
some information that was quite In
teresting to us in regard to the Hol
8teln cows which he and his father,
E. (, Gregg, shipped out from Illi
nois last spring. K. M. Is living on
the Gaddls ranch, Bix miles south of
Alliance, where they have the cows
and are milking thirty four of them.
from which they get eighty gallons
ol milk per day, which they separate
and sell to the creamery. He In
forms us that he Is thinking of put
Ing In a silo this autnmer. He has
forty acres of corn which he will
make Into ensilage If he constructs
the silo.
I hereby announc? that I am a
candidate for re-elecilon to the office
of county Judge of Box Butte count
y. subject to the democratic and
peopie'8 Independent nominations at
the primary election to be held Aug
ust 15, 1911.
l neteDy announce myseir as a
can J (date for the office of sheriff of
Box Butte county, subject to the
demcciatlc and people's independent
not linntion at the primaries to be
held Aug. 15, 1911.
I wish to aunounce to the voters
of Box Butte count) that 1 am
candidate for re-election to the of
flee of sheriff of said county, sub
Ject to their nomination at the peo
pies independent and democratic prl
marles to be held August 15, 1911
Having been urged In many Iricnds
to become a candidate for sheriff of
Box Butte county. have filed for
the republican nomination at lite
primaries to be held August 15th
The support of voters is respectfully
I hereby announce myself us
'candidate for the office of count
coroner of Box Butte county, subjec
to the democratic aud peoples inde
pendent primaries to be held August
16. mi.
Farmers, Attention!
All farmers and ranchmen living in
he territory tributary to Alliance,
are Invited to attend a meeting to be
held at the city hall at 2 p. m., Sat
urday, July If, for the purpose of
considering the matter of holding a
purely agricultural fair this fall. The
directors of the company owning the
fair grounds adjoining the city have
offered to the farmers the free use
o' their grounds and buildings for
hat purpose.
Since J. S. Sherman left Alliance,
I'eter Rubendall has taken charge of
the management of the Hotel Alli
ance. He is furnishing the traveling
public accommodations second to
none and at popular prices, us will
be seen by his ltd In this Issue of
The Herald.
1 wish to announce to the voters
of Box Butte county that I aui a can
didate for re-election to the office of
county superiuteudmt. subject to the
democratic and nettles independent
primaries to be held August 15. 1911.
Having been urgently requested
by numerous voters and tax payers
Word was received here Wednesday
that Mrs. H H. Rogue's father had
died at his home In New York after
a prolonged Illness. Mr. and Mrs.
Bogue departed for New York on
Thursday morning. The Herald and
many Alliance friends extend their
sympathy to them In their great af
fliction. t'ootc Mulloy sold the greater part
of his stock last week to Messrs.
Bluin and Walker, of Grand Island,
who will ship them eaat. Mr. Mulloy
expects to leave for the Pacific
coast in the very near future to be
gene all winter.
. .
Mrs. M. K. Nolan left on 44 yes
terday for Omaha and points in la.
She expects to be gone about ten
Roadmasler J T. Byrne, having a
leave of absence, left Monday for a
trip to the coast
S K Warrick had business in Lln
ccln the latter part of last week.
A. D Waggy, of Broadwater, was
In our city one day this week solicit
ing the support of the voters of the
north end of Morrill county in be
half of his candidacy for the repub
lican nomination for treasurer of
that county. Mr. Waggy has the
reputation of being a nisn of ability
and merit, but we are notfamlllar
euougb with the politics of Morrill
county to know his chances for nomination.
Dr. Boland is enjoying a visit from
hlr. mother. Mrs. E W. Boland, of
Omaha She arrived Friday.
The concert given In the Elks club
rooms Wednesday evening was great -I)
enjoyed by all. Some splendid
selections were rendered and much
appreciated by the large audience
After the concert, a dance was given.
Mrs. Fay, who haa been visiting at
the home of John Hill In this city
for the past several weeks, returned
t her home In Iowa City, Wednes
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Fete Watson stopped
(n Alliance from morning till noon
Tuesday. They had been called to
Blencoe, Iowa, a week previous by
telegram conveying the sad Intelli
gence of the death of Mrs. Watson's
fi;ther, M. C. Ilogue. Mr. and Mrs
Watson reside on her ranch eight
miles north of Mitchell, although
I'ete has a ranch In Sioux county and
she has property In Mitchell. They
have many friends In Alliance and
will always receive a cordial welcome
In N
Henry Hopkins called at The Her
ald office yesterday to set himself
ahead on subscription. He Is very
well pleased with the prospects for
n good potato crop In this country
this year. We might also say that
he Is not the only one who Is please 1
with the outlook for potatoes. He
believes in doing business in a busi
ness like manner, hence ordered a
supply of letter heads and envelopes
The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Newberry was the scene of a very
pleasant social gathering Monday ev
ening, in the form of a surprise, the
occasion being their eighteenth wed
ding anniversary. Cards and dancing
were Indulged in during the evening,
and a dainty two-course lunch 'on
was served at a late hour. All ex
pressed themselves as having had a
very delightful time.
Miss Ready, sister of Mrs. John
Rrennan, who has been spending the
past week In the city, departed Tues
day morning for Michigan. Miss
Ready is a very able teacher in the
schools of Portland, Oregon, and Is
on her vacation. She expec ts to r
turn to Portland vis Alliance.
E. H. Boyd is In Lincoln this week,
being a delegate to the state repub
lican convention held there this
week .
Miss Lowery, of Chicago, Is the
guest of Mrs. J. R. Phelan. She will
remain for some time on the PhelaB
ranch, south of town.
John A. Easton, of Tecumseh, Ne
braska, arrived on the early train
this morning to remain until noon.
He has a quarter section of land
two miles west of Alliance which he
was looking after. He seems to be
well pleased with this country, and
as he wishes to keep posted on the
news frc m here, he called at The
Herald office and ordered the paper
sent to him.
While driving cows for Dennis
landrlgan in the west part of the
city this morning. Phillip Thomas,
the fourteen year old Bon of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Thomas, was thrown
from his pony and had his collar bone
broken. He went to tfefl residence
of Bart Young, where he remained
until the doctor set the bone, when
he was taken home. Although step
ped on by the pony, he sustained no
other serious injury than the broken
Some of the readers oi this phkt
may remember the newspaper ac
counts of the ptomaine poisoning of
six government civil engineers In
the Hlg Horn Valley last September,
two of them dying from the effects.
Mrs Edwnrd G. Bowles, widow of
one of the unfortunate engin.-ers.
with her little daughter, has been
stopping In Alliance the past few
months with her friends. She came
here from Denver. At the time of
his untimely death, Mr. Bowles had
considerable financial means invested
in mining interests, but t has since
been tied up by litigation. Mrs.
Bowles being an experienced millin
er, having formerly been In the em
ploy of Mai. vs. New York, decided
to engage in the millinery business
in Alliance for the support of herself
nnd child.
She opened a shop in rooms over
Saxton & Roach's meat market where
she had a fairly good t f de, but
found It would be better for her to
have a ground floor location. She se
cured the room at 405 Box Butte
Ave., formerly occupied by the Alli
ance Tailoring Company. Since mov
ing Into this new location she finds
a very encouraging Increase in her
t rade.
J. P. Hazard, the surveyor, has
been kept busy lately surveying for
homesteaders In Morrill county. He
Is well posted With the regulations
of the Interior department relative
to homesteads, and by being able to
give prospective homesteaders re
liable information, as well as doing
their surveying, he finds his services
In great demand. Mr. Hazard finds
that one of the Herald's Premiu
Wall Charts will be very useful for
him to have, and accordingly he pays
his subscription to ItlS, and takes
the map.
Sixty Years the Standard
Biking Powder
A straight, honest. Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder. Made from Grapes.
Makes better, more healthful food.
Sold without deception,
la food mast therefore set ma m
-rW. YmU Uni-nity.
Read the label.
Buy no baking powder unit
the label ahowe It to bo made
from Cream of Tmrtar.
The 24th annual convention of the
Northwestern Baptist Association
will be held In Alliance, Thursday to
Sunday, August 3rd to 6th. The
first meeting will be held on Thurs
day evening. The complete pro
gram of the convention will be pub
lished In next week's issue of The
The Co-operative pays the high
est price for produce.
Fully flodern Steam Heat
First-class Rooms at Popular Prices
50c 75c $1.00
Peter Rubendall, Prop.
JYl. D. Kimball. Hgr.
Open Day and Night
On west side of street across from
Burlington Station
A letter recently received from
John R. Beach, formerly The Herald
bookkeeper. Informs us that his ad
dress is 750 Broadway, Sheridan.
Wyoming. He Is very well pleased
with his position in the railroad of
fice at that place, and is getting a
long nicely. John ordered The Her
ald sent to him io keep him posted,
and of course arc are glad to put his
usme on our list.
Just as we are going to press, Joe
Bills calls at The Herald Dfftos to
inform us that there was a mistake
in the statement published in last
week's issue of The Herald, in re
gard to him getting hurt. He gave
us a full statement of the accident
which will appear in the next issue.
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell entertained a
number of her lady friends last Fri
day afternoon in honor of her niece,
Miss DeVoy, who has been a guest
at the Mitchell home for some time
Mrs. Dick Kenner was a Heming
ford visitor last week, visiting at
the borne of her parents.
Because it is the best
Because it is ground by a water power
and is ground out of the best wheat
It is ground even and every sack is ab
solutely guaranteed to be the same
And we sell it at the right price
A fresh car just in at the same old
$1.40 PER SACK
Get our price on 500 or more. Remember, flour has advanced. And don't
forget the brand, it is "GOLD COIN." Try one sack and use no other. Our
guarantee is if it does not give satisfaction bring it back and we will pay
you for your trouble.
We want your business
Bicknell Grocery Co.
Corner West of Postoffice Top Price for Produce
The independent delivery at all hours