t After all has been said about I i i a PI It still remains a fact that there is no better place to buy than at Geo. W. Duncan & Son THIRD STORE WEST OF POSTOFFICE, ALLIANCE John Snoddy, Pres., F. S. Showers, V. Pres. May Snoddy, Set and Treas. I NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency HT Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association NEBRASKA STATE FAIR IS AN EDUCATOR Object Lessons Which Explain and Educate at a Glance. mg&tmmm m mm mmm m mm I Keep cool in the kitchen I by using: a Quick Meal I Gasoline or Oil Stove. i Our stock contains rid many styles and sizes. Come in any time and look them over. Newberry's Hardware Co. i i I 1 i Whpn the State Fair, which orrure the first week in September enrh H'tiv, r mentioned, we often hear questions like this: "Hoes the Mate of Nebrnska have anything to do with this fair?' "Who pays for the land, improvements and premiums?" and many other surh kindred questions. The state of Nebraska holds title to 123 aeres of Innd adjoining Lincoln on the north on whloh the State Fair Is located In 1001 the Nebraska legislature passed a bill for the appropriation of 135,000 with which to purchase a site for b permnnent 8tate Fair ground. Of this amount, $18,000 was fixed as the limit bv the state board of public lands and buildings for the purchase of the present 123 acres. The cost of the tract, exclusive of the ten acres owned by the Ijncaster Agricultural society, was 122,300 After the state board of agriculture and the cltiiens or Lincoln had raised the balance of the money necessary for the transfer, rind secured the deed for the ten acres from the Lancaster Agricultural so ciety, this land was deeded to the state of Nebraska. During the year 1901 the balance of the original state appropriation, to-wlt: $17,000 and an additional sum of $4,371.85 furnished by the state board of agriculture, was expended on improvements necessary for the holding of a fair. The appro priations made by the various legisla tures to date are as follows: 1$01 (purchase or grounds) . . . .$35,000 1903 (ladles comrort building).. 3,000 1905 (live stock building) 10,000 1907 (cattle barn) 20,000 1909 (hnU live stock Judging coliseum) 50,000 1911 (repairs on grandstand)... 15,000 Total appropriation by state.. $133,000 In addition to keeping up repairs, premiums snd expenses of the State Fair, the lollowlng amounts have been placed In permanent Improvements upon the fair grounds hy the manage ment : 1901,, -n purchase or grounds (Lincoln cltlrens) $ 4,300 00 1901. perm'nt Improvements 4.371 85 1902. " " 4,71300 ;9i'3. " " 4.238 00 19u4. " " 668.76 ItW. " " 11,814 84 1906. M 4,248 26 9i'7. " " 33.000.00 1908. ' " 21.011.48 1909. " " 8,84000 tl, " " 10,960 00 Km th work 2,500.00 nrandstaml and sewer 10,000.00 Tement work 822 00 Turnstiles 997 00 Fntrancea 217 00 Total $122,701 19 Nebraskn Is practically the third ag rlcnltural state of the Fnlon and 1 third In greatest number of farm an imals Omaha Is also the third mar ket In the country for the number or snimalu handled, hence the Import ance of agricultural education Is of great vnlue to the cltiiens of Nebras kn. The great Incentives for this edu cation Is through the press (of whose lovaltv Nebraska Is extremely favor ed), the sgi (cultural school, farmers' institutes and at the places where the the object lessons Inspires our people to Rreater or more concentrated ef fort, such nn Inspiration as Is secured to the actual farmer by his attendance at the State Fair, where he can study the excellent tiiiallftcatlons or animals, fowls, crop production, scientific nia rliiuaty and such other object lessons which explain and educate at a glance. WhUo securing this education he Is iso entertained by the best contests f speed, four aeroplane flights each tiny (two aeroplanes manipulated by tiro aviators), the Llberntl Military band and (lintid Opera Concert com pntiy of sixtv-one people, seven rree vaudeville numbers, relay, roman char lot and hippodrome races, the Patter ton Carnival company, electric thea ters. fireworks and In fact all enter ininments which go toward the mak ibr of a urer.t fair. R 'member tba dates, Sept. 4 to $, 1911. ' ' ' s ' "v" '"'5 "" IJVE STOCK .irnc.iNo COLISEUM THE FIGHT FOR PURE FOOD Millionaire Corporations Determined to Sell Doped Foods With out Molestation DR. WILEY'S NOBLE FIGHT Whenever a public official has the integrity and bravery to call to ac count men and corporations who are rolling up wealth by schemes and practices that do the public an injus tice, that official may depend upon it that the special privileged fellows whose v, lubes he dares to oppose will get his scalp if they can and they usually can under an administration that depends upon them for cam paign tumls and support. Dr. Wiley, chier chemist of the Agricultural De partment, is one of a few department ofricials at Washington who have in recent years dared to stand ror the rights ot the common people, instead or submitting to the dictates of the powerful trusts. And now they are hot on his track. The following, from one or The Herald"s Washing ton correspondents, gives some light on the subject. In the last para graph or the following, we would change the statement. This whole affair shows how subservient the re publican party is to corrupt men and measures" to saying that it shows how subservient the standpat ele menl of the republican party is to corrupt men and measures but then In Washington the standpat element is looked hi "H as being the party. Attack on Dr. Wiley In the past few days President Taft has acquiesced in, if not actual ly approved the effort to remove 1 Jr. Wiley from the position of chief chemist of the Agricultural Depart neat. This afralr lias developed the greatest political sensation that Washington has experienced in more than a year. The great food tanners throughout the country were, betore i lie pure rood law was enacted, ex tensive users or poisonous preserva tlves In their canned goods. Dr. Wil ey. as chief chemist or the Agricul tural Department and thererore ex ecutive or the pure rood law, has been relentless in his right ror pure rood and be has struck sledge ham mer blows at lood adulterators and users or poison us preservatives wherever he round them. Cause of the Attack These tood manufacturers, whiili include meat canners of Chicago and elsewhere and vegetable and fruit eanners all ov r il country, are anxious to have Lr. Wiley removed as they have power enough with the republican party to name "their own man" as his successor. They would then have no difficulty whatever with our pure food laws as they would own the judge, so to speak The Standard Oil Company and other great companies do not care very much what kind or laws we pass, be cause they are the ones, who through I our presidents, always name the judge who nullities the laws and l?ts the corporations escape rines. The charge against Dr. Wiley is that he permitted a chemical expert assist ant to draw a little larger salary than was authorized by law. Even this is tar retched. The law authorizes Dr. Wiley to pay $1,600 a year ror an expert assistant, but the ract Is, expert chemists cannot be had ror such a price as that. So Dr. Wiley appointed Dr. Rusby or New York as his assistant at $1,600 per year, with the understanding that Dr. Rusby would receive $20 pet day ror the work that he did in the labpratory; and under this arrange ment he would not be working more tlian a part of the time, but would draw $20 per duy out or the $1,600 per annum when he did work. Dr. Wiley's department was Investigated by Attorney Ceneral Wickersham. and he recommended that Dr. Wiley he permitted to resign. The fact of the matter Is, the whole at fair was trumped up to scare Dr. Wiley into resigning. But those who thought lie would resign have another guess com ing to them. Dr. Wiley has rendered the greatest service to this country ot any man alive today, and the ef fort which was made to oust him re sulted in letters pouring Into the White House by the thousands. This whole at fair shown how nub M i vient the republican party Is to eorrupt men and measures The tood ' atiners or course will be heavy eon m.I, mors to the republican can paign rund next year If Wiley la flr d, and Tart is willing, ir public opln ion ran be hushed up. But it cannot be. PARSON'S POEM A GEM From Rev. H. Stubeuvol'.. Allison. la., in praise or Dr. King's New Lire Hills. They're such a health necessity, In every home these pills should be If other kinds you've tried in vain. USE DR. KING'S and be well a gain. Only 25c at F. J. Brenr.au's drug store. Alliance, Saturday, Aug. 5 The Biggest Show in all the World RINGL1NGBF cage's ofXUI AST &50 HORSESylV WILD IEASTsXKX Xf 1280 PERSONS A xs 40 Elff HANTS 3A frV 500 ooii m mtyyjkii acres mtentsx CAPITAL INVESTED f t OvV 0) 78nn M, .,,mgg2 (rViTfjO.Aiin.', Jose-yx- PHlNWfiJ-TW,. CimPpTlFUL RIDER 60 ACROBATS AND THE BONESETTIS 60 AERIAUSTS AND THE ALEXIS FAMILY 60 RIDER S T H E BUTTON TINY TOW TINKER SMALLEST ELEPHANT VAJ1 I mti I aaadaw .slw LW AMERICA aTaTT IT W EMERY'S TROUPE OF ACTING BABY ELEPHANTS Tnnilf" doc I UyUt ACROBAT AND SOMERSAULT RIDER WIZARD I OFTMr stVrIRE "Li-. IN THE WORLD mll AW Li IN ALL Th WORLD the GREATEST DOORt OPEN AT I AND 7 P. M. ffOPrMAWCK BEGIN at 2 and 8 P. M. ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO ALL lOMiuPFtersi under la ajsq (T-vN U1W ' ri I j .i j i i ii i r. tsi 1ZS Admusion tickets and nuwitrtil titmitf Matt will be on tafa show day Ir MOISTEN $ DRUG STORE at aiactli the tama price charged in tna rafular ticket wagons en the shew grounds PUBLIC SALE At my place on aw aac. 17, 25-49, 11 milea from Alliance, 2 mllea weat of Haahman'a, and 12 milea aouth of Hemingford. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd AT 10 A. M. 8HARP FREE LUNCH AT NOON 23 HEAD OF CATTLE 25 8 milch cows from 3 to 6 yeara old, all milking, 3 will come fresh In November. 1 Red Poll bull coming 3 year-old. 16 head of young atock, ateera and heifera from 5 mo. to coming 2-year-old heifera with calvea. HEAD OF HORSES 2 Brood marea, 2 yearling mare colta, 2 3-year-old horae colta, broke. FARM MACHINERY 1 3'4 Bane wagon, 1 cultivator, 1 hay tato digger, 1 cream aeparator, and othe rake, 1 diac, 1 drag plow, po- r articles too numerous to men tion. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Including 1 telephone, 1 sewing machin thing will be aold as I will take nothing About three dozen hens and lot of ground and standing hay, 40 or 50 tone TERMS. All sums $10 and under, cash; per cent intereat on bankable paper, or H. P. Goursey, Auctioneer Ed Marks, Clerk e, cook stove, carpeta, every- with me. small chicks, all crops in the will be aold. over $10, 6 months time at 10 2 per cent for caah. F. j. TURNER, Owner Central Lumber Co. Building: Hatsrial, Piles, Posts HEniNQFORD, and Coal Nebraska 11 laaJi Mrriirlr v-' -MMBHBBtSnBBBtBtBtBtBtB BBMVS". T, V aSnaPSlBJBSJtaa- - aaaaaaaaaaw m ! nana a' i BflBBBSBaBSBBflfceBHBHBBBBHeSkto Office W 1 in-iirinsaf Si t usati i ssaialan Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. JOHN GARRETT .Successor ta Frank Wallace Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Raa. phone 5S3